
See also: libraria


Etymology 1

15th century. From libro (book) + -aría, or either from Old French, attested earlier with the same meaning.

Alternative forms


  • IPA(key): /liβɾaˈɾia̝/


libraría f (plural librarías)

  1. bookstore
  2. bookshelf
  3. (dated) library
    Synonym: biblioteca
    • c. 1450, A. López Ferreiro, editor, Historia de la Santa A. M. Iglesia de Santiago de Compostela, VII, p. 136:
      Item mando que dentro enas ditas casas de miña morada seja apartadamente outra Cámara de libraría en que sejan postos todos meus libros en rroda et almarios con discreta et boa custodia como se conten eno dito ynventario, assi de Sancta theologia et filosofía, eclesiásticos et sermonarios, et de medicina et fisica, como outros de dereito canónico et cevil de meu nome firmados [...] a qual libraria mando que seja común generalmente et particularmente para hestudio dos peregrinos et Romeus, clérigos et leigos leterados que vieren en Romería a Santiago
      Item, I order that, inside my houses where I reside, they build another chamber for library, and that they place in it all my books around in shelves, with careful and good custody, as it is contained in the aforementioned inventory, of holy theology and philosophy, ecclesiastical and books of sermons, and of medicine and physics, as well as others of ecclesiastical and civil law, signed with my name [...] and I order that the aforementioned library should be public, in general and particular, for the study of the pilgrims, clergyman or learned layman, that could come in pilgrimage to Santiago


  • libraria” in Dicionario de Dicionarios do galego medieval, SLI - ILGA 2006–2022.
  • libraría” in Dicionario de Dicionarios da lingua galega, SLI - ILGA 2006–2013.
  • libraría” in Tesouro informatizado da lingua galega. Santiago: ILG.



  1. first/third-person singular conditional of librar




  1. first/third-person singular conditional of librar
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