Alternative forms
ໂລກະ m
- Lao script form of loka (“world”)
- 1943, Phaya Luang Maha Sena (Phouy), Learn fast to read Tham characters in Pali Texts [ແບບຣຽນໄວ ເຫຼັ້ມສອງ ຣຽນອ່ານໝັງສືທັມ ຂຽນເປັນພາສາບາລີ], 2nd edition (PDF; overall work in Lao), Buddhist Institute, archived from the original on 4 April 2016, page 45:
- ອິຕິປິ ໂສ ພະຄະວາ* ອະຣະຫັງ ສັມມາສັມ-
ພຸທໂທ຺ ວິຊຊາຈະຣະນ຺ະສັມປັນໂນ ສຸຄະໂຕ ໂລ-
ກະວິທູ ອະນຸຕຕະໂຣ ປຸຣິສະທັມມະສາຣະຖິ ສັຕຖາ
ເທວ* ມະນຸສສານັງ ພຸທໂທ຺ ພ຺ະຄະວາຕິ—- itipi so bhaɡavā arahaṃ sammāsambuddho vijjācaraṇasampanno sugato lokavidū anuttaro purisadammasārathi satthā devamanussānaṃ buddho bhagavāti.
- Surely, he is a blessed one, an arahat, correctly and completely enlightened, endowed with knowledge and good behaviour, faring well, knowing the universe, an unequalled driver of men who need taming, teacher of gods and men, a buddha, the Blessed One.
* Ought to be ພ຺ະຄະວາ & ເທວະ; transliteration and translation are as though spelt thus.
- 1943, Phaya Luang Maha Sena (Phouy), Learn fast to read Tham characters in Pali Texts [ແບບຣຽນໄວ ເຫຼັ້ມສອງ ຣຽນອ່ານໝັງສືທັມ ຂຽນເປັນພາສາບາລີ], 2nd edition (PDF; overall work in Lao), Buddhist Institute, archived from the original on 4 April 2016, page 45:
- ສຸປະຕ຺ິປັນໂນ ພ຺ະຄະວະໂຕ ສາວະກະສັງໂຄ
ອຸຂຸປະຕ຺ິປັນໂນ ພ຺ະຄະວະໂຕ ສາວະກະສັງໂຄ ຍ຺າ
ຢະປະຕ຺ິປັນໂນ ພ຺ະຄະວະໂຕ ສາວະກະສັງໂຄ ສາ
ມີຈິປະຕ຺ິປັນໂນ ພ຺ະຄະວະໂຕ ສາວະກະສັງໂຄ຺ ຢະ
ທິທັງ ຈັຕຕາຣິ ປຸຣິສະຢຸຄານິ ອັຕ຺ຖ຺ະ ປຸຣິສະປຸຄ
ຄະລາ ເອສະ ພ຺ະຕະວະໂຕ ສາວະກະສັງໂຄ ອາຫຸ-
ເນ຺ຢໂຢ ປາຫຸເນ຺ຢໂຢ຺ ທັກຂິເນ຺ຢໂຢອັຍ຺ຊະລິ-
ກະຣະນີໂຢ ອະນຸຕຕະຣັງ ປຸຍ຺ຍ຺ັກເຂຕຕັງ ໂລກັສສາຕິ.- supaṭipanno bhagavato sāvakasaṅgo
ujupaṭipanno bhagavato sāvakasaṅgo ñā
yapaṭipanno bhagavato sāvakasaṅgo sā-
mīcipaṭipanno bhagavato sāvakasaṅgho ya
didaṃ cattāri purisayugāni aṭṭha purisapug
galā esa bhagavato sāvakasaṅgo āhu-
ṇeyyo pāhuṇeyyo dakkhiṇeyyo añjali-
karanīyo anuttaraṃ puññakkhettaṃ lokassāti. - The assembly of the Fortunate One's disciples is followinɡ the right way. The assembly of the Fortunate One's disciples is followinɡ the straight way. The assembly of the Fortunate One's disciples is followinɡ the right way. The assembly of the Fortunate One's disciples is followinɡ the proper way which is this, the four pairs of persons, the eight types of individuals this assembly of the Fortunate One's disciples is worthy of gifts, worthy of hospitality, worthy of offerings, worthy of reverential salutation, the unsurpassed field of merit for the world.
- supaṭipanno bhagavato sāvakasaṅgo
Declension table of "ໂລກະ" (masculine)
Case \ Number | Singular | Plural |
Nominative (first) | ໂລໂກ (loko) | ໂລກາ (lokā) |
Accusative (second) | ໂລກັງ (lokaṃ) | ໂລເກ (loke) |
Instrumental (third) | ໂລເກນະ (lokena) | ໂລເກຫິ (lokehi) or ໂລເກພິ (lokebi) or ໂລເກຠິ (lokebhi) or ໂລເກພ຺ິ (lokebhi) |
Dative (fourth) | ໂລກັສສະ (lokassa) or ໂລກາຍະ (lokāya) or ໂລກາຢະ (lokāya) or ໂລກັຕຖັງ (lokatthaṃ) | ໂລການັງ (lokānaṃ) |
Ablative (fifth) | ໂລກັສມາ (lokasmā) or ໂລກັມຫາ (lokamhā) or ໂລກາ (lokā) | ໂລເກຫິ (lokehi) or ໂລເກພິ (lokebi) or ໂລເກຠິ (lokebhi) or ໂລເກພ຺ິ (lokebhi) |
Genitive (sixth) | ໂລກັສສະ (lokassa) | ໂລການັງ (lokānaṃ) |
Locative (seventh) | ໂລກັສມິງ (lokasmiṃ) or ໂລກັມຫິ (lokamhi) or ໂລເກ (loke) | ໂລເກສຸ (lokesu) |
Vocative (calling) | ໂລກະ (loka) | ໂລກາ (lokā) |
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