
  • 1910s
  • 1920s
  • 1930s
  • 1940s
  • 1950s
See also:

Events from the year 1935 in Canada.



Federal government

Provincial governments

Lieutenant governors


Territorial governments



January to June

July to December



January to June

July to December

Full date unknown


See also

Historical documents

On radio, PM Bennett declares "reform means Government intervention[,] control and regulation [and] the end of laissez faire" [7]

In current national crisis, Commons Clerk suggests constituent assembly replace British North America Act with modern constitution[8]

Prime Minister Bennett argues need to pass laws that courts will approve of[9]

"The trouble is [lack of] accommodation designed objectively for the low wage earner" - House committee calls for national housing policy[10]

In election broadcast, Bennett admits that at his age (65), "ambitions dim, the love of power dies"[11]

PM King and President Roosevelt support trade – "another word for increased employment, transportation and consumption"[12]

Secretary of State Hull says goal of U.S. foreign policy is to preserve peace of "friends," not of "inequality based on force"[13]

Statement of 330 international psychiatrists warns of "evident war-psychosis" in global mentality[14]

Tour of Flanders' grave-strewn fields, twenty years later[15]

Eyewitnesses tell inquiry about clashes involving police, residents and On-to-Ottawa trekkers in Regina[16]

Canadian Federation of the Blind founder explains to House committee need for pensions for blind people[17]

Columbia University student newspaper's review of Maria Chapdelaine movie[18]


  1. "King George V | The Canadian Encyclopedia". www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca. Retrieved 4 December 2022.
  2. Wheat Board history Archived 2011-02-18 at the Wayback Machine
  3. "MCCANN, William Leonard Sean McCann - Canadian Obituaries".
  4. Biographical information and career statistics from
  5. Christopher Pratt, prominent Canadian painter and printmaker, dies at 86
  6. Lentz, Harris M. (4 February 2014). Heads of States and Governments Since 1945. Routledge. p. 144. ISBN 978-1-134-26490-2.
  7. R.B. Bennett, The Premier Speaks to the People: The First Address[....] (January 2, 1935), pgs. 9-20. Accessed 10 June 2020 http://www.collectionscanada.ca/2/4/h4-4049-e.html
  8. Testimony of Arthur Beauchesne (April 16, 1935), Special Committee on British North America Act, pg. 126 Accessed 26 October 2020
  9. "Trade Commission – Mr. Bennett" (June 19, 1935), House of Commons Debates, 17th Parliament, 6th Session: Vol. 4, pgs. 3809-11. Accessed 10 June 2020 http://parl.canadiana.ca/view/oop.debates_HOC1706_04/561?r=0&s=1 (scroll down to second "Hear, hear")
  10. "Third and Final Report" (April 16, 1935), Special Committee on Housing, pgs. 364-6 Accessed 26 October 2020
  11. Canadian Press, "'Ambitions Dim At My Age,'" The (Vancouver) Sunday Sun, Vol. XCII, No. 306 (September 7, 1935), pg. 1. Accessed 10 June 2020
  12. "Joint Statement by the President and Rt. Hon. W. Mackenzie King, Prime Minister of Canada, on Trade Relations. November 9, 1935," The Public Papers and Addresses of Franklin D. Roosevelt, Volume Four, The Court Disapproves, 1935, pg. 441 Accessed 11 June 2020
  13. U.S. Department of State, "Address Delivered by the Secretary of State(...), February 16, 1935" Peace and War: United States Foreign Policy, 1931-1941 (Publication 1983, 1943), pgs. 249-54. Accessed 10 June 2020
  14. Science Service, "Science War Warning;[...]Man's Fierce Instincts," The Vancouver Sun, Vol. XCII (October 22, 1935), pgs. 1, 3 Accessed 10 June 2020
  15. R. Duder, "Flanders 1935," The Veteran Magazine, Vol. 11, No. 1 (December 1935), pgs. 50, 57. Accessed 12 June 2020
  16. "Eye-Witnesses Tell Dramatic Story Of Dominion Day Riots" Regina Leader Post (December 11, 1935), pg. 10. Accessed 10 June 2020
  17. "Minutes of Evidence" (February 21, 1935), Standing Committee on Industrial and International Relations, pgs. 1-4. Accessed 26 October 2020
  18. M.C., "A Canadian Idyll; Maria Chapdelaine. A French sound film, from the novel by Louise [sic] Hemon," Columbia Daily Spectator, Vol. LIX, No. 9 (October 8, 1935), pg. 2. Accessed 10 June 2020 http://spectatorarchive.library.columbia.edu/cgi-bin/columbia?a=d&d=cs19351008-01.2.16&srpos=523 (click "Maximize" symbol at upper right)
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