



  1. to separate
  2. to differentiate
  3. to perceive



From Old Galician-Portuguese estremar (13th century, Cantigas de Santa Maria), from estremo (border) + -ar.


  • IPA(key): /estɾeˈmaɾ/


estremar (first-person singular present estremo, first-person singular preterite estremei, past participle estremado)

  1. to separate
    Synonym: separar
    • 1291, A. López Ferreiro, editor, Galicia Histórica. Colección diplomática, Santiago: Tipografía Galaica, page 275:
      mando vna cuba de vino que eu teno en quiroga estremada
      I send a cask of wine that I have in Quiroga, separated
    1. to clean and separate the innards of an animal
    2. to separate the sheep of several proprietors after the herd has been grazing
  2. to border
    • 1393, A. Cabana Outeiro, editor, O Tombo H da catedral de Santiago. Documentos anteriores a 1397, Valga: Concello de Valga, page 68:
      a leyra da herdade que parte da hũa parte porlas Morocas e uay topar aa ribeira do mar e da outra parte se estrema porlo camjño que uén da uila de Noya
      the field that departs by As Morocas and goes to the seashore, and in the other side borders the road that comes from the town of Noia
    Synonym: bordear
  3. to mark out, to delimit, to demarcate
    • 1315, M. Lucas Alvarez & M. J. Justo Martín (eds.), Fontes documentais da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. Pergameos da serie Bens do Arquivo Histórico Universitario (Anos 1237-1537). Santiago: Consello da Cultura Galega, page 32:
      da nosa herdade que auemos nos en Uillachââ et que a deuisedes et estremedes da outra herdade pello juyz et notario
      of our propriety that we have in Vilachán; and you shall demarcate and delimit it from the other property, together with the judge and the notary
    Synonyms: demarcar, derregar, deslindar
  4. (archaic) to differ, to stand out
    • 1370, R. Lorenzo, editor, Crónica troiana. Introducción e texto, A Coruña: Fundación Barrié, page 274:
      Lenus et Deýfebus, jrmãos de Éytor, semellauã a sseu padre, rrey Príamos, atãto que sse nõ estremauã del en nehũa cousa
      (please add an English translation of this quotation)
    Synonyms: diferenciar, sobresaír
  5. (archaic) to get away, to move apart
    Synonyms: arredar, separar
    • 1428, J. I. Fernández de Viana y Vieites, editor, Colección diplomática del monasterio de Santa María de Pantón, Lugo: Diputación, page 192:
      mando a mina alma a Deus Padre, que a conprou per lo seu santo sangre preçioso que se queyra dela amerçear e ma queyra reçevyr ao ponto que se me ela estremar da carne
      I send my soul to the Father, who bought her with his holly precious blood, if He would have mercy of her and wants to receive her at the moment that she would depart from my body



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