búcsút mond



búcsú (farewell) + -t (accusative suffix) + mond (to say), literally to say farewell


  • IPA(key): [ˈbuːt͡ʃuːtmond]


búcsút mond

  1. (idiomatic) to say goodbye, to bid farewell (to someone or something -nak/-nek), to take leave
    Synonyms: elbúcsúzik, elköszön, búcsút vesz, istenhozzádot mond
    Búcsút mondtam a háznak.I said goodbye to the house.
    Búcsút mondtam nekik.I said goodbye to them.
    Szomorúan mondtunk búcsút.We bade our farewell with sadness.


  • For the verb, see mond.
  • The inflected noun búcsút remains unchanged.
  • The order of the two words can be switched depending on the sentence structure. See the examples above.
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