
See also: Appendix:Variations of "ica"



Inherited from Proto-Slavic *-ica.


  • IPA(key): [ˈit͡sa]


-ица • (-ica)

  1. Suffix appended to words to create a feminine noun.
    крал m (kral, king) + -ица (-ica)кралица f (kralica, queen)
    лев (lev, left) + -ица (-ica)левица f (levica, political left; left hand)
  2. Suffix appended to words to create a feminine noun to form a diminutive or as an expression of endearment.
    вода f (voda, water) + -ица (-ica)водица f (vodica)
    ракија f (rakija, water) + -ица (-ica)ракиица f (rakiica)

Derived terms

Macedonian terms suffixed with -ица

Old Church Slavonic

Alternative forms


From Proto-Slavic *-ica.


-ица • (-ica) f

  1. female equivalent of -икъ (-ikŭ)
    лисъ (lisŭ, fox) + -ица (-ica)лисица (lisica, vixen)
    дѣвица (děvica, girl, maiden, virgin) + -ица (-ica)дѣвица (děvica, girl, maiden, virgin)


Derived terms

Old Church Slavonic terms suffixed with -ица



Inherited from Proto-Slavic *-ica.


  • -ица: IPA(key): [ʲɪt͡sə]
  • -и́ца: IPA(key): [ˈʲit͡sə]


-ица or -и́ца • (-ica or -íca)

  1. female equivalent of -ик (-ik)
    лу́чн(ик) (lúčn(ik), archer) + -ица (-ica)лу́чница (lúčnica, female archer)
    грибн(и́к) (gribn(ík), mushroomer) + -и́ца (-íca)грибни́ца (gribníca, female mushroomer)
  2. female equivalent of -ец (-ec)
    краса́в(ец) (krasáv(ec), handsome man) + -ица (-ica)краса́вица (krasávica, beautiful woman)
  3. forms diminutives of generally feminine nouns
    ро́жа (róža, ugly mug, face (pejorative)) + -ица (-ica)ро́жица (róžica, face (endearing))
    ро́ща (róšča, copse, grove) + -ица (-ica)ро́щица (róščica, small copse, small grove)
    вода́ (vodá, water) + -и́ца (-íca)води́ца (vodíca, water (endearing))
    мете́ль (metélʹ, blizzard, snowstorm) + -ица (-ica)мете́лица (metélica, blizzard, snowstorm (poetic; diminutive or endearing))
    тряпьё (trjapʹjó, rags) + -и́ца (-íca)тряпи́ца (trjapíca, small rag (colloquial))
  4. forms abstract nouns from adjectives
    ра́зный (ráznyj, different) + -ица (-ica)ра́зница (ráznica, difference)
    еди́ный (jedínyj, united, unified; one, single) + -и́ца (-íca)едини́ца (jediníca, unit; unity (mathematics); number one (bus, tram, etc.))
  5. forms writing system names from nouns and adjectives
    Кири́лл (Kiríll, St. Cyril) + -ица (-ica)кири́ллица (kiríllica, Cyrillic script)
    ара́бский (arábskij, Arabic) + -ица (-ica)ара́бица (arábica, Arabic script)
  6. forms abstract nouns from prefixes + nouns
    без- (bez-, without) + рабо́та (rabóta, work) + -ица (-ica)безрабо́тица (bezrabótica, unemployment)
    пере- (pere-, re-) + сорт (sort, grade) + -ица (-ica)пересо́ртица (peresórtica, regrading (of goods))
    рас- (ras-, away) + путь (putʹ, road) + -ица (-ica)распу́тица (raspútica, season of impassable roads)
  7. forms nouns referring to plants, animals, tools or other objects from nouns and adjectives
    мо́крый (mókryj, wet) + -и́ца (-íca)мокри́ца (mokríca, woodlouse, sowbug)
    у́гольный (úgolʹnyj, coal (relational)) + -ица (-ica)у́гольница (úgolʹnica, firepan)
    я́года (jágoda, berry) + -ица (-ica)я́годица (jágodica, buttock; (dialectal) cheekbone; (dialectal) nipple) (from the round shape of the berry)


Derived terms

Russian terms suffixed with -ица



Inherited from Proto-Slavic *-ica.


-ица (Latin spelling -ica)

  1. Suffix appended to words to create a feminine noun, commonly used for forming diminutives.
  2. Suffix appended to words to create a masculine or feminine noun, usually a pejorative.
  3. female equivalent of -ик

Derived terms

Serbo-Croatian terms suffixed with -ица
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