See also: abstrakcijā
From abstrakts (“abstract”) + -ija, with t > c via palatalization. Probably not derived as such in Latvian, but borrowed and adapted from other European languages.
- IPA(key): [abstɾaktsija]
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abstrakcija f (4th declension)
- (usually singular) abstraction (logical process by which non-essential, accidental properties of an object or phenomenon are mentally removed, thus revealing the general, essential properties)
- zinātniskā, metafizikā abstrakcija ― scientific, metaphysical abstraction
- analizējot ekonomiskās formas, nav iespējams lietot nedz mikroskopu, nedz ķīmiskus reaktīvus... kā viens, tā otrs jāaizstāj abstrakcijas spēkām ― (when) analyzing economic forms, it is not possible a microscope or chemical reagents... both one and the other must be replaced by the power of abstraction
- abstraction (concept, generalization resulting from this process)
- jēdziens ir abstrakcija ― a concept is an abstraction
- dabas likuma abstrakcija ― the abstraction of a law of nature
- matērijas abstrakcija ― the abstraction of matter
- līnijas bez biezuma un platuma, kā zināms, dabā patstāvīgi neeksistē, un tātad matemātiskajām abstrakcijām ir neaprobežota nozīme tikai tīrās matemātikas ietvaros ― lines without thickness and width, as is known, do not exist independently in nature, therefore mathematical abstractions have unbound meaning only within the framework of pure mathematics
- abstraction (thought or conclusion removed from real life, from concrete circumstances; pointless theoretical speculation)
- atdalīt sajūtu no objekta, pēc Berklija domām, ir tukša abstrakcija ― to separate the feeling from the object, after Berkeley's thoughts, is an empty abstraction
- viņa dzeja visnotaļ sakņojas reālajā pasaulē un nekur no tās neatraujas, lai nomaldītos abstrakcijās ― his poetry is strongly rooted in the real world and does not stray anywhere from it in order to get lost in abstractions
Declension of abstrakcija (4th declension)
singular (vienskaitlis) | plural (daudzskaitlis) | |
nominative (nominatīvs) | abstrakcija | abstrakcijas |
accusative (akuzatīvs) | abstrakciju | abstrakcijas |
genitive (ģenitīvs) | abstrakcijas | abstrakciju |
dative (datīvs) | abstrakcijai | abstrakcijām |
instrumental (instrumentālis) | abstrakciju | abstrakcijām |
locative (lokatīvs) | abstrakcijā | abstrakcijās |
vocative (vokatīvs) | abstrakcija | abstrakcijas |
- (of "logical process"): abstrahēšana
Related terms
- IPA(key): /apstràːkt͡sija/
Further reading
- “abstrakcija”, in Slovarji Inštituta za slovenski jezik Frana Ramovša ZRC SAZU, portal Fran
- “abstrakcija”, in Termania, Amebis
- See also the general references
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