


From homogenital + -ity, equivalent to homo- + genitality.


homogenitality (uncountable)

  1. Sexual activity with a person of the same genitalia, sometimes (potentially offensive) restricted to same-sex sex between males.
    • 2005, The Bible on homosexuality: Exploring its meaning and authority:
      The Bible’s concern is about same-sex acts, what had been called homogenitality.
    • 2000, Cistercian Studies Quarterly, Some problematic aspects of human sexuality: Psychological considerations:
      The Chuch now accepts homosexuality as a fact but does not accept homogenitality as a choice.
    • 1998, Whole and Holy Sexuality: How to Find Human and Spiritual Integrity as a Sexual Person
      It is my view that homosexuality (understood as homogenitality) is not healthy, but that homosexual persons can be healthy .




Coordinate terms

See also

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