heart; mind | lenient; wide; broad | body; form; style body; form; style; system |
fat; plump | ||
trad. (心寬體胖) | 心 | 寬 | 體 | 胖 | |
simp. (心宽体胖) | 心 | 宽 | 体 | 胖 |
From the Great Learning (《大學》) in the Book of Rites:
- 富潤屋,德潤身,心廣體胖,故君子必誠其意。 [Classical Chinese, trad.]
- From: The Book of Rites, c. 4th – 2nd century BCE, translated based on James Legge's version
- Fù rùn wū, dé rùn shēn, xīn guǎng tǐ pán, gù jūnzǐ bì chéng qí yì. [Pinyin]
- Riches adorn a house, and virtue adorns the person. The mind is expanded, and the body is at ease. Therefore, the superior man must make his thoughts sincere.
富润屋,德润身,心广体胖,故君子必诚其意。 [Classical Chinese, simp.]
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