Etymology 1
From Proto-Athabaskan *ni (“to feel, to think, to want, to wish”). Relates to the mind.
Cognate root found in Ahtna uniʼoʼolnii (“I am attracted to her”), Tanacross shiiníʼ (“my mind”).
-NIID shares many stems with the roots -NÍÍD, -NIIʼ, -NÍÍʼ, -NIʼ, -NÍ, -NIH, -NIIH ~ -LĮH and -NEʼ, each of these being themselves a conflation of several originally distinct roots with at times overlapping meanings, which makes their actual identification often speculative.
Theme | Category | Bases | Transitive bases (O + ł) | ||||
O + yíní + d |
ni + l |
yí + di + l |
S is addicted
d |
S changes his/her mind
Stem set
Aspect | IMP | PERF | FUT | ITER | OPT |
MOM | -niih | -niid | -niił | -niih | -niił |
NEUT | -ní | - | - | - | - |
NEUT | - | -niʼ | - | - | - |
See also Appendix: Roots and stems derivation.
Derived terms
Navajo terms belonging to the root -NIID (desire)
Etymology 2
From Proto-Athabaskan *də-ni (“to say”).
Cognate root found in Ahtna desnii (“I say”), sełnii (“he says to me”), Carrier hotni (“it is said”).
- to say
Theme | Category | Bases | Indirect transitive (+ Pi) | ||||
di + ∅ |
S says [I say]
S says [I say] to P
di + ł |
S imitates the sound of P
Usage notes
- As in all Athabaskan languages, the thematic di- prefix deletes in the third person, and the pronominal P-i prefix is replaced with P-ił.
- dishní, bidishní ― I say, I say to him
- ní, shiłní ― he says, he says to me
Stem set
Aspect | IMP | PERF | FUT | ITER | OPT |
MOM | -niih | -niid | -niił | -niih | -neʼ |
NEUT | -ní | - | - | - | - |
See also Appendix: Roots and stems derivation.
to tell, to speak:
- -NEʼ
- -TIʼ
Derived terms
Navajo terms belonging to the root -NIID (say)
Stem set
Aspect | IMP | PERF | FUT | ITER | OPT |
NEUT | - | -niid | - | - | - |
NEUT | - | -nííd | - | - | - |
See also Appendix: Roots and stems derivation.
Derived terms
Navajo terms belonging to the root -NIID (new)
Etymology 4
From Proto-Athabaskan *ni ~ *ni̓gʸ (“to be joyful”).
Cognate root found in Ahtna neniic (“happiness”), Carrier honəsni (“to be joyful”).
Stem set
Aspect | IMP | PERF | FUT | ITER | OPT |
MOM | -niih | -niid | -niił | -niih | -niih |
NEUT | -ni | - | - | - | - |
See also Appendix: Roots and stems derivation.
Derived terms
Navajo terms belonging to the root -NIID (enjoy)
Theme | Category | Bases | Transitive bases (O + ł) | ||||
di + ł |
S affects P, cures P
Stem set
Aspect | IMP | PERF | FUT | ITER | OPT |
MOM | -niih | -niid | -niił | -nih | -niiʼ |
NEUT | -ní | - | - | - | - |
See also Appendix: Roots and stems derivation.
Derived terms
Navajo terms belonging to the root -NIID (affect)