Communes of Chile

There are 346 communes in Chile. A commune is the most basic administration unit in the country. They belong to one of the 54 provinces of Chile.


Name Province Region Area Population Density Human Development Index
15101Arica Coat of arms of Arica Arica Flag of the Region of Arica and Parinacota Arica and Parinacota 4.799,4 181.932 37,9 0,736
15102Camarones Coat of arms of Camarones Arica Flag of the Region of Arica and Parinacota Arica and Parinacota 3.927,0 1.592 0,4 0,751
15201Putre Coat of arms of Putre Parinacota Flag of the Region of Arica and Parinacota Arica and Parinacota 5.902,5 1.381 0,2 0,707
15202General Lagos Coat of arms of General Lagos Parinacota Flag of the Region of Arica and Parinacota Arica and Parinacota 2.244,4 1.242 0,6 0,670
01101Iquique Coat of arms of Iquique Iquique Flag of the Region of Tarapacá Tarapacá 2.242,1 184.838 82,4 0,766
01107Alto Hospicio Coat of arms of Alto Hospicio Iquique Flag of the Region of Tarapacá Tarapacá 593,2 85.042 143,4
01401Pozo Almonte Coat of arms of Pozo Almonte Tamarugal Flag of the Region of Tarapacá Tarapacá 13.765,8 16.126 1,2 0,722
01402Camiña Coat of arms of Camiña Tamarugal Flag of the Region of Tarapacá Tarapacá 2.200,2 1.053 0,5 0,619
01403Colchane Coat of arms of Colchane Tamarugal Flag of the Region of Arica and Parinacota Arica and Parinacota 4.015,6 1.647 0,4 0,603
01404Huara Coat of arms of Huara Tamarugal Flag of the Region of Tarapacá Tarapacá 10.474,6 3.232 0,3 0,676
01405Pica Coat of arms of Pica Tamarugal Flag of the Region of Tarapacá Tarapacá 8.934,3 15.488 1,7 0,793
02101Antofagasta Coat of arms of Antofagasta Antofagasta Flag of the Region of Antofagasta Antofagasta 30.718,1 360.743 11,7 0,734
02102Mejillones Coat of arms of Mejillones Antofagasta Flag of the Region of Antofagasta Antofagasta 3.803,9 10.605 2,8 0,730
02103Sierra Gorda Coat of arms of Sierra Gorda Antofagasta Flag of the Region of Antofagasta Antofagasta 12.886,4 3.474 0,3 0,789
02104Taltal Coat of arms of Taltal Antofagasta Flag of the Region of Antofagasta Antofagasta 20.405,1 10.779 0,5 0,716
02201Calama Coat of arms of Calama El Loa Flag of the Region of Antofagasta Antofagasta 15.596,9 148.078 9,5 0,757
02202Ollagüe Coat of arms of Ollagüe El Loa Flag of the Region of Antofagasta Antofagasta 2.963,9 251 0,1 0,679
02203San Pedro de Atacama Coat of arms of San Pedro de Atacama El Loa Flag of the Region of Antofagasta Antofagasta 23.438,8 8.367 0,4 0,711
02301Tocopilla Coat of arms of Tocopilla Tocopilla Flag of the Region of Antofagasta Antofagasta 4.038,8 21.921 5,4 0,690
02302María Elena Coat of arms of María Elena Tocopilla Flag of the Region of Antofagasta Antofagasta 12.197,2 4.214 0,3 0,779
03101Copiapó Coat of arms of Copiapó Copiapó Flag of the Region of Atacama Atacama 16.681,3 158.081 9,5 0,725
03102Caldera Coat of arms of Caldera Copiapó Flag of the Region of Atacama Atacama 4.666,6 15.026 3,2 0,741
03103Tierra Amarilla Coat of arms of Tierra Amarilla Copiapó Flag of the Region of Atacama Atacama 11.190,6 13.830 1,2 0,686
03201Chañaral Coat of arms of Chañaral Chañaral Flag of the Region of Atacama Atacama 5.772,4 12.953 2,2 0,714
03202Diego de Almagro Coat of arms of Diego de Almagro Chañaral Flag of the Region of Atacama Atacama 18.663,8 12.791 0,7 0,789
03301Vallenar Coat of arms of Vallenar Huasco Flag of the Region of Atacama Atacama 7.083,7 47.091 6,6 0,731
03302Alto del Carmen Coat of arms of Alto del Carmen Huasco Flag of the Region of Atacama Atacama 5.938,7 4.839 0,8 0,664
03303Freirina Coat of arms of Freirina Huasco Flag of the Region of Atacama Atacama 3.577,7 5.879 1,6 0,693
03304Huasco Coat of arms of Huasco Huasco Flag of the Region of Atacama Atacama 1.601,4 8.025 5,0 0,695
04101La Serena Coat of arms of La Serena Elqui Flag of the Region of Coquimbo Coquimbo 1.892,8 205.015 108,3 0,781
04102Coquimbo Coat of arms of Coquimbo Elqui Flag of the Region of Coquimbo Coquimbo 1.429,3 206.094 144,2 0,731
04103Andacollo Coat of arms of Andacollo Elqui Flag of the Region of Coquimbo Coquimbo 310,3 8.805 28,4 0,675
04104La Higuera Coat of arms of La Higuera Elqui Flag of the Region of Coquimbo Coquimbo 4.158,2 3.923 0,9 0,670
04105Paiguano Coat of arms of Paiguano Elqui Flag of the Region of Coquimbo Coquimbo 1.494,7 4.486 3,0 0,734
04106Vicuña Coat of arms of Vicuña Elqui Flag of the Region of Coquimbo Coquimbo 7.609,8 26.228 3,4 0,716
04201Illapel Coat of arms of Illapel Choapa Flag of the Region of Coquimbo Coquimbo 2.629,1 31.375 11,9 0,667
04202Canela Coat of arms of Canela Choapa Flag of the Region of Coquimbo Coquimbo 2.196,6 8.673 3,9 0,644
04203Los Vilos Coat of arms of Los Vilos Choapa Flag of the Region of Coquimbo Coquimbo 1.860,6 18.727 10,1 0,675
04204Salamanca Coat of arms of Salamanca Choapa Flag of the Region of Coquimbo Coquimbo 3.445,3 25.633 7,4 0,676
04301Ovalle Coat of arms of Ovalle Limarí Flag of the Region of Coquimbo Coquimbo 3.834,5 110.141 28,7 0,725
04302Combarbalá Coat of arms of Combarbalá Limarí Flag of the Region of Coquimbo Coquimbo 1.895,9 12.484 6,6 0,661
04303Monte Patria Coat of arms of Monte Patria Limarí Flag of the Region of Coquimbo Coquimbo 4.366,3 31.986 7,3 0,653
04304Punitaqui Coat of arms of Punitaqui Limarí Flag of the Region of Coquimbo Coquimbo 1.339,3 10.318 7,7 0,653
04305Río Hurtado Coat of arms of Río Hurtado Limarí Flag of the Region of Coquimbo Coquimbo 2.117,2 4.481 2,1 0,653
05101Valparaíso Coat of arms of Valparaíso Valparaíso Flag of the Region of Valparaíso Valparaíso 401,6 273.543 681,1 0,701
05102Casablanca Coat of arms of Casablanca Valparaíso Flag of the Region of Valparaíso Valparaíso 952,5 28.443 29,9 0,712
05103Concón Coat of arms of Concón Valparaíso Flag of the Region of Valparaíso Valparaíso 76,0 53.944 709,8 0,781
05104Juan Fernández Coat of arms of Juan Fernández Valparaíso Flag of the Region of Valparaíso Valparaíso 147,5 817 5,5 0,744
05105Puchuncaví Coat of arms of Puchuncaví Valparaíso Flag of the Region of Valparaíso Valparaíso 299,9 15.692 52,3 0,734
05107Quintero Coat of arms of Quintero Valparaíso Flag of the Region of Valparaíso Valparaíso 147,5 25.054 169,9 0,733
05109Viña del Mar Coat of arms of Viña del Mar Valparaíso Flag of the Region of Valparaíso Valparaíso 121,6 291.760 2.399,3 0,766
05201Isla de Pascua Coat of arms of Isla de Pascua Isla de Pascua Flag of the Region of Valparaíso Valparaíso 163,6 4.781 29,2 0,715
05301Los Andes Coat of arms of Los Andes Los Andes Flag of the Region of Valparaíso Valparaíso 1.248,3 72.661 58,2 0,756
05302Calle Larga Coat of arms of Calle Larga Los Andes Flag of the Region of Valparaíso Valparaíso 321,7 11.043 34,3 0,706
05303Rinconada Coat of arms of Rinconada Los Andes Flag of the Region of Valparaíso Valparaíso 122,5 7.814 63,8 0,691
05304San Esteban Coat of arms of San Esteban Los Andes Flag of the Region of Valparaíso Valparaíso 1.361,6 16.988 12,5 0,732
05401La Ligua Coat of arms of La Ligua Petorca Flag of the Region of Valparaíso Valparaíso 1.163,4 37.162 31,9 0,708
05402Cabildo Coat of arms of Cabildo Petorca Flag of the Region of Valparaíso Valparaíso 1.455,3 20.735 14,2 0,671
05403Papudo Coat of arms of Papudo Petorca Flag of the Region of Valparaíso Valparaíso 165,6 5.411 32,7 0,734
05404Petorca Coat of arms of Petorca Petorca Flag of the Region of Valparaíso Valparaíso 1.516,6 9.754 6,4 0,696
05405Zapallar Coat of arms of Zapallar Petorca Flag of the Region of Valparaíso Valparaíso 288,0 6.918 24,0 0,743
05501Quillota Coat of arms of Quillota Quillota Flag of the Region of Valparaíso Valparaíso 302,0 86.160 285,3 0,726
05502Calera Coat of arms of Calera Quillota Flag of the Region of Valparaíso Valparaíso 60,5 54.252 896,7 0,700
05503Hijuelas Coat of arms of Hijuelas Quillota Flag of the Region of Valparaíso Valparaíso 267,2 18.495 69,2 0,672
05504La Cruz Coat of arms of La Cruz Quillota Flag of the Region of Valparaíso Valparaíso 78,2 15.427 197,3 0,763
05506Nogales Coat of arms of Nogales Quillota Flag of the Region of Valparaíso Valparaíso 405,2 25.397 62,7 0,689
05601San Antonio Coat of arms of San Antonio San Antonio Flag of the Region of Valparaíso Valparaíso 404,5 97.467 241,0 0,697
05602Algarrobo Coat of arms of Algarrobo San Antonio Flag of the Region of Valparaíso Valparaíso 175,6 12.135 69,1 0,722
05603Cartagena Coat of arms of Cartagena San Antonio Flag of the Region of Valparaíso Valparaíso 245,9 23.366 95,0 0,708
05604El Quisco Coat of arms of El Quisco San Antonio Flag of the Region of Valparaíso Valparaíso 50,7 14.034 276,8 0,745
05605El Tabo Coat of arms of El Tabo San Antonio Flag of the Region of Valparaíso Valparaíso 98,8 10.468 106,0 0,747
05606Santo Domingo Coat of arms of Santo Domingo San Antonio Flag of the Region of Valparaíso Valparaíso 536,1 8.799 16,4 0,751
05701San Felipe Coat of arms of San Felipe San Felipe de Aconcagua Flag of the Region of Valparaíso Valparaíso 185,9 75.412 405,7 0,730
05702Catemu Coat of arms of Catemu San Felipe de Aconcagua Flag of the Region of Valparaíso Valparaíso 361,6 13.165 36,4 0,669
05703Llaillay Coat of arms of Llaillay San Felipe de Aconcagua Flag of the Region of Valparaíso Valparaíso 349,1 23.379 67,0 0,676
05704Panquehue Coat of arms of Panquehue San Felipe de Aconcagua Flag of the Region of Valparaíso Valparaíso 121,9 7.368 60,4 0,696
05705Putaendo Coat of arms of Putaendo San Felipe de Aconcagua Flag of the Region of Valparaíso Valparaíso 1.474,4 16.771 11,4 0,674
05706Santa María Coat of arms of Santa María San Felipe de Aconcagua Flag of the Region of Valparaíso Valparaíso 166,3 14.342 86,2 0,699
05801Quilpué Coat of arms of Quilpué Marga Marga Flag of the Region of Valparaíso Valparaíso 536,9 155.318 289,3 0,752
05802Limache Coat of arms of Limache Marga Marga Flag of the Region of Valparaíso Valparaíso 293,8 44.526 151,6 0,722
05803Olmué Coat of arms of Olmué Marga Marga Flag of the Region of Valparaíso Valparaíso 231,8 15.800 68,2 0,701
05804Villa Alemana Coat of arms of Villa Alemana Marga Marga Flag of the Region of Valparaíso Valparaíso 96,5 125.275 1.298,2 0,755
06101Rancagua Coat of arms of Rancagua Cachapoal Flag of the Region of O'Higgins O'Higgins 260,3 242.833 932,9 0,732
06102Codegua Coat of arms of Codegua Cachapoal Flag of the Region of O'Higgins O'Higgins 286,9 12.309 42,9 0,706
06103Coinco Coat of arms of Coinco Cachapoal Flag of the Region of O'Higgins O'Higgins 98,2 7.051 71,8 0,678
06104Coltauco Coat of arms of Coltauco Cachapoal Flag of the Region of O'Higgins O'Higgins 224,7 17.373 77,3 0,644
06105Doñihue Coat of arms of Doñihue Cachapoal Flag of the Region of O'Higgins O'Higgins 78,2 19.678 251,6 0,685
06106Graneros Coat of arms of Graneros Cachapoal Flag of the Region of O'Higgins O'Higgins 112,7 29.928 265,6 0,691
06107Las Cabras Coat of arms of Las Cabras Cachapoal Flag of the Region of O'Higgins O'Higgins 749,2 23.059 30,8 0,661
06108Machalí Coat of arms of Machalí Cachapoal Flag of the Region of O'Higgins O'Higgins 2.586,0 34.243 13,2 0,730
06109Malloa Coat of arms of Malloa Cachapoal Flag of the Region of O'Higgins O'Higgins 112,6 13.657 121,3 0,649
06110Mostazal Coat of arms of Mostazal Cachapoal Flag of the Region of O'Higgins O'Higgins 523,9 25.816 49,3 0,691
06111Olivar Coat of arms of Olivar Cachapoal Flag of the Region of O'Higgins O'Higgins 44,6 13.743 308,1 0,661
06112Peumo Coat of arms of Peumo Cachapoal Flag of the Region of O'Higgins O'Higgins 153,1 15.209 99,3 0,674
06113Pichidegua Coat of arms of Pichidegua Cachapoal Flag of the Region of O'Higgins O'Higgins 320,0 19.071 59,6 0,652
06114Quinta de Tilcoco Coat of arms of Quinta de Tilcoco Cachapoal Flag of the Region of O'Higgins O'Higgins 93,2 12.014 128,9 0,678
06115Rengo Coat of arms of Rengo Cachapoal Flag of the Region of O'Higgins O'Higgins 591,5 59.240 100,2 0,680
06116Requínoa Coat of arms of Requínoa Cachapoal Flag of the Region of O'Higgins O'Higgins 673,3 25.379 37,7 0,668
06117San Vicente Coat of arms of San Vicente Cachapoal Flag of the Region of O'Higgins O'Higgins 475,8 46.071 96,8 0,694
06201Pichilemu Coat of arms of Pichilemu Cardenal Caro Flag of the Region of O'Higgins O'Higgins 749,1 14.505 19,4 0,677
06202La Estrella Cardenal Caro Flag of the Region of O'Higgins O'Higgins 435,0 4.677 10,8 0,696
06203Litueche Coat of arms of Litueche Cardenal Caro Flag of the Region of O'Higgins O'Higgins 618,8 5.608 9,1 0,645
06204Marchihue Coat of arms of Marchihue Cardenal Caro Flag of the Region of O'Higgins O'Higgins 659,9 7.635 11,6 0,670
06205Navidad Coat of arms of Navidad Cardenal Caro Flag of the Region of O'Higgins O'Higgins 300,4 5.465 18,2 0,651
06206Paredones Coat of arms of Paredones Cardenal Caro Flag of the Region of O'Higgins O'Higgins 561,6 6.815 12,1 0,628
06301San Fernando Coat of arms of San Fernando Colchagua Flag of the Region of O'Higgins O'Higgins 2.441,3 71.738 29,4 0,725
06302Chépica Coat of arms of Chépica Colchagua Flag of the Region of O'Higgins O'Higgins 503,4 13.845 27,5 0,637
06303Chimbarongo Coat of arms of Chimbarongo Colchagua Flag of the Region of O'Higgins O'Higgins 497,9 34.384 69,1 0,674
06304Lolol Coat of arms of Lolol Colchagua Flag of the Region of O'Higgins O'Higgins 596,9 6.554 11,0 0,628
06305Nancagua Coat of arms of Nancagua Colchagua Flag of the Region of O'Higgins O'Higgins 111,3 17.110 153,7 0,665
06306Palmilla Coat of arms of Palmilla Colchagua Flag of the Region of O'Higgins O'Higgins 237,3 11.655 49,1 0,676
06307Peralillo Coat of arms of Peralillo Colchagua Flag of the Region of O'Higgins O'Higgins 282,6 10.419 36,9 0,653
06308Placilla Coat of arms of Placilla Colchagua Flag of the Region of O'Higgins O'Higgins 146,9 8.470 57,7 0,621
06309Pumanque Coat of arms of Pumanque Colchagua Flag of the Region of O'Higgins O'Higgins 440,9 3.191 7,2 0,635
06310Santa Cruz Coat of arms of Santa Cruz Colchagua Flag of the Region of O'Higgins O'Higgins 419,5 36.061 86,0 0,719
07101Talca Coat of arms of Talca Talca Flag of the Region of Maule Maule 231,5 238.817 1.031,6 0,731
07102Constitución Coat of arms of Constitución Talca Flag of the Region of Maule Maule 1.343,6 53.139 39,5 0,715
07103Curepto Coat of arms of Curepto Talca Flag of the Region of Maule Maule 1.073,8 9.779 9,1 0,644
07104Empedrado Coat of arms of Empedrado Talca Flag of the Region of Maule Maule 564,9 4.076 7,2 0,637
07105Maule Coat of arms of Maule Talca Flag of the Region of Maule Maule 238,2 20.695 86,9 0,681
07106Pelarco Coat of arms of Pelarco Talca Flag of the Region of Maule Maule 331,5 7.034 21,2 0,653
07107Pencahue Coat of arms of Pencahue Talca Flag of the Region of Maule Maule 956,8 9.021 9,4 0,649
07108Río Claro Coat of arms of Río Claro Talca Flag of the Region of Maule Maule 430,5 13.032 30,3 0,671
07109San Clemente Coat of arms of San Clemente Talca Flag of the Region of Maule Maule 4.503,5 38.919 8,6 0,659
07110San Rafael Coat of arms of San Rafael Talca Flag of the Region of Maule Maule 263,5 8.309 31,5 0,629
07201Cauquenes Coat of arms of Cauquenes Cauquenes Flag of the Region of Maule Maule 2.126,3 42.711 20,1 0,656
07202Chanco Coat of arms of Chanco Cauquenes Flag of the Region of Maule Maule 529,5 9.603 18,1 0,612
07203Pelluhue Coat of arms of Pelluhue Cauquenes Flag of the Region of Maule Maule 371,4 7.570 20,4 0,694
07301Curicó Coat of arms of Curicó Curicó Flag of the Region of Maule Maule 1.328,4 137.563 103,6 0,710
07302Hualañé Coat of arms of Hualañé Curicó Flag of the Region of Maule Maule 629,0 10.244 16,3 0,631
07303Licantén Coat of arms of Licantén Curicó Flag of the Region of Maule Maule 273,3 7.499 27,4 0,705
07304Molina Coat of arms of Molina Curicó Flag of the Region of Maule Maule 1.551,6 42.022 27,1 0,663
07305Rauco Coat of arms of Rauco Curicó Flag of the Region of Maule Maule 308,6 9.477 30,7 0,659
07306Romeral Coat of arms of Romeral Curicó Flag of the Region of Maule Maule 1.597,1 14.225 8,9 0,668
07307Sagrada Familia Coat of arms of Sagrada Familia Curicó Flag of the Region of Maule Maule 548,8 18.473 33,7 0,672
07308Teno Coat of arms of Teno Curicó Flag of the Region of Maule Maule 618,4 27.543 44,5 0,648
07309Vichuquén Coat of arms of Vichuquén Curicó Flag of the Region of Maule Maule 425,7 4.961 11,7 0,678
07401Linares Coat of arms of Linares Linares Flag of the Region of Maule Maule 1.465,7 90.048 61,4 0,710
07402Colbún Coat of arms of Colbún Linares Flag of the Region of Maule Maule 2.899,9 18.477 6,4 0,638
07403Longaví Coat of arms of Longaví Linares Flag of the Region of Maule Maule 1.453,8 28.782 19,8 0,626
07404Parral Coat of arms of Parral Linares Flag of the Region of Maule Maule 1.638,4 37.910 23,1 0,656
07405Retiro Coat of arms of Retiro Linares Flag of the Region of Maule Maule 827,1 17.693 21,4 0,649
07406San Javier Coat of arms of San Javier Linares Flag of the Region of Maule Maule 1.313,4 40.372 30,7 0,654
07407Villa Alegre Coat of arms of Villa Alegre Linares Flag of the Region of Maule Maule 189,8 14.683 77,4 0,648
07408Yerbas Buenas Coat of arms of Yerbas Buenas Linares Flag of the Region of Maule Maule 262,1 17.008 64,9 0,640
08101Concepción Coat of arms of Concepción Concepción Flag of the Region of Bío Bío Bío Bío 221,6 227.768 1.027,8 0,757
08102Coronel Coat of arms of Coronel Concepción Flag of the Region of Bío Bío Bío Bío 279,4 107.508 384,8 0,682
08103Chiguayante Coat of arms of Chiguayante Concepción Flag of the Region of Bío Bío Bío Bío 71,5 115.366 1.613,5 0,764
08104Florida Coat of arms of Florida Concepción Flag of the Region of Bío Bío Bío Bío 608,6 9.867 16,2 0,604
08105Hualqui Coat of arms of Hualqui Concepción Flag of the Region of Bío Bío Bío Bío 530,5 21.934 41,3 0,666
08106Lota Coat of arms of Lota Concepción Flag of the Region of Bío Bío Bío Bío 135,8 48.045 353,8 0,643
08107Penco Coat of arms of Penco Concepción Flag of the Region of Bío Bío Bío Bío 107,6 52.389 486,9 0,689
08108San Pedro de La Paz Coat of arms of San Pedro de La Paz Concepción Flag of the Region of Bío Bío Bío Bío 112,5 94.827 842,9 0,787
08109Santa Juana Coat of arms of Santa Juana Concepción Flag of the Region of Bío Bío Bío Bío 731,2 13.331 18,2 0,626
08110Talcahuano Coat of arms of Talcahuano Concepción Flag of the Region of Bío Bío Bío Bío 92,3 171.673 1.859,9 0,731
08111Tomé Coat of arms of Tomé Concepción Flag of the Region of Bío Bío Bío Bío 494,5 55.764 112,8 0,668
08112Hualpén Coat of arms of Hualpén Concepción Flag of the Region of Bío Bío Bío Bío 53,5 86.176 1.610,8
08201Lebu Coat of arms of Lebu Arauco Flag of the Region of Bío Bío Bío Bío 561,4 25.790 45,9 0,633
08202Arauco Coat of arms of Arauco Arauco Flag of the Region of Bío Bío Bío Bío 956,1 41.153 43,0 0,704
08203Cañete Coat of arms of Cañete Arauco Flag of the Region of Bío Bío Bío Bío 1.089,2 33.535 30,8 0,641
08204Contulmo Coat of arms of Contulmo Arauco Flag of the Region of Bío Bío Bío Bío 638,8 5.188 8,1 0,603
08205Curanilahue Coat of arms of Curanilahue Arauco Flag of the Region of Bío Bío Bío Bío 994,3 30.855 31,0 0,643
08206Los Álamos Coat of arms of Los Álamos Arauco Flag of the Region of Bío Bío Bío Bío 599,1 20.723 34,6 0,645
08207Tirúa Coat of arms of Tirúa Arauco Flag of the Region of Bío Bío Bío Bío 624,4 10.859 17,4 0,584
08301Los Ángeles Coat of arms of Los Ángeles Biobío Flag of the Region of Bío Bío Bío Bío 1.748,2 195.813 112,0 0,696
08302Antuco Coat of arms of Antuco Biobío Flag of the Region of Bío Bío Bío Bío 1.884,1 3.774 2,0 0,662
08303Cabrero Coat of arms of Cabrero Biobío Flag of the Region of Bío Bío Bío Bío 639,8 29.532 46,2 0,635
08304Laja Coat of arms of Laja Biobío Flag of the Region of Bío Bío Bío Bío 339,8 20.964 61,7 0,665
08305Mulchén Coat of arms of Mulchén Biobío Flag of the Region of Bío Bío Bío Bío 1.925,3 28.517 14,8 0,639
08306Nacimiento Coat of arms of Nacimiento Biobío Flag of the Region of Bío Bío Bío Bío 934,9 26.145 28,0 0,656
08307Negrete Coat of arms of Negrete Biobío Flag of the Region of Bío Bío Bío Bío 156,5 8.933 57,1 0,629
08308Quilaco Coat of arms of Quilaco Biobío Flag of the Region of Bío Bío Bío Bío 1.123,7 3.722 3,3 0,635
08309Quilleco Coat of arms of Quilleco Biobío Flag of the Region of Bío Bío Bío Bío 1.121,8 10.396 9,3 0,641
08310San Rosendo Coat of arms of San Rosendo Biobío Flag of the Region of Bío Bío Bío Bío 92,4 3.627 39,3 0,647
08311Santa Bárbara Coat of arms of Santa Bárbara Biobío Flag of the Region of Bío Bío Bío Bío 1.254,9 14.612 11,6 0,637
08312Tucapel Coat of arms of Tucapel Biobío Flag of the Region of Bío Bío Bío Bío 914,9 13.442 14,7 0,655
08313Yumbel Coat of arms of Yumbel Biobío Flag of the Region of Bío Bío Bío Bío 727,0 20.572 28,3 0,597
08314Alto Biobío Coat of arms of Alto Biobío Biobío Flag of the Region of Bío Bío Bío Bío 2.124,6 10.039 4,7
08401Chillán Coat of arms of Chillán Ñuble Flag of the Region of Bío Bío Bío Bío 511,2 175.585 343,5 0,714
08402Bulnes Coat of arms of Bulnes Ñuble Flag of the Region of Bío Bío Bío Bío 425,4 21.542 50,6 0,626
08403Cobquecura Coat of arms of Cobquecura Ñuble Flag of the Region of Bío Bío Bío Bío 570,3 5.173 9,1 0,633
08404Coelemu Coat of arms of Coelemu Ñuble Flag of the Region of Bío Bío Bío Bío 342,3 15.461 45,2 0,611
08405Coihueco Coat of arms of Coihueco Ñuble Flag of the Region of Bío Bío Bío Bío 1.776,6 24.714 13,9 0,639
08406Chillán Viejo Coat of arms of Chillán Viejo Ñuble Flag of the Region of Bío Bío Bío Bío 291,8 29.199 100,1 0,732
08407El Carmen Coat of arms of El Carmen Ñuble Flag of the Region of Bío Bío Bío Bío 664,3 11.830 17,8 0,611
08408Ninhue Coat of arms of Ninhue Ñuble Flag of the Region of Bío Bío Bío Bío 401,2 5.278 13,2 0,569
08409Ñiquén Coat of arms of Ñiquén Ñuble Flag of the Region of Bío Bío Bío Bío 493,1 10.063 20,4 0,629
08410Pemuco Coat of arms of Pemuco Ñuble Flag of the Region of Bío Bío Bío Bío 562,7 9.120 16,2 0,631
08411Pinto Coat of arms of Pinto Ñuble Flag of the Region of Bío Bío Bío Bío 1.164,0 10.883 9,3 0,618
08412Portezuelo Coat of arms of Portezuelo Ñuble Flag of the Region of Bío Bío Bío Bío 282,3 5.061 17,9 0,599
08413Quillón Coat of arms of Quillón Ñuble Flag of the Region of Bío Bío Bío Bío 423,0 15.525 36,7 0,590
08414Quirihue Coat of arms of Quirihue Ñuble Flag of the Region of Bío Bío Bío Bío 589,0 11.851 20,1 0,594
08415Ránquil Coat of arms of Ránquil Ñuble Flag of the Region of Bío Bío Bío Bío 248,3 4.983 20,1 0,586
08416San Carlos Coat of arms of San Carlos Ñuble Flag of the Region of Bío Bío Bío Bío 874,0 51.335 58,7 0,653
08417San Fabián Coat of arms of San Fabián Ñuble Flag of the Region of Bío Bío Bío Bío 1.568,3 3.503 2,2 0,618
08418San Ignacio Coat of arms of San Ignacio Ñuble Flag of the Region of Bío Bío Bío Bío 363,6 15.770 43,4 0,618
08419San Nicolás Coat of arms of San Nicolás Ñuble Flag of the Region of Bío Bío Bío Bío 490,5 10.051 20,5 0,625
08420Treguaco Coat of arms of Treguaco Ñuble Flag of the Region of Bío Bío Bío Bío 313,1 4.995 16,0 0,562
08421Yungay Coat of arms of Yungay Ñuble Flag of the Region of Bío Bío Bío Bío 823,5 18.234 22,1 0,669
09101Temuco Coat of arms of Temuco Cautín Flag of the Region of La Araucanía La Araucanía 464,0 298.575 643,5 0,763
09102Carahue Coat of arms of Carahue Cautín Flag of the Region of La Araucanía La Araucanía 1.340,6 25.718 19,2 0,604
09103Cunco Coat of arms of Cunco Cautín Flag of the Region of La Araucanía La Araucanía 1.906,5 19.024 10,0 0,659
09104Curarrehue Coat of arms of Curarrehue Cautín Flag of the Region of La Araucanía La Araucanía 1.170,7 7.540 6,4 0,603
09105Freire Coat of arms of Freire Cautín Flag of the Region of La Araucanía La Araucanía 935,2 27.616 29,5 0,614
09106Galvarino Coat of arms of Galvarino Cautín Flag of the Region of La Araucanía La Araucanía 568,2 11.324 19,9 0,611
09107Gorbea Coat of arms of Gorbea Cautín Flag of the Region of La Araucanía La Araucanía 694,5 15.481 22,3 0,644
09108Lautaro Coat of arms of Lautaro Cautín Flag of the Region of La Araucanía La Araucanía 901,1 35.451 39,3 0,669
09109Loncoche Coat of arms of Loncoche Cautín Flag of the Region of La Araucanía La Araucanía 976,8 22.191 22,7 0,652
09110Melipeuco Coat of arms of Melipeuco Cautín Flag of the Region of La Araucanía La Araucanía 1.107,3 5.451 4,9 0,629
09111Nueva Imperial Coat of arms of Nueva Imperial Cautín Flag of the Region of La Araucanía La Araucanía 732,5 32.109 43,8 0,629
09112Padre Las Casas Coat of arms of Padre Las Casas Cautín Flag of the Region of La Araucanía La Araucanía 400,7 72.135 180,0 0,662
09113Perquenco Coat of arms of Perquenco Cautín Flag of the Region of La Araucanía La Araucanía 330,7 6.911 20,9 0,630
09114Pitrufquén Coat of arms of Pitrufquén Cautín Flag of the Region of La Araucanía La Araucanía 580,7 23.776 40,9 0,663
09115Pucón Coat of arms of Pucón Cautín Flag of the Region of La Araucanía La Araucanía 1.248,5 29.987 24,0 0,767
09116Saavedra Coat of arms of Saavedra Cautín Flag of the Region of La Araucanía La Araucanía 400,8 13.481 33,6 0,574
09117Teodoro Schmidt Coat of arms of Teodoro Schmidt Cautín Flag of the Region of La Araucanía La Araucanía 649,9 15.793 24,3 0,607
09118Toltén Coat of arms of Toltén Cautín Flag of the Region of La Araucanía La Araucanía 860,4 10.403 12,1 0,617
09119Vilcún Coat of arms of Vilcún Cautín Flag of the Region of La Araucanía La Araucanía 1.420,9 23.823 16,8 0,643
09120Villarrica Coat of arms of Villarrica Cautín Flag of the Region of La Araucanía La Araucanía 1.291,1 56.178 43,5 0,698
09121Cholchol Coat of arms of Cholchol Cautín Flag of the Region of La Araucanía La Araucanía 427,9 10.825 25,3
09201Angol Coat of arms of Angol Malleco Flag of the Region of La Araucanía La Araucanía 1.194,4 51.136 42,8 0,707
09202Collipulli Coat of arms of Collipulli Malleco Flag of the Region of La Araucanía La Araucanía 1.295,9 21.705 16,7 0,633
09203Curacautín Coat of arms of Curacautín Malleco Flag of the Region of La Araucanía La Araucanía 1.664,0 15.728 9,5 0,657
09204Ercilla Coat of arms of Ercilla Malleco Flag of the Region of La Araucanía La Araucanía 499,7 9.148 18,3 0,609
09205Lonquimay Coat of arms of Lonquimay Malleco Flag of the Region of La Araucanía La Araucanía 3.914,2 11.341 2,9 0,629
09206Los Sauces Coat of arms of Los Sauces Malleco Flag of the Region of La Araucanía La Araucanía 849,8 6.490 7,6 0,602
09207Lumaco Coat of arms of Lumaco Malleco Flag of the Region of La Araucanía La Araucanía 1.119,0 10.479 9,4 0,603
09208Purén Coat of arms of Purén Malleco Flag of the Region of La Araucanía La Araucanía 464,9 11.789 25,4 0,594
09209Renaico Coat of arms of Renaico Malleco Flag of the Region of La Araucanía La Araucanía 267,4 9.028 33,8 0,615
09210Traiguén Coat of arms of Traiguén Malleco Flag of the Region of La Araucanía La Araucanía 908,0 18.357 20,2 0,657
09211Victoria Coat of arms of Victoria Malleco Flag of the Region of La Araucanía La Araucanía 1.256,0 33.127 26,4 0,686
14101Valdivia Coat of arms of Valdivia Valdivia Flag of the Region of Los Ríos Los Ríos 1.015,6 158.626 156,2 0,754
14102Corral Coat of arms of Corral Valdivia Flag of the Region of Los Ríos Los Ríos 766,7 5.083 6,6 0,658
14103Lanco Coat of arms of Lanco Valdivia Flag of the Region of Los Ríos Los Ríos 532,4 16.394 30,8 0,648
14104Los Lagos Coat of arms of Los Lagos Valdivia Flag of the Region of Los Ríos Los Ríos 1.791,2 21.577 12,0 0,658
14105Máfil Coat of arms of Máfil Valdivia Flag of the Region of Los Ríos Los Ríos 582,7 7.036 12,1 0,655
14106Mariquina Coat of arms of Mariquina Valdivia Flag of the Region of Los Ríos Los Ríos 1.320,5 18.503 14,0 0,653
14107Paillaco Coat of arms of Paillaco Valdivia Flag of the Region of Los Ríos Los Ríos 896,0 19.873 22,2 0,647
14108Panguipulli Coat of arms of Panguipulli Valdivia Flag of the Region of Los Ríos Los Ríos 3.292,1 34.926 10,6 0,627
14201La Unión Coat of arms of La Unión Ranco Flag of the Region of Los Ríos Los Ríos 2.136,7 39.100 18,3 0,687
14202Futrono Coat of arms of Futrono Ranco Flag of the Region of Los Ríos Los Ríos 2.120,6 15.755 7,4 0,637
14203Lago Ranco Coat of arms of Lago Ranco Ranco Flag of the Region of Los Ríos Los Ríos 1.763,3 9.630 5,5 0,606
14204Río Bueno Coat of arms of Río Bueno Ranco Flag of the Region of Los Ríos Los Ríos 2.211,7 31.690 14,3 0,624
10101Puerto Montt Coat of arms of Puerto Montt Llanquihue Flag of the Region of Los Lagos Los Lagos 1.673,0 230.885 138,0 0,718
10102Calbuco Coat of arms of Calbuco Llanquihue Flag of the Region of Los Lagos Los Lagos 590,8 34.902 59,1 0,642
10103Cochamó Coat of arms of Cochamó Llanquihue Flag of the Region of Los Lagos Los Lagos 3.910,8 4.326 1,1 0,690
10104Fresia Coat of arms of Fresia Llanquihue Flag of the Region of Los Lagos Los Lagos 1.278,1 12.454 9,7 0,657
10105Frutillar Coat of arms of Frutillar Llanquihue Flag of the Region of Los Lagos Los Lagos 831,4 17.756 21,4 0,669
10106Los Muermos Coat of arms of Los Muermos Llanquihue Flag of the Region of Los Lagos Los Lagos 1.245,8 16.522 13,3 0,648
10107Llanquihue Coat of arms of Llanquihue Llanquihue Flag of the Region of Los Lagos Los Lagos 420,8 18.151 43,1 0,695
10108Maullín Coat of arms of Maullín Llanquihue Flag of the Region of Los Lagos Los Lagos 860,8 13.914 16,2 0,691
10109Puerto Varas Coat of arms of Puerto Varas Llanquihue Flag of the Region of Los Lagos Los Lagos 4.064,9 39.414 9,7 0,748
10201Castro Coat of arms of Castro Chiloé Flag of the Region of Los Lagos Los Lagos 472,5 50.764 107,4 0,720
10202Ancud Coat of arms of Ancud Chiloé Flag of the Region of Los Lagos Los Lagos 1.752,4 41.960 23,9 0,705
10203Chonchi Coat of arms of Chonchi Chiloé Flag of the Region of Los Lagos Los Lagos 1.362,1 14.639 10,7 0,641
10204Curaco de Vélez Coat of arms of Curaco de Vélez Chiloé Flag of the Region of Los Lagos Los Lagos 80,0 3.884 48,6 0,702
10205Dalcahue Coat of arms of Dalcahue Chiloé Flag of the Region of Los Lagos Los Lagos 1.239,4 14.548 11,7 0,690
10206Puqueldón Coat of arms of Puqueldón Chiloé Flag of the Region of Los Lagos Los Lagos 97,3 4.097 42,1 0,628
10207Queilén Coat of arms of Queilén Chiloé Flag of the Region of Los Lagos Los Lagos 332,9 5.319 16,0 0,646
10208Quellón Coat of arms of Quellón Chiloé Flag of the Region of Los Lagos Los Lagos 3.244,0 30.964 9,5 0,670
10209Quemchi Coat of arms of Quemchi Chiloé Flag of the Region of Los Lagos Los Lagos 440,3 9.191 20,9 0,656
10210Quinchao Coat of arms of Quinchao Chiloé Flag of the Region of Los Lagos Los Lagos 160,7 9.043 56,3 0,648
10301Osorno Coat of arms of Osorno Osorno Flag of the Region of Los Lagos Los Lagos 951,3 161.858 170,1 0,700
10302Puerto Octay Coat of arms of Puerto Octay Osorno Flag of the Region of Los Lagos Los Lagos 1.795,7 9.480 5,3 0,679
10303Purranque Coat of arms of Purranque Osorno Flag of the Region of Los Lagos Los Lagos 1.458,8 20.768 14,2 0,627
10304Puyehue Coat of arms of Puyehue Osorno Flag of the Region of Los Lagos Los Lagos 1.597,9 11.370 7,1 0,675
10305Río Negro Coat of arms of Río Negro Osorno Flag of the Region of Los Lagos Los Lagos 1.265,7 13.425 10,6 0,633
10306San Juan de la Costa Coat of arms of San Juan de la Costa Osorno Flag of the Region of Los Lagos Los Lagos 1.517,0 7.997 5,3 0,510
10307San Pablo Coat of arms of San Pablo Osorno Flag of the Region of Los Lagos Los Lagos 637,3 9.150 14,4 0,625
10401Chaitén Coat of arms of Chaitén Palena Flag of the Region of Los Lagos Los Lagos 8.470,5 7.122 0,8 0,704
10402Futaleufú Coat of arms of Futaleufú Palena Flag of the Region of Los Lagos Los Lagos 1.280,0 1.836 1,4 0,665
10403Hualaihué Coat of arms of Hualaihué Palena Flag of the Region of Los Lagos Los Lagos 2.787,7 8.426 3,0 0,659
10404Palena Coat of arms of Palena Palena Flag of the Region of Los Lagos Los Lagos 2.763,7 1.665 0,6 0,667
11101Coihaique Coat of arms of Coihaique Coihaique Flag of the Region of Aisén Aisén 7.320,2 57.349 7,8 0,751
11102Lago Verde Coat of arms of Lago Verde Coihaique Flag of the Region of Aisén Aisén 5.622,3 965 0,2 0,637
11201Aisén Aisén Flag of the Region of Aisén Aisén 29.970,4 26.114 0,9 0,674
11202Cisnes Coat of arms of Cisnes Aisén Flag of the Region of Aisén Aisén 15.831,4 6.124 0,4 0,725
11203Guaitecas Coat of arms of Guaitecas Aisén Flag of the Region of Aisén Aisén 787,0 1.803 2,3 0,654
11301Cochrane Coat of arms of Cochrane Capitán Prat Flag of the Region of Aisén Aisén 8.930,5 2.816 0,3 0,668
11302O'Higgins Coat of arms of O'Higgins Capitán Prat Flag of the Region of Aisén Aisén 8.182,5 641 0,1 0,572
11303Tortel Coat of arms of Tortel Capitán Prat Flag of the Region of Aisén Aisén 19.930,6 610 0,0 0,655
11401Chile Chico Coat of arms of Chile Chico General Carrera Flag of the Region of Aisén Aisén 5.922,3 5.145 0,9 0,707
11402Río Ibáñez Coat of arms of Río Ibáñez General Carrera Flag of the Region of Aisén Aisén 5.997,2 2.171 0,4 0,654
12101Punta Arenas Coat of arms of Punta Arenas Magallanes Flag of the Region of Magallanes and the Chilean Antarctica Magallanes and the Chilean Antarctica 17.846,3 124.624 7,0 0,748
12102Laguna Blanca Coat of arms of Laguna Blanca Magallanes Flag of the Region of Magallanes and the Chilean Antarctica Magallanes and the Chilean Antarctica 3.695,6 633 0,2 0,785
12103Río Verde Coat of arms of Río Verde Magallanes Flag of the Region of Magallanes and the Chilean Antarctica Magallanes and the Chilean Antarctica 9.975,2 365 0,0 0,784
12104San Gregorio Coat of arms of San Gregorio Magallanes Flag of the Region of Magallanes and the Chilean Antarctica Magallanes and the Chilean Antarctica 6.883,7 798 0,1 0,823
12201Cabo de Hornos Coat of arms of Cabo de Hornos Antártica Chilena Flag of the Region of Magallanes and the Chilean Antarctica Magallanes and the Chilean Antarctica 15.853,7 2.711 0,2 0,806
12202Antártica Coat of arms of Antártica Antártica Chilena Flag of the Region of Magallanes and the Chilean Antarctica Magallanes and the Chilean Antarctica 1.250.000,0 95 0,0
12301Porvenir Coat of arms of Porvenir Tierra del Fuego Flag of the Region of Magallanes and the Chilean Antarctica Magallanes and the Chilean Antarctica 6.982,6 5.616 0,8 0,731
12302Primavera Coat of arms of Primavera Tierra del Fuego Flag of the Region of Magallanes and the Chilean Antarctica Magallanes and the Chilean Antarctica 4.614,2 637 0,1 0,774
12303Timaukel Coat of arms of Timaukel Tierra del Fuego Flag of the Region of Magallanes and the Chilean Antarctica Magallanes and the Chilean Antarctica 10.995,9 730 0,1 0,717
12401Natales Coat of arms of Natales Última Esperanza Flag of the Region of Magallanes and the Chilean Antarctica Magallanes and the Chilean Antarctica 48.974,2 20.855 0,4 0,699
12402Torres del Paine Coat of arms of Torres del Paine Última Esperanza Flag of the Region of Magallanes and the Chilean Antarctica Magallanes and the Chilean Antarctica 6.469,7 1.047 0,2 0,730
13101Santiago Coat of arms of Santiago Santiago Flag of the Metropolitan Region of Santiago Metropolitan of Santiago 22,4 171.616 7.661,4 0,807
13102Cerrillos Coat of arms of Cerrillos Santiago Flag of the Metropolitan Region of Santiago Metropolitan of Santiago 21,0 67.738 3.225,6 0,743
13103Cerro Navia Coat of arms of Cerro Navia Santiago Flag of the Metropolitan Region of Santiago Metropolitan of Santiago 11,1 137.750 12.409,9 0,683
13104Conchalí Coat of arms of Conchalí Santiago Flag of the Metropolitan Region of Santiago Metropolitan of Santiago 10,7 112.395 10.504,2 0,707
13105El Bosque Coat of arms of El Bosque Santiago Flag of the Metropolitan Region of Santiago Metropolitan of Santiago 14,1 171.238 12.144,5 0,711
13106Estación Central Coat of arms of Estación Central Santiago Flag of the Metropolitan Region of Santiago Metropolitan of Santiago 14,1 115.675 8.203,9 0,735
13107Huechuraba Coat of arms of Huechuraba Santiago Flag of the Metropolitan Region of Santiago Metropolitan of Santiago 44,8 84.521 1.886,6 0,737
13108Independencia Coat of arms of Independencia Santiago Flag of the Metropolitan Region of Santiago Metropolitan of Santiago 7,4 53.921 7.286,6 0,709
13109La Cisterna Coat of arms of La Cisterna Santiago Flag of the Metropolitan Region of Santiago Metropolitan of Santiago 10,0 74.284 7.428,4 0,775
13110La Florida Coat of arms of La Florida Santiago Flag of the Metropolitan Region of Santiago Metropolitan of Santiago 70,8 398.334 5.626,2 0,773
13111La Granja Coat of arms of La Granja Santiago Flag of the Metropolitan Region of Santiago Metropolitan of Santiago 10,1 126.125 12.487,6 0,689
13112La Pintana Coat of arms of La Pintana Santiago Flag of the Metropolitan Region of Santiago Metropolitan of Santiago 30,6 202.535 6.618,8 0,679
13113La Reina Coat of arms of La Reina Santiago Flag of the Metropolitan Region of Santiago Metropolitan of Santiago 23,4 96.551 4.126,1 0,883
13114Las Condes Coat of arms of Las Condes Santiago Flag of the Metropolitan Region of Santiago Metropolitan of Santiago 99,4 283.226 2.849,4 0,933
13115Lo Barnechea Coat of arms of Lo Barnechea Santiago Flag of the Metropolitan Region of Santiago Metropolitan of Santiago 1.023,7 103.376 101,0 0,912
13116Lo Espejo Coat of arms of Lo Espejo Santiago Flag of the Metropolitan Region of Santiago Metropolitan of Santiago 7,2 102.242 14.200,3 0,657
13117Lo Prado Coat of arms of Lo Prado Santiago Flag of the Metropolitan Region of Santiago Metropolitan of Santiago 6,7 94.744 14.140,9 0,715
13118Macul Coat of arms of Macul Santiago Flag of the Metropolitan Region of Santiago Metropolitan of Santiago 12,9 100.942 7.825,0 0,806
13119Maipú Coat of arms of Maipú Santiago Flag of the Metropolitan Region of Santiago Metropolitan of Santiago 133,0 770.290 5.791,7 0,782
13120Ñuñoa Coat of arms of Ñuñoa Santiago Flag of the Metropolitan Region of Santiago Metropolitan of Santiago 16,9 149.205 8.828,7 0,860
13121Pedro Aguirre Cerda Coat of arms of Pedro Aguirre Cerda Santiago Flag of the Metropolitan Region of Santiago Metropolitan of Santiago 9,7 96.993 9.999,3 0,708
13122Peñalolén Coat of arms of Peñalolén Santiago Flag of the Metropolitan Region of Santiago Metropolitan of Santiago 54,2 244.903 4.518,5 0,743
13123Providencia Coat of arms of Providencia Santiago Flag of the Metropolitan Region of Santiago Metropolitan of Santiago 14,4 126.436 8.780,3 0,911
13124Pudahuel Coat of arms of Pudahuel Santiago Flag of the Metropolitan Region of Santiago Metropolitan of Santiago 197,4 256.540 1.299,6 0,735
13125Quilicura Coat of arms of Quilicura Santiago Flag of the Metropolitan Region of Santiago Metropolitan of Santiago 57,5 197.160 3.428,9 0,782
13126Quinta Normal Coat of arms of Quinta Normal Santiago Flag of the Metropolitan Region of Santiago Metropolitan of Santiago 12,4 90.483 7.297,0 0,723
13127Recoleta Coat of arms of Recoleta Santiago Flag of the Metropolitan Region of Santiago Metropolitan of Santiago 16,2 129.735 8.008,3 0,697
13128Renca Coat of arms of Renca Santiago Flag of the Metropolitan Region of Santiago Metropolitan of Santiago 24,2 132.647 5.481,3 0,709
13129San Joaquín Coat of arms of San Joaquín Santiago Flag of the Metropolitan Region of Santiago Metropolitan of Santiago 9,7 81.169 8.367,9 0,719
13130San Miguel Coat of arms of San Miguel Santiago Flag of the Metropolitan Region of Santiago Metropolitan of Santiago 9,5 72.901 7.673,8 0,765
13131San Ramón Coat of arms of San Ramón Santiago Flag of the Metropolitan Region of Santiago Metropolitan of Santiago 6,5 86.700 13.338,5 0,679
13132Vitacura Coat of arms of Vitacura Santiago Flag of the Metropolitan Region of Santiago Metropolitan of Santiago 28,3 80.598 2.848,0 0,949
13201Puente Alto Coat of arms of Puente Alto Cordillera Flag of the Metropolitan Region of Santiago Metropolitan of Santiago 88,2 691.742 7.842,9 0,773
13202Pirque Coat of arms of Pirque Cordillera Flag of the Metropolitan Region of Santiago Metropolitan of Santiago 445,3 22.353 50,2 0,807
13203San José de Maipo Coat of arms of San José de Maipo Cordillera Flag of the Metropolitan Region of Santiago Metropolitan of Santiago 4.994,8 14.375 2,9 0,759
13301Colina Coat of arms of Colina Chacabuco Flag of the Metropolitan Region of Santiago Metropolitan of Santiago 971,2 107.344 110,5 0,726
13302Lampa Coat of arms of Lampa Chacabuco Flag of the Metropolitan Region of Santiago Metropolitan of Santiago 451,9 60.171 133,2 0,697
13303Tiltil Coat of arms of Tiltil Chacabuco Flag of the Metropolitan Region of Santiago Metropolitan of Santiago 653,0 16.198 24,8 0,706
13401San Bernardo Coat of arms of San Bernardo Maipo Flag of the Metropolitan Region of Santiago Metropolitan of Santiago 155,1 301.662 1.945,0 0,712
13402Buin Coat of arms of Buin Maipo Flag of the Metropolitan Region of Santiago Metropolitan of Santiago 214,1 72.480 338,5 0,731
13403Calera de Tango Coat of arms of Calera de Tango Maipo Flag of the Metropolitan Region of Santiago Metropolitan of Santiago 73,3 25.415 346,7 0,792
13404Paine Coat of arms of Paine Maipo Flag of the Metropolitan Region of Santiago Metropolitan of Santiago 678,0 62.930 92,8 0,718
13501Melipilla Coat of arms of Melipilla Melipilla Flag of the Metropolitan Region of Santiago Metropolitan of Santiago 1.344,8 105.820 78,7 0,735
13502Alhué Coat of arms of Alhué Melipilla Flag of the Metropolitan Region of Santiago Metropolitan of Santiago 845,2 4.636 5,5 0,700
13503Curacaví Coat of arms of Curacaví Melipilla Flag of the Metropolitan Region of Santiago Metropolitan of Santiago 693,2 28.974 41,8 0,710
13504María Pinto Coat of arms of María Pinto Melipilla Flag of the Metropolitan Region of Santiago Metropolitan of Santiago 395,0 11.581 29,3 0,698
13505San Pedro Coat of arms of San Pedro Melipilla Flag of the Metropolitan Region of Santiago Metropolitan of Santiago 787,5 8.028 10,2 0,701
13601Talagante Coat of arms of Talagante Talagante Flag of the Metropolitan Region of Santiago Metropolitan of Santiago 125,5 74.844 596,4 0,749
13602El Monte Coat of arms of El Monte Talagante Flag of the Metropolitan Region of Santiago Metropolitan of Santiago 118,1 30.641 259,4 0,688
13603Isla de Maipo Coat of arms of Isla de Maipo Talagante Flag of the Metropolitan Region of Santiago Metropolitan of Santiago 188,7 30.893 163,7 0,724
13604Padre Hurtado Coat of arms of Padre Hurtado Talagante Flag of the Metropolitan Region of Santiago Metropolitan of Santiago 80,8 48.272 597,4 0,728
13605Peñaflor Coat of arms of Peñaflor Talagante Flag of the Metropolitan Region of Santiago Metropolitan of Santiago 69,2 83.298 1.203,7 0,753

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