6th heavenly stem; self | |||
trad. (己丑) | 己 | 丑 | |
simp. #(己丑) | 己 | 丑 |
- The twenty-sixth term of the Chinese sexagenary cycle, sometimes glossed as "Earth Ox" from its associated terms in the Chinese elements and zodiac.
Coordinate terms
- (Chinese sexagenary cycle terms) 干支 (gānzhī); 甲子 (jiǎzǐ), 乙丑 (yǐchǒu), 丙寅 (bǐngyín), 丁卯 (dīngmǎo), 戊辰 (wùchén), 己巳 (jǐsì), 庚午 (gēngwǔ), 辛未 (xīnwèi), 壬申 (rénshēn), 癸酉 (guǐyǒu), 甲戌 (jiǎxū), 乙亥 (yǐhài), 丙子 (bǐngzǐ), 丁丑 (dīngchǒu), 戊寅 (wùyín), 己卯 (jǐmǎo), 庚辰 (gēngchén), 辛巳 (xīnsì), 壬午 (rénwǔ), 癸未 (guǐwèi), 甲申 (jiǎshēn), 乙酉 (yǐyǒu), 丙戌 (bǐngxū), 丁亥 (dīnghài), 戊子 (wùzǐ), 己丑 (jǐchǒu), 庚寅 (gēngyín), 辛卯 (xīnmǎo), 壬辰 (rénchén), 癸巳 (guǐsì), 甲午 (jiǎwǔ), 乙未 (yǐwèi), 丙申 (bǐngshēn), 丁酉 (dīngyǒu), 戊戌 (wùxū), 己亥 (jǐhài), 庚子 (gēngzǐ), 辛丑 (xīnchǒu), 壬寅 (rényín), 癸卯 (guǐmǎo), 甲辰 (jiǎchén), 乙巳 (yǐsì), 丙午 (bǐngwǔ), 丁未 (dīngwèi), 戊申 (wùshēn), 己酉 (jǐyǒu), 庚戌 (gēngxū), 辛亥 (xīnhài), 壬子 (rénzǐ), 癸丑 (guǐchǒu), 甲寅 (jiǎyín), 乙卯 (yǐmǎo), 丙辰 (bǐngchén), 丁巳 (dīngsì), 戊午 (wùwǔ), 己未 (jǐwèi), 庚申 (gēngshēn), 辛酉 (xīnyǒu), 壬戌 (rénxū), 癸亥 (guǐhài) (Category: zh:Chinese sexagenary cycle terms)
Hanja in this term | |
己 | 丑 |
Proper noun
己丑 • (Gichuk) (hangeul 기축)
- Hanja form? of 기축 (“Earth Ox, the twenty-sixth in the sexagenary cycle”).
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