

Etymology 1

Sparsely attested, from an earlier -ѣло (-ělo). Possibly built upon the instrumental suffix Proto-Slavic *-dlo, appended to forms ending in ě-stem (similar to Bulgarian -ало (-alo), -ило (-ilo)), or less likely from Proto-Slavic *-ělь + *-o (neuter marker). Virtually unproductive in Modern Bulgarian and in other Slavic languages.

Episodic cognates include Czech stavědlo (controlling center), Russian сиде́лка (sidélka, post, guardian, caretaker) (diminutive).


-ело • (-elo) n

  1. Deverbal, forming neuter instrumental or effect nouns.
    dialectal одея (odeja, to serve as a covering) (ě/V-conj) → одеяло (odejalo, blanket)
  2. Denominal, forming neuter instrumental or effect nouns, probably via an intermediate (often obsolete) stative/essive verb.
    кола (kola, car), dialectal коло (kolo, wheelwright)*колея (*koleja)колело (kolelo, wheel) (probably)
Alternative forms
  • -яло (-jalo) after roots ending in a vowel
Derived terms
  • -елка f (-elka) (diminutive)
  • -елица f (-elica)

Etymology 2

From Proto-Slavic *-elo, possibly reanalyzed from Etymology 1.


-ело • (-elo) n

  1. Deverbal, forming neuter instrumental or effect nouns.
    чуча (čuča, to stand/stick in one place) (dialectal)чучело (čučelo, dummy, stuffed animal)
    кръщавам (krǎštavam, to baptize)кръщело (krǎštelo, baptism)
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