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From homosexual + -ity, equivalent to homo- + sexuality and after the model of German Homosexualität, coined by journalist Karl Maria Kertbeny in 1869, and French homosexualité, attested in 1891.


  • (General American) IPA(key): /ˌhoʊməˌsɛkʃuˈælɪti/, /ˌhoʊmoʊˌsɛkʃuˈælɪti/
  • (Received Pronunciation) IPA(key): /ˌhəʊmə(ʊ)sɛkʃʊˈælɪti/, /ˌhəʊmə(ʊ)ˌsɛksjʊˈælɪti/, /ˌhɒmə(ʊ)-/
  • (file)
  • Rhymes: -ælɪti


homosexuality (usually uncountable, plural homosexualities)

  1. The state of being sexually attracted primarily or exclusively to persons of the same sex, sometimes (potentially offensive) restricted to same-sex attraction between males. [1892]
    • 1892, Richard von Krafft-Ebing, translated by Charles Gilbert Chaddock, Psychopathia Sexualis, page 185:
      Great diminution or complete absence of sexual feeling for the opposite sex, with substitution of sexual feeling and instinct for the same sex. (Homo-sexuality, or contrary sexual instinct).
    • 1892 April 2, “Hereditary Insanity: This is What Dr. Comstock Says Alice Mitchell Has”, in Memphis Appeal-Avalanche, Memphis, Tenn., page 1:
      Some of the experts have gone into the question of homosexuality with great care, and advanced sundry learned and scientific theories in regard to that abnormal condition.
    • 2005, Mark Caldwell, New York Night, page 133:
      Of the dozen or so surviving articles, squibs, and letters to the editor, the most remarkable appeared in the Whip and Satirist’s February 12, 1842, issue, and disclosed the existence of a cabal of gay men in New York's otherwise wholesome nightscape of brothels and riots. Moreover it identified the spider who minced so delicately along the wide-flung strands of the sodomitical web. "There is not one so degraded as this Captain Collins, the King of the Sodomites." He was a foreigner, an Englishman, in the long tradition of blaming homosexuality on the influence of aliens. Among the syndicate of perverts, the writer announced, "we find no Americans as yet—they are all Englishmen or French" (the English called homosexuality the French vice and the French the English vice; for the Whip it was the French and English vice).
  2. Sexual activity with a person of the same sex, sometimes (potentially offensive) restricted to same-sex sex between males. [1897]
    • 1897, Havelock Ellis et al., Sexual Inversion, page 101:
      Bourneville believes that 75 per cent. of the inmates of the Parisian venereal hospitals have practised homosexuality.
    • 2004 June 10, Leslie Feinberg, “The love that dared to speak its name”, in Workers World:
      A Prussian proposal for a harsh penal code made male homosexuality an even more serious crime.
    • 2019 October 31, Garrick Beckett, “Beckett: How BioWare Approaches Religion & Sexuality”, in The Lutheran Column, archived from the original on 17 September 2020, Blog:
      Third, it is possible to have gay sex with a crew member on your team. This isn’t possible with every crew member—only some, according to their pre-programmed sexual orientation. It’s obvious why this is an issue for Christians. Scripture explicitly says homosexuality is a sin (Genesis 18:20-21; 19:4-5, 24-25; Leviticus 18:22; Romans 1:26-27; 1 Corinthians 6:9-11; 2 Peter 2:4-10). Denying what Scripture says on it is nothing short of joyful ignorance and intellectual dishonesty.
      Society, conversely, says it’s not a sin, and as such has thrown it into pop culture without a care for whom they offend. Obviously, for the Christian, do not go this route. If you believe homosexuality is a sin (and you should, considering God’s Word is inerrant and infallible and you say you’re a Christian), do not choose a gay romantic route. You may think it’s harmless if you do, but what’s the point in making a confession coherent with Scripture but not living according to that confession? Quite frankly, it’s hypocritical and needs repentance.

Usage notes

As homosexuality in women is also known as lesbianism, the term homosexuality can be used with particular reference to male homosexuality, although such usage can be considered sexist. Different cultural constructions of same-sex love are collectively referred to as homosexualities.





Coordinate terms


See also


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