

Alternative forms


වාස m

  1. Sinhala script form of vāsa
    • 2006, The First Book in the Suttanta-Pitaka: Dīgha-Nikāya (I), page 2:
      2. අථ ඛො භගවා අම‍්බලට‍්ඨිකායං රාජාගාරකෙ එකරත‍්තිවාසං උපගංඡි සද‍්ධිං භික‍්ඛුසඞ‍්ඝෙන.
      2. Atha kho bhagavā ambalaṭṭhikāyaṃ rājāgārake ekarattivāsaṃ upagaṃchi saddhiṃ bhikkhusaṅghena.
      2. Now the Blessed One put up at the royal rest-house in the Ambalatthikā pleasance to pass the night and with him the company of the brethren.
    • 2006, The Fifth Book in the Suttanta-Pitaka: Majjhimanikāya (II), page 558:
      භන‍්තෙ සෙනං අබභූය්‍යානො සමානො ඉමෙව ඉසිදත‍්තපුරාණා
      ථපතයො වීමංසමානො අඤ‍්ඤතරස‍්මිං සම‍්බාධෙ ආවසථෙ වාසං
      bhante senaṃ abbhūyyāno samāno imeva isidattapurāṇā
      thapatayo vīmaṃsamāno aññatarasmiṃ sambādhe āvasathe vāsaṃ
      Once, sir, while I was leading the army on campaign and at the same time testing these self-same chamberlains Isidatta and Purāṇa I took up residence in a certain cramped house.


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