See also: , !1, 1., l, ӏ, I, and Ӏ

߁ U+07C1, ߁
NKo ߂



߁ (previous ߀, next ߂)

  1. The cardinal number one, a single thing or unit.
  2. A digit in the decimal and every other base numbering system, including binary, octal, and hexadecimal. Unlike naturally developed instances of the Hindu-Arabic decimal number system, N'ko numbers have the most significant digit on the right.[1] It is Unicode policy to store the most significant digit first, so these digits have right-to-left ordering just like the consonants of the N'ko script.
    ߁߅ × ߁߃߄ = ߂߀߁߀
    15 × 134 = 2010

Alternative forms

See also

(Nkoo digits): ߉ ߈ ߇ ߆ ߅ ߄ ߃ ߂ ߁ ߀


  1. Mamady Doumbouya (2012) Illustrated English/N'Ko Alphabet: An Introduction to N'Ko for English Speakers: Book One, N'Ko Institute of America, page 54
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