


  • IPA(key): [vɐˈrʲîːtʲɪ]


varýti (third-person present tense vãro, third-person past tense vãrė) [1]

  1. (transitive) to drive
    1. to expel or urge by force, to turn out
      ką̃ į̃ gãtvę varýti[1] - turn someone out onto the street
    2. to cause animals to flee
    3. to compel
    4. to hit
      vìnį įvarýti į̃ síeną[1] - drive a nail into the wall
  2. (transitive) to thaw
  3. (transitive) to make ripen (corns etc.)
  4. (transitive) to distill



  • (to expel): vyti, šalinti, joti
  • (to cause animals to flee): ginti
  • (to compel): liepti, priversti
  • (to hit): kalti
  • (to make ripen): nokinti
  • (to distill): distiliuoti

Derived terms


  1. “varyti” in Balčikonis, Juozas et al. (1954), Dabartinės lietuvių kalbos žodynas. Vilnius: Valstybinė politinės ir mokslinės literatūros leidykla.
  • “varyti” in Martsinkyavitshute, Victoria (1993), Hippocrene Concise Dictionary: Lithuanian-English/English-Lithuanian. New York: Hippocrene Books. →ISBN
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