
See also: Appendix:Variations of "sem"



From Proto-Turkic *sāyïn (every).[1]


-сем • (-sem)

  1. Suffix creating plurality.

Usage notes

Unlike many suffixes, this suffix always lack vowel harmony, due to its history as an enclitic. This plural suffix also cause fusion with case endings:

Nominative -сем (-sem)
Accusative-dative -сене (-sene)
Genitive -сен (-sen), -сенӗн (-senĕn)
Instrumental -семпе (-semp̬e)
Locative -сенче (-senč̬e)
Ablative -сенчен (-senč̬en)
Abessive -сенсӗр (-sens̬ĕr)
Causative -сеншӗн (-senš̬ĕn)

Among the fused suffixed above, only the instrumental form that never fuses with this plural suffix's last consonant.


  1. “Archived copy”, in (Please provide the book title or journal name), 2021 November 23 (last accessed), archived from the original on 11 March 2005
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