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Derived terms
- Form I: قَسَمَ (qasama, “to divide”)
- Form I: قَسُمَ (qasuma, “(face) to be beautiful”)
- Verbal noun: قَسَامَة (qasāma), قَسَام (qasām)
- Active participle: قَاسِم (qāsim)
- Form II: قَسَّمَ (qassama)
- Form III: قَاسَمَ (qāsama)
- Verbal noun: مُقَاسَمَة (muqāsama), قِسَام (qisām)
- Active participle: مُقَاسِم (muqāsim)
- Passive participle: مُقَاسَم (muqāsam)
- Form IV: أَقْسَمَ (ʔaqsama)
- Form V: تَقَسَّمَ (taqassama)
- Verbal noun: تَقَسُّم (taqassum)
- Active participle: مُتَقَسِّم (mutaqassim)
- Passive participle: مُتَقَسَّم (mutaqassam)
- Form VI: تَقَاسَمَ (taqāsama)
- Verbal noun: تَقَاسُم (taqāsum)
- Active participle: مُتَقَاسِم (mutaqāsim)
- Passive participle: مُتَقَاسَم (mutaqāsam)
- Form VII: اِنْقَسَمَ (inqasama)
- Verbal noun: اِنْقِسَام (inqisām)
- Active participle: مُنْقَسِم (munqasim)
- Form VIII: اِقْتَسَمَ (iqtasama)
- Verbal noun: اِقْتِسَام (iqtisām)
- Active participle: مُقْتَسِم (muqtasim)
- Passive participle: مُقْتَسَم (muqtasam)
- Form X: اِسْتَقْسَمَ (istaqsama)
- Verbal noun: اِسْتِقْسَام (istiqsām)
- Active participle: مُسْتَقْسِم (mustaqsim)
- Passive participle: مُسْتَقْسَم (mustaqsam)
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