The following is a list of notable correspondence (Epistolae) of the Dutch philosopher Benedictus de Spinoza (1633-1677) with well-known learned men and with his admirers. These letters were published after Spinoza's death in the Opera Posthuma (Dutch translated edition: De nagelate schriften, 1677).[1] Spinoza had preserved the incoming letters and drafts of the letters he sent. In total 88 letters, predominantly concerning philosophical subjects have been handed down: 50 by Spinoza and 38 by his correspondents, 52 written in Latin and 26 in Dutch. The letters discuss topics from Spinoza's own work including infinity and the attributes (properties) of "God", Spinoza's concept of the universe) but also touch on subjects such as ghosts and scientific discoveries, for example the vacuum.[2]

Table of selected letters

The date of the letter is given with a correction for the Old/New Style dating system. A selection from the letters: [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]

Number[3][5] Gebhardt
Day Month Year Subject Language
01 I[3]01 IOldenburg, HenrySpinoza, Benedictus deLondon16/26081661God, extensionLatin
02 II[3]02 IISpinozaOldenburg091661Attributes (properties) of God, Ethica part 1 axioms, theorem 1–4, mistakes by Descartes and Francis Bacon (1561-1626).Latin
03 III[3]03 IIIOldenburgSpinozaLondon27091661Existence of God, Ethica part 1 axioms, promises to send a book by Robert Boyle.Latin
04 IV[3]04 IVSpinozaOldenburg101661Short answers to questions, Spinoza will visit Amsterdam.Latin
05 V[6]05 VOldenburgSpinozaLondon11/21101661Sends Robert Boyle's book: De Nitro, Fluiditate, & Firmitate.Latin
06 VI[6]
06 VISpinozaOldenburg1661?Thanks for and comments on Robert Boyle's book De Nitro, Fluiditate, & Firmitate, with sketches.Latin
07 VII[6]07 VIIOldenburgSpinozaBoyle thanks Spinoza through Oldenburg for his comments. B. lacked the time to answer Spinoza himself and had to defend himself against attacks on his books about the pressure and expansion of gases. The Royal Society has been founded. Oldenburg exhorts Spinoza to publish in his own free Dutch Republic (Republic of the Seven United Netherlands).Latin
08 VIII[3]11 XIOldenburgSpinozaLondon03041663Answer to letter 6?Latin
15 XV[3]32 XXXIISpinozaOldenburg111665Coherence of nature, Christiaan HuygensLatin
23 XXIII36 XXXVISpinozaBlijenberghVoorburg13031665"Mijnheer en Vrient", "U. E. V. E. D."Dutch
37 XXXVIIBlijenberghSpinozaDordrecht27031665Answer to 23, "Mijn heer en vrient", "UEDWD"Dutch
26 XXVI[3]08 VIIIVries, Simon Joosten deSpinozaAmsterdam24021664Discusses Spinoza's work with a group of people.[9] Asks two questions about nature in the Ethica and the opinion of others. Mentions Casearius, Borelli, Tacquet and Clavius. Questions Ethica part 1 theorem 8 remark 3 and theorem 19 remark 2.Latin
27 XXVII[3]
09 IXSpinozaVries, de1663Spinoza sorts out various kinds of definitions and explains his opinions.Latin
28 XXVIII[3]10 XSpinozaVries, deRijnsburg1663?Answer on proofs and eternity.Latin
29 XXIX[3]12 XIISpinozaMeijer, Lodewijk20041663InfinityLatin
31 XXXI18 XVIIIBlijenbergh, Willem vanSpinozaDordrecht12121664Opening: "Mijn Heer en onbekende Vrient..."Dutch
32 XXXII19 XIXSpinozaBlijenbergh"Op de Lange bogart"05011665Dutch
33 XXXIII20 XXBlijenberghSpinozaDordrecht16011665Opening: "Mijn Heer en waarde Vrient"Dutch
34 XXXIV21 XXISpinozaBlijenbergh---1665Latin (no Dutch?)
35 XXXV22 XXIIBlijenberghSpinoza"Dordrecht by de groote kerck"19021665Dutch
36 XXXVI23 XXIIISpinozaBlijenberghVoorburg13031665Dutch
37 XXXVII24 XXIVBlijenberghSpinozaDordrecht27031665Dutch
38 XXXVIII27 XXVIISpinozaBlijenberghVoorburg03061665Dutch
39 XXXIX[3]34 XXXIVSpinozaHudde, JohannesVoorburg07011666GodLatin
40 XL[3]35 XXXVSpinozaHuddeVoorburg10041666GodLatin
41 XLI[3]36 XXXVISpinozaHudde?051666GodLatin
42 XLII[3]37 XXXVIISpinozaBouwmeester?, I. B.10061666The best method to acquire knowledge.Latin
45 XLV51 LILeibnizSpinoza "à Amsterdam"Frankfurt05 NS101671Latin, "Illustris et Amplme Vir"
52 LIISpinozaLeibnizDen Haag09111671Answer to letter Gebhardt number 45, in two versions, "Afgegaan den 8ste December 1671"Latin, "Nobilissime Vir"
-SpinozaGraevius, Johannes Georgius at UtrechtDen Haag16121673"(Hagse nacht post.)"Latin, "Vir Clarissime", "Omni affectu atque studio Tuus", "Benedictus despinoza"
50 L[3]50 LSpinozaJelles, Jarig?02061674Difference between Thomas Hobbes and Spinoza on politics and God.Latin
51 LI45 XLVLeibnizSpinozaFrankfurt05 styl101671Latin
52 LII46 XLVISpinozaLeibnizDen Haag/The Hague09111671Latin
61 LXI[3]57 LVIIEhrenfried Walther von Tschirnhaus?Spinoza08101674Difference between Descartes and Spinoza on free will.Latin
62 LXII[3]58 LVIIISpinozaSchuller?101674FreedomLatin
63 LXIII[3]59 LIXTschirnhausSpinoza05011675Calls on Spinoza to publish his books Tractatus de Intellectus Emendatione (Treatise on the Emendation of the Intellect) and Ethica, the definition of motion and the difference between true and adequate ideas.Latin
64 LXIV[3]60 LXSpinozaTschirnhaus?011675Difference between true and adequate ideas.Latin
65 LXV[3]63 LXIIISchuller?Spinoza25071675Four questions on the attributes (properties) of God.Latin
66 LXVI[3]64 LXIVSpinozaSchuller?29071675Gives answers concerning the first three applauded books of the Ethica, that should be handed to a friend.Latin
67 LXVII[3]65 LXVTschirnhaus?Spinoza12081675Inquires whether there exist two or more attributes (properties) of God, except extension (mass) and thought.Latin
68 LXVIII[3]66 LXVISpinozaTschirnhaus?18081675Refers to Ethica part 1 theorem 10 and Ethica part 2 theorem 7 Scholium [remark].Latin
69 LXIX[3]80 LXXXTschirnhaus?Spinoza02051676Asks Spinoza to explain his letters on infinity (Letter 29).Latin
70 LXX[3]81 LXXXISpinozaTschirnhaus?05051676Explains his position on infinity.Latin
71 LXXI[3]82 LXXXIITschirnhaus?Spinoza23061676Asks how Spinoza can derive the variety of objects from the extension.Latin
72 LXXII[3]83 LXXXIISpinozaTschirnhaus?15071676Spinoza explains this.Latin
no number84 LXXXIVSpinozaA friend?----About Spinoza's Tractatus politicus.Latin


  1. Publications by, for example, the Italian publishing house Quodlibet: Opera posthuma F. Mignini ed., Amsterdam 1677. Photografic reproduction.
  2. "Spinoza Web. About". Spinoza’s Web project of the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, Utrecht University. 2023. Retrieved 5 March 2023.
  3. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 wikisource Epistolae (Benedictus de Spinoza)
  4. "Letters - Spinoza web". Retrieved 7 November 2021.
  5. 1 2 "Index Epistolarum". Retrieved 7 November 2021.
  6. 1 2 3 4 "Epistolae Doctorum Quorundam Virorum Ad B. D. S. Et Auctoris Responsiones Ad aliorum ejus Operum elucidationem non parùm facientes. BARUCH DE SPINOZA OPERA Hrsg. von Carl Gebhardt, Heidelberg: Carl Winters, 1925. 4 Bände" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 6 July 2017. Retrieved 7 November 2021.
  7. "169 Inventaris van het Archief van het Weeshuis der Doopsgezinde Collegianten de Oranjeappel. Brieven van en aan B. de Spinoza, 1663-1676". (in Dutch). Retrieved 7 November 2021.
  8. "Epistolarum numeri". On the last two pages is a concordance: "Epistolae Doctorum Quorundam Virorum Ad B. D. S. Et Auctoris Responsiones Ad aliorum ejus Operum elucidationem non parùm facientes. BARUCH DE SPINOZA OPERA Hrsg. von Carl Gebhardt, Heidelberg: Carl Winters, 1925. 4 Bände" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 6 July 2017. Retrieved 7 November 2021.
  9. de Vries, Simon (14 January 2017). "Correspondance de Spinoza. Lettre 8 de Simon de Vries à Spinoza 1663". Spinoza et Nous. Retrieved 5 March 2023. French translation.
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