
See also: achaar

Old Galician-Portuguese

Alternative forms


Attested since the 13th century, used by Alfonso X, from Latin applānāre.


  • IPA(key): /a.t͡ʃã.aɾ/



  1. (transitive) to level
    • 1300, R. Martínez López, editor, General Estoria. Versión gallega del siglo XIV., Oviedo, page 134:
      et derribarõlles toda a obra et achãarõna em maneyra que toda afezerõ ygoal cõ aoutra terra, et [quaerom] os gigantes todos que estauã em çima labrando agrande pressa, et quaerom todos em terra et morrerõ que nõ ficou nẽgũ viuo, et sayo deles o sangre, et espargiosse porla terra, et andaua bolindo cõmo viuo et envolujasse ẽno poluo da terra
      and they toppled their whole work and they levelled it so that all was the same with the other ground, and all of the giants that were on top working in a great hurry, they fell to the ground and died, so that none was left alive, and the blood came out of them, and it scattered along the ground, and it was moving as if alive, and it was revolving in the dust of the ground
  2. (transitive) to raze
    • 1395, Ramón Lorenzo, editor, Crónica troiana, page 532:
      Et por ende nóslos deuemos destroýr et cofonder per força, et deytalos fora da terra, et desherdalos, et achãar as torres et os muros, et queymar et derribar os paaços et as casas, et abaixar a çidade toda, ca assý noslo an prometudo os dioses, et outorgarõ, et nos segurarõ ende ben.
      And so we must destroy them, and to forcibly ruin them, and to throw them out of the land, and to disinherit them, and raze the towers and the walls, and burn and topple the palaces and the houses, and to humble the whole city, because that was promised to us by the gods, and they granted this to us, and they assured us fortune on this



    • Galician: achandar, achaiar
    • Portuguese: achanar


    • achãar” in Xavier Varela Barreiro & Xavier Gómez Guinovart: Corpus Xelmírez - Corpus lingüístico da Galicia medieval. SLI / Grupo TALG / ILG, 2006–2018.
    • achaar” in Dicionario de Dicionarios do galego medieval, SLI - ILGA 2006–2022.
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