
See also: کی, گی, and گے


Etymology 1

From Proto-Semitic *kiyā, a deictic particle, related to *ka.


كَيْ • (kay)

  1. in order that (followed by the subjunctive)
    عَلَيْكَ أَنْ تَدْرُسَ كَيْ تَنْجَحَ.
    ʕalayka ʔan tadrusa kay tanjaḥa.
    You have to study to be successful


كَيْ • (kay)

  1. (rare) because of, for


كَيّ • (kayy) m

  1. verbal noun of كَوَى (kawā, to sear; to iron; to sting) (form I)
    • c. 1200, يحيى بن محمد بن أحمد بن العوام [yaḥyā ibn muḥammad ibn ʔaḥmad ibn al-ʕawwām], edited by José Antonio Banqueri, كتاب الفلاحة [Book on Agriculture], volume 2, Madrid: Imprenta Real, published 1802IA, Cap. 33, page 601:
      يؤخذ طرخشقون مجفف وعدس ونورة أجزاء سواء ويسحق الجميع وينخل ويعجن بسمن بقري عتيق ثم يوضع منه على فتيلة ويدخل في الناصور نافع وربما نفع وربما نفع منه الكي بالنار.
      One takes dried dandelion and lentils and lime at equal parts and grinds all and sieves and kneads with old cow butter and then one applies from it unto a wick and enters the fistula. It may be successful, however cauterization might prove more effective.

Etymology 3

Ultimately Chinese ().


كِي • () f

  1. (usually defined) qi energy

Etymology 4

Compare Hebrew כִ֗י () in Job 39:27, occurring together with נֶשֶׁר (néšer, eagle; vulture) and there sometimes, albeit dubiously, given the meaning “vulture”. אִם־עַל־פִּ֭יךָ יַגְבִּ֣יהַּ נָ֑שֶׁר וְ֝כִ֗י יָרִ֥ים קִנֹּֽו: “Is it upon your behest that the eagle and the vulture soars and makes his nest high?” Otherwise it is the well-known emphasizing particle כִּי (): “Is it upon your behest that the eagle soars, and yea, makes his nest high?”. This etymology is incomplete. You can help Wiktionary by elaborating on the origins of this term.


كُي • (kuy) m

  1. (obsolete) ibis or pelican

North Levantine Arabic


ـكي • (-ki) f

  1. Alternative spelling of ـكِ

South Levantine Arabic


ـكي • (-ki) f

  1. Alternative spelling of ـكِ
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