This is a list of the amphibians that occur in the Shenandoah National Park in the Blue Ridge Mountains of western Virginia.

  • Abundant refers to species that may be seen daily in its suitable habitat and season, and counted in relatively large numbers.
  • Common denotes species that may be seen daily in its suitable habitat and season, but not in large numbers.
  • Uncommon means a species is likely to be seen only monthly in its appropriate season and habitat, though it may be locally common.
  • Rare refers to a species that is only seen a few times each year.
  • Unknown is used when abundance has not been assessed.
Mole Salamanders (Ambystomatidae)
Common nameGenus and SpeciesAbundancePicture
Jefferson salamanderAmbystoma jeffersonianumUncommon
Spotted salamanderAmbystoma maculatumUncommon
True Toads (Bufonidae)
American toadBufo americanusCommon
Fowler's toadBufo fowleriRare
Tree Frogs (Hylidae)
Northern cricket frogAcris crepitansUncommon
Gray tree frogHyla versicolorUncommon
Spring peeperPseudacris cruciferUncommon
Upland chorus frogPseudacris triseriata feriarumUncommon
Lungless Salamanders (Plethodontidae)
Northern dusky salamanderDesmognathus fuscusAbundant
Seal salamanderDesmognathus monticolaCommon
Northern two-lined salamanderEurycea bislineataAbundant
Three-lined salamanderEurycea longicauda guttolineataUnknown
Longtail salamanderEurycea longicauda longicaudaRare
Spring salamanderGyrinophilus porphyriticusUncommon
Four-toed salamanderHemidactylium scutatumRare
Red-backed salamanderPlethodon cinereusAbundant
White-spotted slimy salamanderPlethodon cylindraceusUnknown
Shenandoah salamanderPlethodon shenandoahUnknown (Endemic)
True Frogs (Ranidae)
American bullfrogRana catesbeianaUncommon
Green frogRana clamitansCommon
Pickerel frogRana palustrisCommon
Wood frogRana sylvaticaUncommon
True Salamanders and Newts (Salamandridae)
Eastern newtNotophthalmus viridescensUncommon


  • Amphibians of the Shenandoah National Park (PDF), National Park Service
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