

Etymology 1

Kanji in this term
Grade: 5

Grade: 1
Alternative spellings
假名 (kyūjitai)
仮字 (rare)

From Old Japanese. Compound of (kari, borrowing; provisional thing, cognate with verb 借る karu, “to borrow”, the Old Japanese form of modern 借りる kariru) + (na, name, character), from the way that Chinese characters were borrowed for their phonetic values to spell out the sounds of native Japanese words.[1][2]

In contrast to 真名 (mana, true name, true character), a synonym for 漢字 (kanji), indicating Chinese characters used for the meaning instead of for their sound.[1][2]


  • (Tokyo) りな [kàríná] (Heiban – [0])[2]
  • IPA(key): [ka̠ɾʲina̠]


(かり)() • (karina) 

  1. a category of Japanese syllabary scripts: kana
  2. a syllabogram, an individual character belonging to one of the syllabaries: kana
  3. a temporary name, an alias

Etymology 2

Kanji in this term
かり > かん
Grade: 5

Grade: 1
irregular kun’yomi
Alternative spellings
假名 (kyūjitai)
仮字 (rare)


Contraction of karina above.


  • IPA(key): [kã̠nːa̠]


(かん)() • (kanna) 

  1. a category of Japanese syllabary scripts: kana
  2. a syllabogram, an individual character belonging to one of the syllabaries: kana

Etymology 3

Kanji in this term
かり > か
Grade: 5

Grade: 1
irregular kun’yomi
Alternative spellings
假名 (kyūjitai)
仮字 (rare)


Contraction of kanna above. The reading may appear to be jūbakoyomi, but is instead actually an irregular development of the kun'yomi.



()() • (kana) 

  1. a category of Japanese syllabary scripts: kana
  2. a syllabogram, an individual character belonging to one of the syllabaries: kana
    • 1603–1604, Nippo Jisho, page 86:
      Cana. カナ (仮名・仮字) 日本の文字の一種. Cananiyù. (仮名に言ふ) 皆の人がわかるように, やさしく話す.
      (please add an English translation of this quotation)
Derived terms

Etymology 4

Kanji in this term

Grade: 5
Grade: 1
Alternative spelling
假名 (kyūjitai)

From Middle Chinese [Term?] 假名 (MC kaeX|kaeH mjieng, literally “borrowed; false + name”) 假名 (X mjieng). The kan'on reading, so probably a somewhat later borrowing from Chinese. Compare modern Cantonese reading gaa2 meng4-2.



()(めい) • (kamei) 

  1. pseudonym, alias, sobriquet, pen name

Etymology 5

Kanji in this term

Grade: 5
Grade: 1
Alternative spelling
假名 (kyūjitai)


From Middle Chinese 假名 (MC kaeX|kaeH mjieng, literally “borrowed; false + name”) 假名 (X mjieng, literally borrowed; false + name). The goon reading, so probably an earlier borrowing from Chinese. Compare modern Min Nan reading ké-miâ.

The Buddhist sense derives from use of this term in Chinese as a translation of Sanskrit प्रज्ञप्ति (prajñapti, appointing → provisional naming), used in some Buddhist schools to refer to the practice of conceptualising and naming things that are not real.


  • (Tokyo) みょー [kèmyóó] (Heiban – [0])[2]
  • IPA(key): [ke̞mʲo̞ː]


()(みょう) • (kemyō) けみやう (kemyau)?

  1. a pseudonym, an alias, sobriquet, pen name
  2. in feudal Japan, a public name given to boys upon coming of age, after which their birth names would be kept private
  3. a provisional name given to someone when the real name is unknown: compare English Jane Doe, John Doe
  4. (Buddhism) the conceptualisation and provisional naming of things that are not real; something so named


  1. Shōgaku Tosho (1988) 国語大辞典(新装版) [Unabridged Dictionary of Japanese (Revised Edition)] (in Japanese), Tōkyō: Shogakukan, →ISBN
  2. Matsumura, Akira, editor (2006), 大辞林 [Daijirin] (in Japanese), Third edition, Tōkyō: Sanseidō, →ISBN
  3. NHK Broadcasting Culture Research Institute, editor (1998), NHK日本語発音アクセント辞典 [NHK Japanese Pronunciation Accent Dictionary] (in Japanese), Tōkyō: NHK Publishing, →ISBN
  4. Kindaichi, Kyōsuke et al., editors (1997), 新明解国語辞典 [Shin Meikai Kokugo Jiten] (in Japanese), Fifth edition, Tōkyō: Sanseidō, →ISBN
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