vera skotinn í



From vera (to be) + skotinn (shot), the singular, masculine, nominative past participle of skjóta (to shoot) + í (in), a preposition that takes a dative object in this phrase.


vera skotinn í m, vera skotin í f, vera skotið í n

  1. to have a crush on somebody, to fancy
    Ertu skotinn í henni?
    Have you got a crush on her? (the subject is male and the object is female)
    Er hún skotin í henni?
    Has she got a crush on her? (the subject is female and the object is female)
    Ég er skotin í honum.
    #:: I have a crush on him. (the subject is female and the object is male)
    Hann er skotinn í honum.
    He has a crush on him. (the subject is male and the object is male)


See also

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