


Inherited from Latin demandāre, infinitive of demandō.



demanar (first-person singular present demano, first-person singular preterite demaní, past participle demanat)

  1. to ask for; to request
    • [E]l síndic de l'Alguer encara s'adreça al Ministre d'Afers Interiors demanant permís per acceptar el donatiu bibliogràfic
      The Algher syndicate addressed the Minister of Interior Affairs, requesting permission to accept the bibliographic donation
    Synonym: (formal) sol·licitar
  2. to ask (put forth a question)
    • 2010, Blanca Busquets, Vés a saber on és el cel, ROSA VENTS, →ISBN:
      Què t'ha semblat, la carta d'en Ramon, m'ha demanat mentre esperàvem que ens servissin.
      What did you think of Ramon's letter, she asked me while we waited to be served.
    Synonym: preguntar
  3. (reflexive) to wonder
    • 2014, Blanca Busquets, Paraules a mitges, ROSA VENTS, →ISBN:
      De seguida, li feia somrient, i mentre anava cap a la cuina, em demanava si ella i les altres em perdonarien mai el que estava a punt de fer.
      Immediately, I smiled at her, and as I went toward the kitchen, I wondered if she and the others would ever forgive me for what I was about to do.
    Synonym: preguntar-se
  4. to need, require, demand
    • 2014, Fra Valentí Serra de Manresa, Hortalisses i flors remeieres: Les herbes santes dels caputxins, Editorial Mediterrània, SL, →ISBN:
      Els carbassons demanen molt de sol i poc vent.
      Cucumbers require lots of sun and little wind.
    Synonyms: exigir, necessitar, requerir


Further reading

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