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  • IPA(key): /ˈstɛpna/
    Rhymes: -ɛpna


stefna f (genitive singular stefnu, nominative plural stefnur)

  1. direction (where something is headed), course
  2. strategy
  3. policy
  4. movement, school (e.g. of art)
  5. convention, conference (large gathering)
  6. (law) subpoena, summons


Derived terms

  • aðskilnaðarstefna (apartheid)
  • afturhaldsstefna (conservatism)
  • efnahagsstefna (fiscal policy, economic policy)
  • endurreisnarstefna (renaissance)
  • fornmenntastefna (humanism)
  • heimsvaldastefna (imperialism)
  • heittrúarstefna (pietism)
  • hentistefna (opportunism)
  • hreintrúarstefna (puritanism)
  • jafnaðarstefna (socialism)
  • jafnréttisstefna (egalitarianism)
  • kaupstefna (trade fair)
  • málstefna (language policy)
  • nytjastefna (utilitarianism)
  • nýlendustefna (colonialism)
  • prestastefna (synod, convocation)
  • raunsæisstefna (realism)
  • ráðstefna (conference)
  • stefnubreyting (change of direction, change of policy)
  • stefnufastur (single-minded)
  • stefnufesta (single-mindedness)
  • stefnulaus (aimless, directionless)
  • stefnuljós (indicator, turn signal)
  • stefnumark (purpose, aim, goal)
  • stefnumót (rendezvous; date)
  • stefnuskrá (political platform)
  • stjórnleysisstefna (anarchism)
  • tilvistarstefna (existentialism)


stefna (weak verb, third-person singular past indicative stefndi, supine stefnt)

  1. (intransitive) to head (somewhere)
  2. (intransitive) to aim (for something), direct one's course (somewhere)
  3. (transitive, with dative) to direct (something) (somewhere)
  4. (transitive, with dative) to summon (call to a meeting, etc.)
  5. (transitive, with dative, law) to summon to court, subpoena


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