See also: 来电
to come | electric; electricity; electrical | ||
trad. (來電) | 來 | 電 | |
simp. (来电) | 来 | 电 |
來⫽電 (verb-object)
- to telephone; to call
- to send a telegram here
- to restore power supply (after a blackout); to come back (of electricity after an outage)
- 高雄入夜後仍有多個行政區遲遲沒來電,連手機訊號也受影響,苦不堪言。 [MSC, trad.]
- From: 2022 March 3, 《303大停電民怨炸鍋 蔡英文總統明視察興達電廠》, on 聯合新聞網, archived on Internet Archive on 3/3/2022
- Gāoxióng rùyè hòu réng yǒu duō ge xíngzhèngqū chíchí méi láidiàn, lián shǒujī xùnhào yě shòu yǐngxiǎng, kǔbùkānyán. [Pinyin]
- After nightfall in Kaohsiung, power supply is yet to be restored in many administrative districts. Even the mobile phone signal is affected, which is miserable.
高雄入夜后仍有多个行政区迟迟没来电,连手机讯号也受影响,苦不堪言。 [MSC, simp.]
- (colloquial) to have instant chemistry with someone; to be attracted to someone
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