

Alternative forms


aus- + schließen


  • IPA(key): [ˈʔaʊ̯sʃliːsn̩], [ˈʔaʊ̯sʃliːsən]
  • (file)
  • (file)


ausschließen (class 2 strong, third-person singular present schließt aus, past tense schloss aus, past participle ausgeschlossen, past subjunctive schlösse aus, auxiliary haben)

  1. to exclude, to debar;
    die Öffentlichkeit ausschließento keep something from the public
  2. to rule out
    • 2015, Tim Krohn, Nachts in Vals:
      denn auch das Einerzimmer hatte Doppelbett, und natürlich schloss Marlette gleich kategorisch aus, im Kinderbett zu schlafen […].
      For even the single room had a double bed, and naturally Marlette categorically ruled out sleeping on the child's bed.
  3. (reflexive) to lock out oneself

Usage notes

  • Before the 1996 German spelling reform, the past tense was conjugated as schloß aus, schlossest/schloßt aus, schloß aus, schlossen aus, schloßt aus, schlossen aus, while the reformed spellings use schloss- consistently.


Derived terms

Further reading

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