
See also: 自扫门前雪


from; self; oneself
from; self; oneself; since
broom; to sweep
at the door; at the gate; outside the door
at the door; at the gate; outside the door; outside the gate
trad. (自掃門前雪) 門前
simp. (自扫门前雪) 门前
Literally: “(only) sweep away the snow in front of one's own door”.




  1. only worry about one's own affairs; to not involve oneself in other's affairs
    相處自掃門前雪心態應當彼此關懷互相幫助 [MSC, trad.]
    相处怀自扫门前雪心态应当彼此关怀互相帮助 [MSC, simp.]
    Yǔ rén xiāngchǔ bù yīng huái zhe zì sǎo ménqián xuě de xīntài, yīngdāng bǐcǐ guānhuái, hùxiāng bāngzhù. [Pinyin]
    When relating to others, one should not have an attitude of merely worrying about one's own affairs — we should care for and help one another.
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