Alternative forms
- Arabic (Eastern) numerals: ١١
- Arabic (Western) numerals: 11
- Armenian numerals: ԺԱ
- Assamese numerals: ১১
- Balinese numerals: ᭑᭑
- Bengali numerals: ১১
- Brahmi numerals: 𑁛𑁒, (place notation) 𑁧𑁧
- Chakma numerals: 𑄷𑄷
- Cham numerals: ꩑꩑
- Chinese numerals: 十一
- CJK tally marks: 𝍶𝍶𝍲
- Counting rod numerals: 𝍠𝍩
- Devanagari numerals: ११
- Dhives Akuru numerals: please add, if you can
- Egyptian numerals: 𓎆𓏺
- Ethiopic numerals: ፲፩
- Gothic numerals: 𐌹𐌰
- Greek numerals: ΙΑ΄, ια΄
- Gujarati numerals: ૧૧
- Gurmukhi numerals: ੧੧
- Hanifi Rohingya numerals: 𐴱𐴱
- Hebrew numerals: י״א
- Javanese numerals: ꧑꧑
- Kannada numerals: ೧೧
- Kawi numerals: please add, if you can
- Kayah Li numerals: ꤁꤁
- Khmer numerals: ១១
- Khudawadi numerals: 𑋱𑋱
- Lanna numerals: (secular) ᪁᪁, (religious) ᪑᪑
- Lao numerals: ໑໑
- Lepcha numerals: ᱁᱁
- Limbu numerals: ᥇᥇
- Malayalam numerals: ൧൧
- Meitei numerals: ꯱꯱
- Mongolian numerals: ᠑᠑
- Myanmar numerals: ၁၁
- N'Ko numerals: ߁߁
- Ol Chiki numerals: ᱑᱑
- Old Persian numerals: please add, if you can
- Odia numerals: ୧୧
- Osmanya numerals: 𐒡𐒡
- Persian numerals: ۱۱
- Roman numerals: XI, xi
- Saurashtra numerals: ꣑꣑
- Sharada numerals: 𑇑𑇑
- Sinhalese numerals: ෧෧, (archaic) 𑇪𑇡
- Sundanese numerals: ᮱᮱
- Takri numerals: 𑛁𑛁
- Tally marks: 𝍸𝍸𝍷
- Tamil numerals: ௰௧
- Telugu numerals: ౧౧
- Thai numerals: ๑๑
- Tibetan numerals: ༡༡
- Tirhuta numerals: 𑓑𑓑
- Warang Citi numerals: 𑣡𑣡
Audio (AU) (file)
11 (plural 11s)
- (cricket) A cricket team of eleven players.
- (soccer) A football team of eleven players.
- (countable, US, slang) A number off the charts of a hypothetical scale of 1 to 10.
- An exceptional specimen, (particularly) a physically attractive person.
- A very high level of intensity.
Derived terms
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