Originally a parallel form to an older adjective *bals (which disappeared probably because of homophony with balss “voice,” but left related terms like the verbs balot, balēt “to bleach, to fade,” balināt “to whiten, to blanch”), from the same source as the adjective balts (“white”) (q.v.). Note that the long/short parallel forms apparently reflect an older state of affairs: alongside Proto-Indo-European *bʰel- (“shiny, white”), the source of *bals and balts, there was also *bʰa- (< *bʰeh₂-), from which Proto-Baltic *bāl- and Latvian bāls. The original meaning was probably wider (closer to “white”), but the co-existence with balts restricted it to its current range.[1]
- IPA(key): [bāːls]
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bāls (definite bālais, comparative bālāks, superlative visbālākais, adverb bāli)
- (of people) pale (with lighter, whiter color on the face or skin than normal; without redness; also, implicitly, unhealthy)
- slimniekam ir bāla seja ― the patient has a pale face
- bāls kā audekls, krīts, drēbe, līķis, nāve ― pale like a canvas, chalk, cloth, a corpse, death (= very pale)
- bērns auga, bija bāls kā pagrabā uzdīdzis stāds ― the boy grew, he was pale as a plant grown in the basement
- spoguli paskatījies, viņš vairs nepazina sevi: bāls, kā no slimības gultas piecēlies cilvēks iekritušām acīm raudzījās viņam pretim... tā cilvēka vaigos vairs nebija sārtuma ― looking at the mirror, he could not recognize himself anymore: a person pale as one who stood up from a sick bed, with hollow eyes, looked at him... on that person's cheeks there was no redness
- pale, light (not having brightness, not having bright colors)
- bāli pelēki mākoņi ― pale gray clouds
- kombinēt spilgtas un bālas krāsas ― to combine bright and pale colors
- mazas puķītes ar bāliem ziediem ― small plants with pale flowers
- aiz loga stāv bālā miglas siena ― standing outside the window was the pale wall of fog
- pale, dim, dull, faint (without brightness)
- bāls mēness ― the pale moon
- platā, zemā maizes krāsnī vēl gailējas bālas aizkura ogles ― in the wide, low bread oven some pale (= faint) kindling coal
- mākoņu spraugās šur un tur iemirgojās bālas zvaigznes ― in the cracks in the clouds here and there (a few) pale (= faint) stars shone
- (usually of works of art) weak, poor, not interesting (without bright, interesting features)
- loma ir neizstrādāta, bāla ― the role is undeveloped, pale (= weak)
- bālas un nenozīmīgas romāna nodaļas ― pale (= weak) and insignificant novel chapters
- pirmajās izrādēs vēl ir bālas un sasteigtas vietas ― in the first performances there still are pale (= weak) and premature places (= parts)
- dzejolis ir bāls un nekā jauna lasītājam nedod ― the verse is pale (= weak) and gives nothing new to the reader
masculine (vīriešu dzimte) | feminine (sieviešu dzimte) | ||||||||
singular (vienskaitlis) |
plural (daudzskaitlis) |
singular (vienskaitlis) |
plural (daudzskaitlis) | ||||||
nominative (nominatīvs) | bāls | bāli | bāla | bālas | |||||
accusative (akuzatīvs) | bālu | bālus | bālu | bālas | |||||
genitive (ģenitīvs) | bāla | bālu | bālas | bālu | |||||
dative (datīvs) | bālam | bāliem | bālai | bālām | |||||
instrumental (instrumentālis) | bālu | bāliem | bālu | bālām | |||||
locative (lokatīvs) | bālā | bālos | bālā | bālās | |||||
vocative (vokatīvs) | — | — | — | — | |||||
Derived terms
- bālā mušmire
- balēt, bālēt, balot
- bālgans
- bālums
- Karulis, Konstantīns (1992) “bāls”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, →ISBN