The 2018 Slovak local elections were held on Saturday, 10 November 2018, to elect deputies to municipality councils, city councils and mayors, including mayors of boroughs and members of their councils in Bratislava and Košice.[1]

The turnout slightly increased compared to last elections in 2014 to 48.67%.[2] The highest turnout rate was recorded in Prešov Region (53.18%), and the lowest turnout rate in Bratislava Region (43.74%). Locally the highest percentage of votes cast was in Chorváty, Košice-okolie District (89.88%, 80 out of 89), and the lowest in Košice's borough Luník IX (19.44%, 862 out of 4,434).[3]

In 762 cities and municipalities, only one candidate ran for mayor, therefore, these candidates needed only one vote to be elected. These included two cities with more than 20,000 inhabitants, Brezno and Šaľa. In five municipalities, there was no candidate for mayor.[4]

Electoral system

The commune elections in Slovakia use the one-round system for all elected seats. Mayoral elections utilize the first-past-the-post voting system compared to local councils where voters choose from the list same number of candidates as are representing theirs electoral district. The candidates with the highest number of votes are elected.[5]

Overall results

The following tables summarize the elected mayors and council deputies by their party affiliation.

Mayor elections

Summary of the 10 November 2018 mayor election results in Slovakia[6][7]
Parties and coalitions 2014 Results 2018 Results
 % Total number  % Total number
Independent candidates (NEKA) 37.951,104 42.421,232
Direction – Social Democracy (SMER-SD) 29.11847 20.38592
Coalitions of government parties (SMER-SD, SNS, MOST-HÍD) [lower-alpha 1] 8.03234
Other parties and coalitions 18.35552 7.19222
Slovak National Party (SNS) 1.4041 5.50160
Christian Democratic Movement (KDH) 4.19122 5.40157
Most–Híd 2.9987 4.37127
Party of the Hungarian Community (SMK-MKP) 3.67107 3.96115
Coalition of Most–Híd and Party of the Hungarian Community (SMK-MKP) 1.0330 1.0631
Coalitions of opposition parties (SaS, OĽaNO, NOVA and Sme rodina) 0.6319[lower-alpha 2] 0.5918
TOGETHER – Civic Democracy (SPOLU) [lower-alpha 3] 0.5516
Total 2,909 2,904
  1. Single party government of SMER-SD
  2. Coalitions of opposition parties (KDH, OĽaNO, Most–Híd, SDKÚ-DS and SaS)
  3. Did not exist.

Council deputies

Summary of the 10 November 2018 council deputies election results in Slovakia[6][7]
Parties and coalitions 2014 Results 2018 Results
 % Total number  % Total number
Independent candidates (NEKA) 37.956,000 35.367,301
Direction – Social Democracy (SMER-SD) 24.685,123 17.883,692
Other parties and coalitions 20.144,179 11.422,359
Christian Democratic Movement (KDH) 10.552,190 11.382,350
Slovak National Party (SNS) 4.05841 8.121,678
Party of the Hungarian Community (SMK-MKP) 5.541,151 6.041,248
Most–Híd 3.99829 4.43915
Coalitions of government parties (SMER-SD, SNS, MOST-HÍD) [lower-alpha 1] 2.18453
TOGETHER – Civic Democracy (SPOLU) [lower-alpha 2] 1.38285
Coalitions of opposition parties (SaS, OĽaNO, NOVA, Sme rodina) 0.45104[lower-alpha 3] 1.00214
National coalition 1.61336[lower-alpha 4] 0.73151
Total 20,753 20,646
  1. Single party government of SMER-SD
  2. Did not exist.
  3. Coalitions of opposition parties (KDH, OĽaNO, Most–Híd, SDKÚ-DS and SaS)
  4. As Party of Democratic Slovakia (SDS)

Results in major cities


The incumbent mayor Ivo Nesrovnal elected as independent candidate decided to run for second term. However, he was defeated by architect and civil activist Matúš Vallo, supported by Progressive Slovakia and Together - Civic Democracy who became new mayor and defeated another independent candidate and former director-general of Radio and Television of Slovakia, Václav Mika.[8]

Out of 17 new elected mayors of boroughs were 10 independent candidates and 7 candidates with the support of different centre-right coalitions - each with Freedom and Solidarity, We Are Family and New Majority.[9]

Summary of the 10 November 2018 elections in Bratislava[10][11]
Mayor City Council
Candidate Votes  % Diagram Parties and coalitions Seats
Matúš Vallo (Team Vallo, PS-SPOLU) 58,57836.54
Independent candidates (NEKA)17
Václav Mika (NEKA) 36,66122.87 Centre-right coalition[lower-alpha 1]15
Ivo Nesrovnal (NEKA) 29,53118.42 Coalition of PS-SPOLU13
Ján Mrva (OĽaNO, SaS, Sme rodina, KDH and others[lower-alpha 1]) 27,68917.27
Iveta Plšeková (NEKA) 2,4451.53
Roman Ruhig (SNJ-sv) 2,0101.25
Others 3,3902.11
Total 160,304 45
Valid votes 160,30498.01
Invalid votes 3,2641.99
Votes cast / turnout 163,55840.68
Registered voters 402,062
  1. 1 2 OĽaNO, SaS, Sme rodina, KDH, OKS, NOVA, Zmena zdola, DÚS


The previous mayor, 2014-elected Richard Raši (SMER-SD), resigned from office after his appointment to new government as Deputy Prime Minister.[12] Responsibility for the mayor office was taken over by Martin Petruško (SMER-SD). The campaign was influenced by rumored child harassment scandal of opposition candidate, Jaroslav Polaček that caused his loss of support from few major political parties. These rumors were later demented and Polaček won the election.[13][14]

Out of 22 new elected mayors of boroughs were 13 independent candidates, 7 candidates with the support of different centre-right coalitions - each with Freedom and Solidarity and Christian Democratic Movement, 1 candidate of Direction – Social Democracy and 1 from Party of the Romani Coalition.[15]

Summary of the 10 November 2018 elections in Košice[16][17]
Mayor City Council
Candidate Votes  % Diagram Parties and coalitions Seats
Jaroslav Polaček (SaS, KDH, SMK-MKP, NOVA, OKS) 29,15743.29
Independent candidates (NEKA)18
Martin Petruško (SMER-SD, SNS) 16,04423.82 Centre-right coalition led by SaS[lower-alpha 1]12
Alena Bašistová (NEKA) 10,00114.85 Direction – Social Democracy4
Viliam Novotný (Šanca) 6,0849.03 Centre-right coalition led by OĽaNO[lower-alpha 2]4
Vladimír Vágási (Most-Híd) 1,3251.97 Sport for Košice and the East (ŠKV)1
Džemal Kodrazi (NEKA) 1,0611.58 TOGETHER – Civic Democracy1
Štefán Horváth (Národná koalícia) 7331.09 Party of the Romani Coalition1
Others 2,9434.37
Total 67,348 41
Valid votes 67,34895.30
Invalid votes 3,3194.70
Votes cast / turnout 70,66735.72
Registered voters 197,859
  2. OĽaNO, Sme rodina, Zmena zdola, DÚS, DS


Andrea Turčanová - the incumbent mayor elected with support of center-right coalition confirmed in February 2018 intention to candidate for re-election. Her biggest rival was the former mayor (2006-2014) and independent candidate Pavel Hagyari.[18][19]

Summary of the 10 November 2018 elections in Prešov[20][21]
Mayor City Council
Candidate Votes  % Diagram Parties and coalitions Seats
Andrea Turčanová (KDH, OĽaNO, NOVA) 14,20545.73
Coalition of KDH, OĽaNO, NOVA12
Pavel Hagyari (NEKA) 8,92128.72 Independent candidates (NEKA)8
Richard Drutarovský (PS-SPOLU, OKS) 2,6488.53 Coalition of SMER-SD, SNS, Most-Híd8
Miroslav Benko (SMER-SD, SNS, Most-Híd) 2,5608.24 Coalition of PS, SPOLU and OKS2
František Oľha (SaS, Sme rodina, Šanca, DS) 2,3607.60 Centre-right coalition[lower-alpha 1]1
Others 3661.18
Total 31,060 31
Valid votes 31,06099.14
Invalid votes 2700.86
Votes cast / turnout 31,33042.20
Registered voters 72,251


Mayor of Žilina - Igor Choma (SMER-SD) announced he was not going to run for re-election. On the other hand, in Žilina occurred increased number of independent candidates elected to council. Election was won by Peter Fiabáne (NEKA) who was externally supported by both liberal and conservative center-right parties.[22][23]

Summary of the 10 November 2018 elections in Žilina[24]
Mayor City Council
Candidate Votes  % Diagram Parties and coalitions Seats
Peter Fiabáne (NEKA) 13,87648.06
Independent candidates (NEKA)25
Patrik Groma (NEKA) 7,14224.74 Coalition of OĽaNO, SaS, OKS, NOVA3
Martin Kapitulík (NEKA) 3,75413.00 Direction – Social Democracy1
Ľudmila Chudelková (NEKA) 2,5488.83 Christian Democratic Movement1
Ján Púček (ĽSNS) 9173.18 TOGETHER - Civic Democracy1
Others 6352.20
Total 28,872 31
Valid votes 28,87298.78
Invalid votes 3571.22
Votes cast / turnout 29,22941.30
Registered voters 70,771

Banská Bystrica

Summary of the 10 November 2018 elections in Banská Bystrica[25]
Mayor City Council
Candidate Votes  % Diagram Parties and coalitions Seats
Ján Nosko (NEKA) 18,28175.19
Independent candidates (NEKA)20
Igor Kašpar (OĽaNO, SaS, Sme rodina, KDH, PS) 5,49022.58 Coalition of SMER-SD and SNS8
Jozef Sásik (SĽSAH) 4011.65 Centre-right coalition[lower-alpha 1]3
Peter Peuker (NAJ) 1400.57
Total 24,312 31
Valid votes 24,31297.88
Invalid votes 5272.12
Votes cast / turnout 24,83939.75
Registered voters 65,485


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