
  • 1890s
  • 1900s
  • 1910s
  • 1920s
  • 1930s
See also:

Events from the year 1918 in Canada.



Federal government

Provincial governments

Lieutenant governors


Territorial governments



Full date unknown

Arts and literature



January to June

July to December


John McCrae in uniform, circa 1914

Historical documents

Federal vote goes to women who are British subjects (by birth or marriage) and not disqualified by "race, blood or original nationality"[5]

British prime minister Lloyd George details British war aims, including liberation and self-determination of nations[6]

What Quebec wants is respect from "Anglo-Canadians" for French language, Roman Catholicism and French traditions and ideals (like love of Canada)[7]

Ontario women recruited for summer work in food production[8]

Saskatchewan Victoria Cross winner Hugh Cairns cited for "most conspicuous bravery[9]

His brother describes presentation of Victoria Cross to George Pearkes, "looking a very fine soldier indeed"[10]

Account of Canadian cavalry action resulting in Victoria Cross award for Gordon Flowerdew[11]

Shot-down pilot describes jumping from his falling plane despite bullet wounds and burns[12]

Canadian soldier describes his psychological strain[13]

Folksy Canadian enjoys leave in Paris, despite street crime[14]

Soldier appreciates "toothsomeness" of Christmas treats after living on hardtack and bully beef[15]

U.S. soldier newspaper salutes Canadian forces, but confuses Victoria Day and Dominion Day[16]

Saint John Housewives' League and War Gardens Association exhibit their prowess and patriotism in competitive exhibitions[17]

Rundown of Canada's war effort in military manpower and materiel, food and fuel control, volunteer and women's roles, and veteran rehabilitation[18]

Photos: Saanich-based Muggins the Red Cross Dog poses with military personnel in his fundraising campaign that brought in thousands of dollars[19]

Ontario health board's tips and myths regarding influenza[20]

Various Montreal community groups aid fight against influenza[21]

Death notice for Mi'kmaq grand chief John Denny Jr. and inauguration of new grand chief Gabriel Sylliboy on Cape Breton Island[22]

United Farm Women of Ontario get their male counterparts to work with them[23]

United Farmers of Ontario protest undemocratic wartime government practices[24]

Basic English manual is aimed at foreign-born adults of "industrial class"[25]

Labour lawyer comments at length on deteriorating worker-management relations in Winnipeg[26]

Journalist says people in central Canada have no more influence on government than Westerners do (and perhaps less)[27]

Vilhjalmur Stefansson speaks on difficulties of his Arctic explorations, and overcoming them[28]

University of Manitoba convocation speaker addresses optimism[29]

Wilfrid Laurier comments on Louis Hémon's novel Maria Chapdelaine[30]


  1. "King George V | The Canadian Encyclopedia". www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca. Retrieved 4 December 2022.
  2. Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women. http://criaw-icref.ca/millenium Archived 2014-01-02 at the Wayback Machine
  3. Nicholson, G. W. L. (1962). Canadian Expeditionary Force 1914–1919. Ottawa: Queen's Printer and Controller of Stationery. p. 526.
  4. Nicholson, G. W. L. (1962). Canadian Expeditionary Force 1914–1919. Ottawa: Queen's Printer and Controller of Stationery. p. 527.
  5. "An Act to confer the Electoral Franchise upon Women" House of Commons; Copies of All House of Commons Bills Introduced during the Session 1918, PDF pg. 22, Library of Parliament. Access 4 June 2023
  6. "Labor Men Hear Lloyd George on British War Aims" The (Calgary) Morning Albertan (January 7, 1918), No. 261, pg. 1. Accessed 17 March 2020
  7. What Quebec Wants; Reply of La Presse to a Question from Ontario (1918), pgs. 14–17. Accessed 16 May 2022
  8. Trades and Labour Branch, Department of Public Works, "Women's Work on the Land; How You May Assist in Food Production this Summer". Accessed 18 March 2020
  9. "Awarded The Victoria Cross; 472168 Sergeant Hugh Cairns, D.C.M.[....]" Accessed 17 March 2020 http://scaa.usask.ca/gallery/war/memorials.html (scroll down to Cairns)
  10. Letter of W.A. Pearkes (June 22, 1918). Accessed 17 March 2020
  11. "Lieutenant Gordon Muriel Flowerdew, Lord Strathcona's Horse" Thirty Canadian V.Cs., pgs. 94-6. Accessed 17 March 2020
  12. Letter of Alan Arnett McLeod (April 2, 1918). Accessed 17 March 2020
  13. Letter of Don Mackenzie (June 29, 1918). Accessed 17 March 2020 https://archives.queensu.ca/exhibits/archival-resources-teachers/archival-look-world-war-i/warfare-wwi (scroll down to "Wilma" and click on page images)
  14. Letter of Jack Malcolm Brown (January 3, 1918). Accessed 17 March 2020
  15. Letter of Joseph McCartney (January 22, 1918). Accessed 17 March 2020
  16. "Hail, Canada!" The Stars and Stripes (May 24, 1918), pg. 4, and "Canada's Own Day," The Stars and Stripes (June 28, 1918), pg. 4. Accessed 17 March 2020
  17. Exhibition pamphlets. Accessed 18 March 2020 http://website.nbm-mnb.ca/MOP/english/ww1/dosearch.asp?browse=8&results=50&all=true (scroll down to "War Gardens")
  18. Canada's War Effort; 1914–1918 (1918). Accessed 15 May 2022
  19. Occupations-Military Personnel Muggins (Red Cross Dog) Collection, Saanich Archives. Accessed 3 July 2022
  20. Ontario Provincial Board of Health, "Influenza Precautions; Warning to Health Authorities". Accessed 18 March 2020
  21. S. Boucher, MD, "The Epidemic of Influenza," The Canadian Medical Association Journal (December 1918), pgs. 1090-1. Accessed 17 March 2020
  22. Helen Sylliboy (translation), "Message on the Death of Chief John Denny" and "September 1918" Accessed 18 March 2020
  23. "Chapter V; The United Farm Women" The Challenge of Agriculture; The Story of the United Farmers of Ontario (1921), pgs. 115-27. Accessed 18 March 2020
  24. "Appendix; The Remonstrance" The Challenge of Agriculture; The Story of the United Farmers of Ontario (1921), pgs. 193-6. Accessed 18 March 2020
  25. George Elmore Reaman, "Preface" English for New Canadians (1919), pg. 7. Accessed 18 March 2020
  26. Letter of Thomas Murray (May 28, 1918). Accessed 19 March 2020
  27. Bernard K. Sandwell, "West, East and the Government" Westing (1918), pgs. 14–15. Accessed 19 March 2020
  28. Vilh Jalmur [sic] Stefansson, "The Canadian Arctic Region" The Empire Club of Canada Addresses, pgs. 364-79. Accessed 19 March 2020
  29. Robert Law, "Optimism" (May 10, 1918). Accessed 19 March 2020
  30. Oscar Douglas Skelton, Life and Letters of Sir Wilfrid Laurier; Volume II (1921), pgs. 552-3. Accessed 19 March 2020
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