morrer ao caxato


Alternative forms

  • morrer ó caxato


Literally, to die by the shepherd's crook.


morrer ao caxato (first-person singular present morro ao caxato, first-person singular preterite morrín ao caxato, past participle morto ao caxato)

  1. (idiomatic) to barely earn a living or to live hard times
    Synonym: morrer á miñoca
    • render a miña máis sincera homenaxe a moitos deses grandes artistas que non podendo subir a actuar aos seus impresionantes escenarios doutros anos, optaron por non deixarse “morrer ao caxato” e ofrecer a súa arte en pequenos recintos de cafeterías, restaurantes, e mesmo nas rúas.
      I want to homage many of those great artists who couldn't take their impressive stages, as they did the previous years, and decided not to "die by the shepherd's crook" and offer their art in small cafés, restaurants, or even in the streets.


  • caxato” in Dicionario de Dicionarios da lingua galega, SLI - ILGA 2006–2013.
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