- IPA(key): /a.d͡ʒi/
- Rhymes: -d͡ʒi
- Hyphenation: a‧ji
Etymology 1
Borrowed from Old Javanese aji (“value; holy writ, scripture, sacred text; authoritative text; sacred formula”).
Derived terms
- ᬓᬚᬶᬦᬶᬦ᭄
- ᬓᬚᬶᬳᬂ
- ᬓᬳᬚᬶᬦᬶᬦ᭄
- ᬓᬳᬚᬶᬳᬂ
- ᬗᬚᬶᬦᬶᬦ᭄
- ᬗᬚᬶᬳᬂ
- ᬧᬚᬶᬳᬂ
- ᬧᬚᬶᬳᬗ
- ᬧᬳᬚᬶᬳᬂ
- ᬧᬳᬚᬶᬳᬗ
- ᬫᬚᬶ
- ᬫᬳᬚᬶ
- ᬳᬚᬶᬦᬶᬦ
- ᬳᬚᬶᬦᬶᬦ᭄
- ᬳᬚᬶᬳᬂ
- ᬳᬚᬶᬳᬗ
Derived terms
- ᬗᬚᬶ (ngaji)
- ᬳᬚᬶᬳᬚᬶᬳᬦ᭄ (aji-ajian)
Etymology 2
Borrowed from Old Javanese aji, haji (“king”).
Derived terms
- ᬓᬚᬶᬳᬂ
- ᬓᬳᬚᬶᬳᬂ
- ᬗᬚᬶᬳᬂ
- ᬫᬚᬶ
- ᬫᬳᬚᬶ
ᬳᬚᬶ (aji)
Further reading
- “aji” in Balinese–Indonesian Dictionary [Kamus Bahasa Bali–Indonesia], Indonesian island of Bali: The Linguistic Center of Bali Province [Balai Bahasa Provinsi Bali].
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