Portrait of Baruch de Spinoza (painting by an unknown artist, c.1665
Portrait of Benedictus de Spinoza (painting by Franz Wulfhagen, 1664)
Spinoza statue in The Hague
Spinoza Café, Budapest
Commemorative plaque to Spinoza (Spinoza Café, Budapest)
Uriel da Costa instructing the young Spinoza (painting by Samuel Hirszenberg, 1901)
Spinoza and the Rabbis (painting by Samuel Hirszenberg, 1907)

Baruch de Spinoza or Benedictus de Spinoza[1] (1632–1677), a highly controversial,[2][3][4] influential and significant figure in the history of Western and Jewish thought,[5][6] has been the subject of a vast amount of literature, including both philosophical and literary works in genres as diverse as fiction and nonfiction. His life and philosophy have long attracted the attention of multidisciplinary scholarship. Along with Hugo Grotius, Jan Amos Comenius, René Descartes and Pierre Bayle, Spinoza was one of the leading intellectual figures of the Dutch Golden Age and the early Age of Enlightenment in the Dutch Republic.[7] A highly original and systematic thinker,[8] he exerted a profound influence on philosophy in the Age of Reason,[9] despite his status as an outcast[4] and his early death at the age of 44. Also, it was the 17th-century arch-rationalists like Spinoza (along with Descartes and Leibniz) who have given the "Age of Reason" its name and place in history.[10] In Steven Nadler's words, "Of all the philosophers of the seventeenth century, perhaps none have more relevance today than Spinoza." (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2001–2016).

His thought was especially a vital force in the development of German philosophy (from the age of LeibnizWolff[11][12][13][14] to LessingMendelssohnJacobiHerder[15][16] to FichteSchleiermacherHegelSchelling[17][18][19] to FeuerbachHessMarxEngels[20][14] to Nietzsche[21][22] to Haeckel,[23] his philosophy was especially both an immense source of inspiration and challenge[24] for almost every major German thinker, including both the idealists[25][19] and materialists[26]) and culture in general (his significant influence on German literary luminaries from the age of Lessing[27][28] to GoetheHölderlinNovalisSchlegelHeine,[29][30][16][31][32][33][34][35][36] particularly the Romantics,[37][38] as well as on many German-speaking Jewish cultural figures[39]) in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.[40][11][41][42][43]

The birth of two influential rationalistic philosophical systems of Descartes (who spent most of his adult life in the Dutch Republic in the period 1628–1649 and despite frequent moves, he wrote all his major work during his 20-plus years in the United Provinces) and Spinoza – namely Cartesianism and Spinozism — are among the most remarkable philosophical breakthroughs of Dutch Golden Age and early modern Western thought. As Frederick C. Beiser (1987) noted, "The rise of Spinozism in the late eighteenth century is a phenomenon of no less significance than the emergence of Kantianism itself. By the beginning of the nineteenth century, Spinoza's philosophy had become the main competitor to Kant's, and only Spinoza had as many admirers or adherents as Kant."[44] And in own words of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, "Spinozism dominated the eighteenth century both in its later French variety, which made matter into substance, and in deism, which conferred on matter a more spiritual name.... Spinoza's French school and the supporters of deism were but two sects disputing over the true meaning of his system...." (The Holy Family, 1844).

Of all the generally acknowledged great philosophers in history, Spinoza is among the least accessible authors and among the most puzzling to read, understand and interpret.[45] There have been several historically remarkable movements/schools of Spinoza reception and interpretation in various countries, notably Germany,[11] France,[46] Italy,[47][48] and Latin America (in particular Argentina, Brazil, and Mexico).[49] In the history of Western thought, two well-known and highly significant Spinoza revivals include German-inspired Neo-Spinozism (of approximately the late 18th and early 19th centuries)[11][50][43] and French-inspired Neo-Spinozism (of approximately the late 20th and early 21st centuries).[51][52][46][48]

There may be no philosopher in history (with the possible exceptions of Socrates and Nietzsche) who has received greater attention in artistic, literary and popular culture than Bento (Benedictus) de Spinoza (1632–1677). His life, ideas and influence have been the subject of numerous novels, plays, poems, paintings, sculptures, even musical pieces and opera. His name and his visage have been used in the marketing of various items in the worlds of entertainment, leisure and consumption, from cafés to rock bands to bagels. [...] A relatively simple explanation for Spinoza's unusually high profile outside the walls of academia is at hand. Spinoza was the most radical and iconoclastic thinker of his time. His ideas on religion, politics, ethics, human psychology and metaphysics, presented in difficult and sometimes mystifying treatises, lay the groundwork for much of what we now regard as "modern." Perhaps most enticing of all, he was excommunicated from the Amsterdam Portuguese-Jewish community as a young man for reasons that remain obscure (although not hard to fathom). Everyone loves a rebel—especially one whose values they likely share and whom, they feel, was unjustly punished by those in power.

Spinoza scholar Steven Nadler, Jan 2017[53]

For many, Spinoza is not only a pure philosophical author but also a unique source of literary inspiration, who—despite his notoriously difficult thought, highly abstract concepts, highly complex doctrines,[54] highly rigid writing style, dry personality and intensely private life—has greatly influenced so many prominent literary writers, particularly poets and fiction authors.[55]

The following is a list of works about Spinoza.

Nonfiction works

Books, dissertations and theses


  • Alexander, Bernhard: Spinoza. (München: Ernst Reinhardt, 1923) [in German]
  • Alexander, Samuel: Spinoza and Time: Fourth Arthur Davis Memorial Lecture. With an Afterword by Viscount Haldane. (London: G. Allen & Unwin, 1921)
  • Alexander, Samuel: Spinoza: An Address in Commemoration of the Tercentenary of Spinoza's Birth [Manchester University Lectures, No. 29]. (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1933)
  • Arnau, Juan: El cristal Spinoza. (Valencia: Pre-Textos, 2012) ISBN 9788415297871 [in Spanish]
  • Altkirch, Ernst: Spinoza im Porträt. (Jena: Verlegt bei Eugen Diederichs, 1913) [in German]
  • Askanasy, Helene: Spinoza und De Witt. Neun Bilder vom Kampfder "Freiheit" um die Republik und ein Epilog. (Wien: Amalthea, 1931) [in German]
  • Bartuschat, Wolfgang: Baruch de Spinoza. (München: C.H.Beck, 2006) [in German]
  • Bayle, Pierre: Dizionario storico e critico: Spinoza. Traduzione di Piero Bertolucci. (Turin: Bollati Boringhieri, 1968) [in Italian]
  • Bayle, Pierre: Écrits sur Spinoza [Dictionnaire Historique et Critique]. Textes choisis et présentés par Françoise Charles-Daubert et Pierre-François Moreau. (Paris: Berg International Editeurs, 1983) [in French]
  • Bayle, Pierre: Over Spinoza. Bezorgd onder redactie van Henri Krop en Jacob van Sluis, vertaald in samenwerking met Louis Hoffman, Gerrit van der Meer en Albert Willemsen. (Budel: Damon, 2006) [in Dutch]
  • Bayle, Pierre: Dizionario storico e critico: Spinoza. (Milan: Pgreco, 2015) [in Italian]
  • Bolin, Wilhelm: Spinoza: Ein Kultur- und Lebensbild. (Berlin: Ernst Hofmann & Co., 1894) [in German]
  • Bolin, Wilhelm: Spinoza: Zeit, Leben, Werk [2. Aufl., neu bearb. von Carl Gebhardt]. (Darmstadt: Ernst Hofmann & Co., 1927) [in German]
  • Browne, Lewis: Blessed Spinoza: A Biography of the Philosopher. (New York: The Macmillan Company, 1932)
  • Colerus, Johannes (a.k.a. Köhler, Johannes): Korte, dog waaragtige levens-beschrijving, van Benedictus de Spinoza. (Amsterdam: Lindenberg, 1705) [in Dutch]
  • Colerus, Johannes (a.k.a. Köhler, Johannes): The Life of Benedict de Spinosa. Originally written in Dutch, it was translated and published in English and French in 1706. (London: Benjamin Bragg, 1706)
  • Colerus, Johannes (a.k.a. Köhler, Johannes); Lucas, Jean-Maximilien: Le vite di Spinoza. A cura di Roberto Bordoli. (Marcerata: Quodlibet, 2015) [in Italian]
  • Cresson, André: Spinoza: sa vie, son oeuvre, avec un exposé de sa philosophie. (Paris: F. Alcan, 1940; Paris: PUF, 1943) [in French]
  • D'Uggento, Maria Rosaria: Baruch degli angeli. (Trento: Edizioni del Faro, 2012) [in Italian]
  • D'Uggento, Maria Rosaria: Spinoza, il filosofo «edificante». (Castiglione di Sicilia: Il Convivio Editore, 2019) [in Italian]
  • De Casseres, Benjamin: Spinoza: Liberator of God and Man, 1632–1932. (New York: E. Wickham Sweetland, 1932)
  • De Vries, Theun: Spinoza: Beeldenstormer en wereldbouwer. (Amsterdam: H.J.W. Becht, 1972) [in Dutch]
  • De Vries, Theun: Spinoza, biografie. (Amsterdam: De Prom, 1991) [in Dutch]
  • Domínguez, Atilano: Biografías de Spinoza. (Madrid: Alianza, 1995) [in Spanish]
  • Domínguez, Atilano (ed.): Spinoza: Obras completas y biografías. (Madrid: ViveLibro, 2015) ISBN 978-84-16423-68-2 [in Spanish]
  • Fischer, Kuno: Vida de Spinoza. Traducción de Luis Felipe Segura Martínez. (México, D.F.: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, 1990) [in Spanish]
  • Freudenthal, Jacob: Spinoza, sein Leben und seine Lehre. (Stuttgart: F. Frommann, 1904) [in German]
  • Gangale, Lucia: Il giovane Spinoza. (Tricase: Libellula Edizioni, 2019) [in Italian]
  • Goldstein, Rebecca: Betraying Spinoza: The Renegade Jew Who Gave Us Modernity. (New York: Schocken, 2006)
  • Goldstein, Rebecca: De onbekende Spinoza. Vertaald door Henk Schreuder. (Amsterdam/Antwerpen: Uitgeverij Atlas, 2007) [in Dutch]
  • Gullan-Whur, Margaret: Within Reason: A Life of Spinoza. (London: Pimlico, 2000) ISBN 978-0-312-25358-5
  • Israel, Jonathan I.. Spinoza, Life and Legacy. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2023. ISBN 9780198857488
  • Jaspers, Karl: Spinoza. Traduzione dal tedesco di Gianpaolo Bartoli. (Rome: Castelvecchi, 2015) [in Italian]
  • Jellesz, Jarig; Meyer, Lodewijk: Spinoza par ses amis. Traduit du Latin, préfacé et annoté par Maxime Rovère. (Paris: Éditions Payot & Rivages, 2017) [in French]
  • Kayser, Rudolph: Spinoza: Portrait of a Spiritual Hero. Translated by A. Allen and M. Newmark, with preface by Albert Einstein. (New York: Philosophical Library, 1946)
  • Lehmann, Devra: Spinoza: Outcast Thinker. (South Hampton, NH: Namelos, 2014)
  • Levin, Dan: Spinoza, the Young Thinker Who Destroyed the Past. (New York: Weybright & Talley, 1970)
  • Lucas, Jean-Maximilien; Saint-Glain, Dominique de: La vie de Spinosa. (Hambourg: Kunrath, 1735) [in French]
  • Lucas, Jean-Maximilien: The Oldest Biography of Spinoza. Translated and edited by Abraham Wolf. (London: George Allen & Unwin, 1927)
  • Millner, Simon L.: The Face of Benedictus Spinoza. (New York: Machmadim Art Editions, 1946)
  • Minc, Alain: Spinoza, un roman juif. (Paris: Gallimard, 1999) [in French]
  • Nadler, Steven: Spinoza: A Life. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999)
  • Nadler, Steven: Spinoza [Przeł. Władysław Jeżewski]. (Warsaw: Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy, 2002) [in Polish]
  • Nadler, Steven: Baruch Spinoza e l'Olanda del Seicento. (Turin: Einaudi, 2002) [in Italian]
  • Nadler, Steven: Spinoza, une vie. Traduit de l'anglais par Jean-François Sené. (Paris: Bayard, 2003) [in French]
  • Nadler, Steven: Spinoza: Bir Yaşam, çev. Anıl Duman ve Murat Başekim. (Istanbul: İletişim Yayınları, 2008) [in Turkish]
  • Schwartz, Daniel B.: The First Modern Jew: Spinoza and the History of an Image. (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2012)
  • Serpentini, Elso Simone: Ritorno a Spinoza. (Mosciano Sant'Angelo: Artemia Nova Editrice, 2017) [in Italian]
  • Sérouya, Henri: Spinoza, sa vie et sa philosophie. (Paris: Éditions Excelsior, 1933) [in French]
  • Stewart, Matthew: The Courtier and the Heretic: Leibniz, Spinoza, and the Fate of God in the Modern World. (New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2006)
  • Stewart, Matthew: Il cortigiano e l'eretico. Leibniz, Spinoza e il destino di Dio nel mondo moderno. Traduzione di Francesco Sircana e Marta C. Sircana. (Milan: Feltrinelli, 2007) [in Italian]
  • Stewart, Matthew: El hereje y el cortesano. Spinoza y Leibniz, y el destino de Dios en el mundo moderno. Traducción de Josep Sarret Grau. (Barcelona: Biblioteca Buridán, 2007) [in Spanish]
  • Van Vloten, Johannes: Baruch d'Espinoza, zijn leven en schriften in verband met zijnen en onzen tijd. (Amsterdam: K.H. Schadd, 1865) [in Dutch]
  • Van Vloten, Johannes: Benedictus de Spinoza, naar leven en werken, in verband met zijnen en onzen tijd geschetst. Tweede herziene en vermeerderde druk. (Schiedam: H.A.M. Roelants, 1871) [in Dutch]
  • Wolfson, Abraham: Spinoza: A Life of Reason. (New York: Modern Classics, 1932)

General studies

  • Adler, Adam: Emerson's Hidden Influence: What Can Spinoza Tell the Boy?. (BA thesis, Georgia State University, 2007)
  • Allison, Henry: Benedict de Spinoza: An Introduction. (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1987)
  • Altini, Carlo: La fábrica de la soberanía: Maquiavelo, Hobbes, Spinoza y otros modernos. (Buenos Aires: El Cuenco de Plata, 2005) [in Spanish]
  • Altini, Carlo (ed.): La fortuna di Spinoza in età moderna e contemporanea [2 vols.]. (Pisa: Edizioni della Scuole Normale Superiore di Pisa, 2019) [in Italian]
  • Amoroso, Leonardo: Scintille ebraiche. Spinoza, Vico e Benamozegh. (Pisa: Edizioni ETS, 2004) [in Italian]
  • Andrés, Ramón: El luthier de Delft. Música, pintura y ciencia en tiempos de Vermeer y Spinoza. (Barcelona: Acantilado, 2013) [in Spanish]
  • Angel, Marc D.: Maimonides, Spinoza and Us: Toward an Intellectually Vibrant Judaism. (Woodstock, VT: Jewish Lights Publishing, 2009)
  • Ansaldi, Saverio: Nature et puissance. Giordano Bruno et Spinoza. (Paris: Editions Kimé, 2006) [in French]
  • Ansay, Pierre: Gaston Lagaffe philosophe: Franquin, Deleuze et Spinoza. (Brussels: Éditions Couleur livres, 2012) [in French]
  • Ansay, Pierre: Nos devenirs spinoziens, fraternels et anarchistes. (Brussels: Éditions Couleur livres, 2013) [in French]
  • Ansay, Pierre: Petite plomberie spirituelle et philosophique: De Spinoza à Maître Eckhart. (Mons: Éditions Couleur livres, 2014) [in French]
  • Ansay, Pierre: Restons stoïques face à ce monde inquiétant. Épictète et Spinoza peuvent nous y aider. (Brussels: Éditions Couleur livres, 2017) [in French]
  • Armour, Leslie: Being and Idea: Development of Some Themes in Spinoza and Hegel [Philosophische Texte und Studien, Band 26]. (Hildesheim: Georg Olms, 1992)
  • Arnett, James J.: Eliot's Spinoza: Realism, Affect, and Ethics. (PhD diss., City University of New York, 2013)
  • Astesiano, Lionel: Joie et liberté chez Bergson et Spinoza. (Paris: CNRS Éditions, 2016) [in French]
  • Astrada, Carlos: Goethe y el panteísmo spinoziano. (Santa Fe, Argentina: Instituto Social de la Universidad del Litoral, 1933) [in Spanish]
  • Atkins, Dorothy: George Eliot and Spinoza. (Salzburg: University of Salzburg, 1978)
  • Attal, José: La non-excommunication de Jacques Lacan. Quand la psychanalyse a perdu Spinoza. (Paris: L'Unebévue Éditeur, 2010) [in French]
  • Auteri, Giuseppe; Raciti, Giuseppe (eds.): Saggi su Colli, Spinoza, Derrida. (Catania: Edizioni CUECM, 1999) [in Italian]
  • Avenarius, Richard: Über die beiden ersten Phasen des Spinozischen Pantheismus und das Verhältnis der zweiten zur dritten Phase. Nebst einem Anhang: Über Reihenfolge und Abfassungszeit der älteren Schriften Spinoza's. (Leipzig: Avenarius, 1868) [in German]
  • Baader, Franz von: Über die Nothwendigkeit einer Revision der Wissenschaft natürlicher, menschlicher und Göttlicher Dinge, in Bezug auf die in ihr sich noch mehr oder minder geltend machenden Cartesischen und Spinozistischen Philosopheme. (Erlangen: J. J. Palm & Ernst Enke, 1841) [in German]
  • Badiou, Alain: Le Séminaire. L'infini. Aristote, Spinoza, Hegel, 1984–1985. (Paris: Fayard, 2016) [in French]
  • Badiou, Alain: Il seminario. L'infinito. Aristotele, Spinoza, Hegel. A cura di A. Destasio. (Naples-Salerno: Orthotes Editrice, 2018) [in Italian]
  • Bagley, P.J. (ed.): Piety, Peace, and the Freedom to Philosophize. (Dordrecht: Springer, 1999)
  • Bailone, Giuseppe: Viaggio nella filosofia. Spinoza, Locke, Leibniz e Vico. (Torino: Università Popolare di Torino Editore, 2013) [in Italian]
  • Bamberger, Fritz: Spinoza and Anti-Spinoza Literature: The Printed Literature of Spinozism, 1665–1832. (Cincinnati: Hebrew Union College Press, 2003)
  • Barata Ribeiro, Bernardo Bianchi: O fio vermelho da transformação: Marx e Spinoza. (Ph.D. diss., Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, 2015) [in Portuguese]
  • Barata Ribeiro, Bernardo Bianchi: Le fil rouge de la transformation: Marx et Spinoza. (Ph.D. diss., Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, 2015) [in French]
  • Barmore, Jerry W.: Theology and Politics in Maimonides, Spinoza, Hegel, and Nietzsche. (PhD diss., University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign, 2004)
  • Bartels, Jeroen: De geschiedenis van het subject, deel I: Descartes, Spinoza, Kant. (Kampen: Kok Agora, 1993) [in Dutch]
  • Basso, Paola: Il secolo geometrico. La questione del metodo matematico in filosofia da Spinoza a Kant. (Firenze: Le Lettere, 2004) [in Italian]
  • Bauer, Emmanuel J.: Das Denken Spinozas und seine Interpretation durch Jacobi. (Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 1989) [in German]
  • Bayle, Pierre: Dictionnaire Historique et Critique [3rd ed.; 4 vols.]. (Rotterdam: Michel Bohm, 1720) [in French]
  • Beiser, Frederick C.: The Fate of Reason: German Philosophy from Kant to Fichte. (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1987)
  • Bell, David: Spinoza in Germany from 1670 to the Age of Goethe. (London: University of London, Institute of Germanic Studies, 1984)
  • Benigni, Fiormichele: Itinerari dell'antispinozismo. Spinoza e le metafisiche cartesiane in Francia (1684–1718). (Firenze: Le Lettere, 2018) [in Italian]
  • Bennett, Jonathan: Learning from Six Philosophers: Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz, Locke, Berkeley, Hume [2 vols.]. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001)
  • Bernard, Walter: De filosofie van Spinoza en Constantin Brunner. (Assen: Van Gorcum, 1977) [in Dutch]
  • Bernard, Walter: Spinozas Bedeutung für die moderne Psychologie, aus dem Englischen von G. Schmidt, hrsg. von J. Stenzel und G. Schmid. (Essen: Verlag Die Blaue Eule, 1995) [in German]
  • Berti, Silvia; Charles-Daubert, Françoise; Popkin, Richard H. (eds.): Heterodoxy, Spinozism, and Free Thought in Early-Eighteenth-Century Europe: Studies on the "Traité des trois imposteurs". (Dordrecht: Springer, 1996)
  • Betz, H. J.: Spinoza en Kant. (The Hague: M. Nijhoff, 1883) [in Dutch]
  • Biale, David: Not in the Heavens: The Tradition of Jewish Secular Thought. (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2011)
  • Billeter, Jean François: Chine trois fois muette. Essai sur l'histoire contemporaine et la Chine, suivi de: Bref essai sur l'histoire de Chine, d'après Spinoza. (Paris: Éditions Allia, 2000) [in French]
  • Bir, Çağan: Spinoza ve Nietzsche'de yaşamın olumlanması sorunu. (MA thesis, Ankara University, 2016) [in Turkish]
  • Biscuso, Massimiliano: Leopardi tra i filosofi: Spinoza, Vico, Kant, Nietzsche. (Naples: La Scuola di Pitagora, 2019) [in Italian]
  • Bloch, Olivier (ed.): Spinoza au XVIIIe siècle. Actes des Journées d'études organisées les 6 et 13 décembre 1987 à la Sorbonne. (Paris: Méridiens Klincksieck, 1990) [in French]
  • Blondel, Maurice: Dialogues avec les philosophes: Descartes, Spinoza, Malebranche, Pascal, Saint Augustin. Préface par Henri Gouhier. (Paris: Aubier-Montaigne, 1966) [in French]
  • Blondel, Maurice: Cartesio, Malebranche, Spinoza, Pascal: Saggi di storia della filosofia. A cura di Olga Arcuno. (Firenze: La Nuova Italia, 1974) [in Italian]
  • Bolduc, Carl R.: Kant et Spinoza. Rencontre paradoxale. (Paris: Éditions du Félin, 2015) [in French]
  • Bollacher, Martin: Der junge Goethe und Spinoza. Studien zur Geschichte des Spinozismus in der Epoche des Sturm und Drang. (Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1968) [in German]
  • Bordoli, Roberto: Ragione e scrittura tra Descartes e Spinoza. Saggio sulla "Philosophia S. Scripturae Interpres" di Lodewijk Meyer e sulla sua recezione. (Milan: Franco Angeli, 1997) [in Italian]
  • Bordoli, Roberto: L'Illuminismo di Dio: alle origini della mentalità liberale. Religione, teologia, filosofia e storia in Johann Salomo Semler (1725–1791). Contributo per lo studio delle fonti teologiche, cartesiane e spinoziane dell'Aufklärung. (Firenze: Leo S. Olschki, 2004) [in Italian]
  • Bordoli, Roberto: Dio ragione verità. Le polemiche su Descartes e su Spinoza presso l'Università di Franeker (1686–1719). (Macerata: Quodlibet, 2009) [in Italian]
  • Boss, Gilbert: La différence des philosophies, Hume et Spinoza [2 vols.]. (Zürich: Éditions du Grand Midi, 1982) [in French]
  • Boss, Gilbert: Lectures philosophiques: Abélard, Descartes, Hobbes, Spinoza. (Zürich: Éditions du Grand Midi, 2004) [in French]
  • Boucher, Wayne I. (ed.): Spinoza: Eighteenth and Nineteenth-Century Discussions [6 vols.]. (Bristol: Thoemmes Press, 1999)
  • Boucher, Wayne I. (ed.): Spinoza in English: A Bibliography from the Seventeenth Century to the Present [2nd ed.]. (Bristol: Thoemmes Press, 1999)
  • Bouton, Christophe (ed.): Dieu et la nature: la question du panthéisme dans l'idéalisme allemand. (Hildesheim: Georg Olms, 2005) [in French]
  • Bouveresse, Renée: Spinoza et Leibniz: L'idée d'animisme universel. (Paris: Vrin, 1992) [in French]
  • Brennan, Andrew; Witoszek, Nina (eds.): Philosophical Dialogues: Arne Næss and the Progress of Ecophilosophy. (Lanham, MD.: Rowman & Littlefield, 1999)
  • Brockdorff, Cay von: Beiträge über das Verhältnis Schopenhauers zu Spinoza. (Hildesheim: Gerstenberg, 1900) [in German]
  • Brunner, Peter: Probleme der Teleologie bei Maimonides, Thomas von Aquin und Spinoza. (Heidelberg: Carl Winters Universitätsbuchhandlung, 1928) [in German]
  • Brunschvicg, Léon: Écrits philosophiques. Tome I. L'humanisme de l'Occident: Descartes, Spinoza, Kant. (Paris: PUF, 1951) [in French]
  • Bugallo, Alicia Irene: La filosofía ambiental de Arne Naess. Influencias de Spinoza y James. (Río Cuarto, Argentina: Ediciones del Icala, 2011) ISBN 978-987-1318-15-5 [in Spanish]
  • Busellato, Stefano: Schopenhauer lettore di Spinoza. Le choise all'Etica. (Macerata: EUM, 2015) [in Italian]
  • Buyse, Filip: La conception des corps chez Spinoza et Galilée. (PhD diss., Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, 2014) [in French]
  • Caird, John: Spinoza. (Edinburgh: Blackwood, 1888)
  • Callot, Émile: Problèmes du cartésianisme: Descartes, Malebranche, Spinoza. (Annecy: Gardet, 1956) [in French]
  • Calvetti, Carla Gallicet: Spinoza lettore del Machiavelli. (Milan: Vita e Pensiero, 1972) [in Italian]
  • Calvetti, Carla Gallicet: Benedetto Spinoza di fronte a Leone Ebreo (Jehudah Abarbanel). Problemi etico-religiosi e "amor Dei intellectualis". (Milan: CUSL, 1982) [in Italian]
  • Campos, André Santos: Spinoza: Basic Concepts. (Exeter, UK: Imprint Academic Press, 2015)
  • Canaslan, Eylem; Akal, Cemal Bâli (eds.): Marx'tan Spinoza'ya, Spinoza'dan Marx'a: Güncel Müdahaleler. (Ankara: Dost Kitabevi, 2013) [in Turkish]
  • Canaslan, Eylem; Ateşoğlu, Güçlü (eds.): Spinoza ile Karşılaşmalar. (Istanbul: Ayrıntı Yayınları, 2015) [in Turkish]
  • Carp, J.H.: Spinoza en Goethe. (The Hague: Boekh. en Uitgevers Mij. v/h W.P. van Stockum & Zn., 1932) [in Dutch]
  • Carpintero, Enrique: La alegría de lo necesario: Las pasiones y el poder en Spinoza y Freud. (Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires: Topía Editorial, 2015) [in Spanish]
  • Carritt, Edgar Frederick: Morals and Politics: Theories of their Relation from Hobbes and Spinoza to Marx and Bosanquet. (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1935)
  • Chalier, Catherine: Spinoza, lecteur de Maïmonide. La question théologico-politique. (Paris: Cerf, 2006) [in French]
  • Chen, Xiaosheng: A Neo-Confucian Approach to a Puzzle Concerning Spinoza's Doctrine of the Intellectual Love of God. (PhD thesis, University of Birmingham, 2018)
  • Chiereghin, Franco: L'influenza dello spinozismo nella formazione della filosofia hegeliana. (Padova: CEDAM, 1961) [in Italian]
  • Christ, Kurt: Jacobi und Mendelssohn: Eine Analyse des Spinozastreits. (Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 1988)
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  • Van Bunge, Wiep (ed.): From Bayle to the Batavian Revolution: Essays on Philosophy in the Eighteenth-Century Dutch Republic. (Leiden: Brill, 2018)
  • Van Buuren, Maarten: De essentie van Spinoza. (Amsterdam: ISVW Uitgevers, 2016) [in Dutch]
  • Van Buuren, Maarten: Spinoza: Vijf wegen naar de vrijheid. (Amsterdam: Ambo/Anthos, 2016) [in Dutch]
  • Van Buuren, Maarten: Spinoza: Zijn filosofie in vijftig sleutelwoorden. (Amsterdam: Ambo/Anthos, 2019) [in Dutch]
  • Van Cauter, Jo: Spinoza on History, Christ, and Lights Untamable. (Ph.D. diss., Ghent University, 2016)
  • Van der Burg, Floris: Davidson and Spinoza: Mind, Matter and Morality. (Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2007)
  • Van der Tak, Willem Gerard: Spinozistische Gedachten in Goethe's Faust. (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1950) [in Dutch]
  • Van der Werf, Theo; Siebrand, H.; Westerveen, C. A: Spinoza Bibliography, 1971–1983. (Leiden: Brill, 1984)
  • Vaysse, Jean-Marie: Totalité et finitude: Spinoza et Heidegger. (Paris: Vrin, 2004) [in French]
  • Verbeek, Theo: Descartes and the Dutch: Early Reactions to Cartesian Philosophy, 1637–1650. (Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1992)
  • Vinci, Paolo; Tenenbaum, Katja (eds.): Filosofia e ebraismo. Da Spinoza a Levinas. (Firenze: Giuntina 1993) [in Italian]
  • Vincieri, Paolo: Natura umana e dominio. Machiavelli, Hobbes, Spinoza. (Ravenna: Longo Angelo, 1984) [in Italian]
  • Vinolo, Stéphane: Par-dessus le marché Spinoza, Smith, Derrida, Girard [La transparence est l'obstacle, 3]. (Paris: L'Harmattan, 2018) [in French]
  • Vloemans, Antoon: Spinoza: De mensch het leven en het werk. (Den Haag: N.V.H.P. Leopold's Uitgevers-Maatschappij, 1931) [in Dutch]
  • Vloemans, Antoon: Inleiding tot Spinoza. (Den Haag: W.P. Van Stockum en Zoon, 1953) [in Dutch]
  • Vollrath, W.: Die Auseinandersetzung Herders mit Spinoza. (Darmstadt: C.F. Winter, 1911) [in German]
  • Voronoff, Timothy: Ruling Passion:The Use of Myth and Narrative in Place of Reason in Politics; Spinoza's Proposed Solution to Hobbes' Science of the Passions. (Ph.D. diss., New School University, 2008)
  • Wagener, Bruno: Über die Beziehungen Fichtes zu Spinoza und Leibniz. Eine kritisch-philosophische Untersuchung. (Borna: R. Noske, 1914) [in German]
  • Walther, Manfred; von Wolzogen, Hanna Delf; et al. (eds.): Spinoza in der europäischen Geistesgeschichte. (Berlin: Hentrich, 1994) [in German]
  • Walther, Manfred (ed.): Gehorsam oder Erkenntnis: Die Philosophie Spinozas in religionsphilosophischer Perspektive [Spinoza-Studien; Band 1]. (Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter GmbH, 2018) [in German]
  • Walther, Manfred (ed.): Natur, Recht und Freiheit: Spinozas Theorie von Recht, Staat und Politik im Kontext der Frühen Neuzeit [Spinoza-Studien; Band 2]. (Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter GmbH, 2018) [in German]
  • Walther, Manfred (ed.): Spinoza in Deutschland: Von G. W. Leibniz bis zu Carl Schmitt: Philosophie – Wissenschaft – Ideologie [Spinoza-Studien; Band 3]. (Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter GmbH, 2018) [in German]
  • Ward, Lee: Modern Democracy and the Theological-Political Problem in Spinoza, Rousseau, and Jefferson. (New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2014)
  • Warnecke, Friedrich: Goethe, Spinoza und Jacobi. (Weimar: Hermann Böhlaus Nachfolger, 1908) [in German]
  • Wegenast, Margarethe: Hölderlins Spinoza-Rezeption und ihre Bedeutung für die Konzeption des "Hyperion". (Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1990) [in German]
  • Wielema, M. R.: The March of the Libertines: Spinozists and the Dutch Reformed Church (1660–1750). (Hilversum: Uitgeverij Verloren, 2004)
  • Wilkins, Adam: Modes, Monads and Nomads: Individuals in Spinoza, Leibniz and Deleuze. (Ph.D. diss., Stony Brook University, 2008)
  • Willis, Robert: Benedict de Spinoza: His Life, Correspondence, and Ethics. (London: Trübner & Co., 1870)
  • Wolfson, Harry Austryn: The Philosophy of Spinoza: Unfolding the Latent Processes of His Reasoning [2 vols.]. (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1934)
  • Wolfson, Harry Austryn: From Philo to Spinoza: Two Studies in Religious Philosophy. Edited by Isadore Twersky. (New York: Behrman House, 1977)
  • Woolhouse, Roger: Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz: The Concept of Substance in Seventeenth Century Metaphysics. (London: Routledge, 1993)
  • Wulf, Jan-Hendrik: Spinoza in der jüdischen Aufklärung. Baruch Spinoza als diskursive Grenzfigur des Jüdischen und Nichtjüdischen in den Texten der Haskala von Moses Mendelssohn bis Salomon Rubin und in frühen zionistischen Zeugnissen. (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2012) [in German]
  • Wurzer, W. S.: Nietzsche und Spinoza. (Meisenheim am Glan: Anton Hain, 1975) [in German]
  • Yasa, Metin: İbn Arabî ve Spinoza'da Varlık. (Ankara: Elis Yayınları, 2003) [in Turkish]
  • Youpa, Andrew: Descartes and Spinoza on Freedom and Virtue. (Ph.D. diss., University of California, Irvine, 2002)
  • Zaltieri, Cristina: Il divenire della Bildung in Nietzsche e in Spinoza. (PhD diss., Università degli Studi di Bergamo, 2013) [in Italian]
  • Zac, Sylvain: L'idée de vie dans la philosophie de Spinoza. (Paris: PUF, 1963) [in French]
  • Zac, Sylvain: Spinoza et l'interprétation de l'Écriture. (Paris: PUF, 1965) [in French]
  • Zac, Sylvain: La morale de Spinoza. (Paris: PUF, 1972) [in French]
  • Zac, Sylvain: Philosophie, théologie, politique dans l'œuvre de Spinoza. (Paris: Vrin, 1979) [in French]
  • Zac, Sylvain: Essais spinozistes. (Paris: Vrin, 1985) [in French]
  • Zac, Sylvain: Spinoza en Allemagne: Mendelssohn, Lessing et Jacobi. (Paris: Méridiens Klincksieck, 1989) [in French]
  • Zarka, Yves-Charles: Liberté et nécessité chez Hobbes et ses contemporains: Descartes, Cudworth, Spinoza, Leibniz. (Paris: Vrin, 2012) [in French]

Specialized studies

  • Abdo-Ferez, Maria Cecilia: Die Produktivität der Macht. Eine Analyse der politischen Theorie von Baruch Spinoza. (Berlin: Logos Verlag, 2007) [in German]
  • Adinolfi, Massimo: Continuando Spinoza. Un'esercitazione filosofica. (Rome: Editori Internazionali Riuniti, 2012) [in Italian]
  • Adkins, Brent: True Freedom: Spinoza's Practical Philosophy. (Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2009)
  • Aenishänslin, Markus: Le Tractatus de Wittgenstein et l'Éthique de Spinoza. Étude de comparaison structurale. (Basel: Birkhäuser, 1993) [in French]
  • Agrest, Diana Cohen: Spinoza, una cartografía de la Ética. (Buenos Aires: Eudeba, 2015) ISBN 9789502324067 [in Spanish]
  • Akal, Cemal Bâli: Varolma direnci ve özerklik. Bir hak kuramı için Spinoza'yla. (Ankara: Dost Kitabevi Yayınları, 2004) [in Turkish]
  • Akal, Cemal Bâli: Özgürlüğün Geleceği Yoktur. Edebiyatta Spinoza. (Ankara: Dost Kitabevi Yayınları, 2006) [in Turkish]
  • Akal, Cemal Bâli: Spinoza Günleri: Teolojik-Politik İnceleme Etrafında. (Istanbul: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2009) [in Turkish]
  • Akal, Cemal Bâli; Ergün, Reyda: Spinoza Günleri 2: Yeni Dünyadan Eski Dünyaya. (Istanbul: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2011) [in Turkish]
  • Albiac, Gabriel: La Synagogue vide. Les sources marranes du spinozisme. [Trans. Marie-Lucie Copete & Jean-Frédéric Schaub]. (Paris: PUF, 1994) [in French]
  • Alexander, Samuel: Spinoza ve Zaman, çev. Berk Yaylım. (Ankara: Fol Kitap, 2019) [in Turkish]
  • Almog, Joseph: Everything in Its Right Place: Spinoza and Life by the Light of Nature. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014) ISBN 9780199314393
  • Alquié, Ferdinand: Nature et vérité dans la philosophie de Spinoza. (Paris: Centre de Documentation Universitaire, 1965) [in French]
  • Alquié, Ferdinand: Servitude et liberté selon Spinoza. (Paris: Centre de Documentation Universitaire, 1967) [in French]
  • Alquié, Ferdinand: Le rationalisme de Spinoza. (Paris: PUF, 1981) [in French]
  • Alquié, Ferdinand: Il razionalismo di Spinoza. Traduzione di Marco Ravera. (Milan: Ugo Mursia Editore, 1987) [in Italian]
  • Alquié, Ferdinand: Leçons sur Spinoza. (Paris: Éditions de La Table Ronde, 2003) [in French]
  • Althusser, Louis: L'unica tradizione materialista: Spinoza. A cura di Vittorio Morfino. (Milan: CUEM, 1998) [in Italian]
  • Altkirch, Ernst: Maledictus und Benedictus: Spinoza im Urteil des Volkes und der Geistigen bis auf Constantin Brunner. (Leipzig: F. Meiner, 1924) [in German]
  • Amann, Francis: Ganzes und Teil: Wahrheit und Erkennen bei Spinoza [Schriftenreihe der Spinoza-Gesellschaft; Band 9]. (Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2000) [in German]
  • Andrieu, Catherine: De l'éternité du mode fini dans l'Ethique de Spinoza – "Le Chien constellation céleste et le chien animal aboyant". (Paris: L'Harmattan, 2009) [in French]
  • Angelillo, Giuseppe D'Ambrosio: Spinoza non conosce il male. (Bari: Acquaviva, 2003) [in Italian]
  • Ansaldi, Saverio: Infini, désir, multitude: Spinoza et la pensée baroque de la puissance. (Thèse de doctorat en Philosophie, Université Paris-Sorbonne/Paris IV, 1998) [in French]
  • Ansaldi, Saverio: Spinoza et le baroque: Infini, désir, multitude. (Paris: Éditions Kimé, 2001) [in French]
  • Ansaldi, Saverio: Spinoza et la Renaissance [Travaux et documents du Groupe de Recherches Spinozistes, Nº12]. (Paris: Presses de l'Université Paris-Sorbonne, 2007) [in French]
  • Ansay, Pierre: Spinoza peut nous sauver la vie. Un traité de philosophie pratique. (Charleroi: Éditions Couleur livres, 2011) [in French]
  • Ansay, Pierre: Spinoza au ras de nos pâquerettes. (Brussels: Éditions Couleur livres, 2016) [in French]
  • Ansay, Pierre: Le cœur de Spinoza. Vivre sans haine. (Brussels: Éditions Couleur livres, 2019) [in French]
  • Apel, Walter Georg: Spinozas Verhältnis zum ontologischen Beweise. (Leipzig: Hartmann & Wolf, 1911) [in German]
  • Arıcan, Musa Kazım: Spinoza'nın Tanrı Anlayışı: Panteizm, Ateizm ve Panenteizm Bağlamında. (Istanbul: İz. Yayıncılık, 2004) [in Turkish]
  • Arıcan, Musa Kazım: Spinoza Felsefesi Üzerine Yazılar. (Ankara: Divan Kitap Yayınları, 2015) [in Turkish]
  • Atlan, Henri: Spinoza et la biologie actuelle. (Ph.D. diss., Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, 2017) [in French]
  • Atlan, Henri: Cours de philosophie biologique et cognitiviste: Spinoza et la biologie actuelle. (Paris: Éditions Odile Jacob, 2018) [in French]
  • Aubert de Versé, Noël: L'impie convaincu ou dissertation contre Spinoza. A cura e con un saggio introduttivo di Fiormichele Benigni. (Rome: Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 2015) [in Italian]
  • Audié, Fabrice: Spinoza et les mathématiques [Travaux et documents du Groupe de Recherches Spinozistes, Nº11]. (Paris: Presses de l'Université Paris-Sorbonne, 2005) [in French]
  • Audié, Fabrice: Spinoza: Problèmes de l'idée vraie. Préface de Pierre-François Moreau. (Paris: L'Harmattan, 2014) [in French]
  • Bab, Julius: Rembrandt und Spinoza. Ein Doppelbildnis im deutsch-jüdischen Raum. (Berlin: Philo-Verlag, 1934) [in German]
  • Bäck, Leo: Spinozas erste Einwirkungen auf Deutschland. (Berlin: Mayer & Müller, 1895) [in German]
  • Baggi, Paolo Giovanni: Geometria e metodo tra Cartesio e Spinoza. (PhD diss., Università di Bologna, 2013) [in Italian]
  • Balanuye, Çetin: Spinoza'nın Sevinci Nereden Geliyor? Reddedilemeyecek Bir Felsefi Teklif. (Istanbul: Ayrıntı Yayınları, 2017) [in Turkish]
  • Balanuye, Çetin: Spinoza: Bir Hakikat İfadesi. (Istanbul: Say Yayınları, 2012) [in Turkish]
  • Balet, Leo: Rembrandt and Spinoza. (New York: Philosophical Library, 1962)
  • Balibar, Étienne: Spinoza et la politique. (Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1985) [in French]
  • Balibar, Étienne: Spinoza and Politics. Translated from the French by Peter Snowdon. (New York: Verso, 1998)
  • Balibar, Étienne: Spinoza. Il transindividuale, a cura di Laura Di Martino e Luca Pinzolo. (Milan: Ghibli, 2002) [in Italian]
  • Balibar, Étienne: Spinoza ve Siyaset, çev. Sanem Soyarslan. (Istanbul: Otonom Yayıncılık, 2004) [in Turkish]
  • Balibar, Étienne: Spinoza: De la individualidad a la transindividualidad. Traducción de Anselmo Torres. (Córdoba, Argentina: Editorial Encuentro, 2009) [in Spanish]
  • Balibar, Étienne: Spinoza i polityka [Tłum. Andrzej Staroń]. (Warsaw: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, 2009) [in Polish]
  • Balibar, Étienne: Spinoza y la política. Traducción de César Marchesino y Gabriel Merlino. (Buenos Aires: Prometeo Libros, 2011) [in Spanish]
  • Balibar, Étienne: Spinoza politique. Le transindividuel. (Paris: PUF, 2018) [in French]
  • Baltas, Aristides: Peeling Potatoes or Grinding Lenses: Spinoza and Young Wittgenstein Converse on Immanence and Its Logic. (Pittsburgh, PA: Pittsburgh University Press, 2012)
  • Baltzer, August: Spinozas Entwicklungsgang, besonders nach seinen Briefen geschildert. (Kiel: Lipsius & Tischer, 1888) [in German]
  • Balzano, Angela: Soggettività autonome. Corpi e potenza da Spinoza al neofemminismo. (Saarbruecken: Edizioni Accademiche Italiane, 2014) [in Italian]
  • Barbaras, Françoise: Spinoza: La science mathématique du salut. (Paris: CNRS Éditions, 2007) [in French]
  • Bartuschat, Wolfgang: Spinozas Theorie des Menschen. (Hamburg: Felix Meiner Verlag, 1992) [in German]
  • Bartuschat, Wolfgang: Spinozas Philosophie: Über den Zusammenhang von Metaphysik und Ethik. (Hamburg: Felix Meiner Verlag, 2017) [in German]
  • Bastiani, Marta Libertà de: Spinoza e gli storici latini. L'uso di storie, citazioni edesempi nella filosofia politica spinoziana. (Ph.D. diss, École normale supérieure de Lyon; Università degli Studi Roma Tre, 2019) [in Italian]
  • Battisti, Giuseppa Saccaro (ed.): Il pensiero di Baruch Spinoza. A cura di Giuseppa Saccaro Battisti. (Turin: Loescher Editore, 1981) [in Italian]
  • Becher, Erich: Der Begriff des Attributes bei Spinoza, in seiner Entwicklung und seinen Beziehungen zu den Begriffen der Substanz und des Modus. (Halle a.d.S.: M. Niemeyer, 1905) [in German]
  • Beeckman, Tinneke: Door Spinoza's lens: Macht, meditatie, manifestatie, evolutie, seksualiteit. (Kalmthout: Pelckmans/Klement, 2012) [in Dutch]
  • Beeckman, Tinneke: Door Spinoza's lens: Een oefening in levensfilosofie. (Antwerpen: Uitgeverij Polis, 2016) [in Dutch]
  • Belaief, Gail: Spinoza's Philosophy of Law. (The Hague: Mouton, 1971)
  • Belcaro Anna Maddalena, Effetto Spinoza. Avventure filosofiche, Ianieri Ed., 2020, ISBN 979-12-80022-21-9
  • Belcheff, David: Spinoza on the Spirit of Friendship. (M.A. thesis, Arizona State University, 2014)
  • Bellissen, Héloïse Guay de: Spinoza antistress en 99 pilules philosophiques. (Paris: Éditions de l'Opportun, 2015) [in French]
  • Beltrán, Miquel: Un espejo extraviado. Spinoza y la filosofía hispano-judía. (Barcelona: Riopiedras, 1998) [in Spanish]
  • Beltrán, Miquel: The Influence of Abraham Cohen de Herrera's Kabbalah on Spinoza's Metaphysics. (Leiden: Brill, 2016)
  • Benincà, A.: La libertà umana nell'Etica di B. Spinoza. (Caravate: Gabriel, 1952) [in Italian]
  • Benito Olalla, María Pilar: Baruch Spinoza: Una nueva ética para la liberación humana. (Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva, 2015) [in Spanish]
  • Bennett, Jonathan: A Study of Spinoza's Ethics. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1984)
  • Bennett, Jonathan: Un estudio de la ética de Spinoza. Traducción de José Antonio Robles García. (Ciudad de México: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1990) [in Spanish]
  • Berger, Herman: De Ethica van Spinoza. Een handreiking. (Antwerpen/Apeldoorn: Garant, 2011) [in Dutch]
  • Berti, Silvia (ed.): Trattato dei tre impostori. La vita e lo spirito del signor Benedetto de Spinoza. (Turin: Einaudi Editore, 1994) [in Italian]
  • Bertrand, Michèle: Spinoza et l'imaginaire. (Paris: PUF, 1983) [in French]
  • Bettini, Amalia: Il Cristo di Spinoza. (Milan: Ghibli, 2005) [in Italian]
  • Biasutti, Franco: La dottrina della scienza in Spinoza. (Bologna: Pàtron Editore, 1979) [in Italian]
  • Biddle, Stephen Anthony: Spinoza's Moral Philosophy. (Ph.D. diss., Bryn Mawr College, 1980)
  • Bidney, David: The Psychology and Ethics of Spinoza: A Study in the History and Logic of Ideas. (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1940)
  • Biedermann, Otto Heinrich: Die Methode der Auslegung und Kritik der biblischen Schriften in Spinozas Theologisch-politischem Traktat im Zusammenhang mit seiner Ethik. (Erlangen: Buchdruckerei von E.T. Jacob, 1903) [in German]
  • Billecoq, Alain: Spinoza et les spectres. Un essai sur l'esprit philosophique. (Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1987) [in French]
  • Billecoq, Alain: Les combats de Spinoza. (Paris: Ellipses, 1997) [in French]
  • Billecoq, Alain: Spinoza: Questions politiques. Quatre études sur l'actualité du Traité politique. (Paris: L'Harmattan, 2009) [in French]
  • Billecoq, Alain: Spinoza ou L'«athée vertueux». (Montreuil: Le Temps des Cerises, 2016) [in French]
  • Billecoq, Alain: Spinoza, la politique et la liberté. (Paris: Editions Demopolis, 2018) [in French]
  • Biondi, Zachary: Spinoza's Eternal Mind. (MA thesis, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, 2015)
  • Blackwell, Kenneth: The Spinozistic Ethics of Bertrand Russell. (London: George Allen & Unwin, 1985)
  • Blanckaert, Camille: Spinoza on Human Nature: An Inquiry to Spinoza's Conception of the Essence of Man. (MA thesis, Ghent University, 2016)
  • Boehm, Omri: Kant's Critique of Spinoza. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014) ISBN 9780199354801
  • Bohrmann, Georg: Spinozas Stellung zur Religion. Eine Untersuchung auf der Grundlage des theologisch-politischen Traktats; nebst einem Anhang: Spinoza in England (1670–1750). (Giessen: Alfred Töpelmann, 1914) [in German]
  • Bonicalzi, Francesca: L'impensato della politica. Spinoza e il vincolo civile. (Naples: Guida Editori, 1999) [in Italian]
  • Boss, Gilbert: L'enseignement de Spinoza – Commentaire du "Court Traité". (Zürich: Éditions du Grand Midi, 1982) [in French]
  • Bordoli, Roberto: Vitae meditatio. Gramsci e Spinoza a confronto. (Urbino: Quattroventi, 1990) [in Italian]
  • Bordoli, Roberto: Baruch Spinoza, etica e ontologia. Note sulle nozioni di sostanza, di essenza e di esistenza nell'Ethica. (Milan: Edizioni Angelo Guerini, 1996) [in Italian]
  • Bordoli, Roberto: Dio ragione verità. (Macerata: Quodlibet, 2009) [in Italian]
  • Boscherini, Emilia Giancotti: Lexicon Spinozanum [2 vols.]. (The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1970)
  • Boscherini, Emilia Giancotti: Studi su Hobbes e Spinoza. (Naples: Bibliopolis, 1995) [in Italian]
  • Bostrenghi, Daniela: Forme e virtù dell'immaginazione in Spinoza. (Naples: Bibliopolis, 1996) [in Italian]
  • Boucher, Wayne I., 1999. Spinoza in English: A Bibliography from the Seventeenth Century to the Present. 2nd edn. Thoemmes Press.
  • Boucher, Wayne I., ed., 1999. Spinoza: Eighteenth and Nineteenth-Century Discussions. 6 vols. Thoemmes Press.
  • Bove, Laurent: La strategia del conatus. Affermazione e resistenza in Spinoza. Traduzione italiana di Filippo Del Lucchese. (Milan: Edizioni Ghibli, 2002) [in Italian]
  • Bove, Laurent: La estrategia del conatus. Afirmación y resistencia en Spinoza. Traducción de Gemma Sanz Espinar. (Madrid: Tierradenadie Ediciones, 2009) [in Spanish]
  • Bove, Laurent: Vauvenargues ou le séditieux. Entre Pascal et Spinoza. Une philosophie pour la seconde nature. (Paris: Éditions Honoré Champion, 2010) [in French]
  • Brandau, John A.: Spinoza on Definition and Essence. (PhD diss., Johns Hopkins University, 2016)
  • Braun, Roland: Metaphysik und Methode bei Spinoza. Eine problemorientierte Darstellung der "Ethica ordine geometrico demonstrata". (Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2017) [in German]
  • Braz, Adelino: Apprendre à philosopher avec Spinoza. (Paris: Ellipses, 2012) [in French]
  • Brenner-Golomb, Nancy: The Importance of Spinoza for the Modern Philosophy of Science: Can the Revival of Spinoza's Naturalism Refute Cultural Relativism?. (New Brunswick, NJ: Ontos Verlag, 2010)
  • Breton, Stanislas: Politique, religion, écriture chez Spinoza. (Lyon: Profac, 1973) [in French]
  • Brissoni, Armando: Due cunicoli di Spinoza. L'infinito e il more geometrico. (Bivongi: International AM Edizioni, 2008) [in Italian]
  • Brissoni, Armando: Lemmi spinoziani. (Bivongi: International AM Edizioni, 2014) [in Italian]
  • Brochard, Victor: Études de philosophie ancienne et moderne. Le Dieu de Spinoza, suivi de L'Eternité des âmes dans la philosophie de Spinoza. (Paris: Ed.Manucius, 2013) [in French]
  • Brøchner, Hans: Benedict Spinoza. En monographie. (København: P.G. Philipsens Forlag, 1857) [in Danish]
  • Brouwer, Rinse Reeling: De god van Spinoza. Een theologische studie. (Kampen: Kok, 1998) [in Dutch]
  • Brunner, Constantin: Spinoza gegen Kant und die Sache der geistigen Wahrheit. (Berlin: Karl Schnabel Verlag, 1910) [in German]
  • Brunner, Constantin: Spinoza contre Kant et la cause de la vérité spirituelle. Traduit et précédé d'un avant propos par Henri Lurié. (Paris: J. Vrin, 1932) [in French]
  • Brunschvicg, Léon: Spinoza et ses contemporains. (Paris: Félix Alcan, 1923) [in French]
  • Brykman, Geneviève: La Judéité de Spinoza. (Paris: J. Vrin, 1972) [in French]
  • Bumin, Tülin: Tartışılan Modernlik: Descartes ve Spinoza. (Istanbul: Yapı Kredi Yayınları, 1996) [in Turkish]
  • Bunker, Jenny: Schopenhauer's Spinozism. (PhD diss., University of Southampton, 2015)
  • Busolt, Georg: Die Grundzüge der Erkenntnisztheorie und Metaphysik Spinozas. (Berlin: E. S. Mittler und Sohn, 1875) [in German]
  • Busse, Julien: Le problème de l'essence de l'homme chez Spinoza. (Paris: Publications de la Sorbonne, 2009) [in French]
  • Busse, Ludwig: Beiträge zur Entwicklungsgeschichte Spinoza's. (Berlin: Universitäts-Buchdruckerei von Gustav Schade, 1885) [in German]
  • Baumgardt, David: Spinoza und Mendelssohn: Reden und Aufsätze zu ihren Gedenktagen. (Berlin: Philo-Verlag, 1932) [in German]
  • Bouchilloux, Hélène: Spinoza Les deux voies du salut. (Paris: L'Harmattan, 2018) [in French]
  • Buddeus, Johann Franz: Dissertatio philosophica de Spinozismo ante Spinozam. (Halle: Henckel, 1701) [in Latin]
  • Bwele, Guillaume: Les multiples visages de Spinoza. Des limites de la totalité. (Paris: Les Editions ABC, 1984) [in French]
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  • Wollenberg, David Lawrence: Desire and Democracy: Spinoza and the Politics of Affect. (Ph.D. diss., University of Chicago, June 2012)
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  • Yerushalmi, Yosef Hayim: Spinoza und das Überleben des jüdischen Volkes. Mit einem Anhang: Spanien und das Spanische in Spinozas Bibliothek. (München: Lehrstuhl für Jüdische Geschichte und Kultur, Inst. für Neuere Geschichte, 1999) [in German]
  • Yoshiaki, Mihara: Reading T. S. Eliot Reading Spinoza. (PhD diss., Cornell University, 2013)
  • Yoshida, Kazuhiko: Vernunft und Affektivität: Untersuchungen zu Spinozas Theorie der Politik [Schriftenreihe der Spinoza-Gesellschaft; Band 12]. (Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2004) [in German]
  • Yovel, Yirmiyahu: Spinoza and Other Heretics, Vol. 1: The Marrano of Reason. (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1989)
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  • Zourabichvili, François: Le conservatisme paradoxale de Spinoza. Enfance et royauté. (Paris: PUF, 2002) [in French]
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  • Zucchello, Dario: Spinoza. (Bologna: Diogene Multimedia, 2015) [in Italian]
  • Zweerman, Theo: L'Introduction à la philosophie selon Spinoza. Une analyse structurelle de l'introduction du Traité de la réforme de l'entendement suivie d'un commentaire de ce texte. (Louvain: Presses Universitaires de Louvain, 1993) [in French]
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Collected essays

  • Akal, Cemal Bâli; Ergün, Reyda (eds.): Kimlik Bedenin Hapishanesidir: Spinoza Üzerine Yazılar ve Söyleşiler. (Istanbul: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2011) [in Turkish]
  • Akal, Cemal Bâli; Antalyalı, Z. Efe (eds.): Spinoza Hukukçuya Ne Söyler?. (Istanbul: Zoe Kitap, 2019) [in Turkish]
  • Altwicker, Norbert (ed.): Texte zur Geschichte des Spinozismus. (Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1971) [in German]
  • Balibar, Étienne; Seidel, Helmut; Walther, Manfred (eds.): Freiheit und Notwendigkeit: Ethische und politische Aspekte bei Spinoza und in der Geschichte des (Anti-)Spinozismus [Schriftenreihe der Spinoza-Gesellschaft; Band 3]. (Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 1994) [in German]
  • Barreto, Ana Claudia Gama; Bilate, Danilo; da Silva Barros, Tiago Mota (eds.): Spinoza e Nietzsche, filósofos contra a tradição. (Rio de Janeiro: Mauad X, 2012) [in Portuguese]
  • Bartuschat, Wolfgang; Kirste, Stephan; Walther, Manfred (eds.): Naturalismus und Demokratie: Spinozas "Politischer Traktat" im Kontext seines Systems. Ein Kommentar. (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2014) [in German]
  • Baumgarten, Jean; Rosier-Catach, Irène; Totaro, Pina (eds.): Spinoza, philosophe grammairien: Le Compendium grammatices linguae hebraeae. (Paris: CNRS Éditions, 2019) [in French]
  • Becker, Rafael Cataneo; Fragoso, Emanuel Angelo da Rocha; Guimaraens, Francisco de; Itokazu, Ericka Mariee; Rocha, Maurício (eds.): Spinoza e nós, Vol. 1: Spinoza, a guerra e a paz. (Rio de Janeiro: Editora PUC-Rio, 2017) [in Portuguese]
  • Becker, Rafael Cataneo; Fragoso, Emanuel Angelo da Rocha; Guimaraens, Francisco de; Itokazu, Ericka Mariee; Rocha, Maurício (eds.): Spinoza e nós, Vol. 2: Spinoza atual / inatual. (Rio de Janeiro: Editora PUC-Rio, 2017) [in Portuguese]
  • Beeckman, Tinneke (ed.): Spinoza: Filosoof van de Blijheid. (Brussel: Uitgeverij ASP, 2010) ISBN 9789054875383 [in Dutch]
  • Bento, António; Silva Rosa, José Maria (eds.): Revisiting Spinoza's "Theological-Political Treatise". (Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlag, 2013)
  • Blanco-Echauri, Jesús (ed.): Espinosa: Ética e política. (Santiago de Compostela: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 1999) [in Spanish]
  • Bloch, Olivier; Macherey, Pierre (eds.): Spinoza au XXe siècle. Actes des Journées d'études organisées les 14 et 21 janvier, 11 et 18 mars 1990 à la Sorbonne par le Centre de recherche sur l'histoire des systèmes de pensée modernes de l'Université de Paris I-Panthéon-Sorbonne [UFR de philosophie]. (Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1993) [in French]
  • Bohlmann, Carolin; Fink, Thomas; Weiss, Philipp (eds.): Lichtgefüge des 17. Jahrhunderts. Rembrandt und Vermeer – Spinoza und Leibniz. (München: Wilhelm Fink, 2008) ISBN 978-3-7705-4454-7 [in German]
  • Bollacher, Martin; Kisser, Thomas; Walther, Manfred (eds.): Ein neuer Blick auf die Welt: Spinoza in Literatur, Kunst und Ästhetik [Schriftenreihe der Spinoza-Gesellschaft; Band 14]. (Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2010) [in German]
  • Boros, Gábor (ed.): Individuum, közösség és jog Spinoza filozófiájában. (Budapest: Áron Kiadó, 2000) [in Hungarian]
  • Bostrenghi, Daniela (ed.): Hobbes e Spinoza: Scienza e Politica. (Naples: Bibliopolis, 1992) [in Italian]
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  • Bostrenghi, Daniela; Raspa, Venanzio; Santinelli, Cristina; Visentin, Stefano (eds.): Spinoza: La potenza del comune. (Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlag, 2012) [in Italian]
  • Bove, Laurent; Bras, Gérard; Méchoulan, Éric (eds.): Pascal et Spinoza. Pensée du contraste: de la géométrie du hasard à la nécessité de la liberté. (Paris: Éditions Amsterdam, 2007) [in French]
  • Brodsky, Valentín; Farga, Gisel; et al. (eds.): Spinoza: Decimosegundo Coloquio – Spinoza y los otros. (Córdoba, Argentina: Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, 2017) [in Spanish]
  • Brodsky, Valentín; Paccazochi, Cecilia (eds.): Spinoza: Decimoquinto Coloquio – El Spinozismo como forma de vida. (Córdoba, Argentina: Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, 2020) [in Spanish]
  • Büttner, Stefan: Gott und Raum: Spinozas innovative Konzeption der Ausdehnung und Körperwelt [Schriftenreihe der Spinoza-Gesellschaft; Band 15]. (Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2011) [in German]
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  • Butler, Benjamin: The Philosophy of Spinoza. (Boston: Student Outlines Company, 1939)
  • Cabañas, Leticia; Esquisabel, Oscar M. (eds.): Leibniz frente a Spinoza. Una interpretación panorámica. (Granada: Comares, 2014) [in Spanish]
  • Carbone, Raffaele; Jacquet, Chantal; Moreau, Pierre-François (eds.): Spinoza-Malebranche, à la croisée des interprétations. (Lyon: ENS Editions, 2018) [in French]
  • Cámara, Maria Luisa de La; Fernández, Eugenio (eds.): El gobierno de los afectos en Baruj Spinoza. (Madrid: Editorial Trotta, 2007) [in Spanish]
  • Cámara, Maria Luisa de La; Carvajal, Julián (eds.): Spinoza, de la física a la historia. (Cuenca: Ediciones de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, 2008) [in Spanish]
  • Cámara, Maria Luisa de La; Carvajal, Julián (eds.): Spinoza y la Antropología en la Modernidad. (Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlag, 2017) [in Spanish]
  • Chappell, Vere (ed.): Baruch de Spinoza. (New York: Garland Publishing, 1992)
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  • Charles, Sylianne; Gagnon, Jacques-Henri (ed.): Spinoza sous le prisme de son anthropologie. (Québec: Société de philosophie du Québec, 2002) [in French]
  • Chesnokov, G.D. (ed.): Mudryj i vechno molodoj B. Spinoza / Мудрый и вечно молодой Б. Спиноза [Wise and eternally young B. Spinoza]. (Moskva: Izdatel'stvo Rossiyskoi akademii gosudarstvenoi sluzhby, 1999) [in Russian]
  • Cliteur, Paul; Pinto, David (eds.): Moord op Spinoza. De opstand tegen de verlichting en moderniteit. (Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Aspekt, 2018) [in Dutch]
  • Cook, J. Thomas; Rice, Lee (eds.): Studia Spinozana, Vol. 14: Spinoza on Mind and Body. (Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2003)
  • Cortès, Juan Vicente; Laveran, Sophie (eds.): Spinoza: La raison à l'épreuve de la pratique. (Paris: Publications de la Sorbonne, 2013) [in French]
  • Cramer, Konrad; Jacobs, Wilhelm G.; Schmidt-Biggemann, Wilhelm (eds.): Spinozas Ethik und ihre frühe Wirkung. (Wolfenbüttel: Herzog August Bibliothek, 1981) [in German]
  • Cristofolini, Paolo (ed.): L'Hérésie Spinoziste: La Discussion sur le Tractatus Theologico-Politicus, 1670–1677. (Amsterdam: APA-Holland University Press, 1995) [in French]
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  • Curley, Edwin; Moreau, Pierre-François (eds.): Spinoza: Issues and Directions. (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1990)
  • Czelinski, Michael; et al. (eds.): Transformation der Metaphysik in die Moderne. Zur Gegenwärtigkeit der theoretischen und praktischen Philosophie Spinozas. (Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2003) [in German]
  • De Deugd, Cornelis (ed.): Spinoza's Political and Theological Thought: International Symposium under the Auspices of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences. Commemorating the 350th Anniversary of the Birth of Spinoza Amsterdam 24–27 November 1982. (Amsterdam: North Holland Publishing Company, 1984)
  • De Dijn, Herman; Mignini, Filippo; van Rooden, P. (eds.): Studia Spinozana, Vol. 11: Spinoza's Philosophy of Religion. (Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 1995)
  • Domínguez, Atilano (ed.): Spinoza y España. Actas del Congreso Internacional sobre "Relaciones entre Spinoza y España" (Almagro, 5–7 noviembre 1992). (Ciudad Real: Ediciones de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, 1994) [in Spanish]
  • Fernández García, Eugenio; et al. (eds.): La encrucijada de los afectos. Ensayos Spinozistas. (Cuenca: Ediciones de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, 2018) ISBN 9788490443194 [in Spanish]
  • Fischer, Kuno; Renan, Ernest; Land, Jan Pieter Nicolaas; van Vloten, Johannes: Spinoza: Four Essays. Edited by William Angus Knight. (London: Williams and Norgate, 1882)
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  • Gatens, Moira (ed.): Feminist Interpretations of Benedict Spinoza. (University Park, PA: Penn State University Press, 2009) ISBN 9780271035161
  • Giancotti, Emilia (ed.) Spinoza nel 350° anniversario della nascità. Atti del congresso internazionale (Urbino 4–8 ottobre 1982). (Naples: Bibliopolis, 1985) [in Italian]
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  • Goff, Philip (ed.): Spinoza on Monism [Philosophers in Depth]. (Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012)
  • Goldenbaum, Ursula; Kluz, Christopher (eds.): Doing without Free Will: Spinoza and Contemporary Moral Problems. (Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2015)
  • Gomes, Carlos Wagner Benevides; da Rocha Fragoso, Emanuel Angelo; da Silva, H. Lima; Lima, F. J. Barros Sousa (eds.): VI Colóquio Benedictus de Spinoza: Potência, Cultura e Resistência. (Fortaleza, Ceará: EdUECE – Editora da Universidade Estadual do Ceará, 2018) ISBN 978-85-7826-608-0 [in Portuguese]
  • González, Horacio (ed.): Cóncavo y convexo. Escritos sobre Spinoza. (Buenos Aires: Altamira, 1999) [in Spanish]
  • Grasset, Baptiste Noel Auguste; Fragoso, Emanuel Angelo da Rocha; Itokazu, Ericka Marie; Guimaraens, Francisco de; Rocha, Maurício (eds.): Spinoza e as Américas: X Colóquio Internacional Spinoza [Vol. 1]. (Fortaleza, Ceará: EdUECE – Editora da Universidade Estadual do Ceará, 2014) [in Portuguese & in Spanish]
  • Grasset, Baptiste Noel Auguste; Fragoso, Emanuel Angelo da Rocha; Itokazu, Ericka Marie; Guimaraens, Francisco de; Rocha, Maurício (eds.): Spinoza e as Américas: X Colóquio Internacional Spinoza [Vol. 2]. (Fortaleza, Ceará: EdUECE – Editora da Universidade Estadual do Ceará, 2014) [in Portuguese & in Spanish]
  • Grattan, Sean; Hitchcock, Peter (eds.): Marx or Spinoza. (Mediations: Journal of the Marxist Literary Group, Volume 25, Number 2, Winter 2011)
  • Grene, Marjorie (ed.): Spinoza: A Collection of Critical Essays. (Garden City, NY: Doubleday/Anchor Press, 1973)
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  • Gründer, Karlfried; Schmidt-Biggemann, Wilhelm (eds.): Spinoza in der Frühzeit seiner religiösen Wirkung [Wolfenbütteler Studien zur Aufklärung; Bd. 12]. (Heidelberg: L. Schneider, 1984) [in German]
  • Hammacher, Klaus (ed.): Spinoza und die moderne Wissenschaft [Schriftenreihe der Spinoza-Gesellschaft; Band 5]. (Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 1998) [in German]
  • Hammacher, Klaus; Reimers-Tovote, Irmela; Walther, Manfred (eds.): Zur Aktualität der Ethik Spinozas. Medizin/Psychiatrie – Ökonomie – Recht – Religion. Spinoza in der Geschichte der philosophischen Ethik [Schriftenreihe der Spinoza-Gesellschaft; Band 7]. (Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2000) [in German]
  • Hampe, Michael; Schnepf, Robert (eds.): Baruch de Spinoza: Ethik in geometrischer Ordnung dargestellt. (Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 2006) [in German]
  • Heerich, Thomas: Transformation des Politikkonzepts von Hobbes zu Spinoza: das Problem der Souveränität [Schriftenreihe der Spinoza-Gesellschaft; Band 8]. (Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2000) [in German]
  • Hessing, Siegfried (ed.): Spinoza. Dreihundert Jahre Ewigkeit. Spinoza-Festschrift 1632–1932. (The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1962) [in German]
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  • Hornäk, Sara: Spinoza und Vermeer: Immanenz in Philosophie und Malerei [Schriftenreihe der Spinoza-Gesellschaft; Band 11]. (Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2004) [in German]
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  • Jabase, Ana Leila; Meriles, Alejandra; Rivera, Francisco; et al. (eds.): Spinoza: Treceavo Coloquio – Spinoza Maledictus. (Córdoba, Argentina: Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, 2018) [in Spanish]
  • Jaquet, Chantal; Coppens, Gunther; Bordoli, Roberto; Suhamy, Ariel: Les Pensées métaphysiques de Spinoza. (Paris: Publications de la Sorbonne, 2004) [in French]
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  • Martins, André; Santiago, Homero; Oliva, Luís César (eds.): As ilusões do eu: Spinoza e Nietzsche. (Rio de Janeiro: Civilizaçao Brasileira, 2011) [in Portuguese]
  • Martínez, Francisco José (ed.): Spinoza en su siglo. (Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva, 2012) [in Spanish]
  • Méchoulan, Henry; Nahon, Gérard (eds.): Mémorial I.-S. Révah. Études sur le marranisme, l'hétérodoxie juive et Spinoza. (Paris/Louvain: Peeters, 2001) [in French]
  • Melamed, Yitzhak Y.; Rosenthal, Michael A. (eds.): Spinoza's 'Theological-Political Treatise': A Critical Guide. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010) ISBN 9780521882293
  • Melamed, Yitzhak Y.; Förster, Eckart (eds.): Spinoza and German Idealism. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012)
  • Melamed, Yitzhak Y. (ed.): The Young Spinoza: A Metaphysician in the Making. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015) ISBN 9780199971664
  • Melamed, Yitzhak Y. (ed.): Spinoza's 'Ethics': A Critical Guide. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017)
  • Melamed, Yitzhak Y.; Sharp, Hasana (eds.): Spinoza's Political Treatise: A Critical Guide. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018) ISBN 9781107170582
  • Montag, Warren; Stolze, Ted (eds.): The New Spinoza. (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1997)
  • Moreau, Pierre-François: Spinoza entre Lumières et Romantisme. (Fontenay-aux-Roses: ENS Éditions, 1985) [in French]
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  • Moreau, Pierre-François; et al.: Méthode et métaphysique [Travaux et documents du Groupe de Recherches Spinozistes, Nº2]. (Paris: Presses de l'Université Paris-Sorbonne, 1989) [in French]
  • Moreau, Pierre-François; Carraud, V.; et al.: L'Ecriture Sainte au temps de Spinoza et dans le systéme spinoziste [Travaux et documents du Groupe de Recherches Spinozistes, Nº4]. (Paris: Presses de l'Université Paris-Sorbonne, 1992) [in French]
  • Moreau, Pierre-François; Chiereghin, Franco; Vokos, Gerassimos (eds.): Studia Spinozana, Vol. 12: Spinoza and Ancient Philosophy. (Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 1996)
  • Moreau, Pierre-François; Giannini, Humberto; Vermeren, Patrice (eds.): Spinoza et la politique. Actes du Colloque de Santiago du Chili, 8–12 mai 1995. (Paris: L'Harmattan, 1997) [in French]
  • Moreau, Pierre-François; Brugère, Fabienne (eds.): Spinoza et les affects [Travaux et documents du Groupe de Recherches Spinozistes, Nº7]. (Paris: Presses de l'Université Paris-Sorbonne, 1998) [in French]
  • Moreau, Pierre-François; Bove, Laurent; et al.: La Recta Ratio: Criticiste et Spinoziste?. Mélanges offerts à Bernard Rousset. Textes réunis par Laurent Bove [Travaux et documents du Groupe de Recherches Spinozistes, Nº8]. (Paris: Presses de l'Université Paris-Sorbonne, 1999) [in French]
  • Moreau, Pierre-François; Tosel, André; Salem, Jean (eds.): Spinoza au XIXe siècle. Actes des journées d'études organisées à la Sorbonne [9 et 16 mars, 23 et 30 novembre 1997]. (Paris: Publications de la Sorbonne, 2007) [in French]
  • Moreau, Pierre-François; Cohen-Boulakia, Claude; Delbraccio, Mireille (eds.): Lectures contemporaines de Spinoza. (Paris: Presses de l'Université Paris-Sorbonne, 2012) [in French]
  • Moreau, Pierre-François; Jaquet, Chantal (eds.): Spinoza transalpin. Les interprétations actuelles en Italie. (Paris: Publications de la Sorbonne, 2012) [in French]
  • Moreau, Pierre-François; Andrault, Raphaële; Laerke, Mogens (eds.): Spinoza / Leibniz: Rencontres, Controverses, Réceptions. (Paris: Presses de l'université Paris-Sorbonne, 2014) [in French]
  • Moreau, Pierre-François; Vinciguerra, Lorenzo (eds.): Spinoza et les arts. (Paris: L'Harmattan, 2020) [in French]
  • Morfino, Vittorio (ed.): Spinoza contra Leibniz: Documenti di uno scontro intellettuale (1676–1678). A cura di Vittorio Morfino, prefazione di Etienne Balibar. (Milan: Edizioni Unicopli, 1994) [in Italian]
  • Morfino, Vittorio (ed.): La Spinoza-Renaissance nella Germania di fine Settecento. (Milan: Edizioni Unicopli, 1998) [in Italian]
  • Morfino, Vittorio; Del Lucchese, Filippo (eds.): Sulla scienza intuitiva in Spinoza. Ontologia, politica, estetica [Spinoziana]. (Milan: Edizioni Ghibli, 2003) [in Italian]
  • Morfino, Vittorio; Caporali, Riccardo; Visentin, Stefano (eds.): Spinoza: individuo e moltitudine. (Cesena: Il Ponte Vecchio, 2007) [in Italian]
  • Morfino, Vittorio; Del Lucchese, Filippo; Battistel, Gianluca (eds.): L'abisso dell'unica sostanza. L'immagine di Spinoza nella prima metà dell'Ottocento tedesco. (Macerata: Quodlibet, 2009) [in Italian]
  • Morfino, Vittorio; D'Anna, Giuseppe (eds.): Ontologia e temporalità. Spinoza e nei suoi lettori moderni. (Milan: Mimesis, 2012) [in Italian]
  • Nadler, Steven (ed.): Spinoza and Medieval Jewish Philosophy. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014) ISBN 9781107037861
  • Oittinen, Vesa (ed.): Spinoza im Norden / Spinoza in Nordic Countries [Philosophical Studies from the University of Helsinki]. (Helsinki: University of Helsinki, 2004)
  • Olivetti, Marco M.: Lo spinozismo ieri e oggi [Archivio di filosofia]. (Padova: CEDAM, 1978) [in Italian]
  • Pereboom, Derk (ed.): The Rationalists: Critical Essays on Descartes, Spinoza, and Leibniz. (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 1999)
  • Pozzi, Patrizia: Spinoza, l'eresia della pace: Spinoza e Celan: Lingua, memoria, identità. (Milan: Ghibli, 2005) [in Italian]
  • Pozzi, Patrizia (ed.): Spinoza: Amore, cosmopolitismo e tolleranza. (Milan: Mimesis, 2007) [in Italian]
  • Ravven, Heidi M.; Goodman, Lenn E. (eds.): Jewish Themes in Spinoza's Philosophy. (Albany, NY: The State University of New York Press, 2002)
  • Reuter, Martina; Svensson, Frans (eds.): Mind, Body, and Morality: New Perspectives on Descartes and Spinoza. (London: Routledge, 2019)
  • Röhr, Werner (ed.): Spinoza im Osten. Systematische und rezeptionsgeschichtliche Studien. (Berlin: Edition Organon, 2005) [in German]
  • Sangiacomo, Andrea; Camera, Francesco (eds.): La ragione della parola. Religione, ermeneutica e linguaggio in Baruch Spinoza. (Padova: Il Prato, 2013) [in Italian]
  • Sangiacomo, Andrea; Toto, Francesco (eds.): Essentia actuosa. Riletture dell'etica di Spinoza. (Milan: Mimesis, 2016) [in Italian]
  • Sangiacomo, Andrea; Armstrong, Aurelia; Green, Keith (eds.): Spinoza and Relational Autonomy: Being With Others. (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2019)
  • Schewe, Martin; Engstler, Achim (eds.): Spinoza. (Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 1990) [in German]
  • Schnepf, Robert (ed.): Metaphysik im ersten Teil der "Ethik" Spinozas [Schriftenreihe der Spinoza-Gesellschaft; Band 4]. (Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 1996) [in German]
  • Schnepf, Robert; Renz, Ursula (eds.): Studia Spinozana, Vol. 16: Spinoza and Late Scholasticism. (Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2008)
  • Schürmann; E.; Waszek, N.; Weinreich, F. (eds.): Spinoza im Deutschland des achtzehnten Jahrhunderts. (Stuttgart: Fromann‐Holzboog, 2002) [in German]
  • Schwartz, Daniel B. (ed.): Spinoza's Challenge to Jewish Thought: Writings on His Life, Philosophy, and Legacy. (Waltham, MA: Brandeis University Press, 2019)
  • Secrétan, Catherine; Dagron, Tristan; Bove, Laurent (eds.): Qu'est-ce que les Lumières 'radicales'? Libertinage, athéisme et spinozisme dans le tournant de l'âge classique. (Paris: Éditions Amsterdam, 2007) [in French]
  • Segura Naya, Armando (ed.): Ser y poder: Spinoza y los fundamentos del laicismo moderno. (Granada: Universidad de Granada, 2010) [in Spanish]
  • Senn, Marcel; Walther, Manfred (eds.): Ethik, Recht und Politik bei Spinoza. (Zürich: Schulthess Verlag, 2001) [in German]
  • Sévérac, Pascal; Martins, André (eds.): Spinoza et la psychanalyse. Préface de Pierre-François Moreau. (Paris: Hermann Editeurs, 2012) [in French]
  • Sévérac, Pascal; Sauvagnargues, Anne (eds.): Spinoza–Deleuze: lectures croisées [La croisée des chemins]. (Lyon: ENS Éditions, 2016) [in French]
  • Shanan, Robert; Biro, J.I. (eds.): Spinoza: New Perspectives. (Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1978)
  • Sharp, Hasana; Smith, Jason E. (eds.): Between Hegel and Spinoza: A Volume of Critical Essays. (New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2012)
  • Solé, María Jimena (ed.): Spinoza en debate. (Buenos Aires: Miño y Dávila, 2015) ISBN 978-84-15295-84-6 [in Spanish]
  • Solé, María Jimena; Gaudio, Mariano Lucas; Ferreyra, Diego Julián; et al. (eds.): Los caminos cruzados de Spinoza, Fichte y Deleuze. (Buenos Aires: RAGIF Ediciones, 2018) [in Spanish]
  • Sonntag, Leo; Stolte, Heinz (eds.): Spinoza in neuer Sicht. (Meisenheim/Glan: Anton Hain, 1977) [in German]
  • Tatián, Diego (ed.): Las aventuras de la inmanencia. Ensayos sobre Spinoza. (Córdoba, Argentina: Cuadernos de Nombres, 2002) [in Spanish]
  • Tatián, Diego (ed.): Spinoza: Primer Coloquio [Círculo Spinoziano de la Argentina]. (Buenos Aires: Altamira, 2005) [in Spanish]
  • Tatián, Diego (ed.): Spinoza: Segundo Coloquio [Círculo Spinoziano de la Argentina]. (Buenos Aires: Altamira, 2005) [in Spanish]
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  • Van Bunge, Wiep; Klever, Wim (eds.): Disguised and Overt Spinozism around 1700. Papers Presented at the International Colloquium, held at Rotterdam, 5–8 October 1994. (Leiden: Brill, 1995)
  • Van Bunge, Wiep (ed.): Studia Spinozana, Vol. 15: Spinoza and Dutch Cartesianism. (Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2006)
  • Van Bunge, Wiep (ed.): Spinoza Past and Present: Essays on Spinoza, Spinozism, and Spinoza Scholarship. (Leiden: Brill, 2012) ISBN 9789004231375
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  • Van Heertum, Cis (ed.): Libertas philosophandi: Spinoza als gids voor een vrije wereld. (Amsterdam: In de Pelikaan, 2008) [in Dutch]
  • Vardoulakis, Dimitris (ed.): Spinoza Now. (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2011)
  • Vinciguerra, Lorenzo (ed.): Quel avenir pour Spinoza? Enquête sur les spinozismes à venir. (Paris: Kimé, 2001) [in French]
  • Waibel, Violetta L. (ed.): Affektenlehre und amor Dei intellectualis. Die Rezeption Spinozas im Deutschen Idealismus, in der Frühromantik und in der Gegenwart. (Hamburg: Meiner Verlag, 2012) [in German]
  • Walther, Manfred; Matheron, Alexandre; Giancotti, Emilia (eds.): Studia Spinozana, Vol. 1: Spinoza's Philosophy of Society. (Alling, Germany: Walther & Walther, 1985)
  • Walther, Manfred; Bertman, M.; De Dijn, Herman (eds.): Studia Spinozana, Vol. 3: Spinoza and Hobbes. (Alling, Germany: Walther & Walther, 1987)
  • Walther, Manfred; Curley, Edwin; Heinekamp, A. (eds.): Studia Spinozana, Vol. 6: Spinoza and Leibniz. (Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 1990)
  • Walther, Manfred; Klever, Wim; Moreau, Pierre-François (eds.): Studia Spinozana, Vol. 7: Ethics in the "Ethics". (Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 1991)
  • Walther, Manfred; Balibar, Étienne; Seidel, Helmut (eds.): Studia Spinozana, Vol. 8: Spinoza's Psychology and Social Psychology. (Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 1992)
  • Walther, Manfred (ed.): Spinoza und der deutsche Idealismus [Schriftenreihe der Spinoza-Gesellschaft; Band 1]. (Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 1992) [in German]
  • Walther, Manfred; Balibar, Étienne; Seidel, Helmut (eds.): Studia Spinozana, Vol. 9: Spinoza and Modernity: Ethics and Politics. (Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 1993)
  • Walther, Manfred; Nadler, Steven; Yakira, Elhanan (eds.): Studia Spinozana, Vol. 13: Spinoza and Jewish Identity. (Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2003)
  • Walther, Manfred; Englisch, Felicitas; Lauermann, Manfred; Schröder, Maria-Brigitta (eds.): Randfiguren: Spinoza-Inspirationen. Festgabe für Manfred Walther. (Hannover-Laatzen: Wehrhahn, 2005) [in German]
  • Wetlesen, Jon (ed.): Spinoza Bibliography: Particularly on the Period 1940–1967. (Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, 1968)
  • Wetlesen, Jon (ed.): Spinoza's Philosophy of Man: Proceedings of the Scandinavian Spinoza Symposium 1977. (Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, 1978)
  • Wilbur, James B. (ed.): Spinoza's Metaphysics: Essays in Critical Appreciation. (Assen, The Netherlands: Van Gorcum, 1976)
  • Yovel, Yirmiyahu (ed.): God and Nature: Spinoza's Metaphysics: Papers Presented at the First Jerusalem Conference (Ethica I). (Leiden: Brill, 1991)
  • Yovel, Yirmiyahu; Segal, Gideon (eds.): Spinoza on Knowledge and the Human Mind: Papers Presented at the Second Jerusalem Conference (Ethica II). (Leiden: Brill, 1994)
  • Yovel, Yirmiyahu (ed.): Desire and Affect: Spinoza as Psychologist: Papers Presented at the Third Jerusalem Conference (Ethica III). (New York: Little Room Press, 1999)
  • Yovel, Yirmiyahu; Segal, Gideon (eds.): Spinoza on Reason and the "Free Man": Papers Presented at the Fourth Jerusalem Conference (Ethica IV). (New York: Little Room Press, 2004)

Journals of Spinoza studies

  • Chronicon Spinozanum (journal)
  • Bulletin de bibliographie spinoziste [in French]
  • Bulletin de l'Association des Amis de Spinoza [in French]
  • Cahiers Spinoza [in French]
  • Bollettino dell'Associazione italiana degli Amici di Spinoza [in Italian]
  • Boletín de bibliografía spinozista [in Spanish]
  • Círculo Spinoziano: Revista de Filosofía [in Spanish]
  • Cuadernos del Seminario Spinoza [in Spanish]
  • Cadernos Espinosanos: Estudos sobre o século XVII [in Portuguese]
  • Revista Conatus: Filosofia de Spinoza
  • North American Spinoza Society Newsletter
  • Travaux et documents du Groupe de Recherches Spinozistes [in French]

Journal articles, scholarly papers

Spinoza's influence upon the literary world

Beyond philosophy, Spinoza was one of few pure philosophers who exerts a profound influence on many notable literary writers (i.e. poets and fiction authors) in history, including Matthew Arnold, Machado de Assis, Berthold Auerbach, John Berger, Harold Bloom, Jorge Luis Borges, Paul Celan, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, George Eliot, T. S. Eliot, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Gustave Flaubert, Jostein Gaarder, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Rebecca Goldstein, Guo Moruo, Heinrich Heine, Zbigniew Herbert, Friedrich Hölderlin, Aldous Huxley, Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, Bernard Malamud, Herman Melville, Elsa Morante, Novalis, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Sully Prudhomme, Romain Rolland, Solomon Rubin, Friedrich Schlegel, Percy Bysshe Shelley, Isaac Bashevis Singer, Goce Smilevski, Hippolyte Taine, Miguel de Unamuno, P. G. Wodehouse, William Wordsworth, Irvin D. Yalom, and Louis Zukofsky.

  • Abadi, Marcelo (1989), 'Spinoza in Borges' looking-glass,'. Studia Spinozana: An International and Interdisciplinary Series 5: 29–42
  • Armstrong, Isobel (2013), 'George Eliot, Spinoza, and the Emotions,'. in: A Companion to George Eliot, edited by Amanda Anderson and Harry E. Shaw. (New York: Wiley-Blackwell, 2013), pp. 294–308
  • Azoulai, Juliette (2019), 'Flaubert, sur les ailes de Spinoza,'. Bulletin de la section française de la Faculté des Lettres, Université Rikkyo, Tokyo, Japon, 2019, Flaubert et Lamartine : archéologie de la modernité littéraire, Norioki Sugaya (dir.), pp. 9–28 [in French]
  • Berkeley, Richard (2006), 'The Providential Wreck: Coleridge and Spinoza's Metaphysics,'. European Romantic Review 17(4): 457–475. doi:10.1080/10509580600968024
  • Botting, Eileen Hunt (2019), 'Mary Shelley's ‘Romantic Spinozism’,'. History of European Ideas 45(8):1125–1142. doi:10.1080/01916599.2019.1664802
  • Brown, Andrew (1996), '"Un Assez Vague Spinozisme": Flaubert and Spinoza,'. The Modern Language Review 91(4): 848–865
  • Crowther, Louise (2009), 'Freedom and Necessity: Spinoza's Impact on Lessing,'. German Life and Letters 62(4): 359–377. doi:10.1111/j.1468-0483.2009.01469.x
  • Gatens, Moira (2012), 'Compelling Fictions: Spinoza and George Eliot on Imagination and Belief,'. European Journal of Philosophy 20(1): 74–90. doi:10.1111/j.1468-0378.2012.00513.x
  • Gatens, Moira (2019), 'Frankenstein, Spinoza, and exemplarity,'. Textual Practice 33(5): 739–752. doi:10.1080/0950236X.2019.1581681
  • Goetschel, Willi (2003), 'Heine's Spinoza,'. Idealistic Studies 33(2/3): 203–217
  • Goldstein, Rebecca (2017), 'Literary Spinoza,'. In: The Oxford Handbook of Spinoza, edited by Michael Della Rocca. (Oxford University Press, 2017), pp. 627–667
  • Gyergai, Albert (1971), 'Flaubert et Spinoza,'. Les Amis de Flaubert 39: 11–22. [in French]
  • Halmi, Nicholas (2012), 'Coleridge's Ecumenical Spinoza,'. In: Spinoza beyond Philosophy, edited by Beth Lord. (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2012), pp. 187–207
  • Heydt-Stevenson, Jillian; Hessel, Kurtis (2016), 'Queen Mab, Wollstonecraft, and Spinoza Teaching "Nature's Primal Modesty",'. European Romantic Review 27(3): 351–363. doi:10.1080/10509585.2016.1163786
  • Kristal, Efraín (2007), 'Unrequited Sublimations: Borges Reads Spinoza,'. Romanic Review 98: 225–236
  • Levinson, Marjorie (2007), 'A Motion and a Spirit: Romancing Spinoza,'. Studies in Romanticism 46(4): 367–408. JSTOR 25602113
  • Metzger, Lore (1960), 'Coleridge's Vindication of Spinoza: An Unpublished Note,'. Journal of the History of Ideas 21(2): 279–293. doi:10.2307/2708201
  • Ogden, Mark R. (1989), 'Amor dei intellectualis: Hölderlin, Spinoza and St. John,'. Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 63(3): 420–60. doi:10.1007/BF03396344
  • Santinelli, Cristina (2013), '"La fête du trésor caché": Spinoza dans la poétique d'Elsa Morante,'. Philonsorbonne 7: 147–167. [in French]
  • Schings, Hans-Jürgen (1986), 'Goethe's ‘Wilhelm Meister’ and Spinoza,'. Interdisciplinary Science Reviews 11(2): 118–121. doi:10.1179/isr.1986.11.2.118
  • Smith, Steven B. (2002), 'A Fool for Love: Thoughts on I. B. Singer's Spinoza,'. Iyyun: The Jerusalem Philosophical Quarterly 51: 41–50. JSTOR 23352868
  • Spector, Stanley J. (2005), 'Coleridge's Misreading of Spinoza,'. In: The Jews and British Romanticism: Politics, Religion, Culture, edited by Sheila A. Spector. (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005), pp 233–244
  • Strawser, Michael (2019), 'The true Spinoza of Market Street,'. Textual Practice 33(5): 753–770. doi:10.1080/0950236X.2019.1581682
  • Uhlmann, Anthony (2019), 'Spinoza, aesthetics, and Percy Shelley's ‘A Defence of Poetry’,'. Textual Practice 33(5): 721–738 doi:10.1080/0950236X.2019.1581680
  • Vermorel, Henri (2007), 'Présence de Spinoza dans les échanges entre Romain Rolland et Sigmund Freud'. (Conférence prononcée à Paris en Sorbonne salle Louis Liard, le 31 mai 2007) [in French]
  • Winkler, Sean (2013), 'The Novel of Spinozism: An Introduction,'. Acta Universitatis Carolinae Interpretationes: Studia Philosophica Europeanea 3(2): 129–142

Spinoza and Spinozism in history

  • Beiser, Frederick C. (1987), 'Rise of Spinozism in Germany, 1680–1786,'. In: Frederick C. Beiser, The Fate of Reason: German Philosophy from Kant to Fichte. (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1987), pp. 48–
  • Beiser, Frederick C. (1987), 'The Dispute over Lessing's Spinozism,'. In: Frederick C. Beiser, The Fate of Reason: German Philosophy from Kant to Fichte. (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1987), pp. 61–
  • Beiser, Frederick C. (1987), 'The Critique of Spinozism and Purified Pantheism,'. In: Frederick C. Beiser, The Fate of Reason: German Philosophy from Kant to Fichte. (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1987), pp. 102–
  • Beistegui, Miguel de (2005), 'The Vertigo of Immanence: Deleuze's Spinozism,'. Research in Phenomenology 35(1): 77–100
  • Bell, Jeffrey (2011), 'Between Realism and Anti-Realism: Deleuze and the Spinozist Tradition in Philosophy,'. Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 5(1): 1–17
  • Bowman, Brady (2018), 'Autonomy, Negativity, and the Challenge of Spinozism in Hegel's Science of Logic,'. Journal of the History of Philosophy 56 (1): 101–126
  • Cerrato, Francesco (2008), 'Espressione, univocità e nozioni comuni. Lo spinozismo novecentesco di Deleuze,'. In: Canone Deleuze. La storia della filosofia come divenire del pensiero. (Bologna: Clinamen, 2008), pp. 81–95 [in Italian]
  • Citton, Yves (2007), 'ConcateNations: Globalization in a Spinozist Context,'. In: Diane Morgan, Gary Bantham (eds.), Cosmopolitics and the Emergence of a Future. (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007), pp. 91–117
  • De Dijn, Herman (1987), 'Negri's Spinozism: a new philosophy of liberation?,'. Bijdragen: International Journal for Philosophy and Theology 48(1): 41–51. doi:10.2143/BIJ.48.1.2016204
  • Diefenbach, Katja (2016), 'Is it simple to be a Spinozist in philosophy? Althusser and Deleuze,'. Radical Philosophy 199 (Sept/Oct 2016)
  • Duffy, Simon B. (2009), 'Spinoza Today: The Current State of Spinoza Scholarship,'. Intellectual History Review 19(1): 111–132. doi:10.1080/17496970902722973
  • Duffy, Simon B. (2014), 'French and Italian Spinozism,'. In: Rosi Braidotti (ed.), After Poststructuralism: Transitions and Transformations. (London: Routledge, 2014), p. 148–168
  • Freudenthal, Jacob (1895), 'On the History of Spinozism,'. The Jewish Quarterly Review VIII: 44–46
  • Giovanni, George di (2005), 'Hegel's Anti-Spinozism : The Transition to Subjective Logic and the End of Classical Metaphysics,'. In: David Carlson (ed.), Hegel's Theory of the Subject. (Palgrave-Macmillan, 2005)
  • Israel, Jonathan I. (2018), 'Spinoza and Spinozism in the Western Enlightenment: the Latest Turns in the Controversy,'. Araucaria. Revista Iberoamericana de Filosofía, Política, Humanidades y Relaciones Internacionales, nº 40: 41–57. doi:10.12795/araucaria.2018.i40.02
  • Jakuszko, Honorata (2009), 'The Spinoza Inspiration in the Late German Enlightenment (Spätaufklärung),'. Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 15(29): 173–189
  • Kelly, Michael R. (2014), 'The Uses and Abuses of Husserl's Doctrine of Immanence: The Specter of Spinozism in Phenomenology's Theological Turn,'. Heythrop Journal 55(4): 553–564
  • Knappik, Franz (2015), 'Hegel's modal argument against Spinozism. An interpretation of the chapter ‘Actuality’ in the Science of Logic,'. Hegel Bulletin 36(1): 53–79
  • Lamm, Julia A. (1994), 'Schleiermacher's Post-Kantian Spinozism: The Early Essays on Spinoza, 1793–94,'. The Journal of Religion 74(4): 476–505
  • Lilti, Antoine (2009), 'Comment écrit-on l'histoire intellectuelle des Lumières? Spinozisme, radicalisme et philosophie,'. Annales: Histoire, Sciences Sociales 64(1): 171–206 [in French]
  • Lord, Beth (2009), 'Against the Fanaticism of Forces: Kant's Critique of Herder's Spinozism,'. Parallax 15(2): 53–68
  • Maidansky, Andrey (2003), 'The Russian Spinozists,'. Studies in East European Thought 5(3): 199–216
  • Marshall, Colin (2012), 'Spinoza on Destroying Passions with Reason,'. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 85(1): 139–160
  • Matysik, Tracie (2016), 'Writing the History of Spinozism,'. History and Theory 55(3): 401–417 (2016)
  • Melamed, Yitzhak Y. (2004), 'Salomon Maimon and the Rise of Spinozism in German Idealism,'. Journal of the History of Philosophy 42(1): 67–96
  • Melamed, Yitzhak Y. (2011), 'Spinoza's Anti-humanism: An Outline,'. In: The Rationalists: Between Tradition and Innovation, edited by Carlos Fraenkel, Dario Perinetti, and Justin E. H. Smith. (New York: Springer, 2011), pp. 147–166
  • Newlands, Samuel (2016), 'Backing into Spinozism,'. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 93(3): 511–537
  • Parkinson, G. H. R. (1993), 'Spinoza and British Idealism: The Case of H. H. Joachim,'. British Journal for the History of Philosophy 1(2): 109–123
  • Preposiet, J. (1977), 'Remarks on the Doctrine of Double Necessity in Spinozism,'. Revue Internationale de Philosophie 31 (119): 135–144
  • Ravven, Heidi M. (2003), 'Spinoza's Anticipation of Contemporary Affective Neuroscience,'. Consciousness & Emotion 4(2): 257–290
  • Sprigge, T.L.S. (1995), 'Is Spinozism a Religion?,'. Studia Spinozana: An International and Interdisciplinary Series 11: 137–164
  • Stern, Robert (2015), 'Hegelianism vs. Spinozism? A. W. Moore on Hegel,'. Philosophical Topics 43(1–2): 97–112
  • Toassa, Gisele; Oliveira, Fernando Bonadia de (2018), 'Vygotsky's Anomalous Spinozism,'. Mind, Culture, and Activity 25(4): 378–390. doi:10.1080/10749039.2018.1533980
  • Toscano, Alberto (2005), 'The Politics of Spinozism: Composition and Communication'. Paper presented at the Cultural Research Bureau of Iran, Tehran, 4 January 2005
  • Van Bunge, Wiep (2009), 'Scholarly Spinozism in the Netherlands and Flanders,'. Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 71(1): 11–36
  • Vinciguerra, Lorenzo (2009), 'Spinoza in French Philosophy Today,'. Philosophy Today 53(4): 422–437. doi:10.5840/philtoday200953410
  • Ward, Christopher (2002), 'Spinozism and Kant's Transcendental Ideal,'. Idealistic Studies 32(3): 221–236
  • Wasser, Audrey (2012), 'A Relentless Spinozism: Deleuze's Encounter with Beckett,'. Substance 41(1): 124–136
  • Wertheim, David J. (2016), 'The Pantheismusstreit and the Spiritualization of Spinozism,'. Religion and Theology 23(1–2): 148–160

Literary works (e.g. poetry and fiction)

  • Aillaud, Gilles: Vermeer et Spinoza. (Paris: Christian Bourgois Éditeur, 1987) [in French]
  • Ali, Tariq: The Trials of Spinoza. (London: Seagull Books, 2011)
  • Amador, Philippe: Spinoza à la recherche de la vérité et du bonheur. Le Traité de la réforme de l'entendement. (Paris: Dunod, 2019) [in French]
  • Angelillo, Giuseppe D'Ambrosio: Spinoza se ne va in Terra Santa. (Milan: Acquaviva, 2009) [in Italian]
  • Ánjel Rendo, José Guillermo: Entendimiento, la novela de Spinoza. (Medellín: Editorial Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, 2008) [in Spanish]
  • Auerbach, Berthold: Spinoza: Ein historischer Roman. (Stuttgart: J. Scheible's Buchhandlung, 1837) [in German]
  • Auerbach, Berthold: Spinoza: Ein Denkerleben. (Mannheim: Wassermann & Mathy, 1854; Altenmünster: Jazzybee Verlag Jürgen Beck, 2012) [in German]
  • Beekes, Jaron: De lens van Spinoza. (Amsterdam: Oog & Blik, 2011) [in Dutch]
  • Berger, John: Bento's Sketchbook. (New York: Pantheon Books, 2011)
  • Block, Lawrence: The Burglar Who Studied Spinoza. (Harpenden, Herts: No Exit Press, 1993)
  • Block, Lawrence: La Spinoza connection. Traduit de l'américain par Robert Pépin. (Paris: Seuil, 1998) [in French]
  • Borges, Jorge Luis: Baruch Spinoza and Spinoza (2 poems) [in Spanish]
  • Bukharin, Nikolai: Amor Dei Intellectualis (1937 poem) [in Russian]
  • Cappagli, Alice: Niente caffè per Spinoza. (Turin: Giulio Einaudi Editore, 2019) [in Italian]
  • Commère, Pascal: Les larmes de Spinoza. (Paris: Le Temps qu'il fait, 2009) [in French]
  • Einstein, Albert: Zu Spinozas Ethik (1920 poem) [in German]
  • Gaarder, Jostein: Sofies verden: Roman om filosofiens historie. (Oslo: H. Aschehoug & Co., 1991) [in Norwegian]
  • Gaarder, Jostein: Sophie's World: A Novel About the History of Philosophy. Translated from the Norwegian by Paulette Møller. (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1994)
  • Guo, Moruo: San ge Fanshenlun Zhe [Three Pantheists] (1919 poem) [in Chinese]
  • Herbert, Zbigniew: Pan Cogito opowiada o kuszeniu Spinozy [Mr. Cogito Tells about the Temptation of Spinoza] (poem) [in Polish]
  • Herbert, Zbigniew: Łóżko Spinozy [Spinoza's Bed] (short story) [in Polish]
  • Huxley, Aldous: Spinoza's Worm
  • Ives, David: New Jerusalem: The interrogation of Baruch de Spinoza at Talmud Torah Congregation: Amsterdam, 27 July 1656. (New York City: Dramatists Play Service, Inc., 2009)
  • Klein, A.M.: Out of the Pulver and the Polished Lens (1931 poem)
  • Kolbenheyer, Erwin Guido: Amor Dei: Ein Spinoza-Roman. (München: G. Müller, 1908) [in German]
  • Kolbenheyer, Erwin Guido: God-Intoxicated Man. Translated from the German by John Linton. (London: Ivor Nicholson & Watson, 1933)
  • Mudd, Harvey: Spinoza's Dog: New and Selected Poems. (The Porcupine Press, 2017)
  • Pavone, Gianfranco: Le lacrime di Spinoza. (Messina: Di Nicolò Edizioni, 2015) [in Italian]
  • Rolland, Romain: L'éclair de Spinoza. (Paris: Le Sablier, 1931) [in French]
  • Rovère, Maxime: Le Clan Spinoza. Amsterdam, 1677. L'invention de la liberté. (Paris: Édition Flammarion, 2017) [in French]
  • Rovère, Maxime: Spinozaland: De ontdekking van de vrijheid – Amsterdam, 1677. Vertaald uit het Frans door Hendrickje Spoor. (Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Balans, 2019) [in Dutch]
  • Rovère, Maxime: Tutte le vite di Spinoza. Amsterdam 1677: l'invenzione della libertà. Traduzione di Alessandro Ciappa. (Milan: Feltrinelli, 2020) [in Italian]
  • Schecroun, Jacques: Le Procès de Spinoza. (Paris: Albin Michel, 2021) [in French]
  • Singer, Isaac Bashevis: Der Spinozist: Dertseylung [The Spinoza of Market Street] (1944 fiction) [in German]
  • Smilevski, Goce: Разговор со Спиноза [Razgovor so Spinoza]. (Skopje: Kultura, 2003) [in Macedonian]
  • Smilevski, Goce: Conversation with Spinoza: A Cobweb Novel. Translated from the Macedonian by Filip Korszenski. (Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, 2006) ISBN 9780810123762
  • Smilevski, Goce: Il sogno di Spinoza. Traduzione di Davide Fanciullo. (Parma: Guanda, 2014) [in Italian]
  • Smilevski, Goce: Gespräch mit Spinoza. Aus dem Mazedonischen von Benjamin Langer. (Berlin: Matthes & Seitz, 2016) [in German]
  • Smilevski, Goce: Dünyanın Başladığı Pencere: Spinoza'nın Bilinmeyen Öyküsü, çev. Ayşe Beyza Artukarslan. (Istanbul: Nora Kitap, 2019) [in Turkish]
  • Susser, Bernard: The Spinoza Quartet (2013 novel)
  • Teissier, Jacques: Le cauchemar de Spinoza. (Paris: Le Manuscrit, 2010) [in French]
  • Yalom, Irvin D.: The Spinoza Problem: A Novel. (New York: Basic Books, 2012)
  • Yalom, Irvin D.: Het raadsel Spinoza. (Amsterdam: Balans, 2012) [in Dutch]
  • Yalom, Irvin D.: Le Problème Spinoza. Traduit de l'anglais (États-Unis) par Sylvette Gleize. (Paris: Édition Galaade, 2012) [in French]
  • Yalom, Irvin D.: Das Spinoza-Problem: Roman. (München: Random House GmbH, 2012) [in German]
  • Yalom, Irvin D.: Il problema Spinoza. (Vicenza: Neri Pozza Editore, 2012) [in Italian]
  • Yalom, Irvin D.: Spinoza Problemi: Bir Nazi Subayının Paradoksu, çev. Ahmet Ergenç. (Istanbul: Kabalcı Yayınevi, 2012) [in Turkish]
  • Yalom, Irvin D.: El problema de Spinoza. Traducción de José Manuel Álvarez-Flórez. (Barcelona: Ediciones Destino, 2013) [in Spanish]
  • Yalom, Irvin D.: O Problema Espinosa. [Trad. João Henrique Pinto]. (S. Pedro do Estoril: Saída de Emergência, 2013) [in Portuguese]
  • Zangwill, Israel: The Lens Grinder (play)

Films and stage plays

Audio (e.g. lectures)

  • Bragg, Melvyn: In Our Time: Spinoza (BBC Radio 4, 2007)
  • Deleuze, Gilles: Spinoza: Immortalité et éternité [2 CD; coll. «À voix haute»]. (Paris: Éditions Gallimard, 2001) [in French]
  • Deleuze, Gilles: Spinoza: The Velocities of Thought: Lecture 1, 2 December 1980. (Purdue University Research Repository, 2017) doi:10.4231/R7DF6PDS
  • Deleuze, Gilles: Spinoza: The Velocities of Thought: Lecture 2, 9 December 1980. (Purdue University Research Repository, 2017) doi:10.4231/R78P5XP2
  • Deleuze, Gilles: Spinoza: The Velocities of Thought: Lecture 3, 16 December 1980. (Purdue University Research Repository, 2017) doi:10.4231/R74X560K
  • Deleuze, Gilles: Spinoza: The Velocities of Thought: Lecture 4, 6 January 1981. (Purdue University Research Repository, 2017) doi:10.4231/R71834PG
  • Deleuze, Gilles: Spinoza: The Velocities of Thought: Lecture 5, 13 January 1981. (Purdue University Research Repository, 2017) doi:10.4231/R7WH2N66
  • Deleuze, Gilles: Spinoza: The Velocities of Thought: Lecture 6, 20 January 1981. (Purdue University Research Repository, 2017) doi:10.4231/R7RR1WF1
  • Deleuze, Gilles: Spinoza: The Velocities of Thought: Lecture 7, 27 January 1981. (Purdue University Research Repository, 2017) doi:10.4231/R7N014Q0
  • Deleuze, Gilles: Spinoza: The Velocities of Thought: Lecture 8, 3 February 1981. (Purdue University Research Repository, 2017) doi:10.4231/R7H70D0P
  • Deleuze, Gilles: Spinoza: The Velocities of Thought: Lecture 9, 10 February 1981. (Purdue University Research Repository, 2017) doi:10.4231/R7CF9N8D
  • Deleuze, Gilles: Spinoza: The Velocities of Thought: Lecture 10, 17 February 1981. (Purdue University Research Repository, 2017) doi:10.4231/R77P8WK4
  • Deleuze, Gilles: Spinoza: The Velocities of Thought: Lecture 11, 10 March 1981. (Purdue University Research Repository, 2017) doi:10.4231/R7416V70
  • Deleuze, Gilles: Spinoza: The Velocities of Thought: Lecture 12, 17 March 1981. (Purdue University Research Repository, 2017) doi:10.4231/R7VH5M1C
  • Deleuze, Gilles: Spinoza: The Velocities of Thought: Lecture 13, 24 March 1981. (Purdue University Research Repository, 2017) doi:10.4231/R7QR4V9N
  • Deleuze, Gilles: Spinoza: The Velocities of Thought: Lecture 14, 31 March 1981. (Purdue University Research Repository, 2017) doi:10.4231/R70863HN. «Spinoza: The Velocities of Thought» («Spinoza: Des vitesses de la pensée») was a 14-lecture seminar given by Deleuze at the University of Paris 8 from December 1980 to March 1981. In this seminar, Deleuze revisits his examination of Spinoza's philosophy. Deleuze had previously published two books on Spinoza, Expressionism in Philosophy: Spinoza (Spinoza et le problème de l'expression, 1968), and Spinoza: Practical Philosophy (Spinoza: Philosophie pratique, 1970, 2nd ed. 1981). The majority of these lectures were given the same year as the publication of the second edition of the latter title.

See also

  • Cultural depictions of Baruch Spinoza


  1. Also known as Baruch de Spinoza; Bento de Espinosa, Bento d'Espinosa, Bento d'Espiñoza (original Portuguese names)
  2. Damásio, António: Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Feeling Brain. (Orlando, FL: Harcourt, 2003). Antonio Damasio: "...[H]e never became a proper Christian, Protestant or Catholic, and in the eyes of many he was an atheist. And how fitting it all is. Spinoza's God was neither Jewish nor Christian. Spinoza's God was everywhere, could not be spoken to, did not respond if prayed to, was very much in every particle of the universe, without beginning and without end. Buried and unburied, Jewish and not. Portuguese but not really, Dutch but not quite, Spinoza belonged nowhere and everywhere."
  3. Barenboim, Daniel (December 2003). "The Purpose of The State is Freedom". DanielBarenboim.com. Retrieved 29 January 2019. In own words of Daniel Barenboim (a fervent Spinozist), "Hardly any other philosopher made so many enemies. He was labelled 'a troublemaking Jew', banned from the synagogue and from the academic establishment."
  4. 1 2 Carlisle, Clare (7 February 2011). "Spinoza, part 1: Philosophy as a way of life". TheGuardian.com. Retrieved 19 April 2019. Clare Carlisle (2011): "[H]e was not a professional scholar – he earned his modest living as a lens grinder. So, unlike many thinkers of his time, he was unconstrained by allegiance to a church, university or royal court. He was free to be faithful to the pursuit of truth. This gives his philosophy a remarkable originality and intellectual purity – and it also led to controversy and charges of heresy."
    • Moses Mendelssohn: "...Before the transition from the Cartesian to the Leibnizian philosophy could occur, it was necessary for someone to take the plunge into the monstrous abyss lying between them. This unhappy lot fell to Spinoza. How his fate is to be pitied! He was a sacrifice for the human intellect, but one that deserves to be decorated with flowers. Without him, philosophy would never have been able to extend its borders so far." (Philosophical Writings, 1755–77) [original in German]
    • Georg Friedrich Hegel: "...It is therefore worthy of note that thought must begin by placing itself at the standpoint of Spinozism; to be a follower of Spinoza is the essential commencement of all Philosophy." (Lectures on the History of Philosophy) [original in German]
    • Georg Friedrich Hegel: "...The fact is that Spinoza is made a testing-point in modern philosophy, so that it may really be said: You are either a Spinozist or not a philosopher at all." (Lectures on the History of Philosophy) [original in German]
    • Friedrich Wilhelm Schelling: "...It is unquestionably the peacefulness and calm of the Spinozist system which particularly produces the idea of its depth, and which, with hidden but irresistible charm, has attracted so many minds. The Spinozist system will also always remain in a certain sense a model. A system of freedom — but with just as great contours, with the same simplicity, as a perfect counter-image (Gegenbild) of the Spinozist system — this would really be the highest system. This is why Spinozism, despite the many attacks on it, and the many supposed refutations, has never really become something truly past, never been really overcome up to now, and no one can hope to progress to the true and the complete in philosophy who has not at least once in his life lost himself in the abyss of Spinozism. [...] Spinoza in particular belongs to the immortal authors. He is great because of the sublime simplicity of his thoughts and his way of writing, great because of his distance from all scholasticism, and, on the other hand, from all false embellishment or ostentation of language." (On the History of Modern Philosophy, 1833) [original in German]
    • Heinrich Heine: "...We must mention the providential man who, at the same time as Locke and Leibnitz, had educated himself in the school of Descartes, had for a long time been viewed only with scorn and hatred, and who nevertheless today is rising to exclusive supremacy in the world of intellect. I am speaking about Benedict Spinoza. One great genius shapes himself by means of another, less through assimilation than through friction." (On the History of Religion and Philosophy in Germany, 1833) [original in German]
    • Moses Hess: "...Kant is erroneously viewed as the founder of German philosophy, and an ingenious poet-philosopher, Heinrich Heine, has even drawn a parallel between the different phases of the French Revolution and those of German philosophy, putting next to each other as analogous phenomena Kant and Robespierre, Fichte and Napoleon, Schelling and the Restoration, Hegel and the July [1830] Revolution. But the true founder of German philosophy – if one wishes to name a personal representative for the spirit of the age [Zeitgeist] – is none other than [the thinker] whose world view lies equally at the foundation of French social philosophy – Spinoza; and as far as Heine's analogy goes, it is only Kant and Robespierre, i.e. the religious revolution, who are analogous phenomena." (The Holy History of Mankind, 1837) [original in German]
    • Ludwig Feuerbach: "Spinoza is the Moses of modern free-thinkers and materialists." (Principles of the Philosophy of the Future, 1843) [original in German]
    • George Henry Lewes: "...A brave and simple man, earnestly meditating on the deepest subjects that can occupy the human race, he produced a system which will ever remain as one of the most astounding efforts of abstract speculation — a system that has been decried, for nearly two centuries, as the most iniquitous and blasphemous of human invention; and which has now, within the last sixty years, become the acknowledged parent of a whole nation's philosophy, ranking among its admirers some of the most pious and illustrious intellects of the age." (A Biographical History of Philosophy [Vol. 3 & 4], 1846)
    • James Anthony Froude: "...We may deny his conclusions; we may consider his system of thought preposterous and even pernicious, but we cannot refuse him the respect which is the right of all sincere and honourable men. [...] Spinoza's influence over European thought is too great to be denied or set aside..." (1854)
    • Matthew Arnold: "...His short life—a life of unbroken diligence, kindliness, and purity—was passed in seclusion. But in spite of that seclusion, in spite of the shortness of his career, in spite of the hostility of the dispensers of renown in the 18th century,—of Voltaire's disparagement and Bayle's detraction,—in spite of the repellent form which he has given to his principal work, in spite of the exterior semblance of a rigid dogmatism alien to the most essential tendencies of modern philosophy, in spite, finally, of the immense weight of disfavour cast upon him by the long-repeated charge of atheism, Spinoza's name has silently risen in importance, the man and his work have attracted a steadily increasing notice, and bid fair to become soon what they deserve to become,—in the history of modern philosophy the central point of interest." (Spinoza and the Bible, 1863)
    • Ralph Waldo Emerson: "In my youth, Spinoza was a hobgoblin: now he is a saint." (1868)
    • Friedrich Nietzsche: "...They [the Jews] have had the most painful history of all peoples, not without the fault of all of us, and when one owes to them the noblest man (Christ), the purest sage (Spinoza), the most powerful book, and the most effective moral law in the world." (Human, All Too Human, 1878) [original in German]
    • Friedrich Engels: "...It is to the highest credit of the philosophy of the time that it did not let itself be led astray by the restricted state of contemporary natural knowledge, and that — from Spinoza down to the great French materialists — it insisted on explaining the world from the world itself and left the justification in detail to the natural science of the future." (Dialectics of Nature, 1883) [original in German]
    • Thomas Henry Huxley: "...Lately I have been re-reading Spinoza (much read and little understood in my youth). But that noblest of Jews must have planted no end of germs in my brains, for I see that what I have to say is in principle what he had to say, in modern language." (Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley, Macmillan & Co., 1913)
    • Henri Bergson: "Every philosopher has two philosophies: his own and Spinoza's." [original in French]
    • Martin Buber: "The greatest philosophical genius Judaism has given to the world, Spinoza, is the only one of the great philosophers for whom, in reality, God is the sole subject of thought;..." (Heruth: On Youth and Religion, 1919) [original in German]
    • Bertrand Russell: "Of all the great modern philosophers, Spinoza is probably the most interesting in relation to human life, and is certainly the most lovable and high-minded. [...] Spinoza's philosophy, however, whether we agree with it or not, remains one of the noblest monuments of human genius," (A review of Spinoza: A Handbook to the Ethics by James Allanson Picton [London: Archibald Constable, 1907])
    • Bertrand Russell: "Spinoza (1634–77) is the noblest and most lovable of the great philosophers." (A History of Western Philosophy, 1945)
    • Leo Strauss: "...Neutrality toward Spinoza set in once one was able to admit that the "modern worldview," whose victory was decisively aided by Spinoza's metaphysics, does not, or does not entirely, coincide with this metaphysics. But even at this stage it was still generally maintained, and even emphasized, that among the three great Western philosophers of the seventeenth century — Descartes, Hobbes, and Spinoza — Spinoza was the most important one because, he was the most progressive one. He alone had drawn certain consequences from the foundations of modern philosophy, which became fully clarified only in the nineteenth century and which henceforth determined the general consciousness." (Das Testament Spinozas, 1932) [original in German]
    • Leo Strauss: "...Modern Judaism is a synthesis between rabbinical Judaism and Spinoza." (Spinoza's Critique of Religion, 1930) [Translated from the German by Elsa M. Sinclair; New York: Schocken Books, 1965]
    • Louis Althusser: "...Spinoza's philosophy introduced an unprecedented theoretical revolution in the history of philosophy, probably the greatest philosophical revolution of all time, insofar as we can regard Spinoza as Marx's only direct ancestor, from the philosophical standpoint. However, this radical revolution was the object of a massive historical repression, and Spinozist philosophy suffered much the same fate as Marxist philosophy used to and still does suffer in some countries: it served as damning evidence for a charge of ‘atheism’." (Reading Capital, 1968) [original in French]
    • Gilles Deleuze: "...I consider myself a Spinozist, rather than a Leibnizian, although I owe a lot to Leibniz. In the book I'm writing at the moment, 'What is Philosophy?', I try to return to this problem of absolute immanence, and to say why Spinoza is for me the 'prince' of philosophers." (Spinoza: Expressionism in Philosophy, 1968) [Translated from the French by Martin Joughin; New York: Zone Books, 1992]
    • Deleuze: "Spinoza: the absolute philosopher, whose Ethics is the foremost book on concepts." (Negotiations) [original in French]
    • Deleuze & Félix Guattari: "Spinoza is the Christ of philosophers, and the greatest philosophers are hardly more than apostles who distance themselves from or draw near to this mystery." (What is Philosophy?, 1991) [original in French]
    • David Ben-Gurion: "[Spinoza]—the deepest, most original thinker to emerge [from our people] from the end of the Bible to the birth of Einstein. [...] He was in a certain sense the first Zionist of the last three hundred years, [...] Through keen insight into Jewish and world history he prophesied the rebirth of the State of Israel." (1953)
    • Rebecca Goldstein: "Can the seventeenth-century rationalist, who produced one of the most ambitious philosophical systems in the history of Western philosophy, be considered, by any stretch of interpretation, a Jewish thinker? Can he even be considered a Jew? Benedictus Spinoza is the greatest philosopher that the Jews ever produced, which adds a certain irony to his questionable Jewishness." (Betraying Spinoza: The Renegade Jew Who Gave Us Modernity, 2006)
    • Harold Bloom: "...After expending a recent month in constantly rereading Spinoza, I find myself ambivalent toward this grandest of Jewish secular philosophers. (Wittgenstein was uneasily aware of his Jewish lineage, and reticent about it.) [...] As a teacher of reality, he practiced his own wisdom, and was surely one of the most exemplary human beings ever to have lived. [...] He was greatly cold, and coldly great; personally admirable and one of philosophy's rare saints. Read his "Ethics": it will illuminate you, but through light without heat." (The Heretic Jew, Sunday Book Review, The New York Times, 18 June 2006)
    • Steven Nadler: "...What can be said is that Spinoza is, without question, one of history's most eloquent proponents of a secular, democratic society and the strongest advocate for freedom and toleration in the early modern period. [...] To the extent that we are committed to the ideal of a secular society free of ecclesiastic influence and governed by toleration, liberty, and a conception of civic virtue; and insofar as we think of true religious piety as consisting in treating other human beings with dignity and respect, and regard the Bible simply as a profound work of human literature with a universal moral message, we are the heirs of Spinoza's scandalous treatise." (A Book Forged in Hell: Spinoza's Scandalous Treatise and the Birth of the Secular Age, Princeton University Press, 2011)
    • Michael N. Forster: "Just as Herder's cosmopolitanism allowed him to become very sympathetic to Judaism as a religion and cultural tradition, so it also allowed him to become a great admirer of the most important Jewish philosopher of the modern period: Spinoza. As is well known, Herder's appropriation (and modification) of the metaphysical monism of Spinoza's Ethics in God: Some Conversations (1787) played a central role in generating the forms of neo-Spinozistic metaphysical monism that later dominated German Idealism and German Romanticism. [...] Spinoza's contribution to those movements was thus far greater than has usually been realized." (Johann Gottfried Herder: Reasoning Across Disciplines, Workshop 26–29 May 2010 in Oslo, Norway)
    • Marián Gálik: "The Festschrift [1932] dedicated to Spinoza may be said to be a praiseworthy international achievement. Its initiators were Germans and it appeared as a Sonderausgabe of a German newspaper. Spinoza had nothing in common with the German nation. The Germans, however, were the first to manifest serious interest in him. Their first great philosopher Leibniz went to seek his advice and his counsel; they were the only ones to invite him to lecture at their university. Even though Leibniz concealed him from the world, the Germans revealed him to the world. The generation of their greatest philosophers and poets from the second half of the 18th and the first half of the 19th centuries grew up under his influence. Goethe read him together with Charlotte von Stein, and even read him together with her in Latin. To Hegel, Spinoza was "der Mittelpunkt der modernen Philosophie"." (Two Modern Chinese Philosophers on Spinoza (Some Remarks on Sino-German Spinoza's "Festschrift)", Oriens Extremus 22[1], 1975)
    • Omri Boehm: "...[T]he once-accepted assumption that Spinoza was considered a "dead dog" in Kant's day [i.e. before the break of the Pantheismusstreit] is no longer tenable. [...] Suffice it here to recall the well-known fact that Spinoza is the subject of the single longest entry in Bayle's Dictionnaire (1702). It is true that Bayle attempts to refute Spinoza (though some have doubted the sincerity of his intentions) but unlikely that so much space would be dedicated to refuting a neglected philosopher—unlikely, indeed, that Spinoza's relevance would wane once this high-profile entry had been published about him. J. Zedler's Grosses Universal Lexikon (1731–54) gives a similar impression, devoting to Spinoza a five-page discussion. Descartes, by comparison, is discussed in one page. Hume, Locke, Hobbes, and Plato are equally dealt with in one page (or less) each. D. Diderot and J. d'Alembert's Encyclopédie (1751–72) similarly dedicates to Spinoza five times more space than to most relevant thinkers in the history of philosophy. While speaking of Spinoza's metaphysics in extremely hostile terms, the Encyclopédie gives a reliable account of the Ethics' definitions and axioms and discusses at length its most important demonstrations, especially E1p1–11. The Dictionnaire, the Lexikon, and the Encyclopédie were the main transmitters of Enlightenment thought. The attention they devoted to Spinoza ensured him a place at the heart of Enlightenment debate. It would be impossible for any educated reader to avoid contact with Spinoza's ideas. It would be easy for every metaphysician to get a grasp on the system of the Ethics. And it would be tempting, for every philosophically inclined thinker, to read Spinoza for themselves." (Kant and Spinoza Debating the Third Antinomy, in The Oxford Handbook of Spinoza, Oxford University Press, 2017)
    • S. M. Melamed: "...Spinoza's teachings were already known outside of Holland during the final years of his life [approximately in his late 30s to early 40s]. So fast did his fame spread that at a time when no Jew could occupy an academic position in Central and Western Europe he was invited to fill the chair of philosophy in the University of Heidelberg [1673], one of the most important seats of learning of the time in Germany." (Spinoza and Buddha: Visions of a Dead God, University of Chicago Press, 1933)
  5. Historical figures who read and/or were considerably influenced by Spinoza including: philosophers, theologians, and academics Samuel Alexander, Louis Althusser, Étienne Balibar, Pierre Bayle, Rosi Braidotti, Constantin Brunner, Abram Deborin, Victor Delbos, Gilles Deleuze, Denis Diderot, Friedrich Engels, Ludwig Feuerbach, Johann Gottlieb Fichte, Martial Gueroult, Stuart Hampshire, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Johann Gottfried von Herder, Moses Hess, Evald Ilyenkov, Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi, Hans Jonas, Leszek Kołakowski, Antonio Labriola, Gottfried Leibniz, Frédéric Lenoir, George Henry Lewes, John Locke, Pierre Macherey, Karl Marx, Moses Mendelssohn, Steven Nadler, Arne Næss, Antonio Negri, Friedrich Nietzsche, Charles Sanders Peirce, Frederick Pollock, Ernest Renan, Bertrand Russell, George Santayana, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling, Friedrich Schlegel, Friedrich Schleiermacher, Arthur Schopenhauer, Edith Stein, Leo Strauss, and John Toland; literary writers (like poets and fiction authors) Matthew Arnold, Berthold Auerbach, John Berger, Harold Bloom, Jorge Luis Borges, Paul Celan, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, George Eliot, T. S. Eliot, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Gustave Flaubert, Jostein Gaarder, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Rebecca Goldstein, Guo Moruo, Heinrich Heine, Zbigniew Herbert, Friedrich Hölderlin, Aldous Huxley, Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, Bernard Malamud, Herman Melville, Elsa Morante, Novalis, Romain Rolland, Solomon Rubin, Percy Bysshe Shelley, Isaac Bashevis Singer, Hippolyte Taine, Miguel de Unamuno, P. G. Wodehouse, William Wordsworth, Irvin D. Yalom, and Louis Zukofsky; (natural) scientists George Boole, Antonio Damasio, Albert Einstein, Ernst Haeckel, and Thomas Henry Huxley; psychologists Sigmund Freud, Lou Andreas-Salomé, Lev Vygotsky, and Wilhelm Wundt; historians Will Durant, Jonathan Israel, and Joseph Klausner; artist(s) Daniel Barenboim; politicians Thomas Jefferson, Otto von Bismarck, David Ben-Gurion, Jean-Claude Gaudin, Henry Kissinger, Georgi Plekhanov, and Sahra Wagenknecht.
  6. In own words of Ariel and Will Durant (The Story of Civilization: The Age of Reason Begins, 1961), the 17th-century Dutch Republic created "a Protestant culture that could nourish the greatest artist and the greatest philosopher of the age.". Note that in his book Story of Philosophy (1926), Will Durant called Spinoza "the greatest of modern philosophers,".
  7. Marshall, Richard (30 December 2017). "Spinoza's Metaphysics and His Relationship to Hegel and the German Idealists, an interview by Richard Marshall". 3:AM Magazine. Retrieved 11 January 2019. Yitzhak Y. Melamed: "Spinoza is a highly systematic thinker, but still I do not think I can offer a single key for all things Spinozistic. [...] Finally, the very attempt to do philosophy systematically (rather than rely on fragmented and disassociated intuitions) and transparently (laying bare the logical structure of his arguments) commands my respect, indeed admiration."
    • Jonathan Israel: "...[I]n fact, it is impossible to name another philosopher whose impact on the entire range of intellectual debates of the Enlightenment was deeper or more far-reaching than Spinoza's or whose Bible criticism and theory of religion was more widely or obsessively wrestled with, philosophically, throughout Europe during the century after his death. If the great Encyclopédie of Diderot and d'Alembert allocates twenty-two columns of text to Spinoza, the longest entry for any modern philosopher, in its entry about him, as against the remarkably low figure of only four to Locke and three to Malebranche, in their corresponding entries, this was assuredly not because the editors of the Encyclopédie were so utterly unaware of what was relevant to their Enlightenment that they got their editorial priorities stupendously wrong or owing to some wholly inexplicable aberration that historians can in no way account for. The simple fact is—however much this runs counter to certain commonplace notions—that Spinoza was deemed by them to be of greater relevance to the core issues of the Encyclopédie not just than Locke and Malebrance but also Hobbes or Leibniz." (The early Dutch and German reaction to the Tractatus Theologico-Politicus, in Spinoza's 'Theological-Political Treatise': A Critical Guide, Cambridge University Press, 2010)
    • Omri Boehm: "We know that Spinoza's metaphysics remained widely influential throughout the eighteenth century. A philosopher who received five times more attention than Descartes or Locke in Bayle's Dictionnaire, Diderot and J. d'Alembert's Encyclopédie, and Zedler's Grosses Universal Lexikon was certainly not ignored by the Enlightenment – indeed, could not be." (Kant's Idea of the Unconditioned and Spinoza's: the Fourth Antinomy and the Ideal of Pure Reason, in Spinoza and German Idealism, Cambridge University Press, 2012)
    • Susan Jacoby: "When he arrived in Amsterdam at age fifty-one [1683], Locke had published nothing. During what was clearly a transformational period, he used his time in Holland to talk with other independent thinkers who had been hounded into exile by the governments and churches of their own countries. Although Spinoza was dead, Locke certainly met many of the philosopher's admirers and enemies. He was well acquainted with nonconformist Protestant Collegiants, and his later writings would advocate complete toleration for all forms of Protestantism. At the time of Locke's death, his library contained all of Spinoza's published works as well as many political and religious disputations, in many languages, in which Spinoza's ideas were vigorously debated. Locke, like Hobbes, Adam Smith, and David Hume, is much more widely recognized than Spinoza in the United States as an influence upon the Enlightenment views of the American founders, but the more radical Spinoza's voice can be heard in both the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights. It is not surprising that Thomas Jefferson's library contained Spinoza's collected works, which were more readily available at the end of the eighteenth century than in Locke's time." (Strange Gods: A Secular History of Conversion; New York: Pantheon Books, 2016)
  8. Hampshire, Stuart: The Age of Reason: The 17th Century Philosophers. Selected, with Introduction and Commentary. (New York: Mentor Books [New American Library], 1956)
  9. 1 2 3 4 Gálik, Marián (1975), 'Two Modern Chinese Philosophers on Spinoza (Some Remarks on Sino-German Spinoza's "Festschrift"),'. Oriens Extremus 22(1): 29–43. As M. Gálik (1975) noted: "The Festschrift [1932] dedicated to Spinoza may be said to be a praiseworthy international achievement. Its initiators were Germans and it appeared as a Sonderausgabe of a German newspaper. Spinoza had nothing in common with the German nation. The Germans, however, were the first to manifest serious interest in him. Their first great philosopher Leibniz went to seek his advice and his counsel; they were the only ones to invite him to lecture at their university. Even though Leibniz concealed him from the world, the Germans revealed him to the world. The generation of their greatest philosophers and poets from the second half of the 18th and the first half of the 19th centuries grew up under his influence. Goethe read him together with Charlotte von Stein, and even read him together with her in Latin. To Hegel, Spinoza was "der Mittelpunkt der modernen Philosophie"."
  10. Stewart, Matthew: The Courtier and the Heretic: Leibniz, Spinoza, and the Fate of God in the Modern World. (New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2006). Matthew Stewart (2006): "[When Leibniz and Spinoza met in The Hague in 1676] The encounter between the two greatest philosophers of the seventeenth century in fact extended over several days. From a letter Leibniz posted to the Duke of Hanover's secretary from Holland, it is possible to infer that the courtier arrived in The Hague on or before November 18 and remained for at least three days and possibly as much as one week. Leibniz later told his Parisian friend Gallois that he had conversed with Spinoza "many times and at great length"."
  11. Melamed, Yitzhak Y.: Spinoza's Metaphysics: Substance and Thought. (New York: Oxford University Press, 2012). Yitzhak Y. Melamed (2012): "Between the 18th and the 21st of November 1676, Leibniz visited Spinoza at The Hague. Before visiting Holland, Leibniz lived for a while in Paris, where he met Baron Ehrenfried Walter von Tschirnhaus, one of Spinoza's most acute correspondents."
  12. 1 2 Morfino, Vittorio: Genealogia di un pregiudizio. L'immagine di Spinoza in Germania da Leibniz a Marx. (Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlag AG, 2016)
  13. Goetschel, Willi: Spinoza's Modernity: Mendelssohn, Lessing, and Heine. (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 2004)
  14. 1 2 Lindner, Herbert: Das Problem des Spinozismus im Schaffen Goethes und Herders. (Weimar: Arion, 1960)
    • Heinrich Heine: "...And besides, one could certainly maintain that Mr. Schelling borrowed more from Spinoza than Hegel borrowed from Schelling. If Spinoza is some day liberated from his rigid, antiquated Cartesian, mathematical form and made accessible to a large public, we shall perhaps see that he, more than any other, might complain about the theft of ideas. All our present‑day philosophers, possibly without knowing it, look through glasses that Baruch Spinoza ground." (On the History of Religion and Philosophy in Germany, 1836) [original in German]
    • Heinrich Heine: "...Here we come to the main point of the German Philosophy of Identity, which in essence differs in no way from the doctrine of Spinoza. No matter how violently Mr. Schelling may protest that his philosophy is different from Spinozism, that it is rather "a living amalgam of the ideal and the real," that it differs from Spinozism "as the perfection of Greek sculpture differs from the rigid Egyptian originals," nevertheless I must declare most emphatically that in his earlier period, when he was still a philosopher, Mr. Schelling did not differ in the slightest from Spinoza. He merely arrived at the same philosophy by a different path. I shall illustrate this later when I tell how Kant entered on a new path, how Fichte followed him, how Mr. Schelling in turn continued in Fichte's footsteps and, wandering lost in the forest darkness of nature philosophy, finally found himself face to face with the great figure of Spinoza." (On the History of Religion and Philosophy in Germany, 1836) [original in German]
    • Ludwig Feuerbach: "Spinoza is the originator of speculative philosophy, Schelling its restorer, Hegel its perfecter." (Provisional Theses for the Reformation of Philosophy, 1842) [original in German]
    • Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels: "In Hegel there are three elements, Spinoza's Substance, Fichte's Self-Consciousness and Hegel's necessarily antagonistic unity of the two, the Absolute Spirit. The first element is metaphysically disguised nature separated from man; the second is metaphysically disguised spirit separated from nature; the third is the metaphysically disguised unity of both, real man and the real human species." (The Holy Family, 1844) [original in German]
    • Arthur Schopenhauer: "...In consequence of the Kantian criticism of all speculative theology, the philosophisers of Germany almost all threw themselves back upon Spinoza, so that the whole series of futile attempts known by the name of the post-Kantian philosophy are simply Spinozism tastelessly dressed up, veiled in all kinds of unintelligible language, and otherwise distorted..." (The World as Will and Idea, 1859) [original in German]
    • S. M. Melamed: "While Schelling was wrestling with Plato, Spinoza, and Kant, his contemporary Hegel was struggling with Spinoza exclusively. In Hegel, Spinoza reached the height of his influence upon the German mind. Hegel was the most influential, although not the most original, German philosopher since the days of Kant. His system was more an absorption of other systems than an original creation. Therein lies the secret of his influence. He brought all the philosophical tendencies and moods of his time to a conclusion. With him the pantheism of his period attained its highest development and became the conscious and necessary connection of the mind and the world. During his entire philosophical career, Hegel constantly wrestled with Spinoza and for a time was entirely in his clutches. It was while under this influence that Hegel said that in order to refute Spinoza one must first accept him. In his lectures on the history of philosophy he says, "That Spinoza is the main point in modern philosophy, it is either Spinozism or no philosophy at all." He defended Spinoza against the reproach that his philosophy was atheistic and destructive of morality. In his later years, however, when he became more conservative, he changed his attitude toward Spinoza." (Spinoza and Buddha: Visions of a Dead God, University of Chicago Press, 1933)
    • Yirmiyahu Yovel: "Among the many forerunners Hegel wished to assimilate as "moments" into his new system, Spinoza occupies a privileged position, comparable only to that of Aristotle and Kant. Spinoza's absolute monism, reviving the early Greek philosophers, provides Hegel with the necessary substrate and beginning of all philosophy." (Spinoza and Other Heretics, Vol. 2: The Adventures of Immanence, Princeton University Press, 1989)
    • Frederick C. Beiser: "Hegel turned fully to Spinoza only in his early Jena years during his collaboration with Schelling, who had been especially inspired by Spinoza, and who, even during his Fichtean phase, declared himself to be a Spinozist. But Hegel's turning toward Spinozism was not simply the result of Schelling's influence. It fitted hand-in-glove with his own intention to find some rational foundation for his organic vision. After all, there were some deep affinities between Spinoza's doctrines and Hegel's mystical pantheism; Hegel could only have admired Spinoza's monism, his immanent religion, and his intellectual love of God. It was indeed Spinoza who had first attempted to find a rational foundation and technical vocabulary for such doctrines. It is no accident, then, that we find Hegel's first metaphysical writings in the Jena years replete with Spinozist vocabulary and full of sympathetic references to Spinoza." (Hegel, Routledge, 2005)
    • David A. Duquette: His [Hegel's] early and decisive break with theism came in correspondence with Schelling and Hölderlin, who were reading Fichte's 1794 Wissenschaftslehre as Spinozism on a Kantian foundation. He later professes his own Spinozism in bold terms. "You are either a Spinozist or not a philosopher at all" and "It is therefore worthy of note that thought must begin by placing itself at the standpoint of Spinozism; to be a follower of Spinoza is the essential commencement of all Philosophy. For as we saw above, when man begins to philosophize, the soul must commence by bathing in this ether of the One Substance in which all that man has held as true has disappeared." (Hegel's History of Philosophy: New Interpretations, State University of New York Press, 2002)
    • Jason M. Wirth: "Right from the beginning, Spinoza was a decisive philosopher for Schelling. This may now sound like yet another dusty little truth in the museums and archives of philosophy, but in Schelling's day, to embrace Spinoza was to dance with the devil and pantheism was the witches' brew served at this demonic party." (The Conspiracy of Life: Meditations on Schelling and His Time, SUNY Press, 2003)
  15. Hong, Han-ding: Spinoza und die deutsche Philosophie. Eine Untersuchung zur metaphysischen Wirkungsgeschichte des Spinozismus in Deutschland. (Aalen: Scientia Verlag, 1989)
  16. 1 2 Förster, Eckart; Melamed, Yitzhak Y. (eds.): Spinoza and German Idealism. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012)
    • Ludwig Feuerbach: "Spinoza is the Moses of modern free-thinkers and materialists." (Principles of the Philosophy of the Future, 1843) [original in German]
    • Friedrich Engels: "...It is to the highest credit of the philosophy of the time that it did not let itself be led astray by the restricted state of contemporary natural knowledge, and that — from Spinoza down to the great French materialists — it insisted on explaining the world from the world itself and left the justification in detail to the natural science of the future." (Dialectics of Nature, 1883) [original in German]
    • Georgi Plekhanov: "...Indeed, it is important and interesting to study the question of whether there is something in common between the philosophical ideas of Marx and Engels on the one hand, and Spinoza's on the other. [...] Meanwhile, I assert with full conviction that, in the materialist period of their development, Marx and Engels never abandoned Spinoza's point of view. That conviction, incidentally, is based on Engels's personal testimony. [...] After visiting the Paris World Exhibition in 1889, I went to London to make Engels's acquaintance. For almost a whole week, I had the pleasure of having long talks with him on a variety of practical and theoretical subjects. When, on one occasion, we were discussing philosophy, Engels sharply condemned what Stern had most inaccurately called "naturphilosophische materialism". "So do you think," I asked, "old Spinoza was right when he said that thought and extent are nothing but two attributes of one and the same substance?" "Of course," Engels replied, "old Spinoza was quite right."" (Bernstein and Materialism, 1898)
    • Georgi Plekhanov: "...Note that in saying this, Feuerbach stands close to Spinoza, whose philosophy he was already setting forth with great sympathy at the time his own breakaway from idealism was taking shape, that is, when he was writing his history of modern philosophy. In 1843 he made the subtle observation, in his Grundsätze, that pantheism is a theological materialism, a negation of theology but as yet on a theological standpoint. This confusion of materialism and theology constituted Spinoza's inconsistency, which, however, did not prevent him from providing a ‘correct – at least for his time – philosophical expression for the materialist trend of modern times’. That was why Feuerbach called Spinoza ‘the Moses of the modern free-thinkers and materialists’. [...] Thus, Feuerbach's ‘humanism’ proved to be nothing else but Spinozism disencumbered of its theological pendant. And it was the standpoint of this kind of Spinozism, which Feuerbach had freed of its theological pendant, that Marx and Engels adopted when they broke with idealism. However, disencumbering Spinozism of its theological appendage meant revealing its true and materialist content. Consequently, the Spinozism of Marx and Engels was indeed materialism brought up to date." (Fundamental Problems of Marxism, 1907)
    • Louis Althusser: "...Spinoza's philosophy introduced an unprecedented theoretical revolution in the history of philosophy, probably the greatest philosophical revolution of all time, insofar as we can regard Spinoza as Marx's only direct ancestor, from the philosophical standpoint. However, this radical revolution was the object of a massive historical repression, and Spinozist philosophy suffered much the same fate as Marxist philosophy used to and still does suffer in some countries: it served as damning evidence for a charge of ‘atheism’." (Reading Capital, 1968) [original in French]
    • Yirmiyahu Yovel: "Marx's Spinozistic affinities were already present in the left-Hegelian milieu in which he grew and from which he took his departure. The radical young Hegelians brought man back to Spinoza's natura from what they saw as the abstract heights of Hegel's Geist, and proclaimed a unity of spirit and matter which was considered an essential Spinozistic principle and which led some of them to socialist conclusions. [...] Spinoza was a left-Hegelian hero. "The Moses of modern freethinkers and materialists"—so Ludwig Feuerbach, a major influence on the young Marx, anointed Spinoza. Unquestionably, Feuerbach thought of himself in the same terms. Spinoza appealed to left-Hegelians both in his negative and his positive philosophy." (Spinoza and Other Heretics, Vol. 2: The Adventures of Immanence, Princeton University Press, 1989)
    • Eugene Holland: "It is well known that Marx was familiar with Spinoza; indeed, he hand-copied whole passages of Spinoza's Tractatus Theologico-Politicus into his notebooks. Less clear is the significance of this fact, and the extent of Spinoza's influence on Marx's thought." ('Spinoza and Marx'; Cultural Logic, Volume 2, No 1, Fall 1998)
    • Willi Goetschel: "Marx had begun to study Spinoza intensely in 1841 as his long excerpts from Spinoza's Theological-Political Treatise of that year show. But it was not until Hess established the link between Spinoza and the socialist agenda of the post-Hegelian left that Spinoza gained critical significance for Marx. It was this link that enabled Marx to formulate a concept of praxis that moved beyond the parameters Hegel and Feuerbach had established." ('Theory-Praxis: Spinoza, Hess, Marx, and Adorno'; Journal for Jewish Thought and Philosophy, Issue 3.2, 2013)
    • Friedrich Nietzsche: "...They [the Jews] have had the most painful history of all peoples, not without the fault of all of us, and when one owes to them the noblest man (Christ), the purest sage (Spinoza), the most powerful book, and the most effective moral law in the world." (Human, All Too Human, 1878) [original in German]
    • Friedrich Nietzsche: "I am utterly amazed, utterly enchanted! I have a precursor, and what a precursor! I hardly knew Spinoza: that I should have turned to him just now, was inspired by 'instinct'. Not only is his overtendency like mine — namely, to make all knowledge the most powerful affect — but in five main points of his doctrine I recognize myself; this most unusual and loneliest thinker is closest to me precisely in these matters: he denies the freedom of the will, teleology, the moral world-order, the unegoistic, and evil. Even though the divergencies are admittedly tremendous, they are due more to the difference in time, culture, and science. In summa: my lonesomeness, which, as on very high mountains, often made it hard for me to breathe and make my blood rush out, is now at least a twosomeness. Strange!" (in a postcard to Franz Overbeck, Sils-Maria, 30 July 1881) [original in German]
    • Friedrich Nietzsche: "...I hold up before myself the images of Dante and Spinoza, who were better at accepting the lot of solitude. Of course, their way of thinking, compared to mine, was one which made solitude bearable..." (in his letter to Franz Overbeck, 2 July 1885) [original in German]
    • Friedrich Nietzsche: "My ancestors Heraclitus, Empedocles, Spinoza, Goethe." (Original in German: "meine Vorfahren Heraclit Empedocles Spinoza Goethe.")
    • Friedrich Nietzsche: "When I speak of Plato, Pascal, Spinoza and Goethe, I know that their blood flows in mine—I am proud, when I tell the truth about them—the family is good enough not to have to poeticize or to conceal; and thus I stand to everything that has been, I am proud of the humanity, and especially proud of unconditional truthfulness." [original in German]
    • Friedrich Nietzsche: "[The journey to Hades] I, too, have been in the underworld, like Odysseus, and shall be there often yet, and not only rams have I sacrificed to be able to speak with a few of the dead, but I have not spared my own blood. Four pairs it was that did not deny themselves to my sacrifice: Epicurus and Montaigne, Goethe and Spinoza, Plato and Rousseau, Pascal and Schopenhauer. With these I must come to terms when I have long wandered alone; they may call me right and wrong; to them will I listen when in the process they call each other right and wrong." [original in German]
    • Yirmiyahu Yovel: "The pair amor dei and amor fati provides an apt verbal representation of the complex relationship between Nietzsche and Spinoza, the two enemy-brothers of modern philosophy. Perhaps no two philosophers are as akin as Spinoza and Nietzsche, yet no two are as opposed. If Spinoza initiated the modern philosophy of immanence and undergirds it throughout, then Nietzsche brings it to its most radical conclusion—and, as we shall see, turns this conclusion against Spinoza himself. Nietzsche explicitly recognizes his debt and kinship to Spinoza. Speaking of his "ancestors," Nietzsche at various times gives several lists, but he always mentions Spinoza and Goethe—and always as a pair. This is no accident, for Nietzsche sees Goethe as incorporating Spinoza and as anticipating his own "Dionysian" ideal." (Spinoza and Other Heretics, Vol. 2: The Adventures of Immanence, Princeton University Press, 1989)
  17. Sommer, Andreas Urs (2012), 'Nietzsche's Readings on Spinoza: A Contextualist Study, Particularly on the Reception of Kuno Fischer,'. Journal of Nietzsche Studies 43(2): 156–184
    • Ernst Haeckel: "...Now, if instituting comparisons in both directions, we place the lowest and most ape-like men (the Austral Negroes, Bushmen, and Andamans, etc.), on the one hand, together with the most highly developed animals, for instance, with apes, dogs, and elephants, and on the other hand, with the most highly developed men—Aristotle, Newton, Spinoza, Kant, Lamarck, or Goethe—we can then no longer consider the assertion, that the mental life of the higher mammals has gradually developed up to that of man, as in any way exaggerated." (The History of Creation: Or the Development of the Earth and its Inhabitants by the Action of Natural Causes. Translated from the German by E. Ray Lankester; New York: D. Appleton, 1876)
    • Haeckel: "It was not until the middle of the seventeenth century that pantheism was exhibited in its purest form by the great Baruch Spinoza; he gave for the totality of things a definition of substance in which God and the world are inseparably united. The clearness, confidence, and consistency of Spinoza's monistic system are the more remarkable when we remember that this gifted thinker of two hundred and fifty years ago was without the support of all those sound empirical bases which have been obtained in the second half of the nineteenth century." (The Riddle of the Universe at the Close of the Nineteenth Century. Translated from the German by Joseph McCabe; London: Harper & Brothers, 1900)
    • Haeckel: "The first thinker to introduce the purely monistic conception of substance into science and appreciate its profound importance was the great philosopher Baruch Spinoza; his chief work appeared shortly before his death in 1677, just one hundred years before Lavoisier gave empirical proof of the constancy of matter by means of the chemist's principle instrument, the balance. In his stately pantheistic system the notion of the world (the universe, or the cosmos) is identical with the all-pervading notion of God; it is at one and the same time the purest and most rational monism and the clearest and most abstract monotheism." (The Riddle of the Universe at the Close of the Nineteenth Century. Translated from the German by Joseph McCabe; London: Harper & Brothers, 1900)
  18. Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi: "...I would be writing more as to the possible advantages there might be in presenting to the public Spinoza's system in its true form and according to the intrinsic coherence of its parts. Its spectre has been haunting Germany for lo these many years, in all shapes and sizes and is regarded with reverence by believers and doubters alike. I am speaking not just of the petty-minded but of people with the finest minds." (in his letter to Moses Mendelssohn, 21 April 1785) [original in German]
  19. His considerable influence on German rationalists (especially Gottfried Leibniz, Christian Wolff, Immanuel Kant, and Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi) and post-Kantian idealists (especially Johann Gottlieb Fichte, Friedrich Wilhelm Schelling, Georg Friedrich Hegel, and Arthur Schopenhauer).
  20. His considerable influence on post-Hegelian materialists like Ludwig Feuerbach, Friedrich Engels, and Karl Marx.
  21. Vallée, Gérard (ed.): The Spinoza Conversations between Lessing and Jacobi: Text with Excerpts from the Ensuing Controversy. Translated from the German by Gérard Vallée, J. B. Lawson and C. G. Chapple. (Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1988)
  22. Crowther, Louise (2009), 'Freedom and Necessity: Spinoza's Impact on Lessing,'. German Life and Letters 62(4): 359–377. doi:10.1111/j.1468-0483.2009.01469.x
  23. Danzel, Theodor Wilhelm: Über Goethes Spinozismus. Ein Beitrag zur tieferen Würdigung des Dichters und Forschers. (Hamburg: Johann August Meißner, 1843)
  24. Schneege, Gerhard: Zu Goethes Spinozismus. (Breslau: Druck von O. Gutsmann, 1910)
  25. Warnecke, Friedrich: Goethe, Spinoza und Jacobi. (Weimar: Hermann Böhlaus Nachfolger, 1908)
  26. Bollacher, Martin: Der junge Goethe und Spinoza. Studien zur Geschichte des Spinozismus in der Epoche des Sturm und Drang. (Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1968)
  27. Timm, Hermann: Gott und die Freiheit: Studien zur Religionsphilosophie der Goethezeit, Band 1: Die Spinozarenaissance. (Frankfurt am Main: Vittorio Klostermann, 1974)
  28. Bell, David: Spinoza in Germany from 1670 to the Age of Goethe. (London: University of London, Institute of Germanic Studies, 1984)
  29. Wegenast, Margarethe: Hölderlins Spinoza-Rezeption und ihre Bedeutung für die Konzeption des "Hyperion". (Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1990)
  30. Guidorizzi, Ernesto: L'orizzonte. Da Spinoza a Goethe. La poesia dell'infinito. (Napoli: Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, 1991)
  31. His significant influence on Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, Friedrich Hölderlin, Friedrich Schlegel, Friedrich Schleiermacher, Johann von Goethe, Johann von Herder, Heinrich Heine, and Novalis.
    • Goethe: "For many years I did not dare look into a Latin author or at anything which evoked an image of Italy. If this happened by chance, I suffered agonies. Herder often used to say mockingly that I had learned all my Latin from Spinoza, for that was the only Latin book he had ever seen me reading. He did not realize how carefully I had to guard myself against the classics, and that it was sheer anxiety which drove me to take refuge in the abstractions of Spinoza. (Letters from Italy, 1786–88. Translated from the German by W. H. Auden and Elizabeth Mayer; New York: Penguin Books, 1995)
    • Goethe: "...Happily, I had already prepared if not fully cultivated myself on this side, having in some degree appropriated the thoughts and mind of an extraordinary man, and though my study of him had been incomplete and hasty, I was yet already conscious of important influences derived from this source. This mind, which had worked upon me thus decisively, and which was destined to affect so deeply my whole mode of thinking, was Spinoza. After looking through the world in vain, to find a means of development for my strange nature, I at last fell upon the Ethics of this philosopher. Of what I read out of the work, and of what I read into it, I can give no account. Enough that I found in it a sedative for my passions, and that a free, wide view over the sensible and moral world, seemed to open before me. [...] The all-composing calmness of Spinoza was in striking contrast with my all-disturbing activity; his mathematical method was the direct opposite of my poetic humour and my way of writing, and that very precision which was thought ill-adapted to moral subjects, made me his enthusiastic disciple, his most decided worshipper." (The Autobiography of Goethe: Truth and Poetry: From My Own Life, 1848) [original in German]
    • Friedrich Schlegel: Indeed, I scarcely comprehend how one can be a poet without revering and loving Spinoza and becoming completely his. Your own fantasy is rich enough for the invention of the particular: nothing is better suited to entice your fantasy, to stimulate and nourish it, than the poetic creations of other artists. But in Spinoza you find the beginning and the end of all fantasy, the universal ground on which your particularity rests — and you should welcome precisely this separation of that which is originary and eternal in fantasy from everything particular and specific. [...] And if I place so much emphasis on Spinoza, it is indeed not from any subjective preference (I have expressly omitted the objects of such a preference) or to establish him as master of a new autocracy, but because I could demonstrate by this example in a most striking and illuminating way my ideas about the value and dignity of mysticism and its relation to poetry. Because of his objectivity in this respect, I chose him as a representative of all the others. (Rede über die Mythologie, 1800)
    • Heinrich Heine: "To express myself briefly, Goethe was the Spinoza of poetry. The whole of Goethe's poetry is filled with the same spirit that is wafted toward us from the writings of Spinoza. There is no doubt whatsoever that Goethe paid undivided allegiance to Spinoza's doctrine. At any rate, he occupied himself with it throughout his entire life; in the first part of his memoirs as well as in the last volume, recently published, he frankly acknowledged this. I don't remember now where I read that Herder once exploded peevishly at the constant preoccupation with Spinoza, "If Goethe would only for once pick up some other Latin book than Spinoza!" But this applies not only to Goethe; quite a number of his friends, who later became more or less well-known as poets, paid homage to pantheism in their youth, and this doctrine flourished actively in German art before it attained supremacy among us as a philosophic theory." (On the History of Religion and Philosophy in Germany, 1836) [original in German]
  32. His considerable influences on Moses Mendelssohn, Salomon Maimon, Moses Hess, Berthold Auerbach, Heinrich Heine, Karl Marx, Albert Einstein, Edith Stein, and Leo Strauss.
    • S. M. Melamed: "The rediscovery of Spinoza by the Germans contributed to the shaping of the cultural destinies of the German people for almost two hundred years. Just as at the time of the Reformation no other spiritual force was as potent in German life as the Bible, so during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries no other intellectual force so dominated German life as Spinozism. Spinoza became the magnet to German steel. Except for Immanuel Kant and Herbart, Spinoza attracted every great intellectual figure in Germany during the last two centuries, from the greatest, Goethe, to the purest, Lessing." (Spinoza and Buddha: Visions of a Dead God, University of Chicago Press, 1933)
    • Alberto Toscano: "...[T]hree great German philosophers – Schelling, Nietzsche and Marx – underwent genuine transformative encounters with the thought of Spinoza. In 1795, Schelling, as a precocious philosopher trying to construct a philosophy that would provide an ‘immanentistic affirmation of the infinite’ and undermine the strictures of dogma, dashed off a letter to his then close friend Hegel, enthusiastically confessing: ‘I have become a Spinozist!’. In 1881, Nietzsche himself, in a letter to Overbeck, remarked on Spinoza: ‘I am amazed, delighted! I have a precursor, and what a precursor!’, before listing his closeness to the fundamental tenets of Spinoza's thought. Marx himself, in his formative years, once composed an entire notebook consisting of a complete rearrangement of one of Spinoza's treatises, and then quixotically entitled it ‘Tractatus Theologico-Politicus by Karl Marx’." ('The Politics of Spinozism: Composition and Communication', Paper presented at the Cultural Research Bureau of Iran, Tehran, 4 January 2005)
    • Michael N. Forster: "Just as Herder's cosmopolitanism allowed him to become very sympathetic to Judaism as a religion and cultural tradition, so it also allowed him to become a great admirer of the most important Jewish philosopher of the modern period: Spinoza. As is well known, Herder's appropriation (and modification) of the metaphysical monism of Spinoza's Ethics in God: Some Conversations (1787) played a central role in generating the forms of neo-Spinozistic metaphysical monism that later dominated German Idealism and German Romanticism. [...] One can indeed see that Herder beginning in the late 1760s engaged in a sort of progressive appropriation of increasingly fundamental levels of Spinoza's thought: first principles of interpretation, then political ideals, then philosophy of mind and metaphysics. All of the principles in question went on to play important roles within German Idealism and German Romanticism. Spinoza's contribution to those movements was thus far greater than has usually been realized." (Johann Gottfried Herder: Reasoning Across Disciplines, Workshop 26–29 May 2010 in Oslo, Norway)
  33. Goetschel, Willi: Spinoza's Modernity: Mendelssohn, Lessing, and Heine. (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 2004)
  34. Wertheim, David J.: Salvation through Spinoza: A Study of Jewish Culture in Weimar Germany. (Leiden: Brill, 2011)
  35. 1 2 Forster, Michael N.: Herder's Philosophy. (Oxford University Press, 2018). Michael N. Forster (2018): "...As is well known, a great flowering of Neo-Spinozism occurred in German philosophy and literature in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. Lessing, Herder, and Goethe; Hölderlin; the German Romantics Schleiermacher, Friedrich Schlegel, and Novalis; the German Idealists Schelling and Hegel – all of them subscribed to one or another version of Spinoza's monistic, deterministic metaphysics."
  36. Beiser, Frederick C.: The Fate of Reason: German Philosophy from Kant to Fichte. (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1987)
  37. In own words of Albert Einstein (a devoted Spinozist): "...Spinoza is, among the great classical thinkers, one of the least accessible because of his rigid adherence to the geometric form of argumentation, in which form he obviously saw somewhat of an insurance against fallacies. In fact, Spinoza thereby made it difficult for the reader who all too quickly loses patience and breath before he reaches the heart of the philosopher's ideas. Many have attempted to present Spinoza's thoughts in modern language—a daring as well as irreverent enterprise which offers no guarantee against misinterpretation." [Einstein's foreword, in Dagobert D. Runes's Spinoza Dictionary (New York: Philosophical Library, 1951)]
  38. 1 2 Vinciguerra, Lorenzo (2009), 'Spinoza in French Philosophy Today,'. Philosophy Today 53(4): 422–437
  39. Malik, Kenan (21 June 2013). "Seeing reason: Jonathan Israel's radical vision". New Humanist (newhumanist.org.uk). Retrieved 12 December 2018.
  40. 1 2 Duffy, Simon B. (2014), 'French and Italian Spinozism,'. In: Rosi Braidotti (ed.), After Poststructuralism: Transitions and Transformations. (London: Routledge, 2014), p. 148–168
  41. Van Reijen, Miriam: Het Argentijnse gezicht van Spinoza. Passies en politiek. (Kampen: Klement, 2010)
  42. Forster, Michael N.: After Herder: Philosophy of Language in the German Tradition. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010). Michael N. Forster (2010): "During the last quarter or so of the eighteenth century and then well into the nineteenth century a wave of neo-Spinozism swept through German philosophy and literature: in addition to Lessing and Herder, further neo-Spinozists included Goethe, Schelling, Hegel, Schleiermacher, Hölderlin, Novalis, and Friedrich Schlegel. This wave was largely a result of Herder's embrace of neo-Spinozism in God: Some Conversations (and in Goethe's case, Herder's sympathy with Spinozism even before that work)."
  43. Several notable figures of French (and Italian)-inspired post-structuralist Neo-Spinozism including Ferdinand Alquié, Louis Althusser, Étienne Balibar, Alain Billecoq, Francesco Cerrato, Paolo Cristofolini, Gilles Deleuze, Martial Gueroult, Chantal Jaquet, Frédéric Lordon, Pierre Macherey, Frédéric Manzini, Alexandre Matheron, Filippo Mignini, Robert Misrahi, Pierre-François Moreau, Vittorio Morfino, Antonio Negri, Patrizia Pozzi, Charles Ramond, Bernard Rousset, Andrea Sangiacomo, Cristina Santinelli, Pascal Sévérac, André Tosel, Lorenzo Vinciguerra, and Sylvain Zac.
    • Alberto Toscano: "Though Spinozists have existed ever since the radical circles that rippled through Europe in the wake of Spinoza's death, I think it is fair to say that only in the past 50 years or so has there been a Spinozism to match in hermeneutic rigour and creative interventions the history of Kantianism or Hegelianism, that only now has the hereticism that Althusser referred to been complemented by the labour of the concept. Arguably, it is only now then that the scope of his thought and its relevance to our social and political existence can be truly appreciated, at a historical juncture when the communicative power of the multitude and of what Marx called the general intellect is so intensified that the physics, ethics, ontology and politics of Spinoza (what are ultimately indissociable facets of his philosophizing) can be thought simultaneously. Today more than ever, one might argue, is Spinoza, as Pierre Macherey puts it, ‘an irreplaceable reactor and developer’." ('The Politics of Spinozism: Composition and Communication', Paper presented at the Cultural Research Bureau of Iran, Tehran, 4 January 2005)
    • Alberto Toscano: "That a Spinozist social science should be of French concoction is no coincidence: from the historical scholarship of Martial Guéroult to Alexandre Matheron's pioneering study of the individual and community in Spinoza; from the centrality of Spinoza's materialism to the Althusserian project to Gilles Deleuze's radical re-working of his philosophy of immanence and the advances of contemporary scholarship, France has an altogether impressive tradition of Spinoza interpretation. At the heart of this retooling of a seventeenth-century metaphysics is the liquidation of the ‘Cartesian’ bourgeois-individual subject which supposedly animated the humanist visions of French phenomenology and existentialism. Althusser, of course, approached Spinoza's work philosophically—as a detour, seeking grounds for a critique of idealism, en route to a properly materialist Marxist philosophy—but also critically, noting for example its lack of a theory of contradiction. Lordon, by contrast, was looking for a conceptual framework through which to rethink social, economic and political life; Spinoza's work is only glancingly contrasted to that of his peers—there is no ‘outside’ to his thinking here. Yet, as with Althusser or Deleuze, Lordon's perspective would remain anchored in the affirmation of Spinoza as the thinker who can emancipate us from the delusions of free will or untrammelled individual choice, allowing us to grasp human struggles for existence in a disabused materialist fashion." ('A Structuralism of Feeling? Alberto Toscano on Frédéric Lordon', Verso Books, 12 April 2016)
    • Katja Diefenbach: "Reading Capital [by Louis Althusser] forms the prelude to a wave of Spinoza receptions, in which seventeenth-century metaphysics is shifted far beyond Marxism into the radiant presence of structuralist philosophy. While after Husserl's Paris lectures on the Meditations and Sartre's publication of The Transcendence of the Ego, France experienced a phenomenological Descartes revival, Spinoza research [especially in France] remained, until the mid-1960s, a largely underdeveloped field. In the course of a fulminant boost in reception in 1968 and 1969, in almost a single year, the studies of Martial Gueroult, Alexandre Matheron, Gilles Deleuze and Bernard Rousset were published. Under the influence of Gueroult's structural-genetic reading, they displayed an unprecedented systematic precision to position Spinoza's thought against Descartes – particularly, against the doctrine of two substances, the depotentialization of nature, the use of the medieval concept of contingency and the idea of the incomprehensibility of a God of arbitrary decree implicated in the doctrine of the creation of the eternal truths. In comparison Althusser's reading of Spinoza is characterized by an inverse proportion of philosophical precision and the strategic positioning of Spinoza in Marxism." ('Is it simple to be a Spinozist in philosophy? Althusser and Deleuze', Radical Philosophy, Sept/Oct 2016)
  44. Nadler, Steven (8 January 2018). "Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Spinoza". Books & Ideas (booksandideas.net). Retrieved 18 December 2018.
  45. Næss, Arne (1980), 'Environmental Ethics and Spinoza's Ethics: Comments on Genevieve Lloyd's Article,'. Inquiry 23(3): 313–25
  46. Goldstein, Rebecca (2017), 'Literary Spinoza,'. In: Michael Della Rocca (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Spinoza. (Oxford University Press, 2017), pp. 627–667
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