List of Guggenheim Fellowships awarded in 2008.[1]

U.S. and Canadian Fellows


  • Len Ackland, Associate Professor, School of Journalism and Mass Communication, University of Colorado, Boulder: Nuclear power at a crossroads.
  • Martha Ackmann, Writer, Leverett, Massachusetts; Senior Lecturer in Gender Studies, Mount Holyoke College: Toni Stone's challenge to baseball and America.
  • Yacine Ait-Sahalia, Otto Hack 1903 Professor of Finance and Economics, Princeton University: The econometrics of jumps and volatility.
  • Ken Alder, Professor of History and Milton H. Wilson Professor of the Humanities, Northwestern University: Personal identification from the Renaissance to the genome.
  • Meena Alexander, Poet, New York City; Distinguished Professor of English, Hunter College and CUNY Graduate Center: Poetry.
  • Geri A. Allen, Composer, Upper Montclair, New Jersey; Associate Professor of Jazz Piano and Improvisation, University of Michigan: Music composition.
  • Natalia Almada, Filmmaker, Mexico City and Brooklyn, New York: Filmmaking.
  • Margaret Lavinia Anderson, Professor of History, University of California, Berkeley: The Armenian Genocide: A German story.
  • Nancy Evelyn Andrews, Professor of Art and Design, College of the Atlantic: Filmmaking.
  • Rae Armantrout, Poet, San Diego, California; Professor of Poetry and Poetics, University of California, San Diego: Poetry.
  • Douglas N. Arnold, Professor of Mathematics, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities: Finite element exterior calculus.
  • Shimon Attie, Visual Artist, Brooklyn, New York: Video installation.


  • Dean Bakopoulos, Writer, Mineral Point, Wisconsin; Executive Director and Lillian Greenwood Artist-in-residence, Shake Rag Alley Center for the Arts, Mineral Point: Fiction.
  • Randy E. Barnett, Carmack Waterhouse Professor of Legal Theory, Georgetown University Law Center: The reconstructed constitution.
  • Mason Bates, Composer, Oakland, California: Music Composition.
  • Keith Bearden, Filmmaker, Long Island City, New York: Filmmaking.
  • Brigitte Miriam Bedos-Rezak, Professor of History, New York University: The imprint and a logic of signs in medieval Europe (1150-1350).
  • Jeffrey L. Bennetzen, Norman and Doris Giles Professor of Molecular Biology and Functional Genomics, University of Georgia: Genetic diversity and population structure in the parasitic weed Striga and its crop hosts in Mali.
  • Toni Bentley, Writer, Los Angeles, California: General Nonfiction.
  • Michael P. Berman, Artist and Photographer, San Lorenzo, New Mexico: Photography.
  • Harry Bernstein, Writer, Brick, New Jersey: Now in my nineties.
  • Michael D. Bess, Chancellor's Professor of History, Vanderbilt University: A historian's perspective on human biological enhancement.
  • João Biehl, Associate Professor of Anthropology, Princeton University: Transcendental values and political life in postcolonial Brazil: The Mucker War.
  • Erika Blumenfeld, Artist, Marfa, Texas: Environment-based installation.
  • Howard Bodenhorn, Professor of Economics, Clemson University; Research Associate, National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, Massachusetts: The political economy of Jacksonian New York.
  • Tim Bowling, Poet, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada: Poetry.
  • Stanley Brandes, Professor of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley: Pets and their people.
  • Michael F. Brenson, Independent Scholar, Accord, New York: A biography of David Smith.
  • Art Bridgman/Myrna Packer, Choreographers, Valley Cottage, New York; Codirectors, Bridgman/Packer Dance: Choreography.
  • Carlyle Brown, Playwright, Minneapolis, Minnesota: Drama.
  • Michael Paul Burkard, Poet, Syracuse, New York; Associate Professor of English, MFA Program in Creative Writing, Syracuse University; Instructor, Bennington Writing Seminars, Bennington College: Poetry.


  • chameckilerner, Artist Collective, New York City, New York: Choreography and Video
  • Christopher Celenza, Professor, Department of German and Romance Languages, Johns Hopkins University: Humanism and language from Petrarch to Poliziano.
  • Lan Samantha Chang, Professor of Creative Writing, and Director, The Program in Creative Writing, University of Iowa Writers' Workshop: Fiction.
  • Meiling Cheng, Associate Professor of Critical Studies and English, and Director of Critical Studies, School of Theatre, University of Southern California: Contemporary time-based art in China.
  • Dan Chiasson, Poet, Sudbury, Massachusetts; Assistant Professor of English, Wellesley College: Poetry.
  • Kyong Mee Choi, Composer, Chicago, Illinois; Assistant Professor of Music Composition, Roosevelt University: Music composition.
  • Paul Clemens, Assistant to the Dean, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Wayne State University: Dismantling a Detroit auto plant.
  • Deborah Cohen, Associate Professor of History, Brown University: Family secrets in Britain, 1840-1990.
  • Lewis Mitchell Cohen, Director of Renal Palative Care Initiative, Baystate Medical Center, and Professor of Psychiatry, Tufts University School of Medicine: Allegations of murder in the medical community.
  • Ovidiu Costin, Professor of Mathematics, Ohio State University: Study of singular differential systems using generalized summability techniques.


  • Bill Daniel, Filmmaker, Braddock, Pennsylvania: Filmmaking.
  • Sheldon Danziger, H. J. Meyer Distinguished University Professor of Public Policy, Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy, University of Michigan: Four decades of antipoverty policies.
  • William deBuys, Professor of Documentary Studies, College of Santa Fe: An environmental history of the North American Southwest.
  • Alice Domurat Dreger, Associate Professor of Clinical Medical Humanities and Bioethics, Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University: Science and identity politics in the Internet age.
  • Tony D'Souza, Writer, Sarasota, Florida: Fiction.
  • Laurent Dubois, Professor of History and Romance Studies, Duke University: A cultural history of the banjo.


  • Nancy Easterlin, Professor of English, University of New Orleans: What is literature for?.
  • Alexei A. Efros, Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Robotics, Carnegie Mellon University: Inferring geometric, photometric, and semantic scene properties from an image.
  • Rodney Evans, Filmmaker, Brooklyn, New York: Filmmaking.


  • Xiaohui Fan, Associate Professor of Astronomy, Steward Observatory, University of Arizona: The end of cosmic Dark Ages: beyond the redshift seven barrier.
  • James Farquhar (academic), Associate Professor, Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center and Department of Geology, University of Maryland: Isotopic investigations of microbial sulfur metabolisms.
  • Robert Feintuch, Artist, New York City; Senior Lecturer in Art, Bates College: Painting.
  • Molissa Fenley, Choreographer, New York City; Artistic Director, Molissa Fenley and Dancers; Associate Professor of Dance, Mills College: Choreography.
  • Giovanni R. F. ("John") Ferrari, Professor of Classics, University of California, Berkeley: Fiction and the limits of social meaning.
  • Leon Fink, UIC Distinguished Professor, Department of History, University of Illinois, Chicago: Regulating labor in the Atlantic world, 1800-2000.
  • Edward Fowler, Writer, Irvine, California; Professor, School of Humanities, University of California, Irvine: A family memoir.
  • Mark I. Friedman, Member and Associate Director, Monell Center, Philadelphia: Diet and obesity.
  • Victor A. Friedman, Andrew Mellon Professor in Slavic Languages and Literatures, University of Chicago: Multilingualism, identities, and the sociolinguistics of the Balkan Linguistic League.
  • Rachel Fulton, Associate Professor of History, University of Chicago: The Virgin Mary and the art of prayer, 1000-1500.
  • Joe Fyfe, Painter, Brooklyn, New York; Visiting Assistant Professor, Pratt Institute, Brooklyn: Painting.


  • David Galenson, Professor in Economics and the College, University of Chicago: Conceptual revolutions in twentieth-century art.
  • Forrest Gander, Poet, Barrington, Rhode Island; Professor of English and Comparative Literature, Brown University: Poetry.
  • Sergey Gavrilets, Distinguished Professor, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Tennessee: The social brain hypothesis: coevolution of genes, memes, and social networks.
  • Phoebe Gloeckner, Artist, Ann Arbor, Michigan; Assistant Professor, University of Michigan School of Art and Design: A graphic narrative.
  • Laurie R. Godfrey, Professor of Anthropology, University of Massachusetts, Amherst: Reconstructing Madagascar's vanished ecosystems.
  • Ann Goldstein, Editor and Translator, New York City; Editor, The New Yorker: The complete works of Primo Levi.
  • Elijah Gowin, Photographer, Kansas City, Missouri; Assistant Professor of Art and Art History, University of Missouri, Kansas City: Photography.
  • Allan Greer, Professor of History, University of Toronto: The practices of property in colonial North America.
  • Wendy Griswold, Professor of Sociology, Northwestern University: The Federal Writers' Project and American regionalism.
  • Edith Grossman, Translator, New York City: The "Soledades" of Luis de Góngora.
  • Sumit Guha, Professor of History, Rutgers University: Governing Caste: Identity and power in South Asia, 1600-1900.
  • Achsah Guibbory, Professor of English, and Chair, Department of English, Barnard College: The uses of Judaism in seventeenth-century England.


  • Barbara Hahn, Distinguished Professor of German, Vanderbilt University: Hannah Arendt's literature.
  • Roya Hakakian, Writer, Woodbridge, Connecticut: The Assassins of the Turquoise Palace.
  • David M. Halperin, W. H. Auden Collegiate Professor of the History and Theory of Sexuality, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor: How to be gay.
  • William M. Hamlin, Professor of English, Washington State University: A history of John Florio's Montaigne.
  • Saar Harari, Choreographer, New York City; Artistic Director, LeeSaar The Company: Choreography.
  • Donald Harper, Professor, Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations, University of Chicago: China in the age of manuscripts, fourth century B.C. to tenth century A.D.
  • Susanna B. Hecht, Professor of Urban Planning, University of California, Los Angeles: Deforestation in the rubber boom of the upper Amazon.
  • Robin Hemley, Professor of English and Director, Nonfiction Writing Program, University of Iowa: Revisiting one's own youth.
  • Denise L. Herzing, Research Director, Wild Dolphin Project, Jupiter, Florida; Research Faculty Member, Department of Biological Sciences, Florida Atlantic University: Underwater observations of wild dolphins.
  • Sue Hettmansperger, Artist, Iowa City, Iowa; Professor of Painting and Drawing, University of Iowa, Iowa City: Painting.
  • Bob Hicok, Poet, Blacksburg, Virginia; Associate Professor of Creative Writing, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University: Poetry.
  • Martha Himmelfarb, William H. Danforth Professor of Religion, Princeton University: Jewish eschatology and Christian empire.
  • Danny Hoch, Playwright, Brooklyn, New York: Drama.
  • Woody Holton, Associate Professor of History, University of Richmond: Abigail Adams, entrepreneur.
  • Michael E. Hood, Assistant Professor of Biology, Amherst College: Evolutionary ecology of a global disease distribution.
  • Daniel Horowitz, Mary Huggins Gamble Professor of American Studies, Smith College: Understanding consumer culture, 1951-2001.
  • Yonggang Huang, Joseph Cummings Professor, R. McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science, Northwestern University: Atomistic-based continuum theory for nano-structured materials.
  • Sedrick Ervin Huckaby, Artist, Fort Worth, Texas; Adjunct Professor, University of Texas, Arlington: Painting.
  • James Hyde, Painter, Brooklyn, New York: Painting.


  • Torben Iversen, Harold Hitchings Burbank Professor of Political Economy, Department of Government, Harvard University: Democracy, distribution, and the representation of economic interests.


  • Bahram Javidi, Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor, University of Connecticut: Real-time automated detection and identification of biological microorganisms.
  • Margo Jefferson, Associate Professor, Eugene Lang College, The New School University; Professor of Professional Practice, Columbia University: Race: composition and improvisation.
  • Paul Christopher Johnson, Associate Professor, Center for Afroamerican and African Studies, and Department of History, and Director, Doctoral Program in Anthropology and History, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor: "Religion" and the purification of spirits.


  • Robert Kanigel, Professor of Science Writing, Massachusetts Institute of Technology: On an Irish island.
  • Sean Keilen, Lecturer in English, Princeton University: Imitation and tradition in Renaissance poetry.
  • Martin Kersels, Artist, Sierra Madre, California; Codirector and Faculty Member, Program in Art, California Institute of the Arts: Installation art.
  • Chandrashekhar B. Khare, Professor of Mathematics, University of California, Los Angeles: Motives, Galois representations, and automorphic forms.
  • Laura L. Kiessling, Hilldale Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry and Laurens Anderson Professor of Biochemistry, University of Wisconsin: Chemoselective reactions for biology.
  • Matthew Klam, Writer, Washington, DC; Visiting Associate Professor, Stony Brook University: Fiction.
  • Anthony Korf, Composer, New York City; Artistic Director, Riverside Symphony, New York City: Music composition.


  • Elizabeth LeCompte, Theater Artist, New York City; Founding Member and Artistic Director, The Wooster Group: Drama.
  • Michael Leja, Professor, History of Art Department, University of Pennsylvania: The flood of pictures in the mid-nineteenth century.
  • Simon Leung, Artist, Los Angeles, California; Associate Professor of Studio Art, University of California, Irvine: Post-studio art.
  • Beth Levin, William H. Bonsall Professor in the Humanities, Stanford University: Crosslinguistic variation in event encoding.
  • Builder Levy, Photographer, New York City: Photography.
  • Michael J. Lewis, Faison-Pierson-Stoddard Professor of Art, Williams College: The pietist tradition in town planning.
  • Pam Lins, Sculptor, Brooklyn, New York; Adjunct Professor, Cooper Union School of Art: Sculpture.
  • Sam Lipsyte, Writer, New York City; Assistant Professor, School of the Arts, Columbia University: Fiction.
  • Shawn R. Lockery, Professor and Associate Director, Institute of Neuroscience, University of Oregon: Recordings of neuronal activity and behavior in freely moving animals.
  • Vyvyane Loh, Writer, Watertown, Massachusetts: Fiction.


  • Glen M. MacDonald, Professor of Geography, University of California, Los Angeles: Climate warming, epic drought, and society.
  • Janet Maguire, Composer, Venice, Italy: Music composition.
  • Anne Makepeace, Filmmaker, Lakeville, Connecticut; Director, Writer, and Producer, Anne Makepeace Productions, Inc: Filmmaking.
  • Paolo Mancosu, Professor of Philosophy, University of California, Berkeley: The interplay between philosophy of mathematics and mathematical logic.
  • Fredrik Marsh, Photographer, Columbus, Ohio; Senior Lecturer in Art, Otterbein College: Photography.
  • Jack Marshall, Writer, El Cerrito, California: Poetry.
  • Tim Maudlin, Professor II of Philosophy, Rutgers University: New foundations for physical geometry.
  • Jane Mayer, Writer, Chevy Chase, Maryland; Staff Writer, The New Yorker Magazine: How America lost its way in fighting terrorism.
  • Judith Mayne, Distinguished Humanities Professor of French, Ohio State University: Continental films and French Occupation cinema.
  • Anthony McCall, Artist, New York City: Installation art.
  • Joanne Meyerowitz, Professor of History and American Studies, Yale University: Explaining human difference.
  • Greg Miller, Photographer, Brooklyn, New York: Photography.
  • Don Mitchell, Distinguished Professor, Department of Geography, Maxwell School, Syracuse University; Visiting Scholar, Annenberg School, University of Pennsylvania: Bracero: remaking the California landscape, 1942-1964.
  • Rebecca Morris, Artist, Los Angeles, California; Associate Professor of Painting, Pasadena City College: Painting.
  • Samuel Moyn, Professor of History, Columbia University: Human rights between morality and politics.
  • Carlos Motta, Artist, New York City: Installation Art and Video


  • Ardine Nelson, Photographer, Columbus, Ohio; Associate Professor, Department of Art, Ohio State University: Photography.
  • John Wallace Nunley, Independent scholar, St. Louis, Missouri: African art and the experience of slavery.


  • Ruben Ochoa, Artist, Los Angeles, California; Adjunct Professor in Sculpture, University of California, Irvine: Installation art.
  • Peter Ozsváth, Professor of Mathematics, Columbia University: Heegaard diagrams and holomorphic disks.


  • Myrna Packer/Art Bridgman, Choreographers, Valley Cottage, New York; Codirectors, Bridgman/Packer Dance: Choreography.
  • Richard Panek, Writer, New York City: At the dawn of the next universe.
  • Richard H. Pildes, Sudler Family Professor of Constitutional Law, New York University School of Law: Political power, democratic politics, and constitutional theory.
  • Claire Preston, Fellow and Lecturer in English, Sidney Sussex College, University of Cambridge: English literature and scientific investigation in the seventeenth century.
  • Richard Primus, Professor of Law, University of Michigan: Constitutional authority in the wake of civil war.


  • Andrew Stein Raftery, Artist, Providence, Rhode Island; Associate Professor of Printmaking, Rhode Island School of Design: Engraving.
  • Rufus Reid, Composer, Bassist, and Clinician, Teaneck, New Jersey: Music composition.
  • Enrico Riley, Artist, Norwich, Vermont; Senior Lecturer and Area Head of Painting and Drawing, Dartmouth College: Painting.
  • Lance Rips, Professor of Psychology, Northwestern University: Concepts of individuals and their persistence.
  • Oren D. Rudavsky, Filmmaker, New York City: Filmmaking.
  • Paul Rudy, Composer, Kansas City, Missouri; Associate Professor and Coordinator of Composition, Conservatory of Music and Dance, University of Missouri, Kansas City: Music composition.
  • John Gerard Ruggie, Kirkpatrick Professor of International Affairs, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University: Governing multinationals: the case of human rights.
  • Ben Russell, Filmmaker, Chicago, Illinois; Visiting Assistant Professor in Moving Image, University of Illinois: Filmmaking.
  • Nancy Ruttenburg, Professor of Comparative Literature, English, and Slavic Literatures, and Chair, Department of Comparative Literature, New York University: Dostoevsky and the culture of American democracy.


  • Lisa Sanditz, Artist, Tivoli, New York: Painting.
  • Sigrid Sandström, Artist, Tivoli, New York; Assistant Professor of Studio Arts, Bard College: Painting.
  • Philip W. Scher, Associate Professor of Anthropology, University of Oregon: Tourism, the state, and the performance of identity in the neoliberal Caribbean.
  • Jeffrey Schiff, Artist, Brooklyn, New York; Professor of Art, Wesleyan University: Sculpture.
  • Laura Schwendinger, Composer, Madison, Wisconsin; Associate Professor of Composition, University of Wisconsin, Madison: Music composition.
  • Reginald Shepherd, Poet, Pensacola, Florida; Associate Poetry Faculty, Low-Residency MFA Program, Antioch University: Poetry.
  • Vicky Shick, Choreographer, New York City: Choreography.
  • Arthur P. Shimamura, Professor of Psychology, University of California, Berkeley: A neurocognitive approach to the psychology of art and aesthetics.
  • Gary Shiu, Associate Professor of Physics, University of Wisconsin, Madison: Connecting string theory to experiment.
  • Kathryn Sikkink, Regents Professor and McKnight Distinguished University Professor, University of Minnesota: The origins and effects of human rights trials in the world.
  • Susan S. Silbey, Leon and Anne Goldberg Professor of Humanities and Professor of Sociology and Anthropology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology: Trust and surveillance in the cultures of science.
  • Kaja Silverman, Class of 1940 Professor of Rhetoric, Film, and Art History, University of California, Berkeley: The miracle of analogy.
  • Ruth Lewin Sime, Professor Emeritus, Department of Chemistry, Sacramento City College: A biographical study of Otto Hahn.
  • Paul Sorrentino, Professor of English, Virginia Tech: The life of Stephen Crane.
  • Alan M. Stahl, Curator of Numismatics, Princeton University: The nexus of wealth and power in medieval Venice.
  • Kurt Stallmann, Composer, Houston, Texas; Assistant Professor and Lynette S. Autrey Chair, Shepherd School of Music, Rice University: Music composition.
  • Alexander Stille, San Paolo Professor of International Journalism, Graduate School of Journalism, Columbia University: Family matters: a memoir.
  • Katherine V. W. Stone, Professor of Law, University of California, Los Angeles: The remaking of labor relations in the twenty-first century.
  • Peter Stone, Associate Professor of Computer Sciences, University of Texas, Austin: Ad hoc teams of mobile robots.
  • Robin Stryker, Professor of Sociology and Affiliated Professor of Law, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis: Social science in government regulation of equal employment opportunity.
  • Marc A. Suchard, Assistant Professor of Biomathematics, Biostatistics, and Human Genetics: Towards solutions to the fundamental problems in statistical phylogenetics.


  • David J. Taylor, Photographer, Las Cruces, New Mexico; Associate Professor of Photography, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces: Photography.
  • Keith Terry, Choreographer, Musician, and Dancer, Oakland, California; Artistic Director, Crosspulse: Choreography.
  • Christian Tomaszewski (C.T. Jasper), Artist, Brooklyn, New York; Lecturer in the Program in the Visual Arts, Princeton University: Fine arts.
  • Anton Treuer, Associate Professor of Ojibwe, Bemidji State University: Ojibwe grammar project.
  • Marc Trujillo, Artist, Sherman Oaks, California; Professor of Drawing and Painting, Santa Monica College: Painting.


  • Alexander van Oudenaarden, Associate Professor of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology: Stochastic gene expression in development.
  • Ashutosh Varshney, Professor of Political Science, University of Michigan: Cities and ethnic conflict: a multi-country study.
  • Mary Kay Vaughan, Professor of History, University of Maryland: Intimate paths to Mexico 1968.
  • Val Vinokur, Assistant Professor of Comparative Literature, Eugene Lang College, The New School: A translation of Marie Vieux Chauvet's Amour, colère, et folie.


  • Roger D. Waldinger, Distinguished Professor, Department of Sociology, University of California, Los Angeles: America's new immigrants and their homeland connection.
  • Nicholas Watson, Professor of English and American Literature and Language, Harvard University: Vernacular theology and the secularization of England, 1050-1550.
  • Sarah Watts, Professor of History, Wake Forest University: The political satires of Lyonel Feininger.
  • Andrew Weaver, Professor, School of Earth and Ocean Sciences, University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada: Biogeochemical feedbacks on polar climate stability.
  • Jonathan Weiner, Professor, Graduate School of Journalism, Columbia University: A book about science and art.
  • Barbara (Bobbi) Wolfe, Professor of Economics, Population Health Sciences, and Public Affairs, University of Wisconsin, Madison: Understanding the tie between income and health disparities.
  • Linda Woodbridge, Josephine Berry Weiss Chair in the Humanities and Professor of English, Pennsylvania State University: English revenge drama.


  • Donald A. Yates, Writer and Translator, St. Helena, California; Professor Emeritus of Latin American Literature, Michigan State University: Jorge Luis Borges: A life in letters.
  • Pamela Yates, Filmmaker, New York City; President and Cofounder, Skylight Pictures, Inc: Filmmaking.
  • Kevin A. Yelvington, Associate Professor of Anthropology, University of South Florida: Melville J. Herskovits and the making of Afro-American anthropology.
  • Rachel P. Youens, Artist, Brooklyn, New York; Adjunct Lecturer, Parsons School of Design; Adjunct Assistant Professor, LaGuardia Community College, City University of New York: Painting and sculpture.
  • Jason X.-J. Yuan, Professor of Medicine, University of California, San Diego: Role of ion channels in stem cell proliferation and differentiation.


  • Bill Zavatsky, Poet, New York City; Teacher of English, Trinity School, New York City: Poetry.
  • Miguel Zenón, Composer, New York City: Music composition.
  • Li Zhang, Associate Professor of Anthropology, University of California, Davis: The rise of psychotherapy in post-reform China.
  • Thad Ziolkowski, Writer, Brooklyn, New York; Associate Professor of English and Humanities, and Director, Writing Program, Pratt Institute: Fiction.
  • Lisa Zunshine, Professor of English, University of Kentucky.

See also


  1. "2008 Fellows". Guggenheim Foundation. Archived from the original on 20 September 2008. Retrieved 12 Jan 2019. from Wayback Machine
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