Provinces of Chile
A province is the second largest administrative division in Chile, after a region. Each region is divided in provinces. Chile has 54 provinces in total. Each province is ruled by a governor (gobernador) designated by the president. The provinces are also divided into communes which are ruled by a municipality.

Provinces of Chile
List of provinces by region
VII - Region of Maule
VIII - Region of Biobío
XIV - Region of Los Ríos
- Province of Valdivia
- Province of Ranco
X - Region of Los Lagos
- Province of Llanquihue
- Province of Chiloé
- Province of Osorno
- Province of Palena
XI - Region of Aysén
- Province of Coihaique
- Province of Aisén
- Province of Capitán Prat
- Province of General Carrera
XII - Region of Magallanes and the Chilean Antarctic
- Province of Magallanes
- Province of Antártica Chilena
- Tierra del Fuego
- Province of Última Esperanza.
RM - Metropolitan Region of Santiago
- Province of Santiago
- Province of Cordillera
- Province of Chacabuco
- Province of Maipo
- Province of Melipilla
- Province of Talagante
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