


un- + signed


unsigned (not comparable)

  1. (computing) Not accepting negative numbers; having only a positive absolute value.
    We use an unsigned variable to store the employee's salary, since it will never be less than zero.
  2. Lacking a signature, unendorsed.
    The bank rejected the unsigned check.
  3. Not signed to an organization such as a sports club or record label.
    • 2008, Jonathan Rand, The Year That Changed the Game:
      The unsigned player also had the option of sitting out a year and negotiating as a free agent.




unsigned (plural unsigneds)

  1. (computing) A numeric value or variable that has no sign and can only be positive.
    • 1999, Steve Heller, Optimizing C++, page 107:
      For compilers which produce two-byte unsigneds, the maximum cumulative frequency is 16,383 if we wish to avoid the use of long arithmetic.


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