- Adrian Quist (Australia)
- adrip (US)
- aled up
- all mops and brooms
- arseholed (taboo)
- a sheet in the wind
- a sheet in the wind's eye
- bedrunken
- befuddled
- beliquored
- besotted
- besotten
- bevvied
- bibacious
- bibulous
- binned
- bingoed
- bladdered (Britain)
- blasted
- blewed
- blind
- blind drunk
- blitzed
- blocked (Ireland)
- blootered
- blottoed
- blue
- bollocksed (taboo)
- bombed
- boozy
- bosky
- bottled
- Brahms (Cockney rhyming slang)
- Brahms and Liszt (Cockney rhyming slang)
- budgy
- bungalowed
- bungfu (rare)
- burlin' (Britain dialect)
- canned
- clobbered (US)
- corned
- cocked
- cockeyed
- crapulous
- crocked (North America)
- cunted (taboo)
- cup-shot (obsolete)
- cup-shotten (obsolete)
- cut [⇒ thesaurus]
- dead drunk
- destroyed
- disguised
- drunk
- drunk as a piper
- drunked up
- drunken
- ebriated
- ebriose
- elephant's (Cockney rhyming slang)
- elephant's trunk (Cockney rhyming slang)
- elevated
- faced
- fap (obsolete)
- fershnickered
- flooey (dated)
- floored
- flush
- flushed
- flustered
- fluted (Ireland)
- fluthered (Ireland)
- feeling no pain (euphemistic)
- fou (Scotland)
- four sheets in the wind
- fresh
- fried
- frosted
- fuckered up (taboo)
- fuckfaced (taboo)
- fuddled
- full (Australia)
- fuzzy-headed
- fuzzy-minded
- gassed
- gattered (Britain)
- gee-eyed (Ireland, slang)
- gesuip (South Africa)
- ginned (dated)
- gished (Britain)
- glorious (archaic)
- groggified (dated)
- groggy
- half polluted (Ireland)
- half cut
- half lit
- half seas over (slang)
- hammered
- have drink taken
- have the sun in one's eyes
- hazed (Australia)
- high as a Georgia pine
- high as a kite (often refers to drugs)
- high (rare)
- hog-whimpering
- honkers
- hooched up
- hooted
- hoovered
- hosed
- how came you so (slang, obsolete)
- impaired
- in liquor
- in one's altitudes (archaic, idiomatic)
- in one's cups (idiomatic)
- in the bag (idiomatic)
- in the drink (dated, idiomatic)
- inebriate
- inebriated
- inebrious (archaic)
- insober
- insobrietous (rare)
- inter pocula
- jaked
- jarred
- juiced
- juiced up
- kaylied (Britain)
- kisky (slang, obsolete)
- lamped (Ireland)
- langered (Ireland dialect)
- langers (Ireland dialect)
- larruped
- lash (Britain)
- legless
- liquored up
- liquory
- lit
- loaded
- looped
- loopy
- loose [⇒ thesaurus]
- lubricated
- lushed
- mad with it
- maggot (Australia)
- maggoted (Australia)
- mashed
- maudlin
- medicated (euphemistic)
- messed up
- monged (Britain)
- mortal
- mortalled
- Mozart and Liszt (Cockney rhyming slang)
- muddled
- muggy [⇒ thesaurus] (obsolete slang)
- mullered (Britain)
- munted
- muzzy
- nappy
- newted
- nimptopsical
- obfuscated (archaic)
- obliviated
- off one's box (idiomatic)
- off one's head (idiomatic, often refers to drugs)
- off one's tits (idiomatic)
- oiled
- Oliver (Cockney rhyming slang)
- Oliver Twist (Cockney rhyming slang)
- on the ran tan (archaic, slang)
- ossified (Ireland, US)
- out of it (idiomatic)
- out of one's box (idiomatic)
- out of one's face
- out of one's head (idiomatic)
- out of sight (idiomatic)
- overcome
- overrefreshed (jocular or euphemistic)
- overtaken (archaic)
- paralytic
- parlatic
- pickled (Canada)
- pie-eyed
- pixilated
- plastered
- ploughed
- plowed (US)
- polluted (Ireland)
- potted
- pounded
- primed
- puggled
- quisby
- raddled
- rat-arsed (Britain, taboo)
- ratted (Britain)
- razzled
- ripe (obsolete)
- ripped
- rolling
- rubbered (Britain)
- sauced
- scammered
- schloshed
- schnockered
- screwed
- scuttered (Ireland)
- sewed up
- shedded
- shellacked
- shicker
- shickered (Australia, NZ)
- shitty (US, taboo)
- skunked
- slammed
- slarmied
- slizzard (also refers to drugs)
- sloppy drunk
- sloshed
- smashed
- snockered
- snookered
- snozzled
- snuffy
- soaken (obsolete)
- sodden
- sotted
- sottish
- souped-up (US Navy slang)
- soused
- sozzled
- sozzly
- spanceled
- spannered
- spiffed
- splashed
- spongy
- sprung
- squiffed
- steamboats (Britain, Ireland, slang)
- stewed
- stinking
- stinko
- stoated (UK slang)
- stoned [⇒ thesaurus] (rare – usually refers to drugs)
- stonkered (Australia)
- stotious
- strut (Scotland, obsolete)
- swacked
- tanked
- tanked up
- temulent
- temulentive
- three sheets in the wind
- three sheets to the wind (idiomatic)
- throwed
- tight as a tick
- tight [⇒ thesaurus]
- tilted
- tippled
- tipsy
- tired and emotional (Britain, jocular or euphemistic)
- toasted
- top-heavy
- top-heavy with drink (rare, idiomatic)
- toping
- trashed
- tuned
- twatfaced (Britain, taboo)
- twisted
- wastey
- wazzed (Britain)
- wazzocked (Britain)
- well-oiled
- wellied
- wet [⇒ thesaurus] (archaic)
- whittled
- withered
- wobbly
- woozy
- worse for liquor
- worse for wear (euphemistic)
- wrecked
- zoned
- zonked
- zooted
- zorched
- zotzed
By degree
- Nearly drunk
- potulent (obsolete)
- Mildly drunk
- buzzed
- corny (UK, obsolete)
- drunkish
- ebrious
- flashy (archaic)
- lushy
- mellow
- merry (euphemistic)
- moppy
- muddy (obsolete)
- muzzy
- ree (UK dialect)
- screwy (archaic)
- semidrunk
- slewed
- slued
- squiffy
- swipey
- tiddled
- tiddly
- tipsy
- tozy-mozy (archaic)
- Very drunk
- airlocked (UK dialect)
- blotto
- cabbaged (UK)
- drunk as a boiled owl (US)
- drunk as a cunt (taboo)
- drunk as a fiddler
- drunk as a fiddler's bitch (taboo)
- drunk as a lord
- drunk as a piper
- drunk as a skunk
- drunk as a sow
- drunk as a wheelbarrow
- drunk as an owl
- drunk as Chloe
- drunk as David's sow
- four sheets to the wind (idiomatic)
- fucked (taboo)
- fucked up (taboo)
- fuckfaced (taboo)
- full as a goog (Australia)
- gone
- hamboned
- leathered
- locked (Ireland)
- mortal (UK)
- obliterated
- owly-eyed
- paralytic
- para (UK, Australia)
- parro (Australia)
- peloothered (Ireland, rare)
- pissed (UK)
- pissed as a fart (taboo)
- pissed as a newt (taboo)
- pissed as a parrot (taboo)
- schnookered
- shitfaced (taboo)
- shithoused (taboo)
- shwasted
- slaughtered
- sloshed
- sloshed to the gills
- sozzled (UK)
- steaming
- tore up (US)
- trollied
- twatted (UK, taboo)
- wankered (UK, taboo)
- wasted
- whistle-drunk (obsolete)
By type
- Beer
- ale-blown (obsolete)
- ale-washed (obsolete)
- alecied (obsolete)
- beered-up
- beery
- lagered up
- Gin
- ginned (dated)
- Grog
- groggified (dated)
- groggy
- Whisky/Whiskey
- Wine
- feeling no pain
- flushed
- glorious (archaic)
- nappy (archaic)
- pot-valiant (archaic)
- sodden
- shake a cloth in the wind (nautical)
- under the influence (idiomatic)
- Like having endured violence
- Impaired
- askew [⇒ thesaurus] (figuratively)
- cockeyed
- have a brick in one's hat (obsolete)
- impaired
- muddled
- out of it
- owly-eyed
- pie-eyed
- spancelled
- top-heavy with drink
- wobbly
- Incapacitated
Further reading
- “959. drunkenness” in Roget's Thesaurus, T. Y. Crowell Co., 1911.
- “drunk” in Moby Thesaurus II, Grady Ward, 1996.
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