The U.S. state of Alabama has 73 known indigenous amphibian species.[1] These indigenous species include 30 frog and toad species and 43 salamander species.[2][3][4] Two of these native species may have become extirpated within the state. They are the Mississippi gopher frog and flatwoods salamander.[1][5]

Human predation, pollution, and habitat destruction has placed several amphibian species at risk of extirpation or extinction. The Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources lists the conservation status of each species within the state with a rank of lowest, low, moderate, high, and highest concern.[1]

Frogs and toads

Image Scientific name Common name Family Conservation
Bufo americanusAmerican toadBufonidaeLowest
Bufo fowleriFowler's toadBufonidaeLowest
Bufo quercicusoak toadBufonidaeModerate
Bufo terrestrissouthern toadBufonidaeLowest
Acris crepitansnorthern cricket frogHylidaeLow
Acris gryllussouthern cricket frogHylidaeLowest
Hyla andersoniipine barrens treefrogHylidaeHigh
Hyla avivocabird-voiced treefrogHylidaeLowest
Hyla chrysoscelisCope's gray treefrogHylidaeLowest
Hyla cinereaAmerican green treefrogHylidaeLowest
Hyla femoralispine woods treefrogHylidaeLowest
Hyla gratiosabarking treefrogHylidaeLow
Hyla squirellasquirrel treefrogHylidaeLow
Pseudacris brachyphonamountain chorus frogHylidaeLowest
Pseudacris cruciferspring peeperHylidaeLowest
Pseudacris feriarumupland chorus frogHylidaeLowest
Pseudacris nigritasouthern chorus frogHylidaeLowest
Pseudacris ocularislittle grass frogHylidaeHigh
Pseudacris ornataornate chorus frogHylidaeModerate
Eleutherodactylus planirostrisgreenhouse frogEleutherodactylidaeExotic,
Native to Cuba and the Caribbean.
Gastrophryne carolinensiseastern narrowmouth toadMicrohylidaeLowest
Scaphiopus holbrookiieastern spadefootPelobatidaeLow
Rana capitogopher frogRanidaeHighest
Rana catesbeianaAmerican bullfrogRanidaeLowest
Rana clamitans ssp.bronze frog
green frog
Rana gryliopig frogRanidaeLowest
Rana sevosaMississippi gopher frogRanidaePossibly extirpated/
U.S. Fish and Wildlife lists as endangered
Lithobates heckscheririver frogRanidaeHighest
Rana palustrispickerel frogRanidaeLow
Rana sphenocephalasouthern leopard frogRanidaeLowest
Rana sylvaticawood frogRanidaeModerate


Image Scientific name Common name Family Conservation
Ambystoma cingulatumflatwoods salamanderAmbystomatidaePossibly extirpated/
U.S. Fish and Wildlife lists as threatened
Ambystoma maculatumspotted salamanderAmbystomatidaeLow
Ambystoma opacummarbled salamanderAmbystomatidaeLow
Ambystoma talpoideummole salamanderAmbystomatidaeLow
Ambystoma texanumsmallmouth salamanderAmbystomatidaeModerate
Ambystoma tigrinumeastern tiger salamanderAmbystomatidaeModerate
Amphiuma meanstwo-toed amphiumaAmphiumidaeLow
Amphiuma pholeterone-toed amphiumaAmphiumidaeHigh
Amphiuma tridactylumthree-toed amphiumaAmphiumidaeLow
Cryptobranchus alleganiensis alleganiensishellbenderCryptobranchidaeHighest
Aneides aeneusgreen salamanderPlethodontidaeHigh
Desmognathus aeneusseepage salamanderPlethodontidaeHigh
Desmognathus apalachicolaeApalachicola dusky salamanderPlethodontidaeLowest
Desmognathus auriculatussouthern dusky salamanderPlethodontidaeHighest
Desmognathus conantispotted dusky salamanderPlethodontidaeLow
Desmognathus monticolaseal salamanderPlethodontidaeLow
Desmognathus ocoeeOcoee salamanderPlethodontidaeModerate
Eurycea cirrigerasouthern two-lined salamanderPlethodontidaeLowest
Eurycea guttolineatathree-lined salamanderPlethodontidaeLowest
Eurycea longicaudalong-tailed salamanderPlethodontidaeLowest
Eurycea lucifugacave salamander
spotted-tail salamander
Eurycea quadridigitatadwarf salamanderPlethodontidaeModerate
Gyrinophilus palleucusTennessee cave salamanderPlethodontidaeHigh
Gyrinophilus porphyriticus ssp.spring salamanderPlethodontidaeLow
Hemidactylium scutatumfour-toed salamanderPlethodontidaeLow
Phaeognathus hubrichtiRed Hills salamanderPlethodontidaeHigh/
U.S. Fish and Wildlife lists as threatened

Official state amphibian
Plethodon glutinosusnorthern slimy salamanderPlethodontidaeLowest
Plethodon grobmanisoutheastern slimy salamanderPlethodontidaeLowest
Plethodon mississippiMississippi slimy salamanderPlethodontidaeLowest
Plethodon serratussouthern redback salamanderPlethodontidaeModerate
Plethodon ventralissouthern zigzag salamanderPlethodontidaeLowest
Plethodon websteriWebster's salamanderPlethodontidaeLowest
Pseudotriton montanus flavissimusGulf Coast mud salamanderPlethodontidaeLow
Pseudotriton ruber rubernorthern red salamanderPlethodontidaeLow
Pseudotriton ruber vioscaisouthern red salamanderPlethodontidaeModerate
Necturus alabamensisAlabama waterdog
Black Warrior waterdog
Necturus beyeriGulf Coast waterdog
speckled waterdog
Beyer's waterdog
Necturus maculosuscommon mudpuppyProteidaeLow
Necturus speciesLoding's waterdogProteidaeLow/
Taxonomy undescribed

Known from lesser Gulf of Mexico drainages from Mobile Bay eastward.
Notophthalmus viridescens ssp.eastern newtSalamandridaeLowest
Siren intermedialesser sirenSirenidaeLowest
Siren lacertinagreater sirenSirenidaeModerate
Siren reticulatareticulated siren/leopard eelSirenidaeUndetermined
Species identified in 2018

Known from two locations in the southern pin plains and hills of the state.


  1. 1 2 3 Mirarchi, Ralph E. (2004). Alabama Wildlife: Volume One. Tuscaloosa, Alabama: University of Alabama Press. pp. 105–118. ISBN 978-0-81735-1304.
  2. Alden, Peter (1999). National Audubon Society Field Guide to the Southeastern States. New York, New York: Alfred A. Knopf. pp. 256–262. ISBN -0-679-44683-4.
  3. "Frogs". Outdoor Alabama. Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. Archived from the original on September 14, 2012. Retrieved October 16, 2012.
  4. "Salamanders". Outdoor Alabama. Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. Archived from the original on September 28, 2012. Retrieved October 16, 2012.
  5. "Amphibians in Alabama". Outdoor Alabama. Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. Archived from the original on October 17, 2012. Retrieved October 16, 2012.
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