This is a list of former municipalities of Switzerland, i.e. municipalities of Switzerland (German: Gemeinden, French: communes, Italian: comuni, Romansh: vischnancas) that no longer exist.

In 1850, Switzerland had 3203 municipalities.[1] On 1 January 2022, the number was 2148.[2]


Name Canton[3] Fate Resulting
AawangenThurgauIncorporated into AadorfAadorf1996
Adlikon bei Andelfingen Zürich Incorporated into Andelfingen Andelfingen 2023
Aeschlen bei Oberdiessbach Bern Incorporated into Oberdiessbach Oberdiessbach 2010
Aetigkofen Solothurn Merged with Aetingen, Bibern, Brügglen, Gossliwil, Hessigkofen, Küttigkofen, Kyburg-Buchegg, Mühledorf and Tscheppach Buchegg 2014
Aetingen Solothurn Merged with Aetigkofen, Bibern, Brügglen, Gossliwil, Hessigkofen, Küttigkofen, Kyburg-Buchegg, Mühledorf and Tscheppach Buchegg 2014
Affoltern bei ZürichZürichIncorporated into ZürichZürich1934
AgraTicinoMerged with Gentilino and MontagnolaCollina d'Oro2004
AgriswilFribourgIncorporated into Ried bei KerzersRied bei Kerzers2006
AlbeuveFribourgMerged with Lessoc, Montbovon and NeirivueHaut-Intyamon2002
AlbisriedenZürichIncorporated into ZürichZürich1934
Albligen Bern Merged with Wahlern Schwarzenburg 2011
AlliswilAargauIncorporated into BoniswilBoniswil1899
Almens Grisons Merged with Paspels, Pratval, Rodels and Tomils Domleschg 2015
Alt St. Johann St. Gallen Merged with Wildhaus Wildhaus-Alt St. Johann 2010
AltavillaFribourgIncorporated into MurtenMurten1991
Altdorf Schaffhausen Incorporated into Thayngen Thayngen 2009
AltenburgAargauIncorporated into BruggBrugg1901
Alterswil Fribourg Incorporated into Tafers Tafers 2021
AlterswilenThurgauMerged with Altishausen, Dotnacht, Ellighausen, Hugelshofen, Lippoldswilen, Neuwilen and SiegershausenKemmental1996
AltishausenThurgauMerged with Alterswilen, Dotnacht, Ellighausen, Hugelshofen, Lippoldswilen, Neuwilen and SiegershausenKemmental1996
AltstettenZürichIncorporated into ZürichZürich1934
Altwis Lucerne Incorporated into Hitzkirch Hitzkirch 2021
Alvaneu Grisons Merged with Alvaschein, Brienz/Brinzauls, Mon, Stierva, Surava and Tiefencastel Albula/Alvra 2015
Alvaschein Grisons Merged with Alvaneu, Brienz/Brinzauls, Mon, Stierva, Surava and Tiefencastel Albula/Alvra 2015
AmlikonThurgauMerged with Bissegg, Griesenberg and StrohwilenAmlikon-Bissegg1995
AmmannseggSolothurnMerged with LohnLohn-Ammannsegg1993
AndhausenThurgauIncorporated into BergBerg1993
Andiast Grisons Incorporated into Breil/Brigels Breil/Brigels 2018
AndwilThurgauIncorporated into BirwinkenBirwinken1995
AnetswilThurgauIncorporated into WängiWängi1969
AnglikonAargauIncorporated into WohlenWohlen1914
Anzonico Ticino Incorporated into Faido Faido 2012
Apples Vaud Merged with Bussy-Chardonney, Cottens, Pampigny, Reverolle and Sévery Hautemorges 2021
AquilaTicinoMerged with Campo Blenio, Ghirone, Olivone and TorreBlenio2006
Arconciel Fribourg Merged with Épendes and Senèdes Bois-d'Amont 2021
Ardez Grisons Incorporated into Scuol Scuol 2015
AreuseNeuchâtelIncorporated into BoudryBoudry1870
Arni-IslisbergAargauSplit in twoArni
ArosioTicinoMerged with Breno, Fescoggia, Mugena and VezioAlto Malcantone2005
ArrissoulesVaudIncorporated into RovrayRovray2005
ArrufensFribourgIncorporated into RomontRomont1868
Arvigo Grisons Merged with Braggio, Cauco and Selma Calanca 2015
Arzo Ticino Incorporated into Mendrisio Mendrisio 2009
AsuelJuraMerged with Charmoille, Fregiécourt, Miécourt and PleujouseLa Baroche2009
Attelwil Aargau Incorporated into Reitnau Reitnau 2019
AuThurgauIncorporated into FischingenFischingen1972
AugioGrisonsIncorporated into RossaRossa1982
AumontFribourgMerged with Frasses, Granges-de-Vesin and MontetLes Montets2004
AuressioTicinoMerged with Berzona and LocoIsorno2001
AurigenoTicinoIncorporated into MaggiaMaggia2004
AusserbinnValaisIncorporated into ErnenErnen2004
AusserbirrmoosBernMerged with Innerbirrmoos and OtterbachLinden1946
AusserferreraGrisonsMerged with InnerferreraFerrera2008
AussersihlZürichIncorporated into ZürichZürich1893
Autafond Fribourg Incorporated into Belfaux Belfaux 2016
Autavaux Fribourg Merged with Forel and Montbrelloz Vernay 2006
Auvernier Neuchâtel Merged with Bôle and Colombier Milvignes 2013
AvegnoTicinoMerged with GordevioAvegno Gordevio2008
Avry-devant-PontFribourgMerged with Gumefens and Le BryPont-en-Ogoz2003
Avry-sur-MatranFribourgMerged with CorjolensAvry2001
Ayer Valais Merged with Chandolin, Grimentz, Saint-Jean, Saint-Luc and Vissoie Anniviers 2009
Bad Zurzach Aargau Merged with Baldingen, Böbikon, Kaiserstuhl, Rekingen, Rietheim, Rümikon and Wislikofen Zurzach 2022
Bagnes Valais Merged with Vollèges Val de Bagnes 2021
Baldingen Aargau Merged with Bad Zurzach, Böbikon, Kaiserstuhl, Rekingen, Rietheim, Rümikon and Wislikofen Zurzach 2022
Ballmoos Bern Incorporated into Jegenstorf Jegenstorf 2010
Balm bei Messen Solothurn Incorporated into Messen Messen 2010
BalterswilThurgauMerged with BichelseeBichelsee-Balterswil1996
BalzenwilAargauMerged with RikenMurgenthal1901
Bangerten Bern Incorporated into Rapperswil Rapperswil 2016
Barbengo Ticino Incorporated into Lugano Lugano 2008
Barberêche Fribourg Incorporated into Courtepin Courtepin 2017
BarschwandBernIncorporated into AusserbirrmoosAusserbirrmoos1888
BarzheimSchaffhausenIncorporated into ThayngenThayngen2004
Bas-Vully Fribourg Merged with Haut-Vully Mont-Vully 2016
BasadingenThurgauMerged with SchlattingenBasadingen-Schlattingen1999
Bassecourt Jura Merged with Courfaivre, Glovelier, Soulce and Undervelier Haute-Sorne 2013
Bauen Uri Incorporated into Seedorf Seedorf 2021
Bellerive Vaud Merged with Chabrey, Constantine, Montmagny, Mur, Vallamand and Villars-le-Grand Vully-les-Lacs 2011
Belpberg Bern Incorporated into Belp Belp 2012
BenkenBasel-CountryMerged with BielBiel-Benken1972
Benzenschwil Aargau Incorporated into Merenschwand Merenschwand 2012
Bergün/Bravuogn Grisons Merged with Filisur Bergün Filisur 2018
BerideTicinoMerged with BiognoBiogno-Beride1907
BerlensFribourgIncorporated into MézièresMézières2004
Bernex-Onex-ConfignonGenevaSplit in twoBernex
Bertschikon bei Attikon Zürich Incorporated into Wiesendangen Wiesendangen 2014
BerzonaTicinoMerged with Auressio and LocoIsorno2001
Besazio Ticino Incorporated into Mendrisio Mendrisio 2013
BesencensFribourgIncorporated into Saint-MartinSaint-Martin2004
Betschwanden Glarus Merged with Braunwald, Elm, Engi, Haslen, Linthal, Luchsingen, Matt, Mitlödi, Rüti, Schwanden, Schwändi and Sool Glarus Süd 2011
Betten Valais Merged with Martisberg Bettmeralp 2014
Bevaix Neuchâtel Merged with Fresens, Gorgier, Montalchez, Saint-Aubin-Sauges and Vaumarcus La Grande Béroche 2018
Bévilard Bern Merged with Malleray and Pontenet Valbirse 2015
Bibern Schaffhausen Incorporated into Thayngen Thayngen 2009
Bibern Solothurn Merged with Aetigkofen, Aetingen, Brügglen, Gossliwil, Hessigkofen, Küttigkofen, Kyburg-Buchegg, Mühledorf and Tscheppach Buchegg 2014
BichelseeThurgauMerged with BalterswilBichelsee-Balterswil1996
Bickigen-SchwandenBernIncorporated into WynigenWynigen1911
Bidogno Ticino Incorporated into Capriasca Capriasca 2008
BielBasel-CountryMerged with BenkenBiel-Benken1972
BielValaisMerged with Ritzingen and SelkingenGrafschaft2000
BiessenhofenThurgauIncorporated into AmriswilAmriswil1979
BignascoTicinoIncorporated into CevioCevio2006
BillensFribourgMerged with HennensBillens-Hennens1998
Bilten Glarus Merged with Filzbach, Mollis, Mühlehorn, Näfels, Niederurnen, Oberurnen and Obstalden Glarus Nord 2011
BiognoTicinoMerged with BerideBiogno-Beride1907
BiognoTicinoSplit in twoBreganzona
Biogno-BerideTicinoMerged with Croglio-CastelrottoCroglio1976
Bioley-Orjulaz Vaud Incorporated into Assens Assens 2021
BionnensFribourgIncorporated into UrsyUrsy2001
Birgisch Valais Incorporated into Naters Naters 2013
Bironico Ticino Merged with Camignolo, Medeglia, Rivera and Sigirino Monteceneri 2010
BisseggThurgauMerged with Amlikon, Griesenberg and StrohwilenAmlikon-Bissegg1995
Bivio Grisons Merged with Cunter, Marmorera, Mulegns, Riom-Parsonz, Salouf, Savognin, Sur and Tinizong-Rona Surses 2016
BleikenThurgauIncorporated into SulgenSulgen1964
Bleiken bei Oberdiessbach Bern Incorporated into Oberdiessbach Oberdiessbach 2014
BlessensFribourgIncorporated into RueRue1993
Blitzingen Valais Merged with Grafschaft, Münster-Geschinen, Niederwald and Reckingen-Gluringen Goms 2017
Blonay Vaud Merged with Saint-Légier-La Chiésaz Blonay - Saint-Légier 2022
Böbikon Aargau Merged with Bad Zurzach, Baldingen, Kaiserstuhl, Rekingen, Rietheim, Rümikon and Wislikofen Zurzach 2022
Bogno Ticino Incorporated into Lugano Lugano 2013
Bôle Neuchâtel Merged with Auvernier and Colombier Milvignes 2013
Bollion Fribourg Incorporated into Lully Lully 2006
Bollodingen Bern Incorporated into Bettenhausen Bettenhausen 2011
BonauThurgauIncorporated into WigoltingenWigoltingen1995
Bondo Grisons Merged with Castasegna, Soglio, Stampa and Vicosoprano Bregaglia 2010
BonnefontaineFribourgMerged with Essert, Montévraz, Oberried, Praroman and ZénauvaLe Mouret2003
Borgnone Ticino Merged with Intragna and Palagnedra Centovalli 2009
Bosco LuganeseTicinoIncorporated into BioggioBioggio2004
Boudevilliers Neuchâtel Merged with Cernier, Chézard-Saint-Martin, Coffrane, Dombresson, Engollon, Fenin-Vilars-Saules, Fontainemelon, Fontaines, Le Pâquier, Les Geneveys-sur-Coffrane, Les Hauts-Geneveys, Montmollin, Savagnier and Villiers Val-de-Ruz 2013
BoulozFribourgMerged with Pont, Veveyse and PorselLe Flon2004
Boveresse Neuchâtel Merged with Buttes, Couvet, Fleurier, Les Bayards, Môtiers, Noiraigue, Saint-Sulpice and Travers Val-de-Travers 2009
BözbergAargauSplit in twoOberbözberg
Bözen Aargau Merged with Effingen, Elfingen and Hornussen Böztal 2022
BözingenBernIncorporated into BielBiel1917
Braggio Grisons Merged with Arvigo, Cauco and Selma Calanca 2015
BramoisValaisIncorporated into SionSion1968
Bratsch Valais Merged with Gampel Gampel-Bratsch 2009
Braunwald Glarus Merged with Betschwanden, Elm, Engi, Haslen, Linthal, Luchsingen, Matt, Mitlödi, Rüti, Schwanden, Schwändi and Sool Glarus Süd 2011
Brè-AldesagoTicinoIncorporated into LuganoLugano1972
BrechershäusernBernIncorporated into WynigenWynigen1887
BreganzonaTicinoIncorporated into LuganoLugano2004
Bremgarten StadtgerichtBernIncorporated into KirchlindachKirchlindach1880
Brenles Vaud Incorporated into Lucens Lucens 2017
BrenoTicinoMerged with Arosio, Fescoggia, Mugena and VezioAlto Malcantone2005
Bressaucourt Jura Incorporated into Fontenais Fontenais 2013
Brienz/Brinzauls Grisons Merged with Alvaneu, Alvaschein, Mon, Stierva, Surava and Tiefencastel Albula/Alvra 2015
Brienz-SuravaGrisonsSplit in twoBrienz
BrigValaisMerged with Brigerbad and GlisBrig-Glis1972
BrigerbadValaisMerged with Brig and GlisBrig-Glis1972
Brione Ticino Merged with Corippo, Cugnasco-Gerra (Gerra Valle), Frasco, Lavertezzo (Lavertezzo Valle), Sonogno and Vogorno Verzasca 2020
Brione-GerraTicinoSplit in twoBrione
BroglioTicinoMerged with Brontallo, Fusio, Menzonio, Peccia and Prato-SornicoLavizzara2004
Bronschhofen St. Gallen Incorporated into Wil Wil 2013
BrontalloTicinoMerged with Broglio, Fusio, Menzonio, Peccia and Prato-SornicoLavizzara2004
Brot-Dessous Neuchâtel Incorporated into Rochefort Rochefort 2016
Brot-DessusNeuchâtelMerged with PlambozBrot-Plamboz1875
Brügglen Solothurn Merged with Aetigkofen, Aetingen, Bibern, Gossliwil, Hessigkofen, Küttigkofen, Kyburg-Buchegg, Mühledorf and Tscheppach Buchegg 2014
Brunnadern St. Gallen Merged with Mogelsberg and St. Peterzell Neckertal 2009
Brunnenthal Solothurn Incorporated into Messen Messen 2010
Bruzella Ticino Merged with Cabbio, Caneggio, Morbio Superiore, Muggio and Sagno Breggia 2009
BüblikonAargauIncorporated into WohlenschwilWohlenschwil1906
Buch bei FrauenfeldThurgauMerged with UesslingenUesslingen-Buch1995
Buch bei MärwilThurgauIncorporated into AffeltrangenAffeltrangen1995
BuchackernThurgauIncorporated into ErlenErlen1995
BuchenGrisonsIncorporated into LuzeinLuzein1872
BuchsLucerneIncorporated into DagmersellenDagmersellen2006
Büchslen Fribourg Incorporated into Murten Murten 2013
BuchthalenSchaffhausenIncorporated into SchaffhausenSchaffhausen1947
BuhwilThurgauMerged with Kradolf, Neukirch an der Thur and Schönenberg an der ThurKradolf-Schönenberg1996
Buix Jura Merged with Courtemaîche and Montignez Basse-Allaine 2009
Bümpliz Bern Incorporated into Bern Bern 1919
Büren Nidwalden Split in two Oberdorf


Büren zum Hof Bern Incorporated into Fraubrunnen Fraubrunnen 2014
Burg Aargau Incorporated into Menziken Menziken 2023
Burg bei MurtenFribourgIncorporated into MurtenMurten1975
BurgäschiSolothurnIncorporated into AeschiAeschi1994
Bussigny-sur-Oron Vaud Merged with Châtillens, Chesalles-sur-Oron, Écoteaux, Les Tavernes, Les Thioleyres, Oron-la-Ville, Oron-le-Châtel, Palézieux and Vuibroye Oron 2012
BusswilThurgauIncorporated into SirnachSirnach1997
Busswil bei Büren Bern Incorporated into Lyss Lyss 2011
Bussy Fribourg Merged with Estavayer-le-Lac, Morens, Murist, Rueyres-les-Prés, Vernay and Vuissens Estavayer 2017
Bussy-Chardonney Vaud Merged with Apples, Cottens, Pampigny, Reverolle and Sévery Hautemorges 2021
Bussy-sur-MorgesVaudMerged with Chardonney-sur-MorgesBussy-Chardonney1961
Bütschwil St. Gallen Merged with Ganterschwil Bütschwil-Ganterschwil 2013
Buttes Neuchâtel Merged with Boveresse, Couvet, Fleurier, Les Bayards, Môtiers, Noiraigue, Saint-Sulpice and Travers Val-de-Travers 2009
Cabbio Ticino Merged with Bruzella, Caneggio, Morbio Superiore, Muggio and Sagno Breggia 2009
Cadro Ticino Incorporated into Lugano Lugano 2013
CagialloTicinoMerged with Lopagno, Roveredo, Sala Capriasca, Tesserete and VaglioCapriasca2001
Calfreisen Grisons Incorporated into Arosa Arosa 2013
Calonico Ticino Incorporated into Faido Faido 2006
Calpiogna Ticino Incorporated into Faido Faido 2012
Camignolo Ticino Merged with Bironico, Medeglia, Rivera, Sigirino Monteceneri 2010
Camorino Ticino Incorporated into Bellinzona Bellinzona 2017
Campello Ticino Incorporated into Faido Faido 2012
CampestroTicinoIncorporated into TessereteTesserete1976
Campo-BlenioTicinoMerged with Aquila, Ghirone, Olivone and TorreBlenio2006
CamunsGrisonsMerged with Surcasti, Tersnaus and Uors-PeidenSuraua2002
Caneggio Ticino Merged with Bruzella, Cabbio, Morbio Superiore, Muggio and Sagno Breggia 2009
Capolago Ticino Incorporated into Mendrisio Mendrisio 2009
Carabbia Ticino Incorporated into Lugano Lugano 2008
Carabietta Ticino Incorporated into Collina d'Oro Collina d'Oro 2012
CarassoTicinoIncorporated into BellinzonaBellinzona1907
Carona Ticino Incorporated into Lugano Lugano 2013
Carrouge Vaud Merged with Ferlens and Mézières Jorat-Mézières 2016
CasacciaGrisonsIncorporated into VicosopranoVicosoprano1971
CasenzanoTicinoMerged with VairanoSan Nazzaro1930
CasimaTicinoIncorporated into Castel San PietroCastel San Pietro2004
CastagnolaTicinoIncorporated into LuganoLugano1972
Castasegna Grisons Merged with Bondo, Soglio, Stampa and Vicosoprano Bregaglia 2010
CastiGrisonsMerged with WergensteinCasti-Wergenstein1923
Casti-Wergenstein Grisons Merged with Donat, Lohn and Mathon Muntogna da Schons 2021
Castiel Grisons Incorporated into Arosa Arosa 2013
Castrisch Grisons Merged with Duvin, Ilanz, Ladir, Luven, Pigniu, Pitasch, Riein, Rueun, Ruschein, Schnaus, Sevgein and Siat Ilanz/Glion 2014
CastroTicinoMerged with Corzoneso, Dongio, Largario, Leontica, Lottigna, Marolta, Ponto Valentino and PrugiascoAcquarossa2004
Cauco Grisons Merged with Arvigo, Braggio and Selma Calanca 2015
CavaduraGrisonsIncorporated into GrüschGrüsch1875
Cavagnago Ticino Incorporated into Faido Faido 2012
CavergnoTicinoIncorporated into CevioCevio2006
Caviano Ticino Merged with Contone, Gerra, Indemini, Magadino, Piazzogna, San Nazzaro, Sant'Abbondio and Vira Gambarogno 2010
Cavigliano Ticino Merged with Tegna and Verscio Terre di Pedemonte 2013
Cerniat Fribourg Merged with Charmey Val-de-Charmey 2014
Cerniaz Vaud Merged with Combremont-le-Grand, Combremont-le-Petit, Granges-près-Marnand, Marnand, Sassel, Seigneux and Villars-Bramard Valbroye 2011
Cernier Neuchâtel Merged with Boudevilliers, Chézard-Saint-Martin, Coffrane, Dombresson, Engollon, Fenin-Vilars-Saules, Fontainemelon, Fontaines, Le Pâquier, Les Geneveys-sur-Coffrane, Les Hauts-Geneveys, Montmollin, Savagnier and Villiers Val-de-Ruz 2013
Certara Ticino Incorporated into Lugano Lugano 2013
Châbles Fribourg Merged with Cheyres Cheyres-Châbles 2017
Chabrey Vaud Merged with Bellerive, Constantine, Montmagny, Mur, Vallamand and Villars-le-Grand Vully-les-Lacs 2011
ChampmartinVaudIncorporated into CudrefinCudrefin2002
ChandolinValaisMerged with Ayer, Grimentz, Saint-Jean, Saint-Luc and VissoieAnniviers2009
ChandonFribourgIncorporated into LéchellesLéchelles1994
ChandosselFribourgIncorporated into VillareposVillarepos1983
Chanéaz Vaud Merged with Chapelle-sur-Moudon, Correvon, Denezy, Martherenges, Neyruz-sur-Moudon, Peyres-Possens, Saint-Cierges and Thierrens Montanaire 2013
ChapelleFribourgIncorporated into CheiryCheiry2005
Chapelle-sur-Moudon Vaud Merged with Chanéaz, Correvon, Denezy, Martherenges, Neyruz-sur-Moudon, Peyres-Possens, Saint-Cierges and Thierrens Montanaire 2013
Chardonney-sur-MorgesVaudMerged with Bussy-sur-MorgesBussy-Chardonney1961
Charmey Fribourg Merged with Cerniat Val-de-Charmey 2014
CharmoilleJuraMerged with Asuel, Fregiécourt, Miécourt and PleujouseLa Baroche2009
CharratValaisIncorporated into MartignyMartigny2021
Châtelat Bern Merged with Monible, Sornetan and Souboz Petit-Val 2015
Châtillens Vaud Merged with Bussigny-sur-Oron, Chesalles-sur-Oron, Écoteaux, Les Tavernes, Les Thioleyres, Oron-la-Ville, Oron-le-Châtel, Palézieux and Vuibroye Oron 2012
Chavannes-les-FortsFribourgIncorporated into SiviriezSiviriez2004
Chavannes-sous-OrsonnensFribourgMerged with Orsonnens, Villargiroud and VillarsiviriauxVillorsonnens2001
Cheiry Fribourg Incorporated into Surpierre Surpierre 2021
Chêne-ThônexGenevaSplit in twoChêne-Bourg
Chermignon Valais Merged with Mollens, Montana and Randogne Crans-Montana 2017
ChésallesFribourgIncorporated into MarlyMarly1976
Chesalles-sur-Moudon Vaud Incorporated into Lucens Lucens 2017
Chesalles-sur-Oron Vaud Merged with Bussigny-sur-Oron, Châtillens, Écoteaux, Les Tavernes, Les Thioleyres, Oron-la-Ville, Oron-le-Châtel, Palézieux and Vuibroye Oron 2012
Chésopelloz Fribourg Incorporated into Corminboeuf Corminboeuf 2017
ChevenezJuraMerged with Damvant, Réclère and Roche-d'OrHaute-Ajoie2009
Cheyres Fribourg Merged with Châbles Cheyres-Châbles 2017
Chézard-Saint-Martin Neuchâtel Merged with Boudevilliers, Cernier, Coffrane, Dombresson, Engollon, Fenin-Vilars-Saules, Fontainemelon, Fontaines, Le Pâquier, Les Geneveys-sur-Coffrane, Les Hauts-Geneveys, Montmollin, Savagnier and Villiers Val-de-Ruz 2013
Chiggiogna Ticino Incorporated into Faido Faido 2006
Chironico Ticino Incorporated into Faido Faido 2012
Cimadera Ticino Incorporated into Lugano Lugano 2013
CimoTicinoIncorporated into BioggioBioggio2004
Claro Ticino Incorporated into Bellinzona Bellinzona 2017
Clavaleyres Fribourg Incorporated into Murten Murten 2022
Clugin Grisons Incorporated into Andeer Andeer 2009
Coffrane Neuchâtel Merged with Boudevilliers, Cernier, Chézard-Saint-Martin, Dombresson, Engollon, Fenin-Vilars-Saules, Fontainemelon, Fontaines, Le Pâquier, Les Geneveys-sur-Coffrane, Les Hauts-Geneveys, Montmollin, Savagnier and Villiers Val-de-Ruz 2013
CoglioTicinoIncorporated into MaggiaMaggia2004
CollaTicinoMerged with Insone, Piandera, Scareglia and SignôraValcolla1956
Colombier Neuchâtel Merged with Auvernier and Bôle Milvignes 2013
Colombier Vaud Incorporated into Echichens Echichens 2011
CombesNeuchâtelIncorporated into Le LanderonLe Landeron
(known as Landeron-Combes until 1966)
Combremont-le-Grand Vaud Merged with Cerniaz, Combremont-le-Petit, Granges-près-Marnand, Marnand, Sassel, Seigneux and Villars-Bramard Valbroye 2011
Combremont-le-Petit Vaud Merged with Cerniaz, Combremont-le-Grand, Granges-près-Marnand, Marnand, Sassel, Seigneux and Villars-Bramard Valbroye 2011
ComolognoTicinoMerged with Crana and RussoOnsernone1995
CompesièresGenevaSplit in twoBardonnex
Constantine Vaud Merged with Bellerive, Chabrey, Montmagny, Mur, Vallamand and Villars-le-Grand Vully-les-Lacs 2011
Contone Ticino Merged with Caviano, Gerra, Indemini, Magadino, Piazzogna, San Nazzaro, Sant'Abbondio and Vira Gambarogno 2010
Corban Jura Incorporated into Val Terbi Val Terbi 2018
Corcelles-Cormondrèche Neuchâtel Incorporated into Neuchâtel Neuchâtel 2021
Corcelles-sur-Chavornay Vaud Incorporated into Chavornay Chavornay 2017
CordastFribourgIncorporated into GurmelsGurmels2005
Corippo Ticino Merged with Brione, Cugnasco-Gerra (Gerra Valle), Frasco, Lavertezzo (Lavertezzo Valle), Sonogno and Vogorno Verzasca 2020
CorjolensFribourgMerged with Avry-sur-MatranAvry2001
CormagensFribourgMerged with La Corbaz and Lossy-FormangueiresLa Sonnaz2004
CormérodFribourgMerged with Courtion, Cournillens and MiseryMisery-Courtion1997
Corpataux Fribourg Merged with Magnedens Corpataux-Magnedens 1999
Corpataux-Magnedens Fribourg Merged with Farvagny, Le Glèbe, Rossens and Vuisternens-en-Ogoz Gibloux 2016
Correvon Vaud Merged with Chanéaz, Chapelle-sur-Moudon, Denezy, Martherenges, Neyruz-sur-Moudon, Peyres-Possens, Saint-Cierges and Thierrens Montanaire 2013
CorsalettesFribourgIncorporated into GrolleyGrolley2000
Corserey Fribourg Merged with Noréaz and Prez-vers-Noréaz Prez 2020
Corticiasca Ticino Incorporated into Capriasca Capriasca 2008
CorzonesoTicinoMerged with Castro, Dongio, Largario, Leontica, Lottigna, Marolta, Ponto Valentino and PrugiascoAcquarossa2004
Cottens Vaud Merged with Apples, Bussy-Chardonney, Pampigny, Reverolle and Sévery Hautemorges 2021
Courfaivre Jura Merged with Bassecourt, Glovelier, Soulce and Undervelier Haute-Sorne 2013
Courlevon Fribourg Incorporated into Murten Murten 2016
CournillensFribourgMerged with Courtion, Cormérod and MiseryMisery-Courtion1997
CourtamanFribourgIncorporated into CourtepinCourtepin2003
Courtemaîche Jura Merged with Buix and Montignez Basse-Allaine 2009
CourtionFribourgMerged with Cormérod, Cournillens and MiseryMisery-Courtion1997
CoussiberléFribourgIncorporated into CourlevonCourlevon1974
Couvet Neuchâtel Merged with Boveresse, Buttes, Fleurier, Les Bayards, Môtiers, Noiraigue, Saint-Sulpice and Travers Val-de-Travers 2009
CranaTicinoMerged with Comologno and RussoOnsernone1995
Cremin Vaud Incorporated into Lucens Lucens 2017
Cresciano Ticino Merged with Iragna, Lodrino and Osogna Riviera 2017
Croglio Ticino Merged with Monteggio, Ponte Tresa and Sessa Tresa 2021
Croglio-CastelrottoTicinoMerged with Biogno-BerideCroglio1976
Cugnasco Ticino Merged with Gerra Cugnasco-Gerra 2009
Cugnasco-Gerra (Gerra Valle) Ticino Merged with Brione, Corippo, Frasco, Lavertezzo (Lavertezzo Valle), Sonogno and Vogorno Verzasca 2020
Cully Vaud Merged with Epesses, Grandvaux, Riex and Villette Bourg-en-Lavaux 2011
Cumbel Grisons Merged with Degen, Lumbrein, Morissen, Suraua, Vella, Vignogn and Vrin Lumnezia 2013
Cunter Grisons Merged with Bivio, Marmorera, Mulegns, Riom-Parsonz, Salouf, Savognin, Sur and Tinizong-Rona Surses 2016
CureggiaTicinoIncorporated into LuganoLugano2004
CutterwilFribourgIncorporated into BelfauxBelfaux1977
Damphreux Jura Merged with Lugnez Damphreux-Lugnez 2023
DamvantJuraMerged with Chevenez, Réclère and Roche-d'OrHaute-Ajoie2009
DaroTicinoIncorporated into BellinzonaBellinzona1907
DättwilAargauIncorporated into DättwilDättwil1962
Davesco-SoragnoTicinoIncorporated into LuganoLugano2004
Degen Grisons Merged with Cumbel, Lumbrein, Morissen, Suraua, Vella, Vignogn and Vrin Lumnezia 2013
DelleyFribourgMerged with PortalbanDelley-Portalban2005
Denezy Vaud Merged with Chanéaz, Chapelle-sur-Moudon, Correvon, Martherenges, Neyruz-sur-Moudon, Peyres-Possens, Saint-Cierges and Thierrens Montanaire 2013
DettighofenThurgauIncorporated into PfynPfyn1998
Diemerswil Bern Incorporated into Münchenbuchsee Münchenbuchsee 2023
DiesbachGlarusIncorporated into LuchsingenLuchsingen2004
Diesse Bern Merged with Lamboing and Prêles Plateau de Diesse 2014
Dippishausen-OftershausenThurgauIncorporated into SiegershausenSiegershausen1984
Dombresson Neuchâtel Merged with Boudevilliers, Cernier, Chézard-Saint-Martin, Coffrane, Engollon, Fenin-Vilars-Saules, Fontainemelon, Fontaines, Le Pâquier, Les Geneveys-sur-Coffrane, Les Hauts-Geneveys, Montmollin, Savagnier and Villiers Val-de-Ruz 2013
Domdidier Fribourg Merged with Dompierre, Léchelles and Russy Belmont-Broye 2016
Dommartin Vaud Merged with Naz, Poliez-le-Grand and Sugnens Montilliez 2011
Dompierre Fribourg Merged with Domdidier, Léchelles and Russy Belmont-Broye 2016
Donat Grisons Merged with Casti-Wergenstein, Lohn and Mathon Muntogna da Schons 2021
DonathGrisonsMerged with Patzen-FardünDonat2003
DonatyreVaudIncorporated into AvenchesAvenches2006
DongioTicinoMerged with Castro, Corzoneso, Largario, Leontica, Lottigna, Marolta, Ponto Valentino and PrugiascoAcquarossa2004
DonzhausenThurgauIncorporated into SulgenSulgen1996
DotnachtThurgauMerged with Alterswilen, Altishausen, Ellighausen, Hugelshofen, Lippoldswilen, Neuwilen and SiegershausenKemmental1996
DünnershausThurgauIncorporated into LangrickenbachLangrickenbach1998
DussnangThurgauIncorporated into FischingenFischingen1972
Duvin Grisons Merged with Castrisch, Ilanz, Ladir, Luven, Pigniu, Pitasch, Riein, Rueun, Ruschein, Schnaus, Sevgein and Siat Ilanz/Glion 2014
Eaux-VivesGenevaIncorporated into GenevaGeneva1931
Ebersecken Lucerne Incorporated into Altishofen Altishofen 2020
EbligenBernIncorporated into Oberried am BrienzerseeOberried am Brienzersee1914
EbnatSt. GallenMerged with KappelEbnat-Kappel1965
Éclagnens Vaud Merged with Goumoens-la-Ville and Goumoens-le-Jux Goumoëns 2011
Écoteaux Vaud Merged with Bussigny-sur-Oron, Châtillens, Chesalles-sur-Oron, Les Tavernes, Les Thioleyres, Oron-la-Ville, Oron-le-Châtel, Palézieux and Vuibroye Oron 2012
EcuvillensFribourgMerged with PosieuxHauterive2001
Effingen Aargau Merged with Bözen, Elfingen and Hornussen Böztal 2022
Elfingen Aargau Merged with Bözen, Effingen and Hornussen Böztal 2022
EllighausenThurgauMerged with Alterswilen, Altishausen, Dotnacht, Hugelshofen, Lippoldswilen, Neuwilen and SiegershausenKemmental1996
Elm Glarus Merged with Betschwanden, Braunwald, Engi, Haslen, Linthal, Luchsingen, Matt, Mitlödi, Rüti, Schwanden, Schwändi and Sool Glarus Süd 2011
EmmishofenThurgauIncorporated into KreuzlingenKreuzlingen1928
EngeZürichIncorporated into ZürichZürich1893
Engi Glarus Merged with Betschwanden, Braunwald, Elm, Haslen, Linthal, Luchsingen, Matt, Mitlödi, Rüti, Schwanden, Schwändi and Sool Glarus Süd 2011
EngishofenThurgauIncorporated into ErlenErlen1995
EnglisbergBernMerged with ZimmerwaldWald2004
Engollon Neuchâtel Merged with Boudevilliers, Cernier, Chézard-Saint-Martin, Coffrane, Dombresson, Fenin-Vilars-Saules, Fontainemelon, Fontaines, Le Pâquier, Les Geneveys-sur-Coffrane, Les Hauts-Geneveys, Montmollin, Savagnier and Villiers Val-de-Ruz 2013
EngwangThurgauIncorporated into WigoltingenWigoltingen1995
EngwilenThurgauIncorporated into WäldiWäldi1995
Ennenda Glarus Incorporated into Glarus Glarus 2011
EnnetaachThurgauIncorporated into ErlenErlen1995
EnneyFribourgMerged with Estavannens and Villars-sous-MontBas-Intyamon2004
EnvyVaudMerged with RomainmôtierRomainmôtier-Envy1970
EpagnierNeuchâtelMerged with MarinMarin-Epagnier1888
EpauvillersJuraMerged with Epiquerez, Montenol, Montmelon, Ocourt, Saint-Ursanne and SeleuteClos du Doubs2009
Épendes Fribourg Merged with Arconciel and Senèdes Bois-d'Amont 2021
Epesses Vaud Merged with Cully, Grandvaux, Riex and Villette Bourg-en-Lavaux 2011
EpiquerezJuraMerged with Epauvillers, Montenol, Montmelon, Ocourt, Saint-Ursanne and SeleuteClos-du-Doubs2009
Ernetschwil St. Gallen Incorporated into Gommiswald Gommiswald 2013
Erschmatt Valais Incorporated into Leuk Leuk 2013
EschiensFribourgIncorporated into EcublensEcublens1969
EschikofenThurgauIncorporated into HüttlingenHüttlingen1999
Escholzmatt Lucerne Merged with Marbach Escholzmatt-Marbach 2013
Esmonts Fribourg Incorporated into Vuarmarens Vuarmarens 2006
EssertFribourgMerged with Bonnefontaine, Montévraz, Oberried, Praroman and ZénauvaLe Mouret2003
Essert-Pittet Vaud Incorporated into Chavornay Chavornay 2017
Essert-sous-Champvent Vaud Incorporated into Champvent Champvent 2012
Essertes Vaud Incorporated into Oron Oron 2022
EstavannensFribourgMerged with Estavannens and Villars-sous-MontBas-Intyamon2004
Estavayer-le-GiblouxFribourgMerged with Rueyres-Saint-Laurent, Villarlod and Villarsel-le-GiblouxLe Glèbe2003
Estavayer-le-Lac Fribourg Merged with Bussy, Morens, Murist, Rueyres-les-Prés, Vernay and Vuissens Estavayer 2017
EstévenensFribourgIncorporated into Vuisternens-devant-RomontVuisternens-devant-Romont2003
EttenhausenThurgauIncorporated into AadorfAadorf1996
Etzelkofen Bern Incorporated into Fraubrunnen Fraubrunnen 2014
Etzgen Aargau Merged with Hottwil, Mettau, Oberhofen and Wil Mettauertal 2010
EyholzValaisIncorporated into VispVisp1972
FahrhofThurgauIncorporated into OberneunfornOberneunforn1870
Fanas Grisons Incorporated into Grüsch Grüsch 2011
Farvagny Fribourg Merged with Corpataux-Magnedens, Le Glèbe, Rossens and Vuisternens-en-Ogoz Gibloux 2016
Farvagny-le-GrandFribourgMerged with Farvagny-le-Petit, Grenilles and PosatFarvagny1996
Farvagny-le-PetitFribourgMerged with Farvagny-le-Grand, Grenilles and PosatFarvagny1996
FelbenThurgauMerged with WellhausenFelben-Wellhausen1983
Feldis/Veulden Grisons Merged with Scheid, Trans and Tumegl/Tomils Tomils 2009
FeninNeuchâtelMerged with Vilars and SaulesFenin-Vilars-Saules1875
Fenin-Vilars-Saules Neuchâtel Merged with Boudevilliers, Cernier, Chézard-Saint-Martin, Coffrane, Dombresson, Engollon, Fontainemelon, Fontaines, Le Pâquier, Les Geneveys-sur-Coffrane, Les Hauts-Geneveys, Montmollin, Savagnier and Villiers Val-de-Ruz 2013
Ferlens Vaud Merged with Carrouge and Mézières Jorat-Mézières 2016
FeschelValaisMerged with GuttetGuttet-Feschel2000
FescoggiaTicinoMerged with Arosio, Breno, Mugena and VezioAlto Malcantone2005
FiaugèresFribourgIncorporated into Saint-MartinSaint-Martin2004
Filet Valais Merged with Mörel Mörel-Filet 2009
Filisur Grisons Merged with Bergün/Bravuogn Bergün Filisur 2018
Filzbach Glarus Merged with Bilten, Mollis, Mühlehorn, Näfels, Niederurnen, Oberurnen and Obstalden Glarus Nord 2011
Fleurier Neuchâtel Merged with Boveresse, Buttes, Couvet, Les Bayards, Môtiers, Noiraigue, Saint-Sulpice and Travers Val-de-Travers 2009
Flond Grisons Merged with Surcuolm Mundaun 2009
FlunternZürichIncorporated into ZürichZürich1893
Font Fribourg Incorporated into Estavayer-le-Lac Estavayer-le-Lac 2012
Fontainemelon Neuchâtel Merged with Boudevilliers, Cernier, Chézard-Saint-Martin, Coffrane, Dombresson, Engollon, Fenin-Vilars-Saules, Fontaines, Le Pâquier, Les Geneveys-sur-Coffrane, Les Hauts-Geneveys, Montmollin, Savagnier and Villiers Val-de-Ruz 2013
Fontaines Neuchâtel Merged with Boudevilliers, Cernier, Chézard-Saint-Martin, Coffrane, Dombresson, Engollon, Fenin-Vilars-Saules, Fontainemelon, Le Pâquier, Les Geneveys-sur-Coffrane, Les Hauts-Geneveys, Montmollin, Savagnier and Villiers Val-de-Ruz 2013
Fontanezier Vaud Merged with Romairon, Vaugondry and Villars-Burquin Tévenon 2011
Forel Fribourg Merged with Autavaux and Montbrelloz Vernay 2006
Forel-sur-Lucens Vaud Incorporated into Lucens Lucens 2017
FormangueiresFribourgMerged with LossyLossy-Formangueires1982
ForstBernMerged with LängenbühlForst-Längenbühl2007
FranexFribourgIncorporated into MuristMurist1992
Frasco Ticino Merged with Brione, Corippo, Cugnasco-Gerra (Gerra Valle), Lavertezzo (Lavertezzo Valle), Sonogno and Vogorno Verzasca 2020
FrasnachtThurgauIncorporated into ArbonArbon1998
FrassesFribourgMerged with Aumont, Granges-de-Vesin and MontetLes Montets2004
FregiécourtJuraMerged with Asuel, Charmoille, Miécourt and PleujouseLa Baroche2009
Fresens Neuchâtel Merged with Bevaix, Gorgier, Montalchez, Saint-Aubin-Sauges and Vaumarcus La Grande Béroche 2018
FriltschenThurgauIncorporated into BussnangBussnang1996
FruthwilenThurgauIncorporated into SalensteinSalenstein1979
Ftan Grisons Incorporated into Scuol Scuol 2015
Fuldera Grisons Merged with , Müstair, Santa Maria Val Müstair, Tschierv and Valchava Val Müstair 2009
FusioTicinoMerged with Broglio, Brontallo, Menzonio, Peccia and Prato-SornicoLavizzara2004
FuyensFribourgIncorporated into Villaz-Saint-PierreVillaz-Saint-Pierre1978
GächliwilSolothurnMerged with LüterswilLüterswil-Gächliwil1995
Gadmen Bern Incorporated into Innertkirchen Innertkirchen 2014
Gallenkirch Aargau Merged with Linn, Oberbözberg and Unterbözberg Bözberg 2013
Galmiz Fribourg Incorporated into Murten Murten 2022
Gampel Valais Merged with Bratsch Gampel-Bratsch 2009
GandriaTicinoIncorporated into LuganoLugano2004
Gänsbrunnen Solothurn Merged with Welschenrohr Welschenrohr-Gänsbrunnen 2021
Ganterschwil St. Gallen Merged with Bütschwil Bütschwil-Ganterschwil 2013
GasenriedValaisIncorporated into St. NiklausSt. Niklaus1870
GäserzBernIncorporated into BrüttelenBrüttelen1917
Gelfingen Lucerne Incorporated into Hitzkirch Hitzkirch 2009
Gelterfingen Bern Incorporated into Kirchdorf Kirchdorf 2018
Gempenach Fribourg Incorporated into Murten Murten 2022
Genestrerio Ticino Incorporated into Mendrisio Mendrisio 2009
GentilinoTicinoMerged with Agra and MontagnolaCollina d'Oro2004
GerlikonThurgauIncorporated into FrauenfeldFrauenfeld1998
Gerra Ticino Merged with Caviano, Contone, Indemini, Magadino, Piazzogna, San Nazzaro, Sant'Abbondio and Vira Gambarogno 2010
Gerra Ticino Merged with Cugnasco Cugnasco-Gerra 2009
GeschinenValaisMerged with MünsterMünster-Geschinen2004
Gettnau Lucerne Incorporated into Willisau Willisau 2021
GhironeTicinoMerged with Aquila, Campo Blenio, Olivone and TorreBlenio2006
GillarensFribourgIncorporated into RueRue2001
Giubiasco Ticino Incorporated into Bellinzona Bellinzona 2017
GiumaglioTicinoIncorporated into MaggiaMaggia2004
GlisValaisMerged with Brig and BrigerbadBrig-Glis1972
Glovelier Jura Merged with Bassecourt, Courfaivre, Soulce and Undervelier Haute-Sorne 2013
GluringenValaisMerged with ReckingenReckingen-Gluringen2004
Gnosca Ticino Incorporated into Bellinzona Bellinzona 2017
Golaten Bern Incorporated into Kallnach Kallnach 2019
Goldingen St. Gallen Incorporated into Eschenbach Eschenbach 2013
GoldiwilBernIncorporated into ThunThun1913
GoldswilBernIncorporated into RinggenbergRinggenberg1853
Goppisberg Valais Merged with Greich and Ried-Mörel Riederalp 2003
Gordevio Ticino Merged with Avegno Avegno Gordevio 2008
Gorduno Ticino Incorporated into Bellinzona Bellinzona 2017
Gorgier Neuchâtel Merged with Bevaix, Fresens, Montalchez, Saint-Aubin-Sauges and Vaumarcus La Grande Béroche 2018
Gossens Vaud Incorporated into Donneloye Donneloye 2008
Gossliwil Solothurn Merged with Aetigkofen, Aetingen, Bibern, Brügglen, Hessigkofen, Küttigkofen, Kyburg-Buchegg, Mühledorf and Tscheppach Buchegg 2014
GötighofenThurgauIncorporated into SulgenSulgen1996
GottshausThurgauMerged with HauptwilHauptwil-Gottshaus1996
Goumoens-la-Ville Vaud Merged with Éclagnens and Goumoens-le-Jux Goumoëns 2011
Goumoens-le-Jux Vaud Merged with Éclagnens and Goumoens-la-Ville Goumoëns 2011
Goumois Jura Incorporated into Saignelégier Saignelégier 2009
Grafenried Bern Incorporated into Fraubrunnen Fraubrunnen 2014
Grafschaft Valais Merged with Blitzingen, Münster-Geschinen, Niederwald and Reckingen-Gluringen Goms 2017
GraltshausenThurgauIncorporated into BergBerg1995
Grandvaux Vaud Merged with Cully, Epesses, Riex and Villette Bourg-en-Lavaux 2011
Grange-la-BattiazFribourgIncorporated into Chavannes-sous-OrsonnensChavannes-sous-Orsonnens1866
GrangesValaisIncorporated into SierreSierre1972
Granges-de-VesinFribourgMerged with Aumont, Frasses and MontetLes Montets2004
Granges-près-Marnand Vaud Merged with Cerniaz, Combremont-le-Grand, Combremont-le-Petit, Marnand, Sassel, Seigneux and Villars-Bramard Valbroye 2011
GrattavacheFribourgMerged with Le Crêt and ProgensLa Verrerie2004
Greich Valais Merged with Goppisberg and Ried-Mörel Riederalp 2003
GrenillesFribourgMerged with Farvagny-le-Grand, Farvagny-le-Petit and PosatFarvagny1996
Gresso Ticino Incorporated into Onsernone Onsernone 2016
Gressy Vaud Incorporated into Yverdon-les-Bains Yverdon-les-Bains 2011
GriesenbergThurgauMerged with Amlikon, Bissegg and StrohwilenAmlikon-Bissegg1995
GrimentzValaisMerged with Ayer, Chandolin, Saint-Jean, Saint-Luc and VissoieAnniviers2009
GrodSolothurnIncorporated into GretzenbachGretzenbach1973
GrossgurmelsFribourgMerged with MonterschuGurmels1978
GrossguschelmuthFribourgMerged with KleinguschelmuthGuschelmuth1978
GrumoTicinoIncorporated into TorreTorre1928
GründenValaisIncorporated into AusserbergAusserberg1923
Guarda Grisons Incorporated into Scuol Scuol 2015
Gudo Ticino Incorporated into Bellinzona Bellinzona 2017
GumefensFribourgMerged with Avry-devant-Pont and Le BryPont-en-Ogoz2003
Gündelhart-Hörhausen Thurgau Incorporated into Homburg Homburg 1999
Guntershausen bei AadorfThurgauIncorporated into AadorfAadorf1996
Guntershausen bei BirwinkenThurgauIncorporated into BergBerg1995
Guntmadingen Schaffhausen Incorporated into Beringen Beringen 2013
Gunzwil Lucerne Incorporated into Beromünster Beromünster 2009
GuschelmuthFribourgIncorporated into GurmelsGurmels2003
GutenburgBernIncorporated into MadiswilMadiswil2007
GuttetValaisMerged with FeschelGuttet-Feschel2000
GysensteinBernMerged with Stalden im EmmentalKonolfingen1933
HaldenThurgauIncorporated into BischofszellBischofszell1996
Haldenstein Grisons Incorporated into Chur Chur 2021
Hämikon Lucerne Incorporated into Hitzkirch Hitzkirch 2009
Happerswil-BuchThurgauIncorporated into BirwinkenBirwinken1995
HarenwilenThurgauIncorporated into HüttlingenHüttlingen1999
Haslen Glarus Merged with Betschwanden, Braunwald, Elm, Engi, Linthal, Luchsingen, Matt, Mitlödi, Rüti, Schwanden, Schwändi and Sool Glarus Süd 2011
HätzingenGlarusIncorporated into LuchsingenLuchsingen2004
HaubenBernIncorporated into OberdiessbachOberdiessbach1888
HauptwilThurgauMerged with GottshausHauptwil-Gottshaus1996
Haut-Vully Fribourg Merged with Bas-Vully Mont-Vully 2016
HeiligkreuzThurgauIncorporated into WuppenauWuppenau1971
HeinrichswilSolothurnMerged with WinistorfHeinrichswil-Winistorf1993
Heinrichswil-Winistorf Solothurn Merged with Hersiwil Drei Höfe 2013
HeldswilThurgauIncorporated into HohentannenHohentannen1999
Hemberg St. Gallen Incorporated into Neckertal Neckertal 2023
Hemmental Schaffhausen Incorporated into Schaffhausen Schaffhausen 2009
HemmerswilThurgauIncorporated into AmriswilAmriswil1925
HennensFribourgMerged with BillensBillens-Hennens1998
HerblingenSchaffhausenIncorporated into SchaffhausenSchaffhausen1964
HerlisbergLucerneIncorporated into RömerswilRömerswil2005
Hermetschwil-Staffeln Aargau Incorporated into Bremgarten Bremgarten 2014
Hermiswil Bern Incorporated into Seeberg Seeberg 2016
HerrenhofThurgauIncorporated into LangrickenbachLangrickenbach1998
Hersiwil Solothurn Merged with Heinrichswil-Winistorf Drei Höfe 2013
HertenThurgauIncorporated into FrauenfeldFrauenfeld1919
Herznach Aargau Merged with Ueken Herznach-Ueken 2023
HessenreutiThurgauIncorporated into SulgenSulgen1996
Hessigkofen Solothurn Merged with Aetigkofen, Aetingen, Bibern, Brügglen, Gossliwil, Küttigkofen, Kyburg-Buchegg, Mühledorf and Tscheppach Buchegg 2014
Hilfikon Aargau Incorporated into Villmergen Villmergen 2010
Hinterrhein Grisons Merged with Nufenen and Splügen Rheinwald 2019
Incorporated into ObereggOberegg1872
HirslandenZürichIncorporated into ZürichZürich1893
Hirzel Zürich Incorporated into Horgen Horgen 2018
Hof ChurGrisonsIncorporated into ChurChur1852
Hofen Schaffhausen Incorporated into Thayngen Thayngen 2009
Höfen bei Thun Bern Merged with Niederstocken and Oberstocken Stocken-Höfen 2014
Hofstetten Zürich Incorporated into Elgg Elgg 2018
Hohtenn Valais Merged with Steg Steg-Hohtenn 2008
HolzmannshausThurgauSplit in twoSirnach
Oberhofen bei Münchwilen
HönggZürichIncorporated into ZürichZürich1934
HorbenThurgauDivided between several municipalitiesEschlikon
HorgenbachThurgauIncorporated into FrauenfeldFrauenfeld1919
Hornussen Aargau Merged with Bözen, Effingen and Elfingen Böztal 2022
HosenruckThurgauIncorporated into WuppenauWuppenau1971
HottingenZürichIncorporated into ZürichZürich1893
Hottwil Aargau Merged with Etzgen, Mettau, Oberhofen and Wil Mettauertal 2010
HubenThurgauIncorporated into FrauenfeldFrauenfeld1919
HugelshofenThurgauMerged with Alterswilen, Altishausen, Dotnacht, Ellighausen, Lippoldswilen, Neuwilen and SiegershausenKemmental1996
Humlikon Zürich Incorporated into Andelfingen Andelfingen 2023
HüttenZürichIncorporated into WädenswilWädenswil2019
IbergSchwyzSplit in twoOberiberg
IchertswilSolothurnMerged with LüterkofenLüterkofen-Ichertswil1961
Igis Grisons Merged with Mastrils Landquart 2012
Ilanz Grisons Merged with Castrisch, Duvin, Ladir, Luven, Pigniu, Pitasch, Riein, Rueun, Ruschein, Schnaus, Sevgein and Siat Ilanz/Glion 2014
IllensFribourgIncorporated into RossensRossens1972
IllhartThurgauIncorporated into WigoltingenWigoltingen1995
IllighausenThurgauMerged with Oberhofen bei KreuzlingenLengwil1998
Indemini Ticino Merged with Caviano, Contone, Gerra, Magadino, Piazzogna, San Nazzaro, Sant'Abbondio and Vira Gambarogno 2010
InnerbirrmoosBernMerged with Ausserbirrmoos and OtterbachLinden1946
InnerferreraGrisonsMerged with AusserferreraFerrera2008
InsoneTicinoMerged with Colla, Piandera, Scareglia and SignôraValcolla1956
Intragna Ticino Merged with Borgnone and Palagnedra Centovalli 2009
Iragna Ticino Merged with Cresciano, Lodrino and Osogna Riviera 2017
IsenfluhBernIncorporated into LauterbrunnenLauterbrunnen1973
Iseo Ticino Incorporated into Bioggio Bioggio 2008
IslikonThurgauIncorporated into GachnangGachnang1998
Isorno Ticino Incorporated into Onsernone Onsernone 2016
IstighofenThurgauIncorporated into BürglenBürglen1995
Ittenthal Aargau Incorporated into Kaisten Kaisten 2010
Jeuss Fribourg Incorporated into Murten Murten 2016
JonaSt. GallenMerged with RapperswilRapperswil-Jona2007
Kaiserstuhl Aargau Merged with Bad Zurzach, Baldingen, Böbikon, Rekingen, Rietheim, Rümikon and Wislikofen Zurzach 2022
KaltenbachThurgauIncorporated into WagenhausenWagenhausen1995
KalthäusernThurgauIncorporated into LommisLommis1995
KappelSt. GallenMerged with EbnatEbnat-Kappel1965
KefikonThurgauIncorporated into GachnangGachnang1998
KempfhofAargauIncorporated into WürenlosWürenlos1900
Kerenzen-MühlehornGlarusSplit in threeFilzbach
Kienersrüti Bern Incorporated into Uttigen Uttigen 2014
Kirchenthurnen Bern Merged with Lohnstorf and Mühlethurnen Thurnen 2020
KlarsreutiThurgauIncorporated into BirwinkenBirwinken1995
Kleindietwil Bern Incorporated into Madiswil Madiswil 2011
KleingurmelsFribourgIncorporated into GurmelsGurmels2000
KleinguschelmuthFribourgMerged with GrossguschelmuthGuschelmuth1978
KleinhüningenBasel-CityIncorporated into BaselBasel1908
KottwilLucerneIncorporated into EttiswilEttiswil2006
KradolfThurgauMerged with Buhwil, Neukirch an der Thur and Schönenberg an der ThurKradolf-Schönenberg1996
KrillbergThurgauIncorporated into WängiWängi1969
Krinau St. Gallen Incorporated into Wattwil Wattwil 2013
KrummenauSt. GallenMerged with NesslauNesslau-Krummenau2005
KulmerauLucerneIncorporated into TriengenTriengen2005
KümmertshausenThurgauIncorporated into ErlenErlen1995
KurzdorfThurgauIncorporated into FrauenfeldFrauenfeld1919
KurzrickenbachThurgauIncorporated into KreuzlingenKreuzlingen1927
Küttigkofen Solothurn Merged with Aetigkofen, Aetingen, Bibern, Brügglen, Gossliwil, Hessigkofen, Kyburg-Buchegg, Mühledorf and Tscheppach Buchegg 2014
Kyburg Zürich Incorporated into Illnau-Effretikon Illnau-Effretikon 2016
Kyburg-Buchegg Solothurn Merged with Aetigkofen, Aetingen, Bibern, Brügglen, Gossliwil, Hessigkofen, Küttigkofen, Mühledorf and Tscheppach Buchegg 2014
La BâtiazValaisIncorporated into Martigny-VilleMartigny-Ville1956
La Chaux-des-Breuleux Jura Incorporated into Les Breuleux Les Breuleux 2023
La CorbazFribourgMerged with Cormagens and Lossy-FormangueiresLa Sonnaz2004
La CoudreNeuchâtelIncorporated into NeuchâtelNeuchâtel1930
La Folliaz Fribourg Merged with Villaz-Saint-Pierre Villaz 2020
La Heutte Bern Merged with Péry Péry-la-Heutte 2015
La JouxFribourgIncorporated into Vuisternens-devant-RomontVuisternens-devant-Romont2003
La MagneFribourgIncorporated into Vuisternens-devant-RomontVuisternens-devant-Romont2003
La NeirigueFribourgIncorporated into Vuisternens-devant-RomontVuisternens-devant-Romont2004
La RogivueVaudIncorporated into MaraconMaracon2003
La RougèveFribourgIncorporated into SemsalesSemsales1968
La Tour-de-Trême Fribourg Incorporated into Bulle Bulle 2006
La VounaiseFribourgIncorporated into MuristMurist1981
Ladir Grisons Merged with Castrisch, Duvin, Ilanz, Luven, Pigniu, Pitasch, Riein, Rueun, Ruschein, Schnaus, Sevgein and Siat Ilanz/Glion 2014
Lamboing Bern Merged with Diesse and Prêles Plateau de Diesse 2014
LandarencaGrisonsIncorporated into ArvigoArvigo1980
LandschlachtThurgauMerged with a part of ScherzingenMünsterlingen1994
LangdorfThurgauIncorporated into FrauenfeldFrauenfeld1919
LängenbühlBernMerged with ForstForst-Längenbühl2007
LangenhartThurgauIncorporated into MüllheimMüllheim1967
Langnau bei ReidenLucerneIncorporated into ReidenReiden2006
Langwies Grisons Incorporated into Arosa Arosa 2013
LanterswilThurgauIncorporated into BussnangBussnang1996
LanzenneunfornThurgauIncorporated into HerdernHerdern1998
LargarioTicinoMerged with Castro, Corzoneso, Dongio, Leontica, Lottigna, Marolta, Ponto Valentino and PrugiascoAcquarossa2004
LatschGrisonsIncorporated into BergünBergün1912
Laufen StadtBernMerged with Laufen VorstadtLaufen1852
Laufen VorstadtBernMerged with Laufen StadtLaufen1852
LauffohrAargauIncorporated into BruggBrugg1970
Lavertezzo (Lavertezzo Valle) Ticino Merged with Brione, Corippo, Cugnasco-Gerra (Gerra Valle), Frasco, Sonogno and Vogorno Verzasca 2020
LaveyVaudMerged with MorclesLavey-Morcles1852
Lavin Grisons Incorporated into Zernez Zernez 2015
Le BryFribourgMerged with Avry-devant-Pont and GumefensPont-en-Ogoz2003
Le CrêtFribourgMerged with Grattavache and ProgensLa Verrerie2004
Le Glèbe Fribourg Merged with Corpataux-Magnedens, Farvagny, Rossens and Vuisternens-en-Ogoz Gibloux 2016
Le Pâquier Neuchâtel Merged with Boudevilliers, Cernier, Chézard-Saint-Martin, Coffrane, Dombresson, Engollon, Fenin-Vilars-Saules, Fontainemelon, Fontaines, Les Geneveys-sur-Coffrane, Les Hauts-Geneveys, Montmollin, Savagnier and Villiers Val-de-Ruz 2013
Le Petit-SaconnexGenevaIncorporated into GenevaGeneva1931
Le Peuchapatte Jura Incorporated into Muriaux Muriaux 2009
Le SaulgyFribourgIncorporated into SiviriezSiviriez1978
Léchelles Fribourg Merged with Domdidier, Dompierre and Russy Belmont-Broye 2016
Leggia Grisons Incorporated into Grono Grono 2017
LeimbachThurgauIncorporated into BürglenBürglen1995
Leimbach Zürich Incorporated into Zürich Zürich 1893
Leimiswil Bern Incorporated into Madiswil Madiswil 2011
LentignyFribourgMerged with Onnens and LovensLa Brillaz2001
LeonticaTicinoMerged with Castro, Corzoneso, Dongio, Largario, Lottigna, Marolta, Ponto Valentino and PrugiascoAcquarossa2004
Les Agettes Valais Incorporated into Sion Sion 2017
Les Bayards Neuchâtel Merged with Boveresse, Buttes, Couvet, Fleurier, Môtiers, Noiraigue, Saint-Sulpice and Travers Val-de-Travers 2009
Les Brenets Neuchâtel Incorporated into Le Locle Le Locle 2021
Les Cullayes Vaud Incorporated into Servion Servion 2012
Les EcasseysFribourgIncorporated into Vuisternens-devant-RomontVuisternens-devant-Romont2003
Les EplaturesNeuchâtelIncorporated into La Chaux-de-FondsLa Chaux-de-Fonds1900
Les FriquesFribourgIncorporated into Saint-AubinSaint-Aubin1991
Les Geneveys-sur-Coffrane Neuchâtel Merged with Boudevilliers, Cernier, Chézard-Saint-Martin, Coffrane, Dombresson, Engollon, Fenin-Vilars-Saules, Fontainemelon, Fontaines, Le Pâquier, Les Hauts-Geneveys, Montmollin, Savagnier and Villiers Val-de-Ruz 2013
Les GlânesFribourgIncorporated into RomontRomont1981
Les Hauts-Geneveys Neuchâtel Merged with Boudevilliers, Cernier, Chézard-Saint-Martin, Coffrane, Dombresson, Engollon, Fenin-Vilars-Saules, Fontainemelon, Fontaines, Le Pâquier, Les Geneveys-sur-Coffrane, Montmollin, Savagnier and Villiers Val-de-Ruz 2013
Les Pommerats Jura Incorporated into Saignelégier Saignelégier 2009
Les Tavernes Vaud Merged with Bussigny-sur-Oron, Châtillens, Chesalles-sur-Oron, Écoteaux, Les Thioleyres, Oron-la-Ville, Oron-le-Châtel, Palézieux and Vuibroye Oron 2012
Les Thioleyres Vaud Merged with Bussigny-sur-Oron, Châtillens, Chesalles-sur-Oron, Écoteaux, Les Tavernes, Oron-la-Ville, Oron-le-Châtel, Palézieux and Vuibroye Oron 2012
LessocFribourgMerged with Albeuve, Montbovon and NeirivueHaut-Intyamon2002
LeuggelbachGlarusIncorporated into HaslenHaslen2006
LiebistorfFribourgIncorporated into GurmelsGurmels2003
LieffrensFribourgIncorporated into Vuisternens-devant-RomontVuisternens-devant-Romont2003
LieliAargauIncorporated into OberwilOberwil1909
LieliLucerneIncorporated into HohenrainHohenrain2007
Ligornetto Ticino Incorporated into Mendrisio Mendrisio 2013
Limpach Bern Incorporated into Fraubrunnen Fraubrunnen 2014
Linn Aargau Merged with Gallenkirch, Oberbözberg and Unterbözberg Bözberg 2013
Linthal Glarus Merged with Betschwanden, Braunwald, Elm, Engi, Haslen, Luchsingen, Matt, Mitlödi, Rüti, Schwanden, Schwändi and Sool Glarus Süd 2011
LipperswilThurgauIncorporated into WäldiWäldi1995
LippoldswilenThurgauMerged with Alterswilen, Altishausen, Dotnacht, Ellighausen, Hugelshofen, Neuwilen and SiegershausenKemmental1996
Littau Lucerne Incorporated into Lucerne Lucerne 2010
LocoTicinoMerged with Auressio and BerzonaIsorno2001
LodanoTicinoIncorporated into MaggiaMaggia2004
Lodrino Ticino Merged with Cresciano, Iragna and Osogna Riviera 2017
Lohn Grisons Merged with Casti-Wergenstein, Donat and Mathon Muntogna da Schons 2021
LohnSolothurnMerged with AmmannseggLohn-Ammannsegg1993
Lohnstorf Bern Merged with Kirchenthurnen and Mühlethurnen Thurnen 2020
LopagnoTicinoMerged with Cagiallo, Roveredo, Sala Capriasca, Tesserete and VaglioCapriasca2001
LossyFribourgMerged with FormangueiresLossy-Formangueires1982
Lossy-FormangueiresFribourgMerged with Cormagens and La CorbazLa Sonnaz2004
LottignaTicinoMerged with Castro, Corzoneso, Dongio, Largario, Leontica, Marolta, Ponto Valentino and PrugiascoAcquarossa2004
LovensFribourgMerged with Onnens and LentignyLa Brillaz2001
Grisons Merged with Fuldera, Müstair, Santa Maria Val Müstair, Tschierv and Valchava Val Müstair 2009
Luchsingen Glarus Merged with Betschwanden, Braunwald, Elm, Engi, Haslen, Linthal, Matt, Mitlödi, Rüti, Schwanden, Schwändi and Sool Glarus Süd 2011
Ludiano Ticino Merged with Malvaglia and Semione Serravalle 2012
Lüen Grisons Incorporated into Arosa Arosa 2013
Lugaggia Ticino Incorporated into Capriasca Capriasca 2008
Lugnez Jura Merged with Damphreux Damphreux-Lugnez 2023
Lumbrein Grisons Merged with Cumbel, Degen, Morissen, Suraua, Vella, Vignogn and Vrin Lumnezia 2013
Lurtigen Fribourg Incorporated into Murten Murten 2016
LüsaiGrisonsIncorporated into 1878
LusseryVaudMerged with Villars-LusseryLussery-Villars1999
Lüsslingen Solothurn Merged with Nennigkofen Lüsslingen-Nennigkofen 2013
LussyFribourgMerged with VillarimboudLa Folliaz2005
LustdorfThurgauIncorporated into ThundorfThundorf1995
LüterkofenSolothurnMerged with IchertswilLüterkofen-Ichertswil1961
LüterswilSolothurnMerged with GächliwilLüterswil-Gächliwil1995
Luven Grisons Merged with Castrisch, Duvin, Ilanz, Ladir, Pigniu, Pitasch, Riein, Rueun, Ruschein, Schnaus, Sevgein and Siat Ilanz/Glion 2014
MacconnensFribourgIncorporated into VillarimboudVillarimboud1973
MadretschBernIncorporated into BielBiel1920
Magadino Ticino Merged with Caviano, Contone, Gerra, Indemini, Piazzogna, San Nazzaro, Sant'Abbondio and Vira Gambarogno 2010
MagnedensFribourgMerged with CorpatauxCorpataux-Magnedens1999
Mairengo Ticino Incorporated into Faido Faido 2012
Maladers Grisons Incorporated into Chur Chur 2020
Malapalud Vaud Incorporated into Assens Assens 2009
Malix Grisons Incorporated into Churwalden Churwalden 2010
Malleray Bern Merged with Bévilard and Pontenet Valbirse 2015
Malvaglia Ticino Merged with Ludiano and Semione Serravalle 2012
MannenbachThurgauIncorporated into SalensteinSalenstein1979
Mannens-GrandsivazFribourgIncorporated into MontagnyMontagny2004
Marbach Lucerne Merged with Escholzmatt Escholzmatt-Marbach 2013
MarinNeuchâtelMerged with EpagnierMarin-Epagnier1888
Marin-Epagnier Neuchâtel Merged with Thielle-Wavre La Tène 2009
Marly-le-GrandFribourgMerged with Marly-le-PetitMarly1970
Marly-le-PetitFribourgMerged with Marly-le-GrandMarly1970
Marmorera Grisons Merged with Bivio, Cunter, Mulegns, Riom-Parsonz, Salouf, Savognin, Sur and Tinizong-Rona Surses 2016
Marnand Vaud Merged with Cerniaz, Combremont-le-Grand, Combremont-le-Petit, Granges-près-Marnand, Sassel, Seigneux and Villars-Bramard Valbroye 2011
Maroggia Ticino Merged with Melano and Rovio Val Mara 2022
MaroltaTicinoMerged with Castro, Corzoneso, Dongio, Largario, Leontica, Lottigna, Ponto Valentino and PrugiascoAcquarossa2004
Martherenges Vaud Merged with Chanéaz, Chapelle-sur-Moudon, Correvon, Denezy, Neyruz-sur-Moudon, Peyres-Possens, Saint-Cierges and Thierrens Montanaire 2013
Martigny-BourgValaisMerged with Martigny-VilleMartigny1964
Martigny-VilleValaisMerged with Martigny-BourgMartigny1964
Martisberg Valais Merged with Betten Bettmeralp 2014
MärwilThurgauIncorporated into AffeltrangenAffeltrangen1995
Mase Valais Merged with Nax and Vernamiège Mont-Noble 2011
Mastrils Grisons Merged with Igis Landquart 2012
Mathon Grisons Merged with Casti-Wergenstein, Donat and Lohn Muntogna da Schons 2021
Matt Glarus Merged with Betschwanden, Braunwald, Elm, Engi, Haslen, Linthal, Luchsingen, Mitlödi, Rüti, Schwanden, Schwändi and Sool Glarus Süd 2011
MattwilThurgauIncorporated into BirwinkenBirwinken1995
MaulesFribourgIncorporated into SâlesSâles2001
MaurenThurgauIncorporated into BergBerg1995
Medeglia Ticino Merged with Bironico, Camignolo, Rivera and Sigirino Monteceneri 2010
Medels im Rheinwald Grisons Incorporated into Splügen Splügen 2006
Melano Ticino Merged with Maroggia and Rovio Val Mara 2022
MellstorfAargauIncorporated into WislikofenWislikofen1899
MenzonioTicinoMerged with Broglio, Brontallo, Fusio, Peccia and Prato-SornicoLavizzara2004
Meride Ticino Incorporated into Mendrisio Mendrisio 2013
Messen-ScheunenBernMerged with OberscheunenScheunen1912
MettBernIncorporated into BielBiel1920
Mett-OberschlattThurgauMerged with UnterschlattSchlatt1999
Mettau Aargau Merged with Etzgen, Hottwil, Oberhofen and Wil Mettauertal 2010
MettendorfThurgauIncorporated into HüttlingenHüttlingen1999
MettlenThurgauIncorporated into BussnangBussnang1996
Mex Valais Incorporated into Saint-Maurice Saint-Maurice 2013
Mézery-près-Donneloye Vaud Incorporated into Donneloye Donneloye 2008
Mézières Vaud Merged with Carrouge and Ferlens Jorat-Mézières 2016
MiddesFribourgMerged with Torny-le-GrandTorny2004
MiécourtJuraMerged with Asuel, Charmoille, Fregiécourt and PleujouseLa Baroche2009
Miège Valais Merged with Venthône and Veyras Noble-Contrée 2021
MiseryFribourgMerged with Courtion, Cormérod and CournillensMisery-Courtion1997
Mitlödi Glarus Merged with Betschwanden, Braunwald, Elm, Engi, Haslen, Linthal, Luchsingen, Matt, Rüti, Schwanden, Schwändi and Sool Glarus Süd 2011
Mogelsberg St. Gallen Merged with Brunnadern and St. Peterzell Neckertal 2009
MoghegnoTicinoIncorporated into MaggiaMaggia2004
Moleno Ticino Incorporated into Bellinzona Bellinzona 2017
Molinis Grisons Incorporated into Arosa Arosa 2013
Mollens Valais Merged with Chermignon, Montana and Randogne Crans-Montana 2017
Mollis Glarus Merged with Bilten, Filzbach, Mühlehorn, Näfels, Niederurnen, Oberurnen and Obstalden Glarus Nord 2011
Mon Grisons Merged with Alvaneu, Alvaschein, Brienz/Brinzauls, Stierva, Surava and Tiefencastel Albula/Alvra 2015
Monible Bern Merged with Châtelat, Sornetan and Souboz Petit-Val 2015
Monnaz Vaud Incorporated into Echichens Echichens 2011
MontagnolaTicinoMerged with Agra and GentilinoCollina d'Oro2004
Montagny-la-VilleFribourgMerged with Montagny-les-MontsMontagny2000
Montagny-les-MontsFribourgMerged with Montagny-la-VilleMontagny2000
Montalchez Neuchâtel Merged with Bevaix, Fresens, Gorgier, Saint-Aubin-Sauges and Vaumarcus La Grande Béroche 2018
Montana Valais Merged with Chermignon, Mollens and Randogne Crans-Montana 2017
Montaubion-Chardonney Vaud Merged with Peney-le-Jorat, Sottens, Villars-Mendraz and Villars-Tiercelin Jorat-Menthue 2011
MontborgetFribourgIncorporated into MuristMurist1981
MontbovonFribourgMerged with Albeuve, Lessoc and NeirivueHaut-Intyamon2002
Montbrelloz Fribourg Merged with Autavaux and Forel Vernay 2006
MonteTicinoIncorporated into Castel San PietroCastel San Pietro2004
Monte Carasso Ticino Incorporated into Bellinzona Bellinzona 2017
MontécuFribourgIncorporated into BonnefontaineBonnefontaine1989
Monteggio Ticino Merged with Croglio, Ponte Tresa and Sessa Tresa 2021
MontenolJuraMerged with Epauvillers, Epiquerez, Montmelon, Ocourt, Saint-Ursanne and SeleuteClos du Doubs2009
MonterschuFribourgMerged with GrossgurmelsGurmels1978
MontetFribourgMerged with Aumont, Frasses and Granges-de-VesinLes Montets2004
MontévrazFribourgMerged with Bonnefontaine, Essert, Montévraz, Praroman and ZénauvaLe Mouret2003
Montfavergier Jura Incorporated into Montfaucon Montfaucon 2009
Montherod Vaud Incorporated into Aubonne Aubonne 2021
Montignez Jura Merged with Buix and Courtemaîche Basse-Allaine 2009
Montmagny Vaud Merged with Bellerive, Chabrey, Constantine, Mur, Vallamand and Villars-le-Grand Vully-les-Lacs 2011
MontmelonJuraMerged with Epauvillers, Epiquerez, Montenol, Ocourt, Saint-Ursanne and SeleuteClos du Doubs2009
Montmollin Neuchâtel Merged with Boudevilliers, Cernier, Chézard-Saint-Martin, Coffrane, Dombresson, Engollon, Fenin-Vilars-Saules, Fontainemelon, Fontaines, Le Pâquier, Les Geneveys-sur-Coffrane, Les Hauts-Geneveys, Savagnier and Villiers Val-de-Ruz 2013
Montreux-ChâtelardVaudMerged with Montreux-PlanchesMontreux1962
Montreux-PlanchesVaudMerged with Montreux-ChâtelardMontreux1962
Montsevelier Jura Merged with Vermes and Vicques Val Terbi 2013
MontvoieBernIncorporated into OcourtOcourt1882
Morbio Superiore Ticino Merged with Bruzella, Cabbio, Caneggio, Muggio and Sagno Breggia 2009
MorclesVaudMerged with LaveyLavey-Morcles1852
Mörel Valais Merged with Filet Mörel-Filet 2009
Morens Fribourg Merged with Bussy, Estavayer-le-Lac, Murist, Rueyres-les-Prés, Vernay and Vuissens Estavayer 2017
Morissen Grisons Merged with Cumbel, Degen, Lumbrein, Suraua, Vella, Vignogn and Vrin Lumnezia 2013
MorlensFribourgIncorporated into VuarmarensVuarmarens1991
Mosen Lucerne Incorporated into Hitzkirch Hitzkirch 2009
Mosogno Ticino Incorporated into Onsernone Onsernone 2016
MosselFribourgIncorporated into UrsyUrsy2001
Môtiers Neuchâtel Merged with Boveresse, Buttes, Couvet, Fleurier, Les Bayards, Noiraigue, Saint-Sulpice and Travers Val-de-Travers 2009
Mötschwil Bern Incorporated into Hindelbank Hindelbank 2021
MugenaTicinoMerged with Arosio, Breno, Fescoggia and VezioAlto Malcantone2005
Muggio Ticino Merged with Bruzella, Cabbio, Caneggio, Morbio Superiore and Sagno Breggia 2009
MühlebachValaisIncorporated into ErnenErnen2004
Mühlebach bei AmriswilThurgauIncorporated into AmriswilAmriswil1932
Mühledorf Bern Incorporated into Kirchdorf Kirchdorf 2018
Mühledorf Solothurn Merged with Aetigkofen, Aetingen, Bibern, Brügglen, Gossliwil, Hessigkofen, Küttigkofen, Kyburg-Buchegg and Tscheppach Buchegg 2014
Mühlehorn Glarus Merged with Bilten, Filzbach, Mollis, Näfels, Niederurnen, Oberurnen and Obstalden Glarus Nord 2011
MühlethalAargauIncorporated into ZofingenZofingen2002
Mühlethurnen Bern Merged with Kirchenthurnen and Lohnstorf Thurnen 2020
Mülchi Bern Incorporated into Fraubrunnen Fraubrunnen 2014
Mulegns Grisons Merged with Bivio, Cunter, Marmorera, Riom-Parsonz, Salouf, Savognin, Sur and Tinizong-Rona Surses 2016
MullenBernIncorporated into TschuggTschugg1946
Münchringen Bern Incorporated into Jegenstorf Jegenstorf 2014
Mund Valais Incorporated into Naters Naters 2013
Mundaun Grisons Merged with Obersaxen Obersaxen Mundaun 2016
MünsterValaisMerged with GeschinenMünster-Geschinen2004
Münster-Geschinen Valais Merged with Blitzingen, Grafschaft, Niederwald and Reckingen-Gluringen Goms 2017
Mur Vaud Merged with Bellerive, Chabrey, Constantine, Montmagny, Vallamand and Villars-le-Grand Vully-les-Lacs 2011
Murist Fribourg Merged with Bussy, Estavayer-le-Lac, Morens, Rueyres-les-Prés, Vernay and Vuissens Estavayer 2017
Müstair Grisons Merged with Fuldera, , Santa Maria Val Müstair, Tschierv and Valchava Val Müstair 2009
Müswangen Lucerne Incorporated into Hitzkirch Hitzkirch 2009
Mutten Grisons Incorporated into Thusis Thusis 2018
Näfels Glarus Merged with Bilten, Filzbach, Mollis, Mühlehorn, Niederurnen, Oberurnen and Obstalden Glarus Nord 2011
Nax Valais Merged with Mase and Vernamiège Mont-Noble 2011
Naz Vaud Merged with Dommartin, Poliez-le-Grand and Sugnens Montilliez 2011
NeirivueFribourgMerged with Albeuve, Lessoc and MontbovonHaut-Intyamon2002
Nennigkofen Solothurn Merged with Lüsslingen Lüsslingen-Nennigkofen 2013
NesselnbachAargauIncorporated into NiederwilNiederwil1901
NesslauSt. GallenMerged with KrummenauNesslau-Krummenau2005
Nesslau-Krummenau St. Gallen Merged with Stein Stein 2013
Netstal Glarus Incorporated into Glarus Glarus 2011
Neudorf Lucerne Incorporated into Beromünster Beromünster 2013
NeuhausFribourgIncorporated into PlasselbPlasselb1971
Neukirch an der ThurThurgauMerged with Buhwil, Kradolf and Schönenberg an der ThurKradolf-Schönenberg1996
NeuwilenThurgauMerged with Alterswilen, Altishausen, Dotnacht, Ellighausen, Hugelshofen, Lippoldswilen and SiegershausenKemmental1996
Neyruz-sur-Moudon Vaud Merged with Chanéaz, Chapelle-sur-Moudon, Correvon, Denezy, Martherenges, Peyres-Possens, Saint-Cierges and Thierrens Montanaire 2013
NidfurnGlarusIncorporated into HaslenHaslen2006
Niedererlinsbach Solothurn Merged with Obererlinsbach Erlinsbach 2006
NiederernenValaisIncorporated into ErnenErnen1872
NiederneunfornThurgauIncorporated into NeunfornNeunforn1996
Niederösch Bern Incorporated into Ersigen Ersigen 2016
Niederried bei Kallnach Bern Incorporated into Kallnach Kallnach 2013
NiedersommeriThurgauMerged with ObersommeriSommeri1967
Niederstocken Bern Merged with Höfen bei Thun and Oberstocken Stocken-Höfen 2014
NiederurdorfZürichMerged with OberurdorfUrdorf1931
Niederurnen Glarus Merged with Bilten, Filzbach, Mollis, Mühlehorn, Näfels, Oberurnen and Obstalden Glarus Nord 2011
Niederwald Valais Merged with Blitzingen, Grafschaft, Münster-Geschinen and Reckingen-Gluringen Goms 2017
NiederwichtrachBernMerged with OberwichtrachWichtrach2004
Niederwil Solothurn Incorporated into Riedholz Riedholz 2011
NiederwilThurgauIncorporated into GachnangGachnang1998
Nierlet-les-BoisFribourgIncorporated into PonthauxPonthaux1981
Noflen Bern Incorporated into Kirchdorf Kirchdorf 2018
Noiraigue Neuchâtel Merged with Boveresse, Buttes, Couvet, Fleurier, Les Bayards, Môtiers, Saint-Sulpice and Travers Val-de-Travers 2009
NorancoTicinoMerged with PambioPambio-Noranco1904
Noréaz Fribourg Merged with Corserey and Prez-vers-Noréaz Prez 2020
Nufenen Grisons Merged with Hinterrhein and Splügen Rheinwald 2019
NussbaumenThurgauIncorporated into HüttwilenHüttwilen1997
OberaachThurgauIncorporated into AmriswilAmriswil1979
Oberbözberg Aargau Merged with Gallenkirch, Linn and Unterbözberg Bözberg 2013
OberbussnangThurgauIncorporated into BussnangBussnang1996
OberehrendingenAargauMerged with UnterehrendingenEhrendingen2006
Obererlinsbach Solothurn Merged with Niedererlinsbach Erlinsbach 2006
Oberflachs Aargau Merged with Schinznach-Dorf Schinznach 2014
Obergesteln Valais Merged with Oberwald and Ulrichen Obergoms 2009
Oberhelfenschwil St. Gallen Incorporated into Neckertal Neckertal 2023
Oberhofen Aargau Merged with Etzgen, Hottwil, Mettau and Wil Mettauertal 2010
Oberhofen bei KreuzlingenThurgauMerged with IllighausenLengwil1998
Oberhofen bei MünchwilenThurgauIncorporated into MünchwilenMünchwilen1950
OberleibstadtAargauMerged with UnterleibstadtLeibstadt1866
OberneunfornThurgauIncorporated into NeunfornNeunforn1996
Oberönz Bern Incorporated into Herzogenbuchsee Herzogenbuchsee 2008
Oberösch Bern Incorporated into Ersigen Ersigen 2016
Oberramsern Solothurn Incorporated into Messen Messen 2010
OberriedFribourgMerged with Bonnefontaine, Essert, Montévraz, Praroman and ZénauvaLe Mouret2003
Obersaxen Grisons Merged with Mundaun Obersaxen Mundaun 2016
OberscheunenBernMerged with Messen-ScheunenScheunen1912
Oberschrot Fribourg Incorporated into Plaffeien Plaffeien 2017
ObersommeriThurgauMerged with NiedersommeriSommeri1967
Oberstammheim Zürich Merged with Unterstammheim and Waltalingen Stammheim 2019
Obersteckholz Bern Incorporated into Langenthal Langenthal 2021
Oberstocken Bern Merged with Höfen bei Thun and Niederstocken Stocken-Höfen 2014
OberstrassZürichIncorporated into ZürichZürich1893
OberurdorfZürichMerged with NiederurdorfUrdorf1931
Oberurnen Glarus Merged with Bilten, Filzbach, Mollis, Mühlehorn, Näfels, Niederurnen and Obstalden Glarus Nord 2011
Oberwald Valais Merged with Obergesteln and Ulrichen Obergoms 2009
OberwangenThurgauIncorporated into FischingenFischingen1972
OberwichtrachBernMerged with NiederwichtrachWichtrach2004
OberwilThurgauIncorporated into GachnangGachnang1998
OberwinterthurZürichIncorporated into WinterthurWinterthur1922
Obstalden Glarus Merged with Bilten, Filzbach, Mollis, Mühlehorn, Näfels, Niederurnen and Oberurnen Glarus Nord 2011
OcourtJuraMerged with Epauvillers, Epiquerez, Montenol, Montmelon, Saint-Ursanne and SeleuteClos du Doubs2009
OerlikonZürichIncorporated into ZürichZürich1934
OetlikonAargauIncorporated into WürenlosWürenlos1900
Ohmstal Lucerne Incorporated into Schötz Schötz 2013
Oleyres Vaud Incorporated into Avenches Avenches 2011
OlivoneTicinoMerged with Aquila, Campo Blenio, Ghirone and TorreBlenio2006
OlsbergBasel-CountryIncorporated into ArisdorfArisdorf1882
Onex-ConfignonGenevaSplit in twoOnex
OnnensFribourgMerged with Lentigny and LovensLa Brillaz2001
OpfershofenThurgauIncorporated into BürglenBürglen1995
Opfertshofen Schaffhausen Incorporated into Thayngen Thayngen 2009
OppikonThurgauIncorporated into BussnangBussnang1996
Oron-la-Ville Vaud Merged with Bussigny-sur-Oron, Châtillens, Chesalles-sur-Oron, Écoteaux, Les Tavernes, Les Thioleyres, Oron-le-Châtel, Palézieux and Vuibroye Oron 2012
Oron-le-Châtel Vaud Merged with Bussigny-sur-Oron, Châtillens, Chesalles-sur-Oron, Écoteaux, Les Tavernes, Les Thioleyres, Oron-la-Ville, Palézieux and Vuibroye Oron 2012
OrsonnensFribourgMerged with Chavannes-sous-Orsonnens, Villargiroud and VillarsiviriauxVillorsonnens2001
Osco Ticino Incorporated into Faido Faido 2012
Osogna Ticino Merged with Cresciano, Iragna and Lodrino Riviera 2017
OsterfingenSchaffhausenIncorporated into WilchingenWilchingen2005
OtterbachBernMerged with Ausserbirrmoos and InnerbirrmoosLinden1946
OttobergThurgauIncorporated into MärstettenMärstetten1975
Oulens-sur-Lucens Vaud Incorporated into Lucens Lucens 2011
PagigGrisonsMerged with St. PeterSt. Peter-Pagig2008
Palagnedra Ticino Merged with Borgnone and Intragna Centovalli 2009
Palézieux Vaud Merged with Bussigny-sur-Oron, Châtillens, Chesalles-sur-Oron, Écoteaux, Les Tavernes, Les Thioleyres, Oron-la-Ville, Oron-le-Châtel and Vuibroye Oron 2012
PambioTicinoMerged with NorancoPambio-Noranco1904
Pambio-NorancoTicinoIncorporated into LuganoLugano2004
Pampigny Vaud Merged with Apples, Bussy-Chardonney, Cottens, Reverolle and Sévery Hautemorges 2021
PanyGrisonsIncorporated into LuzeinLuzein1872
Parpan Grisons Incorporated into Churwalden Churwalden 2010
ParsonzGrisonsMerged with RiomRiom-Parsonz1979
Paspels Grisons Merged with Almens, Pratval, Rodels and Tomils Domleschg 2015
Patzen-FardünGrisonsMerged with DonathDonat2003
PazzalloTicinoIncorporated into LuganoLugano2004
PecciaTicinoMerged with Broglio, Brontallo, Fusio, Menzonio and Prato-SornicoLavizzara2004
PedrinateTicinoIncorporated into ChiassoChiasso1976
PeidenGrisonsMerged with UorsUors-Peiden1963
Peist Grisons Incorporated into Arosa Arosa 2013
Peney-le-Jorat Vaud Merged with Montaubion-Chardonney, Sottens, Villars-Mendraz and Villars-Tiercelin Jorat-Menthue 2011
Péry Bern Merged with La Heutte Péry-la-Heutte 2015
Peseux Neuchâtel Incorporated into Neuchâtel Neuchâtel 2021
Peyres-Possens Vaud Merged with Chanéaz, Chapelle-sur-Moudon, Correvon, Denezy, Martherenges, Neyruz-sur-Moudon, Saint-Cierges and Thierrens Montanaire 2013
Pfeffikon Lucerne Incorporated into Rickenbach Rickenbach 2013
PianderaTicinoMerged with Colla, Insone, Scareglia and SignôraValcolla1956
Pianezzo Ticino Incorporated into Bellinzona Bellinzona 2017
Piazzogna Ticino Merged with Caviano, Contone, Gerra, Indemini, Magadino, San Nazzaro, Sant'Abbondio and Vira Gambarogno 2010
Pignia Grisons Incorporated into Andeer Andeer 2009
Pigniu Grisons Merged with Castrisch, Duvin, Ilanz, Ladir, Luven, Pitasch, Riein, Rueun, Ruschein, Schnaus, Sevgein and Siat Ilanz/Glion 2014
Pitasch Grisons Merged with Castrisch, Duvin, Ilanz, Ladir, Luven, Pigniu, Riein, Rueun, Ruschein, Schnaus, Sevgein and Siat Ilanz/Glion 2014
Pizy Vaud Incorporated into Aubonne Aubonne 2011
Plagne Bern Merged with Vauffelin Sauge 2014
PlainpalaisGenevaIncorporated into GenevaGeneva1931
PlambozNeuchâtelMerged with Brot-DessusBrot-Plamboz1875
PleujouseJuraMerged with Asuel, Charmoille, Frégiecourt and MiécourtLa Baroche2009
Poliez-le-Grand Vaud Merged with Dommartin, Naz and Sugnens Montilliez 2011
PontFribourgMerged with Bouloz and PorselLe Flon2004
Pont-en-OgozFribourgMerged with Villars-d'AvryLe Bry1970
Ponte Tresa Ticino Merged with Croglio, Monteggio and Sessa Tresa 2021
Pontenet Bern Merged with Bévilard and Malleray Valbirse 2015
Ponto ValentinoTicinoMerged with Castro, Corzoneso, Dongio, Largario, Leontica, Lottigna, Marolta and PrugiascoAcquarossa2004
PorselFribourgMerged with Bouloz and PontLe Flon2004
PortalbanFribourgMerged with DelleyDelley-Portalban2005
Portein Grisons Incorporated into Cazis Cazis 2010
PosatFribourgMerged with Farvagny-le-Grand, Farvagny-le-Petit and GrenillesFarvagny1996
PosieuxFribourgMerged with EcuvillensHauterive2001
Praden Grisons Merged with Tschiertschen Tschiertschen-Praden 2009
Prahins Vaud Incorporated into Donneloye Donneloye 2012
PraratoudFribourgIncorporated into SurpierreSurpierre2005
PraromanFribourgMerged with Bonnefontaine, Essert, Montévraz, Oberried and ZénauvaLe Mouret2003
PratoTicinoMerged with SornicoPrato-Sornico1864
Prato-SornicoTicinoMerged with Broglio, Brontallo, Fusio, Menzonio and PecciaLavizzara2004
Pratval Grisons Merged with Almens, Paspels, Rodels and Tomils Domleschg 2015
Präz Grisons Incorporated into Cazis Cazis 2010
PregassonaTicinoIncorporated into LuganoLugano2004
Prêles Bern Merged with Diesse and Lamboing Plateau de Diesse 2014
Preonzo Ticino Incorporated into Bellinzona Bellinzona 2017
Prez-vers-Noréaz Fribourg Merged with Corserey and Noréaz Prez 2020
Prez-vers-SiviriezFribourgIncorporated into SiviriezSiviriez2004
ProgensFribourgMerged with Grattavache and Le CrêtLa Verrerie2004
PromasensFribourgIncorporated into RueRue2001
PrugiascoTicinoMerged with Castro, Corzoneso, Dongio, Largario, Leontica, Lottigna, Marolta and Ponto ValentinoAcquarossa2004
PutzGrisonsIncorporated into LuzeinLuzein1872
Raat-SchüpfheimZürichIncorporated into StadelStadel1907
Ramosch Grisons Merged with Tschlin Valsot 2013
Rancate Ticino Incorporated into Mendrisio Mendrisio 2009
Randogne Valais Merged with Chermignon, Mollens and Montana Crans-Montana 2017
RapperswilSt. GallenMerged with JonaRapperswil-Jona2007
RasaTicinoIncorporated into IntragnaIntragna1972
RäuchlisbergThurgauIncorporated into AmriswilAmriswil1979
RavecchiaTicinoIncorporated into BellinzonaBellinzona1907
Rebeuvelier Jura Incorporated into Courrendlin Courrendlin 2019
ReckingenValaisMerged with GluringenReckingen-Gluringen2004
Reckingen-Gluringen Valais Merged with Blitzingen, Grafschaft, Münster-Geschinen and Niederwald Goms 2017
RéclèreJuraMerged with Chevenez, Damvant and Roche-d'OrHaute-Ajoie2009
ReibenBernIncorporated into Büren an der AareBüren an der Aare1911
ReinAargauIncorporated into RüfenachRüfenach1898
ReischenGrisonsMerged with ZillisZillis-Reischen1875
Rekingen Aargau Merged with Bad Zurzach, Baldingen, Böbikon, Kaiserstuhl, Rietheim, Rümikon and Wislikofen Zurzach 2022
Retschwil Lucerne Incorporated into Hitzkirch Hitzkirch 2009
RetterswilAargauIncorporated into SeonSeon1899
ReutiThurgauIncorporated into BussnangBussnang1996
Reverolle Vaud Merged with Apples, Bussy-Chardonney, Cottens, Pampigny and Sévery Hautemorges 2021
RheinklingenThurgauIncorporated into WagenhausenWagenhausen1995
RichenseeLucerneIncorporated into HitzkirchHitzkirch1897
RichenthalLucerneIncorporated into ReidenReiden2006
Ried-Mörel Valais Merged with Goppisberg and Greich Riederalp 2003
Rieden St. Gallen Incorporated into Gommiswald Gommiswald 2013
RiedenZürichIncorporated into WallisellenWallisellen1916
Riedern Glarus Incorporated into Glarus Glarus 2011
RiedtThurgauIncorporated into ErlenErlen1995
Riein Grisons Merged with Castrisch, Duvin, Ilanz, Ladir, Luven, Pigniu, Pitasch, Rueun, Ruschein, Schnaus, Sevgein and Siat Ilanz/Glion 2014
RiesbachZürichIncorporated into ZürichZürich1893
Rietheim Aargau Merged with Bad Zurzach, Baldingen, Böbikon, Kaiserstuhl, Rekingen, Rümikon and Wislikofen Zurzach 2022
Riex Vaud Merged with Cully, Epesses, Grandvaux and Villette Bourg-en-Lavaux 2011
RikenAargauMerged with BalzenwilMurgenthal1901
Split in threeAppenzell
RiomGrisonsMerged with ParsonzRiom-Parsonz1979
Riom-Parsonz Grisons Merged with Bivio, Cunter, Marmorera, Mulegns, Salouf, Savognin, Sur and Tinizong-Rona Surses 2016
RitzingenValaisMerged with Biel and SelkingenGrafschaft2000
Rivera Ticino Merged with Bironico, Camignolo, Medeglia and Sigirino Monteceneri 2010
Robasacco Ticino Incorporated into Cadenazzo Cadenazzo 2005
Roche-d'OrJuraMerged with Chevenez, Damvant and RéclèreHaute-Ajoie2009
Rocourt Jura Incorporated into Haute-Ajoie Haute-Ajoie 2018
Rodels Grisons Merged with Almens, Paspels, Pratval and Tomils Domleschg 2015
Rohr Aargau Incorporated into Aarau Aarau 2010
Rohr Solothurn Incorporated into Stüsslingen Stüsslingen 2021
RohrdorfAargauSplit in threeNiederrohrdorf
RomainmôtierVaudMerged with EnvyRomainmôtier-Envy1970
Romairon Vaud Merged with Fontanezier, Vaugondry and Villars-Burquin Tévenon 2011
RomanensFribourgIncorporated into SâlesSâles2001
RonaGrisonsMerged with TinizongTinizong-Rona1998
Rossens Fribourg Merged with Corpataux-Magnedens, Farvagny, Le Glèbe and Vuisternens-en-Ogoz Gibloux 2016
RossensVaudIncorporated into VillarzelVillarzel2006
Rossura Ticino Incorporated into Faido Faido 2006
Röthenbach bei Herzogenbuchsee Bern Incorporated into Heimenhausen Heimenhausen 2009
RothenhausenThurgauIncorporated into BussnangBussnang1996
RoveredoTicinoMerged with Cagiallo, Lopagno, Sala Capriasca, Tesserete and VaglioCapriasca2001
Rovio Ticino Merged with Maroggia and Melano Val Mara 2022
Rubigen GesamtgemeindeBernSplit in threeRubigen
Allmendingen bei Bern
Rueun Grisons Merged with Castrisch, Duvin, Ilanz, Ladir, Luven, Pigniu, Pitasch, Riein, Ruschein, Schnaus, Sevgein and Siat Ilanz/Glion 2014
Rueyres-les-Prés Fribourg Merged with Bussy, Estavayer-le-Lac, Morens, Murist, Vernay and Vuissens Estavayer 2017
Rueyres-Saint-LaurentFribourgMerged with Estavayer-le-Gibloux, Villarlod and Villarsel-le-GiblouxLe Glèbe2003
Rueyres-TreyfayesFribourgIncorporated into SâlesSâles2001
Rümikon Aargau Merged with Bad Zurzach, Baldingen, Böbikon, Kaiserstuhl, Rekingen, Rietheim and Wislikofen Zurzach 2022
Rümligen Bern Incorporated into Riggisberg Riggisberg 2021
Ruppoldsried Bern Incorporated into Rapperswil Rapperswil 2013
Ruschein Grisons Merged with Castrisch, Duvin, Ilanz, Ladir, Luven, Pigniu, Pitasch, Riein, Rueun, Schnaus, Sevgein and Siat Ilanz/Glion 2014
RussoTicinoMerged with Comologno and CranaOnsernone1995
Russy Fribourg Merged with Domdidier, Dompierre and Léchelles Belmont-Broye 2016
Rüte Appenzell Innerrhoden Merged with Schwende Schwende-Rüte 2022
Rüti Glarus Merged with Betschwanden, Braunwald, Elm, Engi, Haslen, Linthal, Luchsingen, Matt, Mitlödi, Schwanden, Schwändi and Sool Glarus Süd 2011
Rüti bei Riggisberg Bern Incorporated into Riggisberg Riggisberg 2009
Saas im Prättigau Grisons Incorporated into Klosters Klosters 2016
Safien Grisons Merged with Tenna, Valendas and Versam Safiental 2013
Sagno Ticino Merged with Bruzella, Cabbio, Caneggio, Morbio Superiore and Muggio Breggia 2009
Saint-AubinNeuchâtelMerged with SaugesSaint-Aubin-Sauges1888
Saint-Aubin-Sauges Neuchâtel Merged with Bevaix, Fresens, Gorgier, Montalchez and Vaumarcus La Grande Béroche 2018
Saint-Cierges Vaud Merged with Chanéaz, Chapelle-sur-Moudon, Correvon, Denezy, Martherenges, Neyruz-sur-Moudon, Peyres-Possens and Thierrens Montanaire 2013
Saint-JeanValaisMerged with Ayer, Chandolin, Grimentz, Saint-Luc and VissoieAnniviers2009
Saint-Légier-La Chiésaz Vaud Merged with Blonay Blonay - Saint-Légier 2022
Saint-LucValaisMerged with Ayer, Chandolin, Grimentz, Saint-Jean and VissoieAnniviers2009
Saint-Saphorin-sur-Morges Vaud Incorporated into Echichens Echichens 2011
Saint-Sulpice Neuchâtel Merged with Boveresse, Buttes, Couvet, Fleurier, Les Bayards, Môtiers, Noiraigue and Travers Val-de-Travers 2009
Saint-UrsanneJuraMerged with Epauvillers, Epiquerez, Montenol, Montmelon, Ocourt and SeleuteClos du Doubs2009
Sala CapriascaTicinoMerged with Cagiallo, Lopagno, Roveredo, Tesserete and VaglioCapriasca2001
Salen-ReutenenThurgauIncorporated into HomburgHomburg1999
SalesFribourgIncorporated into EpendesEpendes1977
Salins Valais Incorporated into Sion Sion 2013
SalorinoTicinoIncorporated into MendrisioMendrisio2004
Salouf Grisons Merged with Bivio, Cunter, Marmorera, Mulegns, Riom-Parsonz, Savognin, Sur and Tinizong-Rona Surses 2016
Salvenach Fribourg Incorporated into Murten Murten 2016
San Nazzaro Ticino Merged with Caviano, Contone, Gerra, Indemini, Magadino, Piazzogna, Sant'Abbondio and Vira Gambarogno 2010
Sant'Abbondio Ticino Merged with Caviano, Contone, Gerra, Indemini, Magadino, Piazzogna, San Nazzaro and Vira Gambarogno 2010
Sant'Antonio Ticino Incorporated into Bellinzona Bellinzona 2017
Santa DomenicaGrisonsIncorporated into RossaRossa1982
Santa Maria Val Müstair Grisons Merged with Fuldera, , Müstair, Tschierv and Valchava Val Müstair 2009
Sarn Grisons Incorporated into Cazis Cazis 2010
Sarzens Vaud Incorporated into Lucens Lucens 2017
Sassel Vaud Merged with Cerniaz, Combremont-le-Grand, Combremont-le-Petit, Granges-près-Marnand, Marnand, Seigneux and Villars-Bramard Valbroye 2011
SaugesNeuchâtelMerged with Saint-AubinSaint-Aubin-Sauges1888
SaulesNeuchâtelMerged with Fenin and VilarsFenin-Vilars-Saules1875
Savagnier Neuchâtel Merged with Boudevilliers, Cernier, Chézard-Saint-Martin, Coffrane, Dombresson, Engollon, Fenin-Vilars-Saules, Fontainemelon, Fontaines, Le Pâquier, Les Geneveys-sur-Coffrane, Les Hauts-Geneveys, Montmollin and Villiers Val-de-Ruz 2013
Savognin Grisons Merged with Bivio, Cunter, Marmorera, Mulegns, Riom-Parsonz, Salouf, Sur and Tinizong-Rona Surses 2016
SaysGrisonsIncorporated into TrimmisTrimmis2008
ScaregliaTicinoMerged with Colla, Insone, Piandera and SignôraValcolla1956
SchachenLucerneIncorporated into WerthensteinWerthenstein1889
Schalunen Bern Incorporated into Fraubrunnen Fraubrunnen 2014
Scheid Grisons Merged with Feldis/Veulden, Trans and Tumegl/Tomils Tomils 2009
Scherz Aargau Incorporated into Lupfig Lupfig 2018
ScherzingenThurgauSplit in two, one part merged with LandschlachtBottighofen (split from Scherzingen)
Münsterlingen (the rest of Scherzingen plus Landschlacht)
Scheunen Bern Incorporated into Jegenstorf Jegenstorf 2014
Schinznach-Bad Aargau Incorporated into Brugg Brugg 2020
Schinznach-Dorf Aargau Merged with Oberflachs Schinznach 2014
Schlans Grisons Incorporated into Trun Trun 2012
SchlattingenThurgauMerged with BasadingenBasadingen-Schlattingen1999
Schlosswil Bern Incorporated into Grosshöchstetten Grosshöchstetten 2018
Schnaus Grisons Merged with Castrisch, Duvin, Ilanz, Ladir, Luven, Pigniu, Pitasch, Riein, Rueun, Ruschein, Sevgein and Siat Ilanz/Glion 2014
SchocherswilThurgauIncorporated into AmriswilAmriswil1997
SchönenbaumgartenThurgauIncorporated into LangrickenbachLangrickenbach1998
SchönenbergZürichIncorporated into WädenswilWädenswil2019
Schönenberg an der ThurThurgauMerged with Buhwil, Kradolf and Neukirch an der ThurKradolf-Schönenberg1996
SchönthalBernIncorporated into AusserbirrmoosAusserbirrmoos1888
SchorenBernIncorporated into LangenthalLangenthal1898
SchottikonZürichIncorporated into ElsauElsau1922
SchudersGrisonsIncorporated into SchiersSchiers1872
SchwamendingenZürichIncorporated into ZürichZürich1934
Schwanden Glarus Merged with Betschwanden, Braunwald, Elm, Engi, Haslen, Linthal, Luchsingen, Matt, Mitlödi, Rüti, Schwändi and Sool Glarus Süd 2011
Schwändi Glarus Merged with Betschwanden, Braunwald, Elm, Engi, Haslen, Linthal, Luchsingen, Matt, Mitlödi, Rüti, Schwanden and Sool Glarus Süd 2011
SchwarzenbachLucerneIncorporated into BeromünsterBeromünster2004
SchweizersholzThurgauIncorporated into BischofszellBischofszell1996
Schwende Appenzell Innerrhoden Merged with Rüte Schwende-Rüte 2022
Schwendibach Bern Incorporated into Steffisburg Steffisburg 2020
SculmsGrisonsIncorporated into VersamVersam1854
SédeillesVaudIncorporated into VillarzelVillarzel2006
SeebachZürichIncorporated into ZürichZürich1934
SeenZürichIncorporated into WinterthurWinterthur1922
Seigneux Vaud Merged with Cerniaz, Combremont-le-Grand, Combremont-le-Petit, Granges-près-Marnand, Marnand, Sassel and Villars-Bramard Valbroye 2011
Seiry Fribourg Incorporated into Lully Lully 2006
SeleuteJuraMerged with Epauvillers, Epiquerez, Montenol, Montmelon, Ocourt and Saint-UrsanneClos du Doubs2009
SelkingenValaisMerged with Biel and RitzingenGrafschaft2000
Selma Grisons Merged with Arvigo, Braggio and Cauco Calanca 2015
Sementina Ticino Incorporated into Bellinzona Bellinzona 2017
Semione Ticino Merged with Ludiano and Malvaglia Serravalle 2012
Senèdes Fribourg Merged with Arconciel and Épendes Bois-d'Amont 2021
Sent Grisons Incorporated into Scuol Scuol 2015
SerneusGrisonsIncorporated into KlostersKlosters1872
Sessa Ticino Merged with Croglio, Monteggio and Ponte Tresa Tresa 2021
Sévery Vaud Merged with Apples, Bussy-Chardonney, Cottens, Pampigny and Reverolle Hautemorges 2021
Sevgein Grisons Merged with Castrisch, Duvin, Ilanz, Ladir, Luven, Pigniu, Pitasch, Riein, Rueun, Ruschein, Schnaus and Siat Ilanz/Glion 2014
Siat Grisons Merged with Castrisch, Duvin, Ilanz, Ladir, Luven, Pigniu, Pitasch, Riein, Rueun, Ruschein, Schnaus and Sevgein Ilanz/Glion 2014
SiegershausenThurgauMerged with Alterswilen, Altishausen, Dotnacht, Ellighausen, Hugelshofen, Lippoldswilen and NeuwilenKemmental1996
SiggGrisonsIncorporated into ValzeinaValzeina1875
Sigirino Ticino Merged with Bironico, Camignolo, Medeglia and Rivera Monteceneri 2010
SignôraTicinoMerged with Colla, Insone, Piandera and ScaregliaValcolla1956
SitterdorfThurgauMerged with ZihlschlachtZihlschlacht-Sitterdorf1997
Sobrio Ticino Incorporated into Faido Faido 2016
Soglio Grisons Merged with Bondo, Castasegna, Stampa and Vicosoprano Bregaglia 2010
SoldunoTicinoIncorporated into LocarnoLocarno1928
SomeoTicinoIncorporated into MaggiaMaggia2004
SommentierFribourgIncorporated into Vuisternens-devant-RomontVuisternens-devant-Romont2003
Sonogno Ticino Merged with Brione, Corippo, Cugnasco-Gerra (Gerra Valle), Frasco, Lavertezzo (Lavertezzo Valle) and Vogorno Verzasca 2020
SonterswilThurgauIncorporated into WäldiWäldi1995
Sonvico Ticino Incorporated into Lugano Lugano 2013
Sool Glarus Merged with Betschwanden, Braunwald, Elm, Engi, Haslen, Linthal, Luchsingen, Matt, Mitlödi, Rüti, Schwanden and Schwändi Glarus Süd 2011
Sornetan Bern Merged with Châtelat, Monible and Souboz Petit-Val 2015
SornicoTicinoMerged with PratoPrato-Sornico1864
Sottens Vaud Merged with Montaubion-Chardonney, Peney-le-Jorat, Villars-Mendraz and Villars-Tiercelin Jorat-Menthue 2011
Souboz Bern Merged with Châtelat, Monible and Sornetan Petit-Val 2015
Soulce Jura Merged with Bassecourt, Courfaivre, Glovelier and Undervelier Haute-Sorne 2013
Splügen Grisons Merged with Hinterrhein and Nufenen Rheinwald 2019
St. Antoni Fribourg Incorporated into Tafers Tafers 2021
St. Antönien Grisons Incorporated into Luzein Luzein 2016
St. Antönien AscharinaGrisonsIncorporated into St. AntönienSt. Antönien2007
St. Antönien CastelsGrisonsMerged with St. Antönien RütiSt. Antönien1979
St. Antönien RütiGrisonsMerged with St. Antönien CastelsSt. Antönien1979
St. Gallenkappel St. Gallen Incorporated into Eschenbach Eschenbach 2013
St. MargarethenThurgauIncorporated into MünchwilenMünchwilen1950
St. Martin Grisons Incorporated into Vals Vals 2015
St. Niklaus DorfValaisMerged with St. Niklaus MattSt. Niklaus1866
St. Niklaus MattValaisMerged with St. Niklaus DorfSt. Niklaus1866
St. PeterGrisonsMerged with PagigSt. Peter-Pagig2008
St. Peter-Pagig Grisons Incorporated into Arosa Arosa 2013
St. Peterzell St. Gallen Merged with Brunnadern and Mogelsberg Neckertal 2009
Stalden im EmmentalBernMerged with GysensteinKonolfingen1933
Stampa Grisons Merged with Bondo, Castasegna, Soglio and Vicosoprano Bregaglia 2010
Incorporated into GontenGonten1872
Steg Valais Merged with Hohtenn Steg-Hohtenn 2008
Stein St. Gallen Merged with Nesslau-Krummenau Nesslau-Krummenau 2013
SteinhausValaisIncorporated into ErnenErnen2004
Steinhof Solothurn Incorporated into Aeschi Aeschi 2012
Sternenberg Zürich Incorporated into Bauma Bauma 2015
Stierva Grisons Merged with Alvaneu, Alvaschein, Brienz/Brinzauls, Mon, Surava and Tiefencastel Albula/Alvra 2015
Stilli Aargau Incorporated into Villigen Villigen 2006
StradaGrisonsIncorporated into IlanzIlanz1978
SträttligenBernIncorporated into ThunThun1920
StraubenzellSt. GallenIncorporated into St. GallenSt. Gallen1918
StrohwilenThurgauMerged with Amlikon, Bissegg and GriesenbergAmlikon-Bissegg1995
StulsGrisonsIncorporated into BergünBergün1920
Sugnens Vaud Merged with Dommartin, Naz and Poliez-le-Grand Montilliez 2011
Sulz Aargau Incorporated into Laufenburg Laufenburg 2010
Sulz Lucerne Incorporated into Hitzkirch Hitzkirch 2009
Sur Grisons Merged with Bivio, Cunter, Marmorera, Mulegns, Riom-Parsonz, Salouf, Savognin and Tinizong-Rona Surses 2016
Suraua Grisons Merged with Cumbel, Degen, Lumbrein, Morissen, Vella, Vignogn and Vrin Lumnezia 2013
Surava Grisons Merged with Alvaneu, Alvaschein, Brienz/Brinzauls, Mon, Stierva and Tiefencastel Albula/Alvra 2015
SurcastiGrisonsMerged with Camuns, Tersnaus and Uors-PeidenSuraua2002
Surcuolm Grisons Merged with Flond Mundaun 2009
Susch Grisons Incorporated into Zernez Zernez 2015
TablatSt. GallenIncorporated into St. GallenSt. Gallen1918
TägerschenThurgauMerged with TobelTobel-Tägerschen1999
Tägertschi Bern Incorporated into Münsingen Münsingen 2017
TanneggThurgauIncorporated into FischingenFischingen1972
TannenbühlBernIncorporated into BlumensteinBlumenstein1859
Tarasp Grisons Incorporated into Scuol Scuol 2015
Tartar Grisons Incorporated into Cazis Cazis 2010
Tegna Ticino Merged with Cavigliano and Verscio Terre di Pedemonte 2013
Tenna Grisons Merged with Safien, Valendas and Versam Safiental 2013
TennwilAargauIncorporated into MeisterschwandenMeisterschwanden1900
TersnausGrisonsMerged with Camuns, Surcasti and Uors-PeidenSuraua2002
TessereteTicinoMerged with Cagiallo, Lopagno, Roveredo, Sala Capriasca and VaglioCapriasca2001
ThielleNeuchâtelMerged with WavreThielle-Wavre1888
Thielle-Wavre Neuchâtel Merged with Marin-Epagnier La Tène 2009
Thierrens Vaud Merged with Chanéaz, Chapelle-sur-Moudon, Correvon, Denezy, Martherenges, Neyruz-sur-Moudon, Peyres-Possens and Saint-Cierges Montanaire 2013
ThungschneitBernIncorporated into HeimbergHeimberg1869
Tiefencastel Grisons Merged with Alvaneu, Alvaschein, Brienz/Brinzauls, Mon, Stierva and Surava Albula/Alvra 2015
TinizongGrisonsMerged with RonaTinizong-Rona1998
Tinizong-Rona Grisons Merged with Bivio, Cunter, Marmorera, Mulegns, Riom-Parsonz, Salouf, Savognin and Sur Surses 2016
TobelThurgauMerged with TägerschenTobel-Tägerschen1999
Tomils Grisons Merged with Almens, Paspels, Pratval and Rodels Domleschg 2015
ToosThurgauIncorporated into SchönholzerswilenSchönholzerswilen1964
TorreTicinoMerged with Aquila, Campo Blenio, Ghirone and OlivoneBlenio2006
TössZürichIncorporated into WinterthurWinterthur1922
Torny-le-GrandFribourgMerged with MiddesTorny2004
Tramelan-DessousBernMerged with Tramelan-DessosTramelan1952
Tramelan-DessosBernMerged with Tramelan-DessousTramelan1952
Trans Grisons Merged with Feldis/Veulden, Scheid and Tumegl/Tomils Tomils 2009
Travers Neuchâtel Merged with Boveresse, Buttes, Couvet, Fleurier, Les Bayards, Môtiers, Noiraigue and Saint-Sulpice Val-de-Travers 2009
Tremona Ticino Incorporated into Mendrisio Mendrisio 2009
TriboltingenThurgauIncorporated into ErmatingenErmatingen1975
Trimstein Bern Incorporated into Münsingen Münsingen 2013
Tscheppach Solothurn Merged with Aetigkofen, Aetingen, Bibern, Brügglen, Gossliwil, Hessigkofen, Küttigkofen, Kyburg-Buchegg and Mühledorf Buchegg 2014
Tschiertschen Grisons Merged with Praden Tschiertschen-Praden 2009
Tschierv Grisons Merged with Fuldera, , Müstair, Santa Maria Val Müstair and Valchava Val Müstair 2009
Tschlin Grisons Merged with Ramosch Valsot 2013
Tumegl/Tomils Grisons Merged with Feldis/Veulden, Scheid and Trans Tomils 2009
Turtmann Valais Merged with Unterems Turtmann-Unterems 2013
Tüscherz-Alfermée Bern Merged with Twann Twann-Tüscherz 2010
TuttwilThurgauIncorporated into WängiWängi1969
Twann Bern Merged with Tüscherz-Alfermée Twann-Tüscherz 2010
Ueken Aargau Merged with Herznach Herznach-Ueken 2023
UerschhausenThurgauIncorporated into HüttwilenHüttwilen1997
UesslingenThurgauMerged with Buch bei FrauenfeldUesslingen-Buch1995
UffikonLucerneIncorporated into DagmersellenDagmersellen2006
Ulrichen Valais Merged with Oberwald and Obergesteln Obergoms 2009
Umiken Aargau Incorporated into Brugg Brugg 2010
Undervelier Jura Merged with Bassecourt, Courfaivre, Glovelier and Soulce Haute-Sorne 2013
Unterbözberg Aargau Merged with Gallenkirch, Linn and Oberbözberg Bözberg 2013
UnterehrendingenAargauMerged with OberehrendingenEhrendingen2006
Unterems Valais Merged with Turtmann Turtmann-Unterems 2013
Unterendingen Aargau Incorporated into Endingen Endingen 2014
UnterleibstadtAargauMerged with OberleibstadtLeibstadt1866
UnterschlattThurgauMerged with Mett-OberschlattSchlatt1999
Unterstammheim Zürich Merged with Oberstammheim and Waltalingen Stammheim 2019
Untersteckholz Bern Incorporated into Langenthal Langenthal 2010
UnterstrassZürichIncorporated into ZürichZürich1893
UorsGrisonsMerged with PeidenUors-Peiden1963
Uors-PeidenGrisonsMerged with Camuns, Surcasti and TersnausSuraua2002
VaglioTicinoMerged with Cagiallo, Lopagno, Roveredo, Sala Capriasca and TessereteCapriasca2001
VairanoTicinoMerged with CasenzanoSan Nazzaro1930
Valangin Neuchâtel Incorporated into Neuchâtel Neuchâtel 2021
Valchava Grisons Merged with Fuldera, , Müstair, Santa Maria Val Müstair and Tschierv Val Müstair 2009
Valcolla Ticino Incorporated into Lugano Lugano 2013
Valendas Grisons Merged with Safien, Tenna and Versam Safiental 2013
Vallamand Vaud Merged with Bellerive, Chabrey, Constantine, Montmagny, Mur and Villars-le-Grand Vully-les-Lacs 2011
Valle Morobbia in PianoTicinoIncorporated into GiubiascoGiubiasco1867
ValpaschunGrisonsIncorporated into ValchavaValchava1879
Valzeina Grisons Incorporated into Grüsch Grüsch 2011
VauderensFribourgIncorporated into UrsyUrsy2001
Vauffelin Bern Merged with Plagne Sauge 2014
Vaugondry Vaud Merged with Fontanezier, Romairon and Villars-Burquin Tévenon 2011
Vaumarcus Neuchâtel Merged with Bevaix, Fresens, Gorgier, Montalchez and Saint-Aubin-Sauges La Grande Béroche 2018
Vella Grisons Merged with Cumbel, Degen, Lumbrein, Morissen, Suraua, Vignogn and Vrin Lumnezia 2013
Vellerat Jura Incorporated into Courrendlin Courrendlin 2019
VeltheimZürichIncorporated into WinterthurWinterthur1922
Venthône Valais Merged with Miège and Veyras Noble-Contrée 2021
Verdabbio Grisons Incorporated into Grono Grono 2017
Vergeletto Ticino Incorporated into Onsernone Onsernone 2016
Vermes Jura Merged with Montsevelier and Vicques Val Terbi 2013
Vernamiège Valais Merged with Mase and Nax Mont-Noble 2011
Vernay Fribourg Merged with Bussy, Estavayer-le-Lac, Morens, Murist, Rueyres-les-Prés and Vuissens Estavayer 2017
VernéazNeuchâtelIncorporated into VaumarcusVaumarcus
(known as Vaumarcus-Vernéaz until 1966)
Versam Grisons Merged with Safien, Tenna and Valendas Safiental 2013
Verscio Ticino Merged with Cavigliano and Tegna Terre di Pedemonte 2013
VesinFribourgIncorporated into CugyCugy2005
Veyras Valais Merged with Miège and Venthône Noble-Contrée 2021
VezioTicinoMerged with Arosio, Breno, Fescoggia and MugenaAlto Malcantone2005
Vicosoprano Grisons Merged with Bondo, Castasegna, Soglio and Stampa Bregaglia 2010
Vicques Jura Merged with Montsevelier and Vermes Val Terbi 2013
ViganelloTicinoIncorporated into LuganoLugano2004
Vignogn Grisons Merged with Cumbel, Degen, Lumbrein, Morissen, Suraua, Vella and Vrin Lumnezia 2013
VilarsNeuchâtelMerged with Fenin and SaulesFenin-Vilars-Saules1875
Villa Luganese Ticino Incorporated into Lugano Lugano 2008
VillangeauxFribourgIncorporated into EcublensEcublens1969
VillaraboudFribourgIncorporated into SiviriezSiviriez2004
VillaranonFribourgIncorporated into SiviriezSiviriez1978
Villarbeney Fribourg Incorporated into Botterens Botterens 2006
Villarepos Fribourg Incorporated into Courtepin Courtepin 2017
VillargiroudFribourgMerged with Chavannes-sous-Orsonnens, Orsonnens and VillarsiviriauxVillorsonnens2001
VillariazFribourgIncorporated into Vuisternens-devant-RomontVuisternens-devant-Romont2003
VillarimboudFribourgMerged with LussyLa Folliaz2005
VillarlodFribourgMerged with Estavayer-le-Gibloux, Rueyres-Saint-Laurent and Villarsel-le-GiblouxLe Glèbe2003
Villars-Bramard Vaud Merged with Cerniaz, Combremont-le-Grand, Combremont-le-Petit, Granges-près-Marnand, Marnand, Sassel and Seigneux Valbroye 2011
Villars-Burquin Vaud Merged with Fontanezier, Romairon and Vaugondry Tévenon 2011
Villars-d'AvryFribourgMerged with Pont-en-OgozLe Bry1970
Villars-le-Grand Vaud Merged with Bellerive, Chabrey, Constantine, Montmagny, Mur and Vallamand Vully-les-Lacs 2011
Villars-LusseryVaudMerged with LusseryLussery-Villars1999
Villars-Mendraz Vaud Merged with Montaubion-Chardonney, Peney-le-Jorat, Sottens and Villars-Tiercelin Jorat-Menthue 2011
Villars-sous-Champvent Vaud Incorporated into Champvent Champvent 2012
Villars-sous-MontFribourgMerged with Estavannens and Villars-sous-MontBas-Intyamon2004
Villars-Tiercelin Vaud Merged with Montaubion-Chardonney, Peney-le-Jorat, Sottens and Villars-Mendraz Jorat-Menthue 2011
Villarsel-le-GiblouxFribourgMerged with Estavayer-le-Gibloux, Rueyres-Saint-Laurent and VillarlodLe Glèbe2003
VillarsiviriauxFribourgMerged with Chavannes-sous-Orsonnens, Orsonnens and VillargiroudVillorsonnens2001
Villarvolard Fribourg Incorporated into Corbières Corbières 2011
Villaz-Saint-Pierre Fribourg Merged with La Folliaz Villaz 2020
Villeneuve Fribourg Incorporated into Surpierre Surpierre 2017
Villette Vaud Merged with Cully, Epesses, Grandvaux and Riex Bourg-en-Lavaux 2011
Villiers Neuchâtel Merged with Boudevilliers, Cernier, Chézard-Saint-Martin, Coffrane, Dombresson, Engollon, Fenin-Vilars-Saules, Fontainemelon, Fontaines, Le Pâquier, Les Geneveys-sur-Coffrane, Les Hauts-Geneveys, Montmollin and Savagnier Val-de-Ruz 2013
VingelzBernIncorporated into BielBiel1900
Vira Ticino Merged with Caviano, Contone, Gerra, Indemini, Magadino, Piazzogna, San Nazzaro and Sant'Abbondio Gambarogno 2010
VissoieValaisMerged with Ayer, Chandolin, Grimentz, Saint-Jean and Saint-LucAnniviers2009
Voëns-MaleyNeuchâtelIncorporated into Saint-BlaiseSaint-Blaise1875
Vogorno Ticino Merged with Brione, Corippo, Cugnasco-Gerra (Gerra Valle), Frasco, Lavertezzo (Lavertezzo Valle) and Sonogno Verzasca 2020
Vollèges Valais Merged with Bagnes Val de Bagnes 2021
Vrin Grisons Merged with Cumbel, Degen, Lumbrein, Morissen, Suraua, Vella and Vignogn Lumnezia 2013
Vuarmarens Fribourg Incorporated into Ursy Ursy 2012
Vuibroye Vaud Merged with Bussigny-sur-Oron, Châtillens, Chesalles-sur-Oron, Écoteaux, Les Tavernes, Les Thioleyres, Oron-la-Ville, Oron-le-Châtel and Palézieux Oron 2012
VuippensFribourgIncorporated into MarsensMarsens2001
Vuissens Fribourg Merged with Bussy, Estavayer-le-Lac, Morens, Murist, Rueyres-les-Prés and Vernay Estavayer 2017
Vuisternens-en-Ogoz Fribourg Merged with Corpataux-Magnedens, Farvagny, Le Glèbe and Rossens Gibloux 2016
Wahlern Bern Merged with Albligen Schwarzenburg 2011
WaldhäusernAargauSplit in twoBünzen
WallenbuchFribourgIncorporated into GurmelsGurmels2003
Wallenried Fribourg Incorporated into Courtepin Courtepin 2017
WallenwilThurgauIncorporated into EschlikonEschlikon1997
Waltalingen Zürich Merged with Oberstammheim and Unterstammheim Stammheim 2019
Waltensburg/Vuorz Grisons Incorporated into Breil/Brigels Breil/Brigels 2018
Wanzwil Bern Incorporated into Heimenhausen Heimenhausen 2009
WavreNeuchâtelMerged with ThielleThielle-Wavre1888
WarthThurgauMerged with WeiningenWarth-Weiningen1995
WeerswilenThurgauIncorporated into WeinfeldenWeinfelden1995
WeingartenThurgauIncorporated into LommisLommis1995
WeiningenThurgauMerged with WarthWarth-Weiningen1995
WellhausenThurgauMerged with FelbenFelben-Wellhausen1983
Welschenrohr Solothurn Merged with Gänsbrunnen Welschenrohr-Gänsbrunnen 2021
WerdAargauIncorporated into RottenschwilRottenschwil1899
WergensteinGrisonsMerged with CastiCasti-Wergenstein1923
WetzikonThurgauIncorporated into ThundorfThundorf1995
WiedikonZürichIncorporated into ZürichZürich1893
Wiesen Grisons Incorporated into Davos Davos 2009
WiezikonThurgauIncorporated into SirnachSirnach1997
Wil Aargau Merged with Etzgen, Hottwil, Mettau and Oberhofen Mettauertal 2010
Wil bei KoppigenBernIncorporated into AlchenstorfAlchenstorf1888
Wildhaus St. Gallen Merged with Alt St. Johann Wildhaus-Alt St. Johann 2010
Wilen bei NeunfornThurgauIncorporated into NeunfornNeunforn1996
WilihofLucerneIncorporated into TriengenTriengen2005
Willisau LandLucerneMerged with Willisau StadtWillisau2006
Willisau StadtLucerneMerged with Willisau LandWillisau2006
WillisdorfThurgauIncorporated into DiessenhofenDiessenhofen2000
WindlachZürichIncorporated into StadelStadel1907
Winikon Lucerne Incorporated into Triengen Triengen 2009
WinistorfSolothurnMerged with HeinrichswilHeinrichswil-Winistorf1993
WipkingenZürichIncorporated into ZürichZürich1893
Wislikofen Aargau Merged with Bad Zurzach, Baldingen, Böbikon, Kaiserstuhl, Rekingen, Rietheim and Rümikon Zurzach 2022
WitikonZürichIncorporated into ZürichZürich1934
WittenwilThurgauIncorporated into AadorfAadorf1996
WittwilAargauIncorporated into StaffelbachStaffelbach1901
Wolfisberg Bern Incorporated into Niederbipp Niederbipp 2020
Wolhusen MarktLucerneIncorporated into WerthensteinWerthenstein1853
WollishofenZürichIncorporated into ZürichZürich1893
WülflingenZürichIncorporated into WinterthurWinterthur1922
Zauggenried Bern Incorporated into Fraubrunnen Fraubrunnen 2014
ZénauvaFribourgMerged with Bonnefontaine, Essert, Montévraz, Oberried and PraromanLe Mouret2003
ZezikonThurgauIncorporated into AffeltrangenAffeltrangen1995
ZihlschlachtThurgauMerged with SitterdorfZihlschlacht-Sitterdorf1997
ZillisGrisonsMerged with ReischenZillis-Reischen1875
ZimmerwaldBernMerged with EnglisbergWald2004
ZubenThurgauIncorporated into LangrickenbachLangrickenbach1998
Zumholz Fribourg Incorporated into Plaffeien Plaffeien 2017

Notes and references

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