< Reconstruction:Proto-Celtic


This Proto-Celtic entry contains reconstructed terms and roots. As such, the term(s) in this entry are not directly attested, but are hypothesized to have existed based on comparative evidence.



From Proto-Indo-European *nigyéti (whence also Ancient Greek νίζω (nízō)), from *neygʷ- (to wash). The loss of labialization when *-yéti was attached is regular.



  1. to wash
    Synonym: *ameti


Thematic present, suffixless preterite
Active voice
Present Imperfect Future Preterite
1st singular *nigyū *nigyemam *ninixsū *ninoiga
2nd singular *nigyesi *nigyetās *ninixsesi *ninoigas?
3rd singular *nigyeti *nigyeto *ninixseti *ninoige
1st plural *nigyomosi *nigyemo *ninixsomosi *ninoigmo
2nd plural *nigyetesi *nigyestē *ninixsetesi *ninoixte
3rd plural *nigyonti *nigyento *ninixsonti *ninoigar
Pres. subjunctive Past subjunctive Imperative
1st singular *neixsū  ?
2nd singular *neixsesi  ? *nigye
3rd singular *neixseti  ? *nigyetou
1st plural *neixsomosi  ? *nigyomos
2nd plural *neixsetesi  ? *nigyete
3rd plural *neixsonti  ? *nigyontou
Passive voice
Present Imperfect Future Preterite
1st singular *nigyūr *ninixsūr
2nd singular *nigyetar *ninixsetar
3rd singular *nigyetor  ? *ninixsetor
1st plural *nigyommor *ninixsommor
2nd plural *nigyedwe *ninixsedwe
3rd plural *nigyontor  ? *ninixsontor
Pres. subjunctive Past subjunctive Imperative
1st singular *neixsūr
2nd singular *neixsetar
3rd singular *neixsetor
1st plural *neixsommor
2nd plural *neixsedwe
3rd plural *neixsontor
Declension of the past participle
masculine singular dual plural
nominative *nixtos *nixtou *nixtoi
vocative *nixte *nixtou *nixtoi
accusative *nixtom *nixtou *nixtoms
genitive *nixtī *nixtous *nixtom
dative *nixtūi *nixtobom *nixtobos
instrumental *nixtū *nixtobim *nixtobis
feminine singular dual plural
nominative *nixtā *nixtai *nixtās
vocative *nixtā *nixtai *nixtās
accusative *nixtam *nixtai *nixtams
genitive *nixtās *nixtous *nixtom
dative *nixtai *nixtābom *nixtābos
instrumental *? *nixtābim *nixtābis
neuter singular dual plural
nominative *nixtom *nixtou *nixtā
vocative *nixtom *nixtou *nixtā
accusative *nixtom *nixtou *nixtā
genitive *nixtī *nixtous *nixtom
dative *nixtūi *nixtobom *nixtobos
instrumental *nixtū *nixtobim *nixtobis

Derived terms


  • Old Irish: nigid
    • Middle Irish: nigid


  1. Schumacher, Stefan, Schulze-Thulin, Britta (2004) Die keltischen Primärverben: ein vergleichendes, etymologisches und morphologisches Lexikon [The Celtic Primary Verbs: A comparative, etymological and morphological lexicon] (Innsbrucker Beiträge zur Sprachwissenschaft; 110) (in German), Innsbruck: Institut für Sprachen und Literaturen der Universität Innsbruck, →ISBN, pages 492-496
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