cuspir para arriba
Literally, “spit upwards”.
cuspir para arriba (first-person singular present cuspo para arriba, first-person singular preterite cuspín para arriba, past participle cuspido para arriba)
- (idiomatic) what goes around, comes around; to harm oneself by one's own actions
- 2016, Malandrómeda (lyrics and music), “VHS do futuro”:
- Esa caixa que está embaixo da cama esquencida
garda enterrada outra vida,
un pasado antes de cuspir para arriba,
afogado por unha rutina cativa- That forgotten box under the bed
keeps buried another life,
a past before spitting upwards,
drowned by a midget routine;
- That forgotten box under the bed
- “cuspir para arriba” in Tesouro informatizado da lingua galega. Santiago: ILG.
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