< Reconstruction:Proto-Permic


This Proto-Permic entry contains reconstructed terms and roots. As such, the term(s) in this entry are not directly attested, but are hypothesized to have existed based on comparative evidence.



Unknown, but the following theories have been proposed by Lytkin (1970):

  • An ultimate derivation of Ancient Greek Ἀσία (Asía) (via related words in other languages), with the semantic development "Asia" > "continent to the east" > "east". See there for further etymology.
  • Alternatively, a borrowing from an Iranian language (compare Sogdian [Term?] (high)), with the semantic shift "high" > "high mountains" > "Ural mountains" > "mountains to the east" > "east".


*as (stem *as-)

  1. east
  2. morning


Declension of *as (stem: *as-)
singular plural
nominative *as *asjas
accusative indefinite *as *asjas
definite *asäs *asjasäs
instrumental *asän *asjasän
caritive *astäk *asjastäk
consecutive *asla *asjasla
genitive *aslän *asjaslän
ablative *asliś *asjasliś
dative *asli *asjasli
inessive *asin *asjasin
elative *asiś *asjasiś
illative *asä *asjasä
egressive *asśań *asjasśań
approximative *aslań *asjaslań
terminative *asäʒ́ *asjasäʒ́
translative *asti *asjasti

Derived terms


  • Lytkin, V. I., Gulyaev, E. S., editors (1970), “асыв”, in Краткий этимологический словарь коми языка [Brief Etymological Dictionary of the Komi Language] (in Russian), Moscow: Nauka
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