


In the meaning of a tool or instrument, may originate from a combination of the Proto-Slavic tool suffix *-dlo (Russian -ло (-lo), e.g. мы́ло (mýlo, soap), ра́ло (rálo, plow), ши́ло (šílo, awl)) + the diminutive -ка (-ka).


  • IPA(key): [ɫkə]


-лка • (-lka) f

  1. -er (forms nouns denoting objects, generally tools or instruments, from verbs)
    меша́ть (mešátʹ, to mix, to blend) + -лка (-lka)меша́лка (mešálka, mixer, blender)
    ве́шать (véšatʹ, to hang) + -лка (-lka)ве́шалка (véšalka, coat hanger)
    горе́ть (gorétʹ, to burn) + -лка (-lka)горе́лка (gorélka, burner (on a stove, etc.); nozzle of a welding torch)
    моро́зить (morózitʹ, to freeze) + -лка (-lka)морози́лка (morozílka, freezer)
    копи́ть (kopítʹ, to accumulate) + -лка (-lka)копи́лка (kopílka, money box, piggy bank)
    греть (gretʹ, to heat) + -лка (-lka)гре́лка (grélka, hot water bottle)
    зажига́ть (zažigátʹ, to set fire, to ignite) + -лка (-lka)зажига́лка (zažigálka, cigarette lighter)
    дразни́ть (draznítʹ, to tease) + -лка (-lka)дразни́лка (draznílka, teasing rhyme; (film) teaser (colloquial))
  2. (forms nouns denoting places, generally of a colloquial nature, from verbs)
    кури́ть (kurítʹ, to smoke) + -лка (-lka)кури́лка (kurílka, smoking room (colloquial))
    па́рить (páritʹ, to steam) + -лка (-lka)пари́лка (parílka, steam room, sauna, steam bath)
    па́рить (páritʹ, to steam) + -лка (-lka)па́рилка (párilka, steaming room in a factory)
    чита́ть (čitátʹ, to read) + -лка (-lka)чита́лка (čitálka, reading room (colloquial))
    раздева́ться (razdevátʹsja, to take off a coat) + -лка (-lka)раздева́лка (razdeválka, coatroom (colloquial))
  3. (forms nouns, denoting women performing an occupation, from verbs)
    сиде́ть (sidétʹ, to sit, to look after) + -лка (-lka)сиде́лка (sidélka, female caretaker (of a person), sick nurse)
    гада́ть (gadátʹ, to divine, to tell fortunes) + -лка (-lka)гада́лка (gadálka, female fortuneteller)

Usage notes

  • The suffix is common and productive in all three meanings.
  • The suffix is added onto the infinitive minus -ть (-tʹ).
  • The stress is sometimes (but not always) drawn onto the preceding syllable.
  • The suffix referring to places is a colloquial variant of -льня (-lʹnja).
  • The suffix referring to women is the feminine equivalent of -льщик (-lʹščik).


Derived terms

Russian terms suffixed with -лка
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