press F to pay respects



From a prompt in the PC version of the 2014 video game Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare which directs the player to press the F key to touch a fallen soldier's coffin during a funeral cutscene.[1]


press F to pay respects

  1. (Internet slang, humorous, often sarcastic) Used to convey that sympathy, recognition, or credit should be given.
    Synonym: F in the chat
    • 2018, Blake Aued, "Give the People What They Want", Flagpole, 26 December 2018 - 2 January 2019, page 6:
      The sundry restaurant comings and goings that made our digital readers press F to pay respects will be covered by food critic Hillary Brown in her year-end wrap-up in the Jan. 9 issue.
    • 2019, "Off The Record", The Student Life (Claremont Colleges), 29 March 2019, page 6:
      Press F to pay respects to friends who have midterms this week.
    • 2019, Charlotte Colombo, "A New Chapter!", Wessex Scene (University of Southampton), September 2019, page 2:
      Whether you're reading this as an escape from the buzz of events or found it discarded on a chair somewhere (press F to pay respects), let me take this opportunity to give you a warm welcome to Southampton.
    • For more quotations using this term, see Citations:press F to pay respects.


  1. Cecilia D'Anastasio, "Five Years Of 'F' To Pay Respects", Kotaku, 4 November 2019
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