This is a list of wars involving the Islamic Republic of Iran and its predecessor states. It is an unfinished historical overview.

Conflict Iran (and allies) Opponents Results Notes
Median Empire
(678–549 BC)
Assyrian invasions of Media (10th – late 7th centuries BC) Medes Assyrian Empire Defeat Kingdoms and city-states of western Iran became Assyrian vassals
Median invasion of Assyria (the late 7th century BC) Medes


Other Iranian peoples

Assyrian Empire Victory Invasion of the Assyrian Empire by a coalition of Iranian peoples, led by Kashtariti of Media
  • End of Assyrian rule in Media
  • Formation of an independent Median kingdom
  • Median invasion of Assyria repelled
Medo-Babylonian invasion Assyria
(626–609 BC)
Median Kingdom


Assyrian Empire Victory Alliance between various people of the region against the Assyrian Empire, led by the Median Kingdom and Babylonia
Scythian invasion of Media (624–597 BC) Median Kingdom Scythians Victory War between two groups of Iranian peoples
  • Conquest of Media by Scythians
  • End of Scythian rule in Media in 597 BC, during reign of Cyaxares
Siege of Harran
(609 BC)


Victory The Assyrian insurgency
Battle of Eclipse
(585 BC)
Medes Kingdom of Lydia Undecided The battle ended due to an eclipse.
Achaemenid Empire
(550–330 BC)
Battle of Hyrba
(552 BC)
Persians Medes Empire Victory
Persian Revolt
(552–549 BC)
Persians Median Empire Victory By conquering Media, Iran became an empire.
Battle of the Persian border
(551 BC)
Persians Medes Empire Victory Persian retreat to Pasargadae
Conquest of Lydia
(547 BC)
Persian Empire Lydian Empire Victory Lydia annexed by Iran
Cyrus' first eastern campaign (545–540 BC) Persian Empire Gedrosia Victory Persian conquest of Bactria, Arachosia, Sogdia, Saka, Chorasmia, Margiana and other provinces in the east after initial defeat
Conquest of Babylonia
(540–539 BC)
Persian Empire Neo-Babylonian Empire Victory Neo-Babylonian Empire annexed by Iran
Cyrus' second eastern Campaign (533 BC) Persian Empire Gedrosia Victory Cyrus the Great crossed the Hindu Kush mountains and collected tribute from the Indus vassalage cities.
Cyrus' Campaign against Massagetae (530/529 BC) Persian Empire


Scythians Eastern Iranian nomadic tribal confederation Defeat Death of Cyrus the Great
Conquest of Egypt
(525 BC)
Persian Empire Kingdom of Egypt Victory Egypt annexed by Iran
Conquest of India (Indus Valley)

(518 BC)

Persian Empire Mahajanapadas Victory Achaemenid military occupation of northwestern regions of India for about two centuries
European Scythian campaign
(513 BC)
Persian Empire Scythians in European Scythia Victory Achaemenid domination of the European Black Sea regions
Greek Revolt

(499 BC–493 BC)

Persian Empire Greeks Victory Persia re-establishes control over Greek regions in Asia Minor and Cyprus
Greco-Persian War (First)

(492–490 BC)

Persian Empire Greeks Victory Persia conquers Macedonia and the Cycladic Islands, re-subjugates Thrace, and establishes supremacy over the Aegean Sea
Greco-Persian War (Second)

(480–479 BC)

Persian Empire Greeks Defeat Macedonia, Thrace and Ionia regain independence from Persia
Peloponnesian War
(431–404 BC)
Peloponnesian League (led by Sparta) Supported by:
Achaemenid Empire
Delian League (led by Athens) Victory Dissolution of the Delian League; Spartan hegemony over Athens and its allies
Battle of Cunaxa
(401 BC)
Persian Empire Cyrus the Younger Victory Artaxerxes II still in full control of the kingdom
Corinthian War
(395–387 BC)
Persian Empire
Other allies
Peloponnesian League

(Peace of Antalcidas

dictated by Iran)

Ionia ceded back to Achaemenid Iran; Boeotian league dissolved; Union of Argos and Corinth dissolved.
Artaxerxes' II Cadusian Campaign
(385 BC)
Persian Empire Cadusii Victory Negotiated peace with rival chiefs
Revolt of the Satraps
(372–362 BC)
Persian Empire Rebel satrapies Victory Rebellions crushed
Second conquest of Egypt
(c. 340 BC)
Persian Empire Egypt Victory Egypt is conquered for a second time by Iran
Macedonian invasion of Iran
(355–328 BC)
Persian Empire Macedonia Defeat Iran conquered by the army of Alexander the Great
Macedonian Empire (330-312 BC)
Indian campaign of Alexander the Great ( 327 BC–325 BC) Macedonia Ancient India Victory Hellenic conquest of great part of the Indus Valley.

Iranic confrontation with the Nanda Empire of Magadha.

Wars of the Diadochi

(322–281 BC)

First War:

Second War:

Third War:

First War:

Second War:

Third War:

Defeat Death of Perdiccas.

Seleucus established himself in Babylon in 312 BC, then conquest Persia.

Seleucid Empire (312-129 BC)
Babylonian War (311–309 BCE) Seleucid Empire Antigonid dynasty Victory Seleucid control of Babylonia, Media, and Elam
Seleucid–Mauryan war (305–303 BCE) Seleucid Empire Maurya Empire Defeat Treaty of the Indus
Syrian Wars

(274–168 BC)[1]

Seleucid Empire Ptolemaic Egypt Victory
Antiouchus' Bactrian Campaign

(209–206/5 BC)

Seleucid Empire Greco-Bactrian Kingdom Victory Antiochus III recognizes Euthydemus's reign
Roman–Seleucid War (192–188 BC)[2] Seleucid Empire Roman Republic Defeat Peace of Apamea
Campaigns of Artaxias I

(189–165 BCE)

Seleucid Empire

Kingdom of Cataonia
Kingdom of Pontus

Lesser Armenia

Kingdom of Iberia

Kingdom of Armenia

Kingdom of Sophene

Defeat The regions of Caspiana, Faunitida, Basolropeda, Tmorik, Karenitis, Derksen, Akilisene and Antitaurus are annexed to Armenia.
Parthian Empire
(247 BC–224 AD)
Seleucid–Parthian Wars
(238 BC–129 BC)
Parthian Empire Seleucid Empire Victory • Expulsion of the Seleucids from Iran
Parni Conquest Parthia

(238 BC)

Parthian Empire Seleucid Empire Victory • Rise of the Parthian Empire

• The beginning of the Seleucid–Parthian Wars

Parthian–Bactrian War (150 BC) Parthian Empire Greco-Bactrian Kingdom Victory Western Bactria annexed to the Parthian Empire
Second Parthian-Kushan War

(between c. 130 CE to c. 140 CE)

Parthian Empire Kushan Empire Defeat Kanishka I repels the invasion
Battle of Ecbatana

(129 BC)

Parthian Empire Seleucid Empire Victory End of Hellenistic rule in Iran
Nomad invasion of Drangiana[3][4]

(128-115 BC)

Parthian Empire Indo-Scythians


Victory The House of Suren gets the Indo-Parthian territories.
Parthian invasion of Armenia

(120–100 BCE?)

Parthian Empire


Kingdom of Armenia Victory Parthians add territories
Armenian–Parthian War
(87–85 BC)
Parthian Empire Kingdom of Armenia Defeat Osroene and Atrpatakan loyalty to Tigranes the Great
Battle of Carrahe

(53 BC)

Parthian Empire Roman Republic Victory • Repelling the danger of the Romans

Crassus killed

• Roman desire to retaliate for Julius Caesar's planned invasion of the Parthian Empire

Liberators' civil war

(43–42 BC)


Supported by:

Parthian Empire[5]

Second Triumvirate

Supported by:

Ptolemaic Egypt

Defeat The Second Triumvirate wins the Roman Civil War, then reinstates control over the eastern provinces.
Pompeian–Parthian invasion of 40 BC

(40–38 BC)

Parthian Empire Roman Republic Defeat Status quo ante bellum
Antony's Parthian War

(36–20 BC)

Parthian Empire


Hasmonean Kingdom

Roman Republic

Kingdom of Armenia




Herodian Kingdom of Judea

Victory • Antony's was unsuccessful in campaign against Iran

• Ended by formal peace in 20 BC

Gondophares conquest on the East

(20–10 BC)

Indo-Parthian Kingdom Indo-Scythians

Indo-Greek Kingdom

Victory Gondophares conquers Arachosia, Seistan, Sindh, Punjab, and the Kabul valley.
Pharasmanes I of Iberia invasion of Armenia

(35 AD)

Parthian Empire

Kingdom of Armenia

Kingdom of Iberia Defeat Orodes of Armenia is deposed
Kushan invasion of Indo-Parthia

(50s AD)

Indo-Parthian Kingdom Kushan Empire Defeat Kushans conquer Indo-Parthian territories in northern India.
Iberian–Armenian War

(50–51 AD/51–53 AD)

Kingdom of Armenia

Roman Empire (until 51)

Kingdom of Armenia

Parthian Empire

Kingdom of Iberia
Kingdom of Iberia

Roman Empire

Victory The Roman–Parthian War of 58–63 start
Roman–Parthian War of 58–63

(58–63 AD)

Parthian Empire

Kingdom of Armenia

Roman Empire

Roman clients


Lesser Armenia




Stalemate Treaty of Rhandeia
Roman–Parthian Wars
(66 AD–216)
Parthian Empire
Kingdom of Armenia
Roman Empire
Status quo ante bellum Borders changed several times.
Trajan's Parthian campaign


Parthian Empire

co-belligerant Jewish/Judean zealots

Babylonians rebels Armenian rebels

Roman Empire

Client Parthian state

Roman–Parthian War of 161–166


Parthian Empire

Pro-Parthian Edessans

Roman Empire

Pro-Roman Edessans

Defeat Minor Roman territorial gains and Armenia consolidated as a Roman client
Battle of Ctesiphon (198) Parthian Empire Roman Empire Defeat Roman sacks Persian capital
Parthian War of Caracalla


Parthian Empire Roman Empire Victory
  • Rome is forced to pay tribute to Parthia
Sassanid Empire
Battle of Hormozdgan


Sassanids Parthian Empire Victory • Fall of the Parthian Empire

• Rise of the Sasanian Empire

Sasanid conquest of Sakastan


Sassanids Indo-Parthian Kingdom Victory Consolidation of the Sasanian Empire on eastern Persia
Ardashir I invasion of Armenia


Sasanian Empire Kingdom of Armenia Defeat Sassanid withdrawal
Mesopotamian campaigns of Ardashir I


Sasanian Empire Roman Empire

Kingdom of Hatra

Victory Both sides get territorial gains.
Shapur I campaign on the East


Sasanian Empire Victory Persia annex territories as far as "Purushapura" (Peshawar) and the Hindu-Kush or even south of it.

Those includying Sogdiana, Bactria, and Gandhara. Kushans are deposed and replaced by the Kushanshah

Battle of Resaena


Sasanian Empire Roman Empire Defeat Roman recovers Nisibis and Singara
Battle of Misiche


Sasanian Empire Roman Empire



Victory Roman cedes Armenia and Mesopotamia
Roman-Sassanid Wars
Sasanian Empire Roman Empire Status quo ante bellum Borders changed several times.
Siege of Nisibis


Sasanian Empire Roman Empire Victory Persian capture of Nisibis
Battle Of Barbalissos


Sasanian Empire Roman Empire Victory Shapur's army won against Valerian's army
Siege of Antioch (253) Sasanian Empire Roman Empire Victory
Siege of Dura-Europos (256) Sasanian Empire Roman Empire Victory
Battle of Edessa


Sasanian Empire Roman Empire Victory Valerian was captured
Sasanian revolts against Barham II


Sasanian Empire Victory Revolts suppressed
Shapur ll's Arab Campaign


Sasanian Empire Arabs Victory
Perso-Roman wars of 337–361


Sasanian Empire Roman Empire Indecisive Status quo ante bellum
Wars of Shapur II with the Chionites and Kushans[7]


Sasanian Empire Xionites

Kushan Empire

Victory Expansion of Sasanian control beyond the Indus River
Shapur II's 1st Armenian campaign (359-361) Sasanian Empire Kingdom of Armenia

Roman Empire

Victory Death of Arshak II
Kidarites invasions of Bactria


Sasanian Empire Kidarites Defeat Kidara I conquers Bactria and get the title of Kushanshah
Julian's Persian expedition


Sasanian Empire

Arab allies

Roman Empire

Kingdom of Armenia

Victory Sasanian annexation of five regions & fifteen major fortresses from the Roman Empire in addition to the consequent annexation of Armenia
Shapur II's 2nd Armenian campaign (367-371) Sasanian Empire

Caucasian Albania

Roman Empire

Kingdom of Armenia

Defeat Persians depose Arshak II of Armenia. Then

Armenia is under Roman suzerainty through Pap of Armenia entronization.

Shapur III's Armenian Campaign (378-386) Sasanian Empire Kingdom of Armenia

Eastern Roman Empire

Victory Peace of Acilisene
Hunnic invasion of the Sasanian Empire


Sasanian Empire

Roman Empire

Hunnic Empire Victory Huns quit
Roman–Sasanian War of 421–422


Sasanian Empire

Lakhmid Arabs

Eastern Roman Empire Stalemate Status quo ante bellum
Byzantine–Sasanian War of 440


Sasanian Empire Eastern Roman Empire Indecisive Status quo ante bellum
  • Both empires agreed to battle northern nomads (Scythians).
Battle of Avarayr


Sasanian Empire Christian Armenians Victory Following Persian the victory, Yazdegerd jailed some Armenian priests and nobles and appointed a new governor for Armenia.
Kidarite-Sassanid War (464-466)[8][9] Sasanian Empire

Alchon Huns

Kidarites Victory End of Kidarite menace to Persia in Bactria
Hephthalite–Sasanian Wars


Sasanian Empire

First Turkic Khaganate

Hephthalite Empire Victory
  • The Hephthalite Empire breaks into minor kingdoms.
  • Sasanians and Turks established a frontier for their zones of influence along the Oxus river
Byzantine–Sassanid Wars
Sasanian Empire Byzantine Empire Status quo ante bellum Borders changed several times.
Anastasian War


Sasanian Empire Byzantine Empire Victory * The Sasanian Empire captures Theodosiopolis and Martyropolis
Aksumite invasion of Himyar


Himyarite Kingdom
  • Jewish Himyarites

Supported by:
Sasanian Empire

Kingdom of Aksum

Supported by:
Byzantine Empire

Iberian War


Sasanian Empire Byzantine Empire Victory *Sasanians retained Iberia

Byzantines retained Lazica

Byzantines paid tribute of 11,000 lbs (5,000 kg) gold

Lazic War


Sasanian Empire Byzantine Empire Victory Fifty-Year Peace Treaty
Ethiopian–Persian Wars
Sasanian Empire

Supported by:

Jewish Himyarites

Kingdom of Aksum

Supported by:
Byzantine Empire

South Arabian Christians

Victory Ethiopians expelled from the Himyarite Kingdom. (Yemen is annexed by the Sasanian Empire)
War for the Caucasus


Sasanian Empire Byzantine Empire Defeat Khosrow II is restored to the Sasanian throne.

Khosrow II gives the Byzantine Empire most of Persian Armenia and western half of Iberia after the Sasanian civil war of 589–591

First Perso-Turkic War
Sasanian Empire Hephthalite Empire
Victory The Sassanids captured Balkh.
Sasanian civil war of 589–591 Sasanian Empire Supporters of Bahram Chobin
Dissatisfied Sasanian nobles

supported by:
Byzantine Empire

Defeat Khosrow II faction's victory
Vistahm Rebellion


Sasanian Empire Parthians led by Vistahm Victory Revolt suppressed
Byzantine–Sassanid War


Sasanian Empire

Avars (and Slavic allies)

Byzantine Empire

Western Turkic Khaganate

Status quo ante bellum
Second Perso-Turkic War
Sasanian Empire Western Turkic Khaganate
Hephthalite Empire
Victory Turkic invasion of Iran repelled
Jewish revolt against Heraclius (614–617/625)
Jewish rebels
Sasanian Empire
Byzantine Empire Status quo ante bellum Jewish surrender and expulsion after a brief rule by Persians and Jews over parts of the Byzantine Diocese of the East.
Third Perso-Turkic War
Sasanian Empire

Supported by:

Eastern Turkic Khaganate

Western Turkic Khaganate
Supported by:

Byzantine Empire

Tang China

Defeat Byzantine control of Georgia
Sasanian civil war of 628–632 The Parsig faction

The Nimruzi faction

The Pahlav (Parthian) faction
Shahrbaraz's army
Muslim conquest of Persia
Sasanian Empire

Supported by:

Rashidun Caliphate


Sasanids attempts to recuperate the Persian throne (657–679) Tang China

Sassanids in exile

Rashidun Caliphate (until 661)

Umayyad Caliphate (from 661)

Western Turkic Khaganate

Stalemate The Tang campaigns against the Western Turks (by Pei Xingjian) success and the Chinese established a "Persian military commandery" (波斯都督府) in the city of Zābol (疾陵城 Jilicheng) in Tokharistan, and Peroz was appointed as Military Commander (都督 Dudu). Then this government, with the capital at Zirang, fell in 673/674.

After that, Narsieh went west with his troops to liberate Iranshahr in 679 and fought against the Arabs in Takharistan for almost thirty years.

Iranian Intermezzo (821-1090)
Muslim conquest of Transoxiana


Abbasid Caliphate

Tibetan Empire Karluk mercenaries

Principalities of Tokharistan

Sogdian principalities



Türgesh Kaghanate

Second Turkic Khaganate
Tang China

Second Fitna (Muslim civil war of 680–692) Zubayrid Caliphate
Umayyad Caliphate Defeat Kharijite faction, the Azariqa, captures Fars and Kirman from the Zubayrids. Ex-Zubayrid loyalists help Umayyad to secured Iraq, and consequently most of its dependencies in Persia. Then, Umayyad victory after Siege of Mecca.
Umayyad campaigns in India


Umayyad Caliphate Gurjara-Pratihara

Guhila dynasty

Maitraka dynasty

Chalukya dynasty

Karkota Empire

  • Arab, and later Turco-Persian Muslim invasions to India, stop for the next 250 years.
  • Islamization of modern Pakistan.
Third Fitna


Abbasid Caliphate

Supported by:

Umayyad Caliphate

Supported by:

  • Abbasid appropriation of most former Umayyad territory
  • Eventual establishment of the Emirate of Córdoba
  • End of privileged status for Arabs
  • End of official discrimination against non-Arabs
Tabaristan uprising






Abbasid Caliphate



Stalemate Arabs finally conquer Tabaristan, but the locals obtain more authonomy after revolt.
Abbasid expeditions to East Africa

(804, 827/837)

1st phase

Abbasid Caliphate 2nd phase
Persians wālīs of Zanj

1st phase

Africans from Zanj

2nd phase
Abbasid Caliphate

Victory The Kharaj is imposed on the Africans.

Persian rebels against Mihna get a compromise.

Fourth Fitna (Abbasid civil war of 811–813/819) Al-Ma'mun (supported mostly by Persian forces) Al-Amin (supported mostly by Arab forces) Victory Defeat and death of al-Amin; al-Ma'mun is recognized as Caliph on 27 September 813. Tahir ibn Husayn rewarded as governor of Khorasan, which marked the beginning of the Tahirids.
Hamza ibn Azarak's Kharijites rebellion in Sistan


Tahirid dynasty Kharijites Inconclusive Hamza's death in 828 and the death of Talha shortly after put an end to this series of conflicts.
Mazyar uprising


Tahirid dynasty Spahbed Mazyar and

Khaydhar ibn Kawus al-Afshin's forces

Victory Mutasim Maziar was arrested and sent to Baghdad. Tahirid control over Tabaristan was therefore secured.
Zaydid revolt of 864 Tahirid dynasty Hasan ibn Zayd's forces Defeat Hasan, who assumed the regnal name al-Da‘ī ila’l-ḥaqq ("He who summons to the Truth"), was recognized as emir of Tabaristan.
Caspian expeditions of the Rus'


Abbasid Caliphate

Khazars (from 965)


Byzantine Empire (941)


Volga Bulgaria

 Kievan Rus'

Oghuz Turks

Khazars (until 943)

  • Occupation of several areas on the outskirts of the Volga and the Dnieper by the Russians. Start of Russian expansionism on the Caucasus.
  • The disintegration of the Khazar Empire
  • Sack of different areas by the Russians in Iranian territories near Caspian Sea
  • The local Muslims defeated the Russians in their attempts to conquest Persian territories.
Samanid conquest of northern Iran


Samanid Empire Zaydids Victory Samanids took over the province of Tabaristan, Ismail then appointed his cousin Abu'l-Abbas Abdullah as the governor of Tabaristan.
Sajid invasion of Georgia


Sajid dynasty Tao-Klarjeti

Kingdom of Kakheti
Kingdom of Abkhazia

Stalemate Despite military victories, sajid withdraw from Georgia
Qarmatian invasion of Iraq (927–928) Abbasid Caliphate

Sajid dynasty

Qarmatians of Bahrayn

Baqliyya rebels

Stalemate End of Qarmatian expansionism

Collapse of the Abbasid Empire

Battle of Iskhabad


  • Part of the Samanid–Ziyarid Wars
Ziyarid dynasty


Samanid Empire Defeat Samanid conquest of the territory
Saffarid dynasty
Yaqub's campaigns to the east (861–870) Saffarid dynasty Zunbils


Medieval India

Victory Ya'qub ibn al-Layth al-Saffar marched through Bost, Kandahar, Ghazni, Kabul, Bamyan, Balkh and Herat, conquering them in the name of Islam.
Saffarid-Abbasid War (873–876) Saffarid dynasty


Abbasid Caliphate Stalemate
Battle of Mecca (883)
  • Part of Abbasid decline (861–940)
Saffarid dynasty

Abbasid Caliphate

Tulunids Victory
Battle of Balkh


Saffarid Amirate Samanid Empire Defeat The Saffarids lose much territory to the Samanids in Khorasan, and were left with the control of Fars, Kerman and Sistan, but they also lost these provinces after a civil war.
Saffarid Campaign in the Fars province


Saffarid Amirate Abbasid Caliphate Victory Temporarily regained Fars, but the Saffarids withdrew soon afterwards.
Military expedition against Makran

(907 or 908)

Saffarid Amirate Ma'danids Victory Saffarids able to compel the Ma'danid to give three years of tribute.
Civil war between Tahir and the pretender Al-Layth (909-912) Tahir ibn Muhammad ibn Amr Al-Layth Stalemate Sebük-eri, who had managed to win over Tahir's commanders, won an easy victory and captured the brothers. They were sent to the Caliph and imprisoned in Baghdad, though they were treated well for the remainder of their lives.
Buyid-Saffarid War (967-968) Saffarid dynasty Buyid dynasty Defeat Adud al-Dawla negotiated peace with the Saffarid ruler Khalaf ibn Ahmad, who agreed to recognize Buyid authority.
Ghaznavid dynasty
March of Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni to India (1001-1027) Ghaznavid Empire Medieval India Victory The northern parts of India were annexed by Iran. Somnath temple was destroyed and its treasures looted.
Ghaznavid campaigns in India

(10th and 11th centuries)

Ghaznavid Empire Medieval India Victory
  • The northern parts of India were annexed by Iran.
  • Somnath temple was destroyed and its treasures looted.
  • Later Islamic empires would appear on the subcontinent.
Seljuq Empire
Seljuk-Ghaznavid Wars Seljuk Empire Ghaznavid Empire Victory • Fall of the Ghaznavid Empire

• Rise of the Seljuk Empire

Siege of Hamadan (1047) Seljuk Empire Kakuyids



Victory Hamedan and Isfahan are conquered by Seljuk empire.
Georgian–Seljuk wars


Seljuk Empire Kingdom of Georgia Defeat Initial victory on the Great Turkish Invasion. Then Georgia liberates from being tributary of Seljuk and even invades Iran.
Byzantine–Seljuq wars
Seljuk Empire Byzantine Empire

Empire of Trebizond
Crusader states

Victory Most of Anatolia conquered by the Seljuks
Overthrow of the Qarmatians


Seljuk Empire

Uyunid Emirate
Abbasid Caliphate

Qarmatians Victory End of Qarmatian rule in eastern Arabia
Seljuk war of succession


Alp Arslan forces Qutalmish forces Victory Alp Arslan obtains the throne.
Battle of Manzikert
Seljuk Empire Byzantine Empire Victory Seljuks enter Anatolia.
Seljuk Civil War Seljuk Empire Kerman Seljuk Sultanate Victory Malik Shah maintains the throne
Battle of Ain Salm


Seljuk Empire Sultanate of Rûm Victory death of Suleiman ibn Qutalmish
Nizari–Seljuk conflicts


(Nizari) Ismailis of Persia and Syria Stalemate Nizaris consolidate a state in Daylam, Quhistan, and Jabal Bahra', then controls other scattered areas in Alborz mountains, Zagros mountains, and Khurasan.
First Crusade


Siege of Mosul (1096) Seljuk Empire Uqaylid dynasty Victory Seljuks conquers the territory of the Uqaylid State
Battle of Ghazni (1117) Seljuk Empire Ghaznavid Empire Victory Bahram of Ghazna succeeded to the throne as the Seljuk's vassal
First Siege of Baghdad (1136) Seljuk Empire Abbasid Caliphate Victory al-Rashid fled the city for Mosul, where he abdicated the caliphate. His uncle, al-Muqtafi, was raised to the throne instead by Mas'ud, who then retired to the east.
Battle of Qatwan


Seljuk Empire



Qara Khitai (Western Liao)


Defeat Khwarazm became a vassal state of the Kara-Khitan.
Second Crusade


Western front (Reconquista)
Wendish Crusade
Second Siege of Baghdad (1157) Seljuk Empire Abbasid Caliphate Defeat Caliph al-Muqtafi successfully defended his capital against the coalition armies of Seljuq Sultan Muhammad of Hamadan and Qutb ad-Din of Mosul.
Ghurid dynasty
Battle of Ghazni (1148) Ghurid dynasty Ghaznavids Victory The Ghurid ruler defeated Bahram-Shah and took the city while Bahram-Shah fled to India.
Battle of Ghazni (1151) Ghurid dynasty Ghaznavids Victory The Ghurid ruler defeated Bahram-Shah, captured the city, and destroyed it as revenge for the execution of his brother Quṭb ud-Dīn in 1149.
Indian campaigns of Muhammad of Ghor


Ghurid dynasty Rajput confederacy

Sena dynasty

Soomra dynasty



Tibetan tribes

Battle of Andkhud


Ghurid dynasty Khwarazmian Empire

Qara Khitai

Kara-Khanid Khanate

Defeat Ghurids lost suzerainty of Khurasan to the Khwarezmian Empire
Ghurid invasion of Tibet


Ghurid dynasty Tibetan people (Era of Fragmentation) Defeat
Khwarazmian dynasty
Mongol invasion of Persia (1218–1256) Khwarazmian dynasty

Nizari Ismaili state
Abbasid Caliphate

Mongol Empire Defeat
Georgian-Khwarazmid war (1225–1228) Khwarazmian dynasty  Kingdom of Georgia Victory Khwarezmian last domains added the Georgian domains
Seljuk-Khwarazmid war


Khwarezm Shahs

Seljuk rebels

Empire of Trebizond

Seljuk Sultanate of Rûm

Ayyubid Sultanate

Defeat Khwarezmian last domains partitioned between Seljuks and Mongols
Siege of Jerusalem (1244) Ayyubid Sultanate


Kingdom of Jerusalem Victory Muslim capture of Jerusalen
Ilkhanid dinasty


Mongol invasions of Anatolia (1241-1335) Mongol Empire

Principality of Khachen

Sultanate of Rum
Anatolian Beyliks
Victory Mongols adds the Anatolian domains to Persian-centered Ilkhanate.
Siege of Baghdad (1258) Mongol Empire

Principality of Antioch

Abbasid Caliphate Victory
Toluid Civil War


Kublai Khan and his allies Ariq Böke and his allies Victory Fragmentation of the Mongol Empire
Berke–Hulagu war



Supported by:
 Byzantine Empire

Golden Horde

Supported by:
Egyptian Mamluk Sultanate

Inconclusive Fragmentation of the Mongol Empire
Kaidu–Kublai war


Yuan dynasty

Ilkhanate (ally of Kublai)

Chagatai Khanate

House of Ögedei

Golden Horde (ally of Kaidu until 1284)

Inconclusive Fragmentation of the Mongol Empire
Mongol invasions of the Levant (1260–1323) Ilkhanate of the Mongol Empire Egyptian Mamluk Sultanate

Ayyubid remnants

Nizari Ismailis of Syria

Golden Horde of the Mongol Empire (after 1264)

Karamanid rebels


Defeat Mongols fail to conquer Egypt or get a formal Franco-Mongol alliance.
Esen Buqa–Ayurbarwada war


Yuan dynasty


Chagatai Khanate Victory Fragmentation of the Mongol Empire
Timurid dynasty
Campaigns of Timur
Timurid dynasty Muzaffarids
Jalayirid Sultanate
Tughlaq dynasty

Golden Horde
 Kingdom of Georgia
Delhi Sultanate
Ottoman Empire Ottoman Empire
 Knights Hospitaller

Battle of Algami Canal


  • Part of Timurid Invasion of Iraq
Timurid dynasty Qara Qoyunlu Victory Sultan Ahmed Jalayir and Qara Yusuf both escaped Iraq again and fled towards Egypt
Timurid Civil Wars
Various factions Various factions Collapse of the dynasty Rise of the Shi'ite Safavid dynasty
Battle of Nakhchivan (1406)
  • Part of Timurid Invasion of Azerbaijan
Timurid dynasty Qara Qoyunlu Defeat Invasion repelled
Safavid dynasty
Persian-Uzbek Wars
Safavid Empire Uzbeks Victory Fall of the Shaybanid Empire
Turkoman invasions of Georgia (1407-1502) Kingdom of Georgia

Safavid Empire (1502)

Kara Koyunlu (1407-1468)

Aq Qoyunlu (1468-1502)

Victory End of invasions against Georgia and consolidation of Safavids in Persia
Kurdish-Yazidi uprising against the Safavids
Safavid Empire Yazidis Victory Uprising suppressed when the Yazidi leader, Shir Sarim, was defeated in the battle
Portuguese–Safavid wars (1507–1625) Safavid Empire

Imamate of Oman
Supported by:

British East India Company

Portugal Portuguese Empire

Supported by:

Spain Spanish Empire (since 1580)

Victory The Iranian military sought to punish the Portuguese in the Persian Gulf for the Iranians' grievances of Gambron, not only liberating the island of Hormuz but also forcing the Portuguese to withdraw to Mombasa in Kenya.

Britain recognized Iran's sovereignty over the entire Persian Gulf.

Battle of Chaldiran
Safavid Empire Ottoman Empire Defeat End of Shia uprisings in the Ottoman Empire
Ismail I invasion of Georgia


Safavid Empire

Samtskhe-Saatabago rebels

Kingdom of Georgia Stalemate Initial Persian victories, putting vassal governors in Georgia. Then withdrawal after Ottoman intervention
Battle of Jam (1528) Safavid Empire Uzbeks Victory Safavids Empire defeated Uzbeks and reconquered Herat.
Ottoman–Safavid War of 1523
Safavid Empire

Supported by:

Habsburg monarchy
Ottoman Empire

Supported by:

Defeat Ottomans captured Lower Mesopotamia and Baghdad. First partition of the Caucasus between the Ottomans and Persians. Western Armenia and western Georgia falls in Ottoman hands, Eastern Armenia, eastern Georgia, Dagestan and the contemporary Republic of Azerbaijan remain in Persian hands
Georgian-Safavid wars


Safavid Empire Kingdom of Kartli

Kingdom of Kakheti

Stalemate Persians subdue Georgian kingdoms as vassals of Safavids, but Georgians got restoration of its autonomy
Uzbek invasion of Khorasan (1578) Safavid Empire Shaybanids Victory Uzbeks withdrew from northeastern Iran and Persians refused to pay them tribute.
Ottoman–Safavid War of 1578
Safavid Empire Ottoman Empire Defeat Treaty of Constantinople (1590)
Battle of Herat


Safavid Empire Shaybanids Victory Khorasan returned to Persians
Ottoman–Safavid War of 1603 (First Stage)
Safavid Empire Ottoman Empire Victory Treaty of Nasuh Pasha (1612)
Siege of Dimdim
Safavid Empire Emirate of Bradost Victory Uprising suppressed
Ottoman–Safavid War of 1603 (Second Stage)

(1612 - 1618)

Safavid Empire Ottoman Empire Victory Treaty of Serav (1618)
Capture of Ormuz


Safavid Empire

British East India Company

Spain Iberian Union Victory Ormuz annexed to Persia
Mughal–Safavid War of 1622
Safavid Empire Mughal Empire Victory Kandahar falls to Persia
Ottoman–Safavid War of 1623
Safavid Empire Ottoman Empire Defeat Permanent partition of the Caucasus; western Georgia and Western Armenia go to the Ottomans, while Eastern Armenia, Dagestan, eastern and southern Georgia, and Azerbaijan remain under Persian rule. Ottomans decisively gain control of Mesopotamia.
Battle off Hormuz


Kingdom of England English East India Company

 Dutch East India Company

Supported by:

Safavid Persia

Portugal Portuguese Empire Draw End of Portuguese influence on the Persian Gulf
Capture of Julfar


  • part of the Omani–Portuguese conflicts
Safavid Empire

Portugal Portuguese Empire

Muscat and Oman Omani Empire Defeat Omanis captured the two forts on Ras Al Khaimah.
Mughal–Safavid War of 1649
Safavid Empire

Khanate of Bukhara

Mughal Empire

Jaipur State

Victory Persia recaptured Kandahar
Russo-Persian War of 1651
Safavid Empire  Russia Victory Russian fortress on the Iranian side of the Terek River destroyed, and its garrison expelled
Bakhtrioni uprising


Safavid Empire

Turcoman tribes

Kingdom of Kakheti aided by Tushetians, Pshavs, Khevsurs Inconclusive Kakheti remained under Persian rule
1717 Omani invasion of Bahrain


Safavid Empire Muscat and Oman Omani Empire Defeat Persian loss of Bahrain
Sack of Shamakhi


Safavid Empire Rebellious Sunni Lezgins Defeat The Shia population is massacred and the city, ransacked
Russo-Persian War of 1722
Safavid Empire  Russian Empire
Cossack Hetmanate
Kingdom of Kartli
Melikdoms of Karabakh and Armenian rebels
Defeat Russians capture Derbent, Baku, and the provinces of Shirvan, Gilan, Mazandaran, and Astrabad for about a decade.

Partition of Iran with the Ottomans in Treaty of Constantinople (1724).

Siege of Isfahan
Safavid Empire Hotaki dynasty Defeat

(Regime change)

Afghan control of most of Iran
Hotaki dynasty (1722-1729)
Ottoman–Hotaki War 1724–1727 Hotaki dynasty Ottoman Empire Victory Treaty of Hamedan
Return of Safavids(Nader)
Hotaki dynasty

Sadozai Sultanate of Herat

Supported by:

Ottoman Empire

Safavid Dinasty Defeat

(Regime change)

End of the Hotaki dynasty
Battle of Zarghan
Safavid Empire Hotaki dynasty Victory Afghans expelled from Iran (Persia)
Herat campaign of 1731


Safavid Empire

Afghan loyalists

Sadozai Sultanate of Herat

Hotaki dynasty

Victory Fall of Sadozai Sultanate of Herat
Ottoman-Safavid war of 1730 (Nader) (1730–1735) Safavid Empire

Erivan Khanate

Ottoman Empire

Autonomous Republic of Crimea Crimean Khanate


Victory Persian (Nader) reconquest of the entire Caucasus

Treaty of Constantinople

Afsharid dynasty
Nader Siege of Kandahar (1737–1738) Afsharid dynasty Hotaki dynasty Victory End of the Hotaki dynasty
Nader conquest of the Persian Gulf (1738–1747) Afsharid dynasty Omani Empire


Victory The Persian empire becomes the arbiter of the Persian Gulf until the collapse of the empire.
Nader invasion of India
Afsharid dynasty Mughal Empire Victory Persian plundering of India
Nader Conquest of Central Asia (1738–1740) Afsharid dynasty Khanate of Bukhara

Khanate of Khiva

Victory Conquest of the Central Asian khanates
Nader invasion of Daghestan


Afsharid dynasty
Victory The Persian Empire annexes almost all of Dagestan.
Afsharid–Ottoman War War of 1743
Afsharid dynasty  Ottoman Empire Stalemate Treaty of Kerden, Status quo ante bellum
Civil War between Afsharid and Qajar
Afsharid dynasty Qajar dynasty Regime change Mohammad Khan Qajar became the Shah of Iran.
Durrani Campaign to Khorasan (1754–55) Afsharids

Qara Bayat Amirdom

Qajar dynasty

Khozeimeh Amirdom

Durrani Empire

Khanate of Kalat

Defeat Afghan dominance in the region
Zand dynasty
Campaign against Azad Khan
Zand dynasty Azad Khan Afghan Victory Azad Khan's surrender
Bajalan uprising
Zand dynasty Bajalan Tribe (Kurds[11]/Lurs[12]) Victory Uprising uppressed
Ottoman-Persian War of 1775
Zand dynasty Ottoman Empire Victory Persia captures Basra.
Persian-Dutch War (1765) Zand dynasty Netherlands Dutch colonial empire Victory Kharg Island reconquered by Persia and destruction of Fort Mosselstein
Bani Utbah invasion of Bahrain


Persia Sheikhdom of Kuwait


Defeat Al Khalifa annexes Bahrain into its sheikhdom.
Siege of Kerman
Zand dynasty Qajar Dynasty Defeat Qajars conquer and sack Kerman.
Qajar dynasty
Battle of Krtsanisi
Qajar Iran Kartli-Kakheti
Victory Tbilisi captured and sacked by Iranians. Persian reconquest of the Caucasus and Georgia.
Persian Expedition
Qajar Iran  Russian Empire Victory
  • Tactical Russian victory
  • Strategic Persian victory
  • Russian withdrawal after the death of Catherine II
Russo-Persian War of 1804
Qajar Iran

Supported by:

 Russian Empire Supported by: Defeat Treaty of Gulistan. Iran irrevocably cedes most of its Caucasus territories (Dagestan, Georgia, and most of the Azerbaijan Republic) to Russia.
Battle of Kafir Qala


  • Part of Herati-Qajar Wars
Qajar Iran Durrani Empire Inconclusive Both armies retreated
Ottoman–Persian War of 1821
Qajar Iran  Ottoman Empire Victory Treaty of Erzurum, status quo ante bellum
Russo-Persian War of 1826
Qajar Iran  Russian Empire Defeat Treaty of Turkmenchay. Iran irrevocably cedes its last Caucasus territories comprising parts of the contemporary nation of Azerbaijan that were not ceded in 1813, as well as all of what is the current Republic of Armenia.
Siege of Herat
Qajar Iran

Supported by:

 Russian Empire

Principality of Qandahar

Emirate of Herat

East India Company

Supported by:

 British Empire

Aimaq tribesmen

Maimana Khanate

Andkhui Khanate

Sheberghan Khanate

Sar-i Pul Khanate

Bukhara Emirate

Khiva Khanate[13]

Defeat Successful Persian siege at Herat; breach eventually repelled; temporary British occupation of Kharg Island; Persian withdrawal from Herat
Battle of Fort Tabarsi


Qajar Iran Bábís Victory Successful repression
Siege of Herat


Qajar Iran Emirate of Herat

Supported by:

United Kingdom United Kingdom


Victory Successful siege of Herat; continued occupation until Persia's compliance with the Treaty of Paris; installment of Sultan Ahmad Khan as puppet ruler of Herat
Anglo-Persian War
Qajar Iran United Kingdom United Kingdom


Defeat Persian force occupies and later withdraws from Herat.
Uprising of Sheikh Ubeydullah


 Ottoman Empire

Qajar Iran

Supported by:


Kurdish tribes Victory Successful repression
Persian Constitutional Revolution (1905–1911) Qajar Iran

Supported by:

 Russian Empire

Iranian constitutionalists

Supported by:

 Ottoman Empire
Armenian Revolutionary Federation in Iran
Battle of Khushab
Qajar Iran  United Kingdom Victory Withdrawal of British troops from Ahvaz, Persia
Revolt of Salar-al-Daulah


Qajar Iran Forces of Salar-al-Daulah Victory Rebellion suppressed
Persian Campaign
(1914–1918) (Part of World War I)
Qajar Iran
Jungle Movement
 Russian Empire

 British Empire

Assyrian volunteers

 Ottoman Empire

 German Empire

Jungle Movement insurrection on Gilan (1915–1921) (Part of the Russian Revolution and the Russian Civil War) Qajar Iran
 Russian Empire (1915–1917)

 British Empire

Jungle revolutionaries

Supported by:
Soviet Russia (since 1920)

Simko Shikak revolt (1918–1922) Qajar and Pahlavi Iran Irregular Kurdish militias Victory Revolt suppressed
Mohammad Khiabani's uprising (1920) Qajar Iran Mohammad Khiabani's forces

Azerbaijan rebels

Victory Revolt suppressed
Pessian's revolt (1921) Qajar Iran Autonomous Government of Khorasan Victory Revolt suppressed after the death of Mohammad Taqi Pessian
1921 Persian coup d'état (1921) Qajar Iran Persian Cossack Brigade
Supported by:

United Kingdom United Kingdom

Sheikh Khazal rebellion (1924) Qajar and Pahlavi Iran Sheikhdom of Mohammerah

Bakhtiari tribesmen

Arab separatists

Supported by:

United Kingdom United Kingdom

Pahlavi dynasty
Simko Shikak revolt (1926) Iran

Assyrian volunteers
Assyrian levies

Irregular Kurdish militias Victory Revolt suppressed; Simko Shikak fled to Mandatory Iraq
Jafar Sultan revolt (1931) Iran Jafar Sultan's Kurdish rebels Victory Revolt suppressed
Anglo-Soviet invasion of Iran
Iran  Soviet Union
United Kingdom United Kingdom
Defeat Abdication of Rezā Shāh, Allied occupation of Iran
Hama Rashid revolt (1941-1944) Iran Kurdish tribesmen Victory Hama Rashid driven into Iraq
Iran Crisis of 1946
Iran Mahabad
Supported by:
 Soviet Union
Victory Dissolution of Mahabad and Azerbaijan
First Iraqi–Kurdish War



Supported by:

Iran Iran


 United States (alleged)[15]

Before 1968:

Republic of Iraq

Syria Syria (1963)[16]

After 1968:

Ba'athist Iraq

Dhofar Rebellion
Victory Defeat of insurgents, modernization of Oman
1967 Kurdish revolt in Iran (1967) Iran Revolutionary Committee leadership: Victory Kurdish revolt suppressed:
Insurgency in Balochistan (1973–present) Iran[17]


Baloch separatist groups

Taliban-aligned groups

Supported by:

Ongoing Insurgency mostly repressed
Second Iraqi–Kurdish War




 Soviet Union[18]

Supported by:


 United States[20]

Iraq Defeat
  • Peshmerga fighting ability destroyed
  • Iran withdrew its support for KDP
Arvand Conflict
Iran Iraq Victory
Islamic Republic of Iran
Iranian Revolution and Consolidation
 Iran Iran Imperial State Islamic Republic victory Rival political factions and separatist movements crushed

Tens of thousands of political executions in the aftermath (7,900 from 1981 to 1985, 3,800 to 33,000 in 1988, unknown in 1986–1987 or 1979–1980)

1979 Kurdish rebellion in Iran (1979)  Iran KDP-I



Supported by:

Iraq Iraq

Victory Iranian victory, but pockets of KDPI resistance remained until 1996.
1979 Khuzestan insurgency (1979)  Iran DRFLA



Supported by:
Iraq Iraq

Qatif conflict (1979–present)  Iran

Shia militants

 Saudi Arabia Ongoing Mostly repressed from 1983 to 2011 by Saudi government. Sunni government executes many Shia rebels.
Iran–Iraq War
Badr Brigades
Iraq Iraq
Stalemate Both Iraq and Iran accepted UNSC Resolution 598.

Return to status quo, observed by UNIIMOG

1982 Amol uprising (1982)  Iran Union of Iranian Communists (Sarbedaran) Victory Most of communist leadership and members are arrested or killed.
Multinational Force in Lebanon
Islamic Jihad Organization
Iran Iran
Progressive Socialist Party
Amal Movement
 United Kingdom

 United States

Stalemate Syrian Allied victory[21]
Tanker War


Supported by:



Supported by:

 United States

 Saudi Arabia


Ceasefire UNSC Resolution 598
KDPI–Komala conflict


 Iran KDP-I
Victory Both armed forces debilitate and Iran maintain control of Iranian Kurdistan.
Iran–Israel proxy conflict (1985−present)  Iran
Supported by:
Supported by:
Ongoing Iran-Israel conflicts continues
  • Tactical victories from Israel
  • Strategic stalemate
KDPI insurgency (1989–1996)  Iran KDP-I Victory KDPI announces unilateral cease-fire in 1996.
Arab civil unrest and insurgency on Khuzestan



Supported by:

Victory Revolts suppressed
2000–2006 Shebaa Farms conflict



Supported by:
Syria Syria

 Israel Defeat Israel maintains the territories
War in Afghanistan (2001–2021)  United States

 United Kingdom

Northern Alliance
 New Zealand
 Iran (until 2002)

Al-Qaeda Foreign fighters
  • Fall of the Taliban government in Afghanistan
  • Then Iran quits the coallition and form the Axis of Resistance after Axis of evil speachment, ending his collaboration with the US coallition.
Iraqi insurgency


New Iraqi government

Supported by:

Iran Iran[27][28]



 United Nations

 United States

 United Kingdom

MNF–I (2003–09)

Shia insurgents
Ba'ath loyalists
Sunni insurgents
Sistan and Baluchestan insurgency
 Iran Jundallah (Iran) Ongoing Capture of Abdolmalek Rigi

Dissolution of Jundallah

Iran–PJAK Conflict
PJAK Ongoing PJAK withdraws from Iranian territory
2004 Iranian seizure of Royal Navy personnel


 Iran  United Kingdom Victory British personnel arrested
2005 Ahvaz unrest (2005)  Iran Iranian Arabs Victory Unrest quelled
2006 Lebanon War


 Israel Stalemate U.N brokered ceasefire through UNSCR 1701
U.S. raid on the Iranian Liaison Office in Erbil


 Iraqi Kurdistan
 United States Defeat
  • Iranian diplomats captured by the US
  • Iranian retaliatory raids against the US
Karbala provincial headquarters raid


Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq


 United States Victory
  • U.S. base infiltrated by the Khazali Special Groups Network
  • US officers are arrested and then executed.
2007 Iranian arrest of Royal Navy personnel


 Iran  United Kingdom Victory British personnel captured and then liberated
Afghanistan–Iran border skirmishes


 Iran  Afghanistan Stalemate Status quo ante bellum
2008 U.S.–Iranian naval dispute


 Iran  United States Victory Incident resolved peacefully
Gaza War (2008–2009) State of Palestine Gaza Strip

Supported by:

 Israel Defeat Israel tactical victory
Syrian Civil War
Syria Syria
Syria Free Syrian Army

 United States


 Saudi Arabia


Islamic Front
al-Nusra Front
Islamic State
 Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria
Ongoing Rebel and Islamist uprisings quelled in much of Syria

Most of Syria now controlled by Syrian Government, which is supported by Iran Islamic State in Syria defeated near the end of 2017

Insurgency in Bahrain (2011–present)

Supported by:


Supported by:
 Saudi Arabia
Ongoing Ongoing insurgency by militant groups, supported by Iran, to topple government of Bahrain
2011–2012 Strait of Hormuz dispute


 Iran  United States

 United Kingdom



War in Iraq
Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq
Badr Organization
Kata'ib Hezbollah

Assyrian people Kataib Rouh Allah Issa Ibn Miriam

 United States

Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant
Naqshbandi Army
Victory Iraqi government and allied victory against ISIL

End of ISIL territorial control in Iraq; ongoing ISIL insurgency

2014 Gaza War


State of Palestine Gaza Strip

Supported by:

 Israel Victory Israel quits from Gaza.
Yemeni Civil War
Supreme Political Council Cabinet of Yemen
Saudi-led coalition
al-Qaeda Al-Qaeda
Islamic State–Taliban conflict




Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (pro-Taliban & anti-IS factions)[34]

Supported by:

 United States (limited)[35][36][37][38]

 Iran (alleged)[39][40]

 Russia (alleged)[41]

 Pakistan (alleged)

 Islamic State

Mullah Dadullah Front (until 2016)

Fidai Mahaz[42]

Supported by:

High Council of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (HCIEA)[43] (until 2021)[44][45]

Ongoing Continued IS-KP guerilla warfare and insurgent attacks
2016 U.S.–Iran naval incident


 Iran  United States Victory Sailors are released unnarmed
Western Iran clashes (2016–present)  Iran PDKI





Supported by:

 Saudi Arabia

Ongoing Restart of armed resistance against the Islamic Republic of Iran. However, eastern Kurdistan has not yet become a Kurdish state.
2017 Iraqi–Kurdish conflict



Supported by:


Kurdistan Region Kurdistan Regional Government
White Flags (alleged)[49]
Victory Iraqi Government captures 20% of the territory controlled by the Kurdistan Region including the city of Kirkuk, along with the surrounding oil fields and border crossings
Islamic State insurgency in Iraq


  • Pro-Government Tribes (ar)[50]

Rojava (cross-border cooperation since May 2018)[51]

Supported by:

CJTF-OIR (until 2021)



 Kurdistan Region

Supported by:


Islamic State

White Flags

2019–2021 Persian Gulf crisis


Supported by:

 Houthi movement

 United States

Supported by:
 Saudi Arabia
 United Arab Emirates


2022 Iran–Greece naval incident


Supported by:



Supported by:
 European Union
 United States

Victory The Greek seizure was lifted
2023 Israel–Lebanon shellings


Palestinian Islamic Jihad PIJ

Supported by:

 Israel Ceasefire Inconclusive
2023 Israel–Hamas war


Supported by:
Supported by:
Ongoing Iranian proxy groups initiate offensives against US military bases.

See also


  1. Potts, D. T. (2014-04-01). Nomadism in Iran: From Antiquity to the Modern Era. Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199330799.003.0003. ISBN 978-0-19-933079-9.
  2. Foundation, Encyclopaedia Iranica. "SELEUCID EMPIRE". Retrieved 2023-06-23.
  3. Frye, Richard Nelson (1984). The history of ancient Iran. Internet Archive. München : C.H. Beck. ISBN 978-3-406-09397-5.
  4. Bosworth, Clifford Edmund (1997). "Sīstān". In Bosworth, C. E.; van Donzel, E.; Heinrichs, W. P. & Lecomte, G. (eds.). Encyclopaedia of Islam. Volume IX: San–Sze (2nd ed.). Leiden: E. J. Brill. pp. 681–685. ISBN 978-90-04-10422-8.
  5. Dahlheim, Werner (2010). Augustus: Aufrührer, Herrscher, Heiland. Eine Biographie (in German). C.H. Beck. p. 111. ISBN 9783406605932.
  6. Olbrycht, Marek Jan (2016). "Dynastic Connections in the Arsacid Empire and the Origins of the House of Sāsān". In Curtis, Vesta Sarkhosh; Pendleton, Elizabeth J.; Alram, Michael; Daryaee, Touraj (eds.). The Parthian and Early Sasanian Empires: Adaptation and Expansion. Oxbow Books. ISBN 9781785702082.
  7. Ghosh, Amalananda (1965). Taxila. CUP Archive. pp. 790–791.
  8. Di Cosmo, Nicola; Maas, Michael, eds. (2018). Empires and Exchanges in Eurasian Late Antiquity: Rome, China, Iran, and the Steppe, ca. 250–750. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/9781316146040. ISBN 978-1-107-09434-5.
  9. Payne, Richard (2015). "The Reinvention of Iran: The Sasanian Empire and the Huns". In Maas, Michael (ed.). The Cambridge Companion to the Age of Attila. Cambridge University Press. pp. 282–299. ISBN 978-1-107-63388-9.
  10. 1 2 Demurger, 80–81; Demurger 284
  11. "Encyclopedia Iranica".
  12. Ali Mohammad, Saki. "Encyclopedia of the World of Islam".
  13. L.Lee, Johnathan (1996). The 'Ancient Supremacy': Bukhara, Afghanistan & the Battle for Balkh, 1731–1901. Brill Publishers. p. 150. ISBN 978-90-04-10399-3. ISSN 0929-2403.
  14. Michael G. Lortz. (Chapter 1, Introduction). The Kurdish Warrior Tradition and the Importance of the Peshmerga. pp.39-42. "Archived copy" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2013-10-29. Retrieved 2014-10-16.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  15. Wolfe-Hunnicutt, Brandon (2021). The Paranoid Style in American Diplomacy: Oil and Arab Nationalism in Iraq. Stanford University Press. p. 102. ISBN 978-1-5036-1382-9. Available documentation does not prove conclusively that the United States provided covert assistance to the Kurds in the fall of 1962, but the documents that have been declassified are certainly suggestive—especially in light of the general US policy orientation toward Iraq during this period.
  16. Vanly, I. C. (1992). "The Kurds in Syria and Lebanon". In Kreyenbroek, P. G.; Sperl, S. (eds.). The Kurds: A Contemporary Overview. Routledge. pp. 151–2. ISBN 0-415-07265-4.
  17. 1 2 The rebellion started already in 1962, but Iran did not intervene before 1973.
  18. "18. Iraq/Kurds (1932-present)".
  19. "18. Iraq/Kurds (1932-present)".
  20. Tripp, Charles (2007). A History of Iraq. Cambridge University Press. pp. xii. ISBN 9780521702478.
  21. Friedman, Thomas L. (1984-04-08). "America's Failure in Lebanon". The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved 2020-03-08.
  22. Brinkley, Joel (March 11, 1984). "The Collapse of Lebanon's Army: U.S. Said to Ignore Factionalism". The New York Times.
  23. Allam, Shah (October–December 2004). "Iran-Pakistan Relations: Political and Strategic Dimensions" (PDF). Strategic Analysis. The Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses. 28 (4): 526. doi:10.1080/09700160408450157. S2CID 154492122. Retrieved 20 October 2013.
  24. Mir, Furrukh (2011). Half Truth. [u.s.]: iUniverse. ISBN 978-1450286459.
  25. "Liberation of Ahwaz Movement Leader: The Deceive Storm restored faith to our hearts". Asharq Al-Awsat. Archived from the original on 30 March 2016. Retrieved 20 March 2016.
  26. Weiss, Caleb (30 December 2017). "Iran-based jihadist group claims attack on oil pipeline". Foundation for the Defense of Democracies. Archived from the original on 12 June 2018. Retrieved 31 December 2017. Ansar al Furqan states that "a major oil pipeline was blown up in Omidiyeh region of occupied Ahvaz, Iran." The group added that it had established a new unit, the Ahwaz Martyrs Brigade. The area of Ahvaz has historically had a large Arab population.
  27. Elaheh Rostami-Povey, Iran's Influence: A Religious-Political State and Society in Its Region, pp. 130–154, Zed Books Ltd, 2010.
  28. "Iranian Strategy in Iraq Politics and "Other Means"" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 5 March 2016. Retrieved 12 January 2016.
  29. "U.S. employs Israeli tactics in Iraq". NBC News. December 13, 2003. Retrieved 2023-06-12.
  30. Hersh, Seymour M. (21 June 2004). "As June 30th approaches, Israel looks to the Kurds". The New Yorker. Retrieved 12 June 2023.
  31. President Barack Obama Speaks With VICE News. YouTube. 16 March 2015. Archived from the original on 2021-12-21.
  32. "Afghanistan Faces Tough Battle as Haqqanis Unify the Taliban". ABC News. 8 May 2016. Archived from the original on 8 May 2016.
  33. Roggio, Bill (12 July 2021). "Taliban advances as U.S. completes withdrawal". FDD's Long War Journal. Archived from the original on 24 July 2021. Retrieved 16 July 2021.
  34. Roggio, Bill; Weiss, Caleb (14 June 2016). "Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan faction emerges after group's collapse". Long War Journal. Retrieved 6 August 2017.
  35. "Taliban fought IS with 'limited' US military support, US general reveals". France 24. 10 March 2020.
  36. Sisk, Richard (11 March 2020). "US Has Given 'Limited Support' to Taliban in ISIS Fight, General Says".
  37. Clark, Dartunorro; Da Silva, Chantal; Kube, Courtney (28 August 2021). "2 High Profile ISIS Targets Killed in US Drone Strike in Afghanistan, Pentagon Says". NBC News. Retrieved 30 August 2021.
  38. Liebermann, Oren; Sidhu, Sandi; Smith-Spark, Laura; Vandoorne, Saskya; Walsh, Nick Paton (30 August 2021). "Ten Family Members, Including Children, Killed in US Strike in Kabul Targeting Suspected IS-K Suicide Bomber, Relative Says". CNN. Retrieved 30 August 2021.
  39. "The Odd Couple: Why Iran Is Backing the Taliban". Stratfor.
  40. Dreazen, Yochi (26 May 2016). "Exclusive: Iran Teams With Taliban to Fight Islamic State in Afghanistan".
  41. Noorzai, Roshan; Sahinkaya, Ezel; Gul Sarwan, Rahim (3 July 2020). "Afghan Lawmakers: Russian Support to Taliban No Secret". Voice of America.
  42. "Taliban leader Dadullah joins Afghanistan's ISIL | Pakistan Today". 10 September 2015.
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