
Norwegian Bokmål


From Latin absolūtus (concluded, absolute), perfect passive participle of absolvō (complete, finish), from both ab- (from, off, away from), from Latin ab (from, away from, on, in), from Proto-Italic *ab, from Proto-Indo-European *h₂epó (off, away) + and from solvō (release, loosen, dissolve, take apart), from both sē- (apart-, aside-, away), from Proto-Indo-European *s(w)ēd, the ablative singular of *s(w)é (self) + and from luō (I untie, set free, separate), from Proto-Indo-European *lewh₃- (to wash).


  • IPA(key): /absʊˈlʉt/, /ɑpsʊˈlʉt/
  • (file)
  • Rhymes: -ʉt
  • Hyphenation: ab‧so‧lutt


absolutt (neuter singular absolutt, definite singular and plural absolutte, comparative mer absolutt, superlative mest absolutt)

  1. absolute (free of restrictions, limitations, qualifications or conditions)
    • 1882, Henrik Ibsen, En folkefiende, page 65:
      [jeg] havde [ikke] absolut vished
      [I] had [not] absolute certainty
    • 1874, Henrik Ibsen, Peer Gynt, page 176:
      den absolute fornuft
      the absolute sense
    • 1923, Nini Roll Anker, Huset i Søgaten, page 45:
      denne absolutte fred
      this absolute peace
    • 1944, Christian Skredsvig, Romaner og fortællinger I, page 164:
      det var det absolute skurkefjæs, sortsmusket, knoklete kjæver, øinene små og brændende bak høie kindben
      it was the absolute villain's face, black musket, bony jaws, eyes small and burning behind high cheekbones
    • 1933, Knut Hamsun, Men livet lever II, page 192:
      det var avenselut umulig at føde mere sau i fjeldet
      it was absolutely impossible to feed more sheep in the mountains
    • 1999 December 11, Aftenposten, page 46:
      barbiedukken, med sitt smale liv og lange ben, er mitt absolutte stilikon
      the barbie doll, with its narrow waist and long legs, is my absolute style icon
    • 2003 May 8, klassekampen.no:
      den amerikanske livsform settes opp som det absolutte ideal for hva det gode liv handler om
      The American way of life is set up as the absolute ideal for what the good life is all about
    • 2004, Karl Ove Knausgård, En tid for alt:
      middelalderinstitusjoner som kirkemøtet og inkvisisjonen … innførte en rekke absolutte sannheter
      medieval institutions such as the Synod and the Inquisition… introduced a number of absolute truths
    • 2004, Karl Ove Knausgård, En tid for alt:
      frenesien … når sitt absolutte høydepunkt i Jerusalems tempel
      the frenzy… reaches its absolute climax in the temple of Jerusalem
    • 2018, Jan Grue, Jeg lever et liv som ligner deres, pages 119–120:
      [superheltene] hadde absolutt bevegelsesfrihet. Supermann kunne fly, Edderkoppen kunne svinge seg fra bygning til bygning
      [the superheroes] had absolute freedom of movement. Superman could fly, Spider-Man could swing from building to building
    en tese med absolutt gyldighet
    a thesis with absolute validity
    absolutte målmeasures in a system where the physical units are derived from the unit for length, mass and time
    absolutt trykkpressures including atmospheric pressure
    absolutt fuktighetmeasure how much water vapor is in the air
    absolutt alkoholanhydrous alcohol (ethanol), up to 99.9% purity
    absolutt kunstabstract art
    absolutt musikkmusic that has its purpose in itself and does not aim to evoke a specified mood, illustrate a course of action or the like
    det absoluttes filosofiphilosophical doctrine that sees reality as a cohesive organic whole of a spiritual nature
    absolutt majoritet / absolutt flertalla majority consisting of more than half of the votes of those entitled to vote
    Synonyms: fullstendig, uinnskrenket
  2. (rare) completely destructive
    • 1957, Aftenposten:
      kjernefysiske våpen er det de militære kaller absolutte
      nuclear weapons are what the military calls absolute
  3. (grammar) without (ordinary) filling, especially without object
    i «hun er flink til å delegere» brukes det transitive verbet «delegere» absolutt, dvs. uten objekt
    in "she is good at delegating" the transitive verb "delegate" is used absolutely, ie without object


Derived terms



  1. absolutely, finally, unconditionally, definitely
    • 1874, Henrik Ibsen, De unges forbund, page 103:
      behøvte han absolut noget at leve for, så er han jo juridisk kandidat
      if he absolutely needed something to live on, then he is a legal candidate
    • 1899, Jonas Lie, Faste Forland, page 57:
      nogen maa absolut ha krogen i næsen paa mig, mener du?
      someone must absolutely have the hook in my nose, do you mean?
    • 2011 December 31, aftenposten.no:
      når det gjelder konsentrasjon av makt, er det et tema vi absolutt skal se på
      when it comes to concentration of power, it is a topic we should definitely look at
    • 2014 October 15, Fædrelandsvennen, page 48:
      vi skulle absolutt hatt en høyere kvinneandel. Norges idrettsforbund jobber kontinuerlig med dette
      we should definitely have had a higher proportion of women. The Norwegian Sports Confederation works continuously with this
    • 1917, Sigbjørn Obstfelder, Skrifter II, page 63:
      hun vilde absolut spendere vin
      she would definitely treat wine
    • 2011 January 4, kjendis.no:
      hvorfor ville du absolutt danse med Malin?
      why did you absolutely want to dance with Malin?
    • 1996, Kjersti Scheen, Ingen applaus for morderen, page 81:
      du burde absolutt bli med
      you should definitely join
    Synonyms: betingelsesløst, endelig
  2. without exception
    • 1917, Knut Hamsun, Markens Grøde II, page 159:
      det var ikke saa meget med penger nei, men det var med alle livets nødvendigheter, absolut alle
      it was not so much with money no, but it was with all the necessities of life, absolutely all
    • 2015 January 14, f-b.no (Fredriksstad Blad):
      betyr ytringsfrihet at vi kan publisere absolutt alt vi vil, til tross for at vi vet at noen blir dypt fornærmet og såret
      freedom of speech means that we can publish absolutely anything we want, even though we know that someone will be deeply offended and hurt
  3. (with refusal or denial) absolutely, completely
    • 1884, Alexander L. Kielland, Fortuna, page 274:
      det var den eneste ting, han absolut ikke kunde udholde
      it was the only thing he absolutely could not endure
    • 2015 January 14, ringblad.no (Ringerikes Blad):
      [ordføreren] synes absolutt ikke det er noe gøy å foreslå innsparinger
      [the mayor] certainly does not think it's fun to suggest savings
    vi ante absolutt ingenting
    we had absolutely no idea
    Synonyms: aldeles, slettes


absolutt n (definite singular absoluttet, indefinite plural absolutt or absolutter, definite plural absolutta or absoluttene)

  1. (religion, philosophy) absolute claim, condition, assertion
    de fire absolutter (absolutt ærlighet, renhet, uselviskhet, kjærlighet)the four absolute requirements (absolute honesty, purity, selflessness, love)
    • 1964, Aftenposten:
      gamle absolutter mister sin entydighet
      old absolutes lose their uniqueness
    • 1989, Hobæk Haff, Den guddommelige tragedie, page 118:
      jeg blir nødt til å minne deg om de tre absolutter, som var betingelsen for at vi kunne sette oss fast her oppe
      I'll have to remind you of the three absolutes, which were the condition for us to get stuck up here
  2. conditions that apply absolutely; conditions that are not to be missed
    • 1960, Samtiden:
      storkrigens umulighet var et absolutt
      the impossibility of the great war was an absolute
    • 2011, Ingeborg Arvola, Grisehjerter:
      det er mange innvirkende faktorer, og få absolutter
      there are many influencing factors, and few absolutes


Norwegian Nynorsk


From Latin absolūtus, perfect passive participle of absolvō (complete, finish).


absolutt (neuter singular absolutt, definite singular and plural absolutte)

  1. absolute




  1. absolutely


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